Favoriting The Dusty Show with Clay Pigeon: Playlist from April 3, 2014 Favoriting

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Street interviews, listener call-ins, vinyl gluttery, sporadic normalcy, original floperas and fiktion, blatant talking over songs, politix, tenderness, and a vague undercurrent of angst. Right up your alley!

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Favoriting April 3, 2014: Street Interviews/Obscure Iowa Glam/Oneonta Fleas/Gaffes

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Approx. start time
An Interview with John in front of Madison Square Garden
Sarah Palin audio clip courtesy of Today with Matt Lauer
More with John ...
A General Hello and thanks to Frank Conway of Albuquerque!
Locust  You'll Never Know   Favoriting Playgue  Annuit Coeptis  1976  LP  So glad to have this LP again! Audio Clip Campaign limits courtesy of RT   
An Interview with Andrew The FSU Fan at the NIT Tournament.
Andre and Dore Previn  Jennifer's Recollection   Favoriting Valley of the Dolls Soundtrack  20th Century Fox Records  1967  LP  Vocal by Tony Scotti who later started Scotti Bros. Records and brought you bands like Survivor. One of my favorite "lounge" style singers.   
Interview with a man from Lexington, Kentucky.
Rand Paul audio courtesy of MOX.com
More with the Kentuckian
Oscar Brand  The Woodpecker's Hole (Excerpt)   Favoriting X  Roulette  1976  LP  It gets much worse.   
Bruford  The Sahara of Snow (Part 1)   Favoriting One of A Kind  Polydor  1979  LP  Malaysian jet audio clip courtesy of AP   
Audio Clip of 2010 NY Gubernatorial Candidate, Jimmy McMillan, couresy of CNN "Rent is too damn high!"
Dee's Message To You And Europe
Audio Clip features Sen. Robert Kennedy eulogizing Rev, King on the night he was killed. 1968
Ramsey Clark  Maiden Voyage   Favoriting Maiden Voyage  Cadet  1968  LP     
Tony Howard (CEO BP) audio courtesy of CNN
Sarah Palin "Drill Baby Drill" audio courtesy of KIBB.com
"Whaddaya Drinkin', Eddie? from the LP "GI Joe at the Battle of the Bulge," (United Artists)
Audio Clip concerning Coal Burning courtesy of NDTTV
More Mark
...and more
Widow  Give Me A Reason   Favoriting Gone Too Far  CBS Associated  1985  LP     
Stateside Marine.
Native American Man Speaking Cherokee - Sound Effects Vol. 5 (Audio Fidelity) LP - 1963
"The Flag Is Down" - from the LP, Double-Time!! Army Basic Training in Sound! - Documentary Records Co. - 1958
Francis Lai  All At Once It's Love   Favoriting Live For Life (Soundtrack)  Untied Artists  1968  LP  Vocalist not listed.   
The Tape Turn
Chick Corea  Picture 6   Favoriting Piano Improvisations Vol. 1  ECM  1970  LP  The tape turn music ...   
Interview with Steve on 7th Avenue
  Steve had yellow tiger-striped tights on, a Motley Crue t-shirt, leather jacket, and studded headband. An old rocker like me.
Locust  Hesitation   Favoriting Playgue  Annuit Coeptus  1976  LP     
  Can't believe I played the first song OVER again!!!
Dahcotah  Too Easy To Love   Favoriting   Cognito  1975  45  Another band that would come to my hometown in Iowa when I was in high school. They were wearing the Mott The Hoople influence proudly on this one.   
Closing Comments
  Thanks for listening to this episode of The Dusty Show. I am tempted to launch into some self-centered diatribe about the show and blah blah blah ... but I will resist. I'm sure I can't see the forest for the trees anyway. Another week ahead, and new possibilities. Hope you'll join me for whatever transpires. Take care. Always remember. CP

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Listener comments!

Avatar 6:01pm
Clay Pigeon:

Avatar 6:01pm

Hi, Clay!
Avatar 6:03pm

The seven million figure of enrollments is a bogus number probably closer to 2 million, paying customers receiving insurance.
Avatar 6:03pm
Clay Pigeon:

Hi kat! Thanks for stopping by.
Avatar 6:03pm

Is anyone on the FMU comments here -- or lurking or otherwise -- signed up under Obamacare? Just curious.
Avatar 6:05pm

I am on medicade, don't have to enroll.
Avatar 6:05pm

I realize it's not very likely since most of the heavy-duty listeners do so from their civil service jobs and so are probably employer-covered.
V Priceless:

