Favoriting Neighbors Noise with Jesse Kaminsky: Playlist from March 25, 2014 Favoriting

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A weekly adventure in phonography: field recordings, brainwave therapy, rattling noises and other esoteric dance music.

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Favoriting March 25, 2014: live from Providence with Isabella Koen

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Artist Track Album Label Year
Com Truise  Galactic Melt   Favoriting      
Kahn  Turkish Bath part 2   Favoriting Turkish Bath     
Sensum and Clunch  Tiny Grains Of   Favoriting Sensum and Clunch  Holodeck  2013 
Kord  Push Your Button   Favoriting      

Music behind DJ:
Yann Tomita 

Dub Invader   Favoriting



Blixa Bargeld and Gudrun Gut  die sonne (black sunrise mix)   Favoriting   Alternation  1996 
Blip Blop  Nadja (Vår I Prag)   Favoriting Blipblop  Dödsdans Rekords   2012 
Ann Summer  Hemisfären (Endymion)   Favoriting Baby Doll - Play Suit  Neuköln Records  1985 
Dum Dum Dum  Dum Dum Dum   Favoriting Dum Dum Dum  Struck Dum Records  1980 
Shöx Lumania  Signals   Favoriting Signals  Rumble  1981 
Green Velvet  Thoughts   Favoriting Constant Chaos  Music Man Records  1999 
Paranoid London Featuring Mulato Pintado  Eating Glue   Favoriting Eating Glue  Paranoid London Records  2012 
Hardrive  Deep Inside   Favoriting Deep Inside  ZYX Music  1995 

Music behind DJ:

Fremd   Favoriting



Batang Frisco  Power   Favoriting Batang Frisco  Batang Frisco  1986 
Fabio Giannelli  Maintain (Original Mix)   Favoriting   Get Physical  2012 
Kasper Bjorke and The Sexy Lazer AKA The Mansisters  Free At Last   Favoriting   My Favorite Robot  2012 
Sleeparchive  Meson   Favoriting Hadron EP  Sleeparchive   2008 
Actress  Loomin   Favoriting Nonplus     
Dandi Wind  Adolescent   Favoriting Yolk Of The Golden Egg  Tell Me Records   2008 
The Normal  Warm Leatherette   Favoriting      
Einstürzende Neubauten  Yü-Gung (Adrian Sherwood-Mix)   Favoriting   Some Bizzare  1985 
Charles Bernstein  1-100   Favoriting      

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Listener comments!

Avatar 7:03pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:03pm
Doug Schulkind:

Welcome back to the streamwaves, Isabella!

Your room sounds hot.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:05pm
Uncle Michael:

Is-Isabella a RISD fashionista?

no just everyday regular fashionista.
Avatar 7:08pm
Jesse K:

hey everyone!
@Jackson, hot like we turned the thermostat all the way up?

Hey thanks Doug! I almost wrote dough...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:08pm
Uncle Michael:

Ah...ok. My sister was in textiles or fashion or something there. Then you probably didn't know her.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:09pm
Doug Schulkind:

I often almost write Dough. No biggie.

I'm actually a bicycle mechanic.
Cori & Miles:

Hi Bella! We are huffing canned air, listening to the show!

aw you guys!
Avatar 7:12pm
Holly in NC:

Hi Jesse!

@Doug re Gurf - Yes. And Lucinda frankly needs to stop treading water & marking time, she really pisses me off because so much of her work moves me so deeply.

(sorry, Jesse, comment ooze from D's show)

Crazy NC weather report = Most of today was grim, grey, cold, raining & threatening to snow. Over the course of the past hour temp has increased dramatically, sun has come out, and I am sweating balls in my layers of fleece. On the plus side, it will be much more pleasant than anticipated to take out trash & recycling later this evening. Unless we get a swarm of locusts.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:12pm
Uncle Michael:

I have a Park Tools bottle opener...a remnant of my amateur bicycle mechanicking.
Avatar 7:14pm
Jesse K:

Hey Holly! the comments board is officially open for all oozing of all sorts
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:14pm
Doug Schulkind:

@Holy Holly in NC
Few things piss me off more than being unmoved by a Lucinda performance. That's not what I signed up for, dammit!

Avatar 7:18pm

today in vacuous celebrity gossip - gwyneth and chris split. god, i hope this doesn't inspire another five coldplay albums. that would be too much to bear.

@Jesse, no, like your voice sounds hoooooot.

its for you Jackson!

