Favoriting Noise and Syrup with Jeff M: Playlist from April 4, 2014 Favoriting

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On the way home, the view was beautiful.

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Favoriting April 4, 2014: Wash You Away, Then There Was None - Fill-in for Pseu

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Approx. start time
Scanner and Stephen Vitiello  20 Minutes 44 Seconds   Favoriting Invisible Architecture #7  Audiosphere  2003  CD    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Andrew Liles  (Amalgamation, Codicil And Appendix) Version 1   Favoriting The Dying Submariner  Beta-lactam Ring Records    LP    0:20:39 (Pop-up)
Yann Novak  Silent.Loop.001   Favoriting Drone / Mind | Mind / Drone: Volume 2  Drone Records  2013  LP    0:40:03 (Pop-up)
Glottalstop  Woodsmoke   Favoriting Woodsmoke  Tartaruga  2013  LP    0:59:45 (Pop-up)
Tarab  Take All the Ships from the Harbour and Sail Them Straight Into Hell   Favoriting Take All the Ships from the Harbour and Sail Them Straight Into Hell  23Five  2009  CD    1:18:57 (Pop-up)
The Hafler Trio  I Love Children But I Couldn't Eat a Whole One   Favoriting VOD Box  Vinyl-On-Demand  2013  Boxed set    1:30:09 (Pop-up)
Anna von Hausswolff  Side 1   Favoriting Kallan (Prototype)  Touch  2014  12"    2:00:40 (Pop-up)
Aidan Baker  The Letters of Your Name Are Still a Scar on My Ears   Favoriting Letters  Basses Frquencies  2008  LP  orig released in 2002  2:20:35 (Pop-up)
Netherworld  Aurora Performs It's Last Show   Favoriting Over the Summit  Glacial Movements  2011  CD    2:43:58 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 9:05pm

I love this Audiosphere series!
Avatar 9:06pm

We do real time DIY scanner and music mixes by going here youarelistening.to
We often mute the track they use and swap in our own.
Avatar 9:08pm

evening all.
Avatar 9:10pm

Thanks for stepping in, or up, or over, jeff-m.
Avatar 9:11pm

unfamiliar with the series tbh. left the scanner album i was gonna start with at home... but with Stephen Vitiello, how can you go wrong

cool site, will check that out later

Pseu. You've changed. Have you done something with your hair?
Avatar 9:15pm

I had dinner w/ Scanner once. He's an outstanding humorous chap.
Avatar 9:16pm

Hola. Never been here on a Friday evening before. I am liking it.
Avatar 9:19pm

That's to say, I like it; not that I'm neurotically clicking on some icon.

What is going on? I lit the candles, opened a bottle of Merlot and now I'm having flashbacks of that time in the Jersey pines.
Avatar 9:24pm

I turned 40. Got death on the brain..
Avatar 9:24pm

@Martha: Sounds nice. What did the sky look like?
Avatar 9:25pm

Heh. Kids, these days!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:30pm
I k e:

Jeff, 40?! Wha? You don't look an iota over 4*4*2.
Avatar 9:30pm

congrats, Jeff!
Avatar 9:36pm

Ha, thanks. Was in November.

I love the Pine Barrens. Beautiful in April too. Minus the ticks...
Avatar 9:36pm

By presidential standards, you've only been an adult for 5 years. 7*5, yo. Minimum age for reflection, by constitutional standards.
Avatar 9:37pm

Let's hope the cool weather will have discouraged those ticks.
Avatar 9:40pm

I'd never heard of the Pine Barrens until I read the John McPhee book. Loved that.
Avatar 9:42pm

Nah, the ticks in central Jersey have been going strong all week. My dogs are like mops for them.

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:45pm

I love this droney music but I wasn't planning to read about tick mops
Avatar 9:46pm

Ticks? Right now? That's crazy! NJ must be s southern state now, as far as climate.

Anyway, love the droning.

Tick mops? How old fashioned. All the hip kids use Tick Swiffers™ now.
Avatar 10:07pm

Glottalstop? That's too funny. Just let it not be a PolyGlottalStop. Bob save the vowels!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:15pm
Bas NL:

I'm loving all this.. but it's very much 4am here.. i'll be back on the archive! But thanks already Jeff!
Avatar 10:17pm

Quite understandable. Thanks for listening sir.
Avatar 10:18pm

@Bss NL: if you're still on, is there the custom of "station breaks" in NL, where the program is suspended in order to identify the station ID?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:22pm
Bas NL:

@βrian: No, we have a very relaxed policy here. No station IDs and emergency broadcast test and no 7 second delays..
Avatar 10:23pm

I ask because the system in the U.S. is a very obtuse one that requires regular broadcast interruptions.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:25pm
Bas NL:

Yeah, it feels a bit like HAM radio where you have to ID your station.. but there the frequency is shared by everybody, so it makes a bit more sense to identify yourself..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:28pm
Bas NL:

Station Bas NL signing off now; goodnight everybody!
Avatar 10:31pm

I don't have a problem with identification so much as with the spasmodically short interval. If a musical piece runs to two hours, for example it should have it's due. I expect 3-minute pop songs were the norm when this peculiar rule was implemented.
Avatar 10:31pm

Thing With No Hooks
Avatar 10:31pm

Jeff, this is perfect Friday night sounds, thanks!
Avatar 10:34pm

cheers :)
Avatar 10:37pm

I need this Hafler Trio Box Set!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:38pm

Jeff This is Most Excellent.
Avatar 10:39pm

i LOVE tonight's show!!!
*trying* to eat the whole thing :)
Avatar 10:40pm

(everything is starred so far)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:45pm

Sooooo good, this Hafler!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:02pm
Chop Scott:

Yes--Anna is indeed the daughter of CMVon Hausswolff. Great show Jeff! Cheers!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:05pm

This is so perfect because I'm reading the Sandman series for the first time, and the music, story, and graphics mix really well. Herb may or may not be involved.
Avatar 11:05pm

Right on. Was unsure. Glad yo liking it man.
Avatar 11:08pm

think I read one or two of them once
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:23pm
Chop Scott:

I need to revisit Halfler Trio Thirsty Fish, Seven Hours Sleep and Bang An Open Letter---been a very long time. Thanks for the ear whig Jeff!
Avatar 11:39pm

Yeah, I can't remember which is which right now. Always loved Bang! a lot though. Kill the King is very good too, though its from a few years later. That was the first one I liked a lot

This is very nice
  Swag For Life Member 11:55pm

Thanks for all the noisy gloop, Jeff.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:55pm

Thanks a ton, Jeff!
Avatar 11:56pm

thanks for listening. Enjoy yourselves.
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