Favoriting Put The Needle On The Record with Billy Jam: Playlist from March 28, 2014 Favoriting

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Hip-hop and rap, that's where my heart's at. But I'll play anything so long as it ain't crap!

Friday 7 - 8pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting March 28, 2014: Put The Needle On The Hip-Hop Record

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments New Approx. start time
Worlds Famous Supreme Team Malcolm McLaren  on the air with the Worlds Famous Supreme Team Show   Favoriting Duck Rock  Island Records  1983        0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Sa-Roc  True Mastery   Favoriting single  Sol Messiah Music  2014      *   0:00:35 (Pop-up)
Blu  The West   Favoriting Good To Be Home  Nature Sounds  2014      *   0:03:41 (Pop-up)
Run DMC  Groove The Sound   Favoriting Back From Hell  Profile Records  1990    interesting in retrospect since this was 1990 - a long time ago - but a time when Run DMC had lost their hold as THE main rap crew - and whose style was bypassed by the golden era hip-hoppers    0:05:46 (Pop-up)
Demrick  Purple (feat Mistah F.A.B.)   Favoriting single  T.I.D.E.  2014    Statik Selektah produced of LA rapper with guest spot from Bay Area's Mistah F.A.B.  *   0:09:17 (Pop-up)
3rd Bass  Product of the Environment   Favoriting The Cactus Album  Def Jam  1989        0:12:51 (Pop-up)
Dam-Funk  4 My Homies (Featuring Steve Arrington)   Favoriting Hood Pass Intact 12"  Stones Throw Records  2010        0:16:56 (Pop-up)
Ligit  Settin' It Strate   Favoriting 12" single  8-Ball Records  1989    out of Richmond CA - played an in studio live freestyle on last week's show from KALX in 1990 - this was their single from previous year - on small indie label    0:19:44 (Pop-up)
Juice  Catch A Groove   Favoriting single  Greedy Records  1976  12"      0:25:53 (Pop-up)
De La Soul  Say No Go (New Keys Vocal)   Favoriting 3 Feet High And Rising (Bonus CD)  Tommy Boy Records          0:28:33 (Pop-up)
T-Connection  Groove To Get Down   Favoriting On Fire  Dash Records   1977        0:33:21 (Pop-up)
DJ Magic Mike  It's Star Time   Favoriting Bass Is How It Should Be Done  Magic Records  1993        0:34:29 (Pop-up)
Ricci Rucker  Utility Phograph Record 1   Favoriting Utility Phograph Record  Epitome Of Fresh Records  2004        0:35:38 (Pop-up)
Potluck  Dank Alumni   Favoriting Straight Outta Humboldt  Suburban Noize  2006        0:37:39 (Pop-up)
Boldy James  Moochie   Favoriting My 1st Chemistry Set  Decon Records  2013        0:43:36 (Pop-up)
Fillmore Coleman Band  Cadillac (part one)   Favoriting Million Dollar Dream V/A  Dogday Records  1997    this is Andre Nickatina's band    0:46:13 (Pop-up)
Fillmore Coleman Band vs Fang  the money will WFMU right in (PTNOTR remix)   Favoriting no album  No Label  2014        0:48:10 (Pop-up)
Fillmore Coleman Band  Cadillac (part two)   Favoriting Million Dollar Dream V/A  Dogday Records  1997        0:49:10 (Pop-up)
The Coup  Funk   Favoriting Kill My Landlord  Wild Pitch  1993        0:50:32 (Pop-up)
Malcolm McLaren  on the air with the Worlds Famous Supreme Team Show   Favoriting Duck Rock  Island Records  1983        0:56:40 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Billy "Shrimp Boy" Jam 

C'ya - but stay locked in for Downtown Soulville   Favoriting

no album 

No Label 





0:58:30 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 7:01pm
Studio B Ben:

Billy Jam all up in my headphones, time to kick this weekend off RIGHT.
Avatar 7:01pm

started drinkin tiqueela and red wine and been skunkin it uyp bigstyley fro m about about 6 hours ago , its mi birfday so its ok, but i missed Billy last week coz woz away snowboardin and week before coz of time adjustment fingy, so i gots me a threehour Billy jam saved up if i can make it but daamn hard coz am pissed fecking wobbly pissed

yaaay cmonnn
Avatar 7:04pm
Billy Jam:

hey Studio B Ben + Spidermank - both in opposite sides of the world - but one thing in common W F M U - best damn station in the world - hey speaking of Oregon - next episode of Portlandia on IFC will feature a lil WFMU reference….Thanks to all the folks in San Francisco who showed up for the WFMU Meetup with Ken Freedman yesterday - non stop music today for next hour
Avatar 7:08pm

still sofuckin fresh this Run DMC
Danny Tweek:

ahhh yeah....nice tunes Billy
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:09pm

Hey, BillyJam, Spidermank, Studion B Ben.