Sensum and Clunch?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:27pm
Doug Schulkind:

Gotta dash over to Amtrak to get spouse. Keep rawkin!
Avatar 7:29pm
Jesse K:

have a good dash Doug, we're working out the kinks. It's been a while since I've been live and I forget what immediacy feels like
Avatar 7:30pm

I have never used a listening station at a record store. I have a strict 'don't listen to records at the store before I buy'. I rarely get a lemon.

Awesome sounds, Jesse & Isabella!
Avatar 7:31pm

Spouse are that easy to get these days, Doug?

Have fun!
Avatar 7:33pm

amtrak has a deal on russian mail order brides.
Avatar 7:33pm
Jesse K:

I get easily confused by words and sometimes can't remember if I'm looking at a record because I remember it being good or bad. Sometimes listening can bring that back, sometimes not...
Avatar 7:37pm

Judging by my grammar skills, I also get easily confused by symbols I try to conflate into words.

I have *almost* a strictly -don't shop at record stores where there isn't a listening station- rule. I've broken it a few times.
Avatar 7:42pm

who is dum dum dum, and what have they done with keith levine?
Avatar 7:45pm
Jesse K:

that would be Isabella's song...

@ glenn- Messthetics greatest hits, Oxford band formed 78.
Avatar 7:48pm

I also never buy records online. Only brick & mortar stores or at shows.
Avatar 7:49pm

(WFMU swag notwithstanding).

thats intense
Avatar 7:51pm
Jesse K:

I love real stores more than any website any day but it's so so rare to find some Burmese 45s or whatever just kicking around most stores in the US
Avatar 7:56pm

That Green Velvet took me back....

no doubt. it was "Thoughts" or "Answering Machine"
Avatar 7:58pm
Holly in NC:

Oh my gosh, I had to step away for a bit & just look at the set I missed!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank goodness for the archives.

tough call...
Avatar 7:59pm

Laundromat doesn't close until 10:30. I can make it until 9.
Avatar 7:59pm
Jesse K:

we're on demand!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:07pm
Bas NL:

Hi Doug! Hi Jesse, Isabella! I'm really busy here, but just wanted to say my ears are glued to your sounds.. loving them!!

Loving it.
Avatar 8:13pm
Holly in NC:

Jesse, you & Isabella are gorgeous, but my Bitty (avatar glamour shot above), Cinder & Foster note a sad lack of cat photos this evening.
Avatar 8:16pm

@HollyinNC My cat photos are on my profile page, at long last.
Avatar 8:17pm
Jesse K:

the cats are feisty today and not wanting to sit for a good photo
Avatar 8:18pm

I swear Cecile linked the youtube of this Gianelli track last week.

Aw Holly, thanks! I tried to get a good one of Marcel but they all kept coming out blurry.
Avatar 8:21pm
Holly in NC:

@fleep - stunning beasties! What are their names?
Also, I like your porch stones.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:21pm
Bas NL:

(Oh yeah.. the microphone indeed sounds a bit 'pinched'.. AKG?)
Avatar 8:22pm
Jesse K:

@NGH, The benefit of haunting the wfmu message boards is exactly that: harvesting the hive brain
Avatar 8:22pm
Holly in NC:

@fleep -also also, tell me about those 7''s.
Avatar 8:23pm
Jesse K:

so, credit on that last track to Cecile for pointing the way!
Avatar 8:25pm

I have no idea how she contributes so much at work, I barely can raise a peep even while not working.
Avatar 8:25pm

@Holly The black and silver guy is Nape, the brown female is Lomo, and the fake 7"s are from LiarTownUSA liartownusa.tumblr.com
Avatar 8:26pm
Jesse K:

@Bas - Trying with these mics, they're SM58's but I bought a nice new condenser mic that sounds better to my uneducated ears. Problem is I only have 1, not good for guests...
Avatar 8:27pm

Just realized I'm not utilizing my subs, darn it!
Avatar 8:29pm
Jesse K:

I played this song in my dream last night
Avatar 8:30pm

Outside of Small Change, WFMU really lacks these awesome sounds.
Avatar 8:32pm

what's that about cat photos?
Avatar 8:34pm
Jesse K:

what's that about lazer eyes?
Avatar 8:35pm

Ain't they purty?
Avatar 8:35pm
Holly in NC:

@fleep - throwing virtual catnip in Nape & Lomo's direction (any other wfmu cats feel free to join the party, we also have a cat dancer™, a laser pointer, and some milk twisties and straws.
I am so bummed those 7''s aren't real, but based on a quick scan I have started following that tumblr, thank you.