Hey Clay! On Amtrak heading to a Prog Fest freak out! : )
Avatar 6:06pm

This guy kinna sounds like clay singing
Avatar 6:06pm

greetings, pigeonistas.
Avatar 6:06pm

[and by "employer" in those instances, I mean us, the public]
Avatar 6:07pm
Clay Pigeon:

TY Owlex. This is Locust from Fort Dodge, Iowa '76
Avatar 6:07pm

ugh mccutcheon
Avatar 6:07pm

Boy, this board is sure starting out snarky.
Avatar 6:07pm
Clay Pigeon:

Enjoy the prog show, Priceless!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:07pm
Matt from Springfield:

Pigeonistas unite!
Hey Clay and everyone!
Avatar 6:08pm
Clay Pigeon:

Hey Matt, Carm, david, whooda!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:08pm

ola senior pigeon. feels like spring finally.
Avatar 6:09pm

Snarkiness not intended, Carm, just saying it as I see it. And I am actually curious if anyone is signed up under Obamacare. I don't know of anyone personally.
Avatar 6:09pm
Clay Pigeon:

Yeah Dale ... Plattekill ends skiing this weekend.
Avatar 6:09pm

I was visiting a friend in Tallahassee in the 90s who lived next to a frat house. I had a small UF sticker on my plate, and my car got keyed. That said, I had many friends that went to FSU.
Avatar 6:09pm

Obamacare is an insurance scam and unconstitutional. Obama interfered with the Supreme Court deliberations (illegal) to arm twist Sotomayor to vote 'yes'. It is unconstitutional regardless. Obama's birth certificate is a proven forgery which means his action over the past six years are null and void anyway.
Avatar 6:09pm

freedom, freedom fries, liberty, liberty potatoes...
V Priceless:

Thanx Clay! Wish u could be there - you'd dig it!
Avatar 6:10pm

Who's playing at your prog fest, Priceless??
Avatar 6:10pm

I'm smoking out of a potato now
Avatar 6:11pm

Enjoy V Priceless am glad for you.
Avatar 6:12pm

how can it be unconstitutional? didn't the supreme court approve of it something like 5 times?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:12pm
Matt from Springfield:

"Better off" has got nuthin' to do with it, sadly enough..
Avatar 6:12pm

did someone say potatoes? darn it, I'm hungry.
Avatar 6:13pm
Clay Pigeon:

baked potato, owlex!
Avatar 6:13pm

1 order of smoked potatoes, please.
Avatar 6:13pm

oh. i should have read the rest of whooda's comment. very swiftian.
V Priceless:

@ Car...Google Cruise to The Edge! Impressive lineup! LOL
Avatar 6:14pm

the woodpeckers hole ahaahahah
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:14pm
Matt from Springfield:

@glenn: Remember, that in America: what you don't like, is communism. And constitutional procedures you don't like, are unconstitutional. In fact I'm pretty sure it stays that in the Constitution (*my* version anyway, the only one that *really* matters).
Avatar 6:15pm
Clay Pigeon:

I wanna go on that cruise, V Priceless. Read all about it. I think Zebra is playing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:15pm
Matt from Springfield:

Prog Police are coming for Clay!
Avatar 6:15pm

You can't force a citizen at any time into paying a corporation under penalty of law. Newborn children are legally required to conduct business with a corporation (insurance company) under penalty of law.
Avatar 6:15pm

Stewart has been doing an excellent job of skewering CNN for their coverage of the Malaysian plane disappearance.
Avatar 6:16pm

marimba mayhem
Avatar 6:16pm

This reminds me, are you guys keeping up with the new version of "Cosmos?" It's pretty good...
Avatar 6:16pm

@Whooda: You mean like auto insurance?
Avatar 6:16pm
Clay Pigeon:

Owlex, I think everybody wanted those "zappa-esque" mallets back then.
V Priceless:

Clay: Zebra was on last year's voyage. This year's lineup even more zany!
Avatar 6:17pm
Clay Pigeon:

I love that guy, david.
Avatar 6:17pm

No not like auto insurance unless you know of some newborn delivered while driving.
Avatar 6:17pm

@david_: Haven't missed a minute.
Avatar 6:17pm

Zoogs rift especially
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:17pm


i haven't had health insurance since leaving corporate job, excited for cheap insurance. except i don't qualify. so to ny state of health. i don't qualify. to add me to my wife's plan is $600 a month and she has to step down to a plan that doesn't cover the meds she needs, so that will be out of pocket too. it doesn't seem like this was designed to cover the middle class at all, just the people at the bottom so the hos[itals don't have to pick up the tab
Avatar 6:19pm