Damn, its nice to hear Run DMC again. They brought hip-hop/rap love to me back in the day.
Avatar 7:09pm
Billy Jam:

Danny - just saw on Facebook that you were tuned in THANKS MAN - hey Spidey - am smoking out over here - purple :)
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:09pm

Avatar 7:10pm
Billy Jam:

I hear U Chris!

props to Billy Jam and the regular wfmu crew.
Jimmy in BK:

ah yeah -----it must be friday evening
Avatar 7:13pm

yaissssss Billy Man so good to hear your choon choices dood
eyupall you listteners commenters

luv dem purrrrrps

got sum ravi shank skunkers meself hurhurhur

3rd bassssssssssssssss cmonnnnn
Avatar 7:14pm
Billy Jam:

yo LOOP - good to have you (along with Spidermank) repping the UK and tuned in…..Feel free to post links here to any of your great music…….Love this old 3rd Bass track - crazy to think it is quarter century old - wow! - Love playing old alongside new hip-hop
Avatar 7:14pm
Studio B Ben:

3rd Bass? DEEP CUTS. Early Prince Paul, right? Props to loopskywalker; really enjoyed your set on this show recently. So good.
Avatar 7:15pm

Danny Tweek:

thats some funky skunk
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:18pm

Love Dam-Funk's production. So down.
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:20pm

You know what time it is.
Avatar 7:20pm
Billy Jam:

yes sure is funky - love Dam-Funk - great live too - seen him twice -both different and great……@ Studio B Ben re 3rd Bass - yes early Prince Paul among other producers inc. Sam Sever…..
Jimmy in BK:

this is some good ole skool hiphop shit rigght here...niceness!!!!!
Avatar 7:22pm
Studio B Ben:

Nice. Yeah, I think I just about wore out my cassette of Derelicts of Dialect over the years.
Avatar 7:22pm
Billy Jam:

ah shit…..B A S S
Avatar 7:23pm

program the 808 and just lock it .....epic
Avatar 7:27pm
Billy Jam:

best line in that last song - "if we was gasoline - I'd be Supreme and you'd be regular" :) -So good to be here today - THANK U for listening - next week will be another "Put The Needle On The Three Guest DJs" and boy are the mixes amazing - DJ Into, DJ 4AM, and DJ Vex One - all Bay Area - all hella talented, but each different
Jimmy in BK:

you had me at 3rd Bass - but now De La ? u made my day!
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:29pm

I liked 'think you a pimp? you're just a pimple.' LOL
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:30pm

woo! what a way to brerak in the new speakers!

Miami Bass!
Avatar 7:30pm
Billy Jam:

at Chris - yeah that one is hilarious! - at CZECHANO - let's crank up the BASS and really test them speakers
Marilyn in MA:

hey Billy Jam - you're killing it today - got me dancing!
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:34pm

there's old school, then there's roots! keep it funky!
Danny Tweek:

great skratch beat.. that
Avatar 7:38pm
Billy Jam:

this one is for the smokers out there - previous guests on this show - from Humbollt CALI - the duo of Potluck
Avatar 7:38pm
Studio B Ben:

I got that head nod going on. Can't stop.
Avatar 7:38pm

What a coincidence.
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:39pm

ROTFL This is awesome!
Avatar 7:40pm

WOOT. Dis Potluck track is HITTIN
Avatar 7:40pm
Billy Jam:

at fleep - hah hah. at Chris - glad U like! - @ Ben - right on! - at Danny - don't forget to turn clocks forward tom night
Avatar 7:41pm

blown me away
Marilyn in MA:

love it!
Avatar 🎧 7:42pm

this is my new favorite song
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:43pm

Train wreck...
Danny Tweek:

Will do Billy
Avatar 7:43pm
Billy Jam:

@ YETi BOB - nice! - @ RWNN - wot up mane?
Avatar 7:46pm

WFM-U know, just puffin dank drinkin on my very first homebrew, about to put in an order for some chinese food and grab some dutches to keep the party going. Billy jam STAY puttin in work, please believe.
Avatar 7:48pm

Billy Jam - the neighbour you bang on walls at and shout "turn it up"
Avatar 7:49pm

great marathon show choon Billy , you did it justice geeza
Avatar 7:52pm
Studio B Ben:

Damn. Great bass/drums on this track. Great on headphones.
Avatar 7:53pm
Billy Jam:

considering that the show is only an hour long I think that I fit in a good variety of the best music (hip-hop) there is - love it, and love the challenge of trying to play a broad balance of hip-hop….REALLY appreciate you tuning in live today or in archives later…..Mr Fine Wine is back this week with a killer stack of funk 45s ready to set loose on the turntables
Fine Wine:

Sounds like Jonathan Richman rapping!
Avatar 7:54pm
Billy Jam:

hah hah - now that is a comparison I have never heard before
Avatar 7:54pm
Studio B Ben:

Great show, Billy! Thanks as always for your hard work in putting together the best hour in radio today!
Danny Tweek:

nice one Billy...stompin show man
Fine Wine:

What he said!
Avatar 7:57pm

Avatar 7:57pm
Billy Jam:

Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:58pm

One for the record books, BillyJam!
Avatar 7:59pm

Avatar 10:27am

Beautiful grooves to spark a snowy Tuesday morning.
Avatar 10:36am

3rd Bass. Good memories of them.
Avatar 10:38am

The world needs more Steve Arrington.
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