Favoriting Bronwyn C.: Playlist from April 14, 2014 Favoriting

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Bronwyn C, The Iowa Firecracker talks pigs and takes your calls on pig-related matters.

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Favoriting April 14, 2014: Bronwyn C. and Jim the Poet present the Sport of Poetry for National Poetry Month, featuring special guest DJ Dan Bodah! Dead Poets Phil Rizzuto and Tug McGraw! Lots of Listener Poems on the Comments Board! And RIP, Gramma Ruth.

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Hank!  Yer cheatin heart   Favoriting
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Listener comments!

Avatar 6:05pm
Marcel M:

Pine tar?
Avatar 6:05pm
Studio B Ben:

Yeah Jeetz! It's Sportsy Talk!

I have a poem (not entirely original), but I can't call in since I'm at work. I'll post it here instead.
Avatar 6:06pm
Danne D:

Yay It's Sportsytalk!
The most trusted team in sports
Here's Bronwyn and Jim!

Avatar 6:06pm

My favorite George Brett thing (not safe for FCC airplay): www.youtube.com...
Avatar 6:06pm
Danne D:

You like my show opening poem, Bronwyn and Jim? :D
Avatar 6:06pm
Studio B Ben:

This Is Just To Win The Super Bowl (with apologies to William Carlos Williams)

I have intercepted
The pass
That you threw
Towards Welker

And which
You were probably
Would score

Forgive me
it was too wobbly
so off target
and so easy
Avatar 6:07pm
Studio B Ben:

Oh, what, it was me? I thought I lost it! I didn't know! I'll write you right now!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:11pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Sounds like swimmer Michael Phelps may be coming back from retirement.

Michael Phelps can really swim!
How would you like to be like him?
Avatar 6:13pm
Danne D:

Studio B Ben!
Congratulations to you!
Have fun Co-Hosting :)

Am I correct that
Sex and Broadcasting did not
get in Tribeca?
Avatar 6:13pm
Studio B Ben:

Thanks Danne! I will try to do you proud (as I know from your calls you'd be a great co-host)!
Avatar 6:14pm
Danne D:

You'll notice a trend
I will as best as I can
Comment just haikus
Avatar 6:15pm
Danne D:

Jose Canseco
Rehabbed in Trenton last year
I have video :)
Avatar 6:15pm
Marcel M:

Mr. and Mrs. Met: static03.mediaite.com...

My favorite pitch
was Gaylord Perry's puffball.
A cloud of rosin.
Avatar 6:16pm
Studio B Ben:

Email sent to Bronwyn. Yay! Thanks for reading my poem!

Ball, ball, ball
Ball, ball, ball

I saw the ball
I knew the ball

That was the ball
that hit me in the head
as I lay in my
sports arena-proximal bed

Avatar 6:22pm
Danne D:

Dan Bodah Machine!
He's live on the phone right now!
Sounds Kinda Like Me
Avatar 6:22pm
Studio B Ben:

My two favorite sports poems: "A Poem For Magic" by Quincy Troupe and "Muhammad Ali At The Ringside, 1985) by Wole Soyinka
Avatar 6:29pm
Danne D:

LOL - Who's this Muttley66 guy?
Avatar 6:29pm
Danne D:

Avatar 6:30pm
Studio B Ben:

@Danne: They keep reading the email addresses instead of our commenter names. It's a little strange.
Avatar 6:31pm

It is high, it is far, it is... Caught!
No sound more pleasing to us
The Sox fan that is
Than John Sterling interruptus.

"Most Trusted Team in
Sports Talk Radio Today."
Damning with faint praise.
Avatar 6:32pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

The Forbes Library in Northampton, MA, is doing a challenge to make a poem out of book spines. Here's the one I submitted. Not sportsy, tho. Sorry. spearmintmusic.blogspot.com...
Avatar 6:32pm
Danne D:

NHL Tomorrow
Has their own draft lottery
Devils can't win it.

tug is dead yes...
Avatar 6:34pm
Danne D:

Tug McGraw has passed
It was in 2004
It is a sad fact :(
Avatar 6:34pm
Studio B Ben:

Poems gone Sportsy
Words you cannot say on air
Press the dump button
Avatar 6:35pm
Danne D:

Tug McGraw's Nickname
was given to him because
of how he breast fed
Avatar 6:36pm
Danne D:


This sucks.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:37pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

In the Frozen Four, U. of Minnesota lost to Union College on Saturday. They won the game before on a last-second short-handed goal against UND.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:38pm

i heard a reading of casey at the bat by the author, ernest thayer on a 78 rpm rekkid - he is so over dramatic that he sounds utterly insane.
Avatar 6:38pm
Studio B Ben:

Casey at the bat
his arms guarantee home runs
he is on steroids
Avatar 6:38pm

If Tug weren't already plugged
Or at least planted
I'd suggest you pull the plug.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:38pm
Kat in Chicago:

EFD played this too but I listened to him on archive this week and was able to skip past it... not so now :(
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:39pm
Kat in Chicago:

(not a poem, sorry)
Avatar 6:39pm
Danne D:

Kat In Chicago
Would you like us to tell you
When this is over?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:40pm
Kat in Chicago:

It's okay Danne, Bronwyn and Jim are sufficiently distracting.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:41pm

oooh, here's a good version read by lionel barrymore!