@Dale I agree with you. Another attack on the middle class.
Avatar 6:19pm

yeah, it's a tossup... women spend too much time in the bathroom, men are too messy...
Avatar 6:19pm

@dale: That certainly sucks, but I don't know anyone happy with healthcare / insurance in the U.S. Philo and I have a HUGE deductible plan, the only thing even UNaffordable through his small private company's insurer.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:20pm
Matt from Springfield:

TOO damn high!!!
Avatar 6:20pm

And as for "so the hospitals don't have to pick up the tab": We ALL pick up that tab in the end, one way or another.
Avatar 6:20pm

Jimmy McMillan 2016
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:21pm

npr covered some woman yesterday, 25 or 26 with three kids. her plan was $28 A MONTH! WTF?!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:21pm
Matt from Springfield:

Medicaid recipient with no earned income??
Avatar 6:22pm

I guess I've never met a public employee unhappy with his/her health insurance, except maybe that it gets a bit worse every year, but still not on the level of private company insurance.
Night Al:

Happy 80th birthday to Dr Jane Goodall today! One of favorite humanitarians.
V Priceless:

Digging the Ramsey grooves!
Avatar 6:23pm

I think Occupy's doing some stuff tomorrow, commemorating MLK...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:23pm
Matt from Springfield:

Verified authentic Pennsylvanian: "Lang-kiss-ter" for Lancaster, PA.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:24pm

i know we all pick up that tab kat, a doctor certainly isn't going to give away services, and they don't give away those five dollar tongue depressors at the ER. if you want universal healthcare just tax everyone and make it happen, not this lopsided shell game
Avatar 6:24pm

In the states with republican representation, politicians are choosing not to go along with the ACA, in essence throwing their constituency under the bus to make their political point. Citizens in those states therefore often do not qualify either for the ACA or Medicaid. Sad, but true. Representin' ...
Avatar 6:25pm

An oil tanker had a leak in Corpus Christie the other day
Avatar 6:25pm

I think its spelled Corporeal Christie.
Avatar 6:26pm

@david: NdGT is a fun romp w/ the Sagan nostalgia (although I only caught Sagan on PBS syndication).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:26pm
Matt from Springfield:

The only people not unhappy with their insurance, is probably someone who's never had to use it.

Fortunately the ACA paved the way for single payer to be the only logical fix--I hope Prez candidates will start talking about that openly soon.
Avatar 6:26pm

Yes, Indiana is one of those states. Pence without a lick of sense.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:26pm

man, palin is shrill.
Avatar 6:26pm

well, as far as car insurance goes, my opinion is that since you MUST have it, it should be provided by the state, or province in my case.
Avatar 6:26pm

@dale again I agree with you. Do it right, fair and legal or don't do it at all.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:27pm

the years i had health insurance i used it once for a sprained ankle. the hospiital charged my insurance a grand for x ray, ace bandage and crutches.
Avatar 6:28pm

if by shrill you mean stark raving batshit crazy, then i agree.
Avatar 6:28pm

It needs to be single payer, period, but trying to do SOMEthing seems better than letting the ignorant status quo continue year after year.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:28pm
Matt from Springfield:

@glenn: We've got a loooong way to go on that south o' yer border: I know BC has province-owned auto insurance, and so does New Zealand. It took until just now to have everyone have health insurance--public auto insurance is even more of a pipe dream in this climate.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:28pm
Matt from Springfield:

Señora Guanoloca
Night Al:

April 3 - Today's Birthdays

Washington Irving 1783 - Author ("Rip Van Winkle", "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow")

Edward Everett Hale 1822

William M. (Marcy) "Boss" Tweed 1823 - Political boss, known for his Tweed "Ring" that stole millions of dollars from New York City

John Burroughs 1837 - Author

Gertrude 'Ma' Rainey 1888

George Jessel 1898 - Comedian, actor

Sally Rand 1904

Herb Caen 1916

Jan Sterling (Adriance) 1923 - Actress

Doris Day (Doris Mary Ann Von Kappelhoff) 1924 - Singer, actress

Marlon Brando 1924 - Actor ("The Godfather", "Apocalypse Now")

Don Gibson 1928 - Songwriter, singer

Miyoshi Umeki 1923 - Actress

Helmut Kohl 1930 - Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany from 1982-1998

Rod Funseth 1933 - Golfer

Jane Goodall 1934 - Anthropologist, author

Jimmy McGriff 1936

Sandra Spuzich 1937 - Golfer

Jeff Barry 1938

Jan Barry 1941 - Songwriter, singer (Jan and Dean)

Marsha Mason 1942 - Actress

Wayne Newton 1942 - Singer

Jonathan Lynn 1943 - Actor, director, writer

Tony Orlando (Michael Anthony Orlando Cassavitis) 1944 - Singer

Barry Pritchard 1944 - Musician (The Fortunes)

Bernie (Bernard) Parent 1945 - Hockey goalie

Richard Manuel 1945 - Musician (The Band)

Dee Murray 1946 - Musician (Elton John's band)

Donny Anderson 1949 - Football player

Richard Thompson 1949 - Musician (Fairport Convention)

Mel Schacher 1951 - Musician (Grand Funk Railroad)

Alec Baldwin (Alexander Rae Baldwin III) 1958 - Actor

David Hyde Pierce 1959 - Actor ("Frasier")

Eddie Murphy 1961 - Comedian ("Saturday Night Live"), actor ("48 Hrs.", "Beverly Hills Cop", "Doctor Doolittle")

Sebastian Bach 1968 - Singer (Skid Row)

Wes Berggren 1971 - Musician (Tripping Daisy)

Jennie Garth 1972 - Actress ("Beverly Hills 90210")

Leona Lewis 1985 - Singer

Amanda Bynes 1986 - Actress
Avatar 6:30pm

A lot of those insurance costs don't have to do directly with the hospital or doctor, but rather the insurance adjustors who decide what is and isn't necessary healthcare, as well as what *fair* compensation should be.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:31pm

speaking of godzilla scream....new godzilla trailer with brian cranston looks great
Night Al:

if you make between 11600 and 45000 you get a tax credit applied to your ACA premium.
Avatar 6:32pm

"Say my name, Godzilla. You're god damn right!"
Avatar 6:32pm
Clay Pigeon:

Been speaking with Station Manager Ken. He and dogs are fine.
Avatar 6:33pm

is bryan playing the fay wraye role?
Night Al:

Why wouldn't he/they be?

I remember Widow.
Avatar 6:34pm

"If you like your plan you can keep it. Period"
Danny from Bloomingburg:

Clay please come to Bloomingburg and see what is going on
Avatar 6:34pm

Fine with each other, or just in general?
Avatar 6:35pm
Clay Pigeon:

I need to do some Jersey shows, for sure!
Avatar 6:35pm
Clay Pigeon:

cool ddd!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:35pm

danny - what IS going on in bloomingburg, other than kiryas joel expansion?
Danny from Bloomingburg:

the illegal use of buildings and our protesting
Avatar 6:36pm

Our president underestimated the American penchant for greed. By this time next year, every private sector employee will be considered part-time, so corporations don't have to provide health insurance. That's what makes America strong.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:37pm

keep at it danny.
Avatar 6:38pm

Its a foothole for syria
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:38pm

that population is the biggest drain on social welfare programs in this county. just not right.
Danny from Bloomingburg:

Thanks Dale!!!!!! 9am Sat 132 Main St
Avatar 6:38pm

really, carm? not that i'm doubting, but how do they propose to do that?
Avatar 6:38pm

We will see that jet liner as soon as US/Israel fly it over a big city in US or Israel and explode dirty bomb or small nuclear device to blame on Iran.

Here is an identical 777 parked in Tel Aviv since November 2013. The only difference between it and the missing liner is the serial number. It was purchased from a broker in Florida. You might remember Flordia flight schools associated with the 9-11 false flag operation.
Avatar 6:39pm

I'm being facetious Glenn, borne out of pessemism. Unchecked corporate greed will destroy all.
Avatar 6:40pm

love. live for life
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:41pm

this song in swingin'!!
Avatar 6:42pm
Night Owl:

Do any of these old performers ever get an ASCAP or BMI payment for radio play? They'd probably freak out if they did. A check for a nickel. HA!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:43pm
Matt from Springfield:

@Night Owl: 7 cents per play, grouped by music publisher, accumulated and paid each quarter of the year. About $10k of FMU's budget goes towards these royalties.
Avatar 6:44pm

Hmm, no Cy Coleman...
Avatar 6:44pm

I Bet this guy was pretty easy to get to say yes to interview
V Priceless:

Alice Cooper Group!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:45pm

whooda - how does a broker end up with a 777? isn't that too new to be sold out of a fleet? i thought the malaysia plane would end up in north korea
Avatar 6:45pm
Clay Pigeon:

Can't find it, david!
Avatar 6:46pm

wait, aging gets worse then 38! Darn, I'm boned!
Avatar 6:47pm

"My girlfriend left me for another woman, man." Wow ...
V Priceless:

This is a great clip! Actually finding a guy on the street that cold name all the original Coopers!
Avatar 6:48pm

It'll turn up, Clay. There's a passable copy on youtube if you want to reach for it in the meantime... :)
Avatar 6:48pm

i was homeless before it was fashionable. great line.
Avatar 6:48pm
Clay Pigeon:

We bonded right there, V Priceless
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:48pm

is the world really getting worse? or are we just all we too tuned in with never ending media coverage?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:48pm
Matt from Springfield:

When has the world not been falling apart...
V Priceless:

That's what the dinosaurs said! Wonderful!
Avatar 6:49pm

Seven billion people put a lot of wear and tear on the carpet.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:50pm
Matt from Springfield:

HARD RIGHT, not Bud Light dammit!!!
Avatar 6:50pm

Wow Clay, he was quite a find!
Avatar 6:50pm

well, it's no pre-Cambrian extinction, that's for sure.
Avatar 6:51pm

it's true Matt. stuff that people associate with "end-times" is just amped up on social media as extra "here-and-now."
Avatar 6:51pm

The main stream media isn't news. It's propaganda. And the world is getting worse because the ruling sociopaths have greater technology and weapons than ever before, making them even less empathetic to humanity.
Avatar 6:51pm

Locust and Widow.... I'm sensing another story coming in a future episode...
Avatar 6:51pm

The locust I know was a hardcore band from florida.
Avatar 6:52pm
Night Owl:

Space is full of an infinite number of universes, ever expanding and then contracting, only to begin again in another big bang. You can never find an end to inner or outer space. We are specks on specks of specks. BAM! Deal with it.
Avatar 6:52pm

"Clay Pigeon?" *awkward pause* "So anyway...."
Avatar 6:52pm

Breaking news: Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead.
Avatar 6:52pm

Heh, I was also thinking "hard right, not bud light" when that guy said that...
Avatar 6:53pm
Clay Pigeon:

jeez how humiliating
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:53pm
Matt from Springfield:

Goooo Tugboat R! :)
Avatar 6:53pm

@northhills you ever listen to Waylon Thornton?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:53pm

this singer sounds like you clay
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:53pm

Avatar 6:54pm

@dale it is 15 years old, used, identical 777 Malaysian carrier.
Avatar 6:54pm
Clay Pigeon:

ty risky
Avatar 6:55pm

Have we put Capt. Sully to work on this whole Malaysian airplane thing? He could figure it out.
V Priceless:

Fine show, Clay! Thank-you!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:56pm
Matt from Springfield:

Silent Nekkidity
Avatar 6:56pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:56pm

ft dodge - the big city!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:56pm
Matt from Springfield:

@Carm: If Sully was on it, he would have LANDED the plane, safely, on the ocean waters!!

Aww! Wish Clay would stick around for another hour or two!
V Priceless:

Wow. A MTH sound-alike? I like already!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:57pm
Matt from Springfield:

@david: Make it really pretentious with Nakïdité :)
Avatar 6:57pm
Marcel M:

Me too Iris, good show Clay! Enjoyed it.
Avatar 6:57pm
Clay Pigeon:

ty iris thanks all of you gotta go man these last two weeks have been mistake city but you forgive! always remember

Like the Dakota I do hear the Mott
V Priceless:

Marionette meets Honoloochie Boogie!
Avatar 6:58pm

@Owlex: I left nofla before waylon thorton started to to tour. (I left in 2000)
Avatar 6:58pm

The airliner was flown to Diego Garcia US secret military base, partially to steal a multi-billion dollar patent.


Rothchild and investors in Blackstone are the ultimate beneficiaries. Facts are facts.
marmalade kitty:

goodnight clay & all!
Avatar 6:58pm
Night Owl:

The Dharma Initiative has been implemented with MH370. They're lost.
Avatar 6:58pm

Thanks Clay! always a pleasure to h3ar your show!
Avatar 7:00pm

Thanks for giving me a place to rant, foamed-mouth and bulging red-eyed lunatic style. :) Happy Trails Clay, glad your're feeling better.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00pm
Matt from Springfield:

All right Clay! Great show, interviews and tunes!
Have a good night, Pigeonnaires!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:01pm
Matt from Springfield:

@Whooda: Bulge your eyes as much as you want, just remember to put some Visine on afterwards!
Avatar 7:01pm

@nightowl. Lost like the Sandy Hook kids
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:38am
Bas NL:

Thanks for the -too short an- hour Clay!
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