Avatar 6:41pm
Danne D:

Here's some cool news hot off the twitter:
Some dude bought the right to coach Arkansas State's Spring football game for $11,700.
Avatar 6:42pm
Danne D:

Oh my god - game called on account of - FOAM?!?

Avatar 6:42pm
Studio B Ben:

Wrestling is too fake
until real life catches up
RIP Warrior

I made bets on "Lost". I won one, and then lost on "Lost".
Avatar 6:44pm
Studio B Ben:


We all lost on "Lost" by the end.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:44pm
Matt from Springfield:

Yes! Get Doug on--Sportsy Conspiracy Talk! :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:44pm
Kat in Chicago:

Foam rave parties are still a thing?

There's a famous recording of Casey at the Bat by a guy named De Wolf Hopper who sounded pretty insane.
Avatar 6:48pm
Danne D:

Only in Bridgeport
Chicago Commenter Kat
Only in Bridgeport
Avatar 6:49pm
Danne D:

Would you guys believe?
The Yankees already have
A replay sponsor
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:50pm
Kat in Chicago:

Dunkin' Donuts has Peeps donuts.

There is nowhere else to go in Augusta, GA at one in the morning on a Sunday/Monday.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:50pm
Matt from Springfield:

@Danne: "Let's go to the instant replay, sponsored by: Preparation H" kind of sponsor??
Avatar 6:51pm
Danne D:

Jim the Poet Broke
The First Rule Of Waffle House
Keep It In The House

Me and some friends go to the Waffle House every Christmas at two in the morning.

I got my foam formula (initially developed as non-irritating bubble bath for a friend's children) used a bit for foam parties. One guy in Miami tested it in the driveway of his shop, inviting neighborhood chidren to play in it, and then it rained, and it stood up much longer to rain than other foams he'd used with his equipment.
cee dubbles:

Sport is a game played
by boys, with balls and sticks,
bored by athletics.
Avatar 6:52pm
Danne D:

No, Not Prep H Matt
Guess they are saving that one
For Next Guy On 'Roids
Avatar 6:52pm

Former FMU DJ, Kenny G(oldsmith) transcribed an entire Yankees radio broadcast (with John Sterling) and published it as the book Sports.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:53pm
Kat in Chicago:

That's quite a claim to fame, Robert!

@ Studio B Ben:

I later figured out that "Lost" (created by a Jersey friend of mine, BTW) really was a mystery, with a false conclusion to throw us all of the trail.
Avatar 6:55pm
Danne D:

In the World of Foam
Robert earned the Foam Finger
He is number one

Are they properly called 'Deeps' or 'Poughnuts'?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:56pm
Kat in Chicago:

Good one Danne!
Avatar 6:56pm
Danne D:

She's not just face blind
Now poor DJ Brownyn C
Is haiku blind too :(
Avatar 6:56pm
People Like Us:

will be playing your old themetune, Bronwyn, the Irene Moon one (because I'm doing an organ show)

"Lost" turned out to have been a version of "The Lost Special" by AC Doyle. The characters all had (or were) doubles, there was no time travel (just an illusion produced by people meeting their doubles under mind control influence), there was nobody surviving airline wrecks...lots of stuff like that.
Avatar 6:57pm

Ortiz hit it far
Ichiro caught it fair
Avatar 6:57pm
Danne D:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:57pm
Matt from Springfield:

For the national month of poem,
I haven't written, although I know 'em.
So I'll head out with a rhyme, and double it,
Easy to make one--when it's only a couplet!
Avatar 6:58pm
Danne D:

NJ Hammerheads
Pro Ultimate Frisbee Team
That is their facebook
Avatar 6:58pm
Studio B Ben:


That sounds way cooler than both the ending of the show and my disappointment of the ending of the show. I'd start watching that if they started to air it.

http://users.bestweb.net/~robgood/lather.html for foam
http://users.bestweb.net/~robgood/teach re "Lost"
Avatar 6:59pm
Danne D:

Bye Bronwyn and Jim :)
Thanks for another great show
You guys are the best!

And my condolences, Bronwyn :(
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:59pm
Matt from Springfield:

Frisbee sharks!
Avatar 7:00pm
Studio B Ben:

I will check that out!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00pm
Matt from Springfield:

RIP, Grandma Ruth--good to know she made it to her 75th and Passover.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:01pm
Matt from Springfield:

Thanks Bronwyn & Jim!

(I'd go with 'Poughnuts', for the adolescentick pleasure of 'Hey! keep your grubby hands off my poughnuts.')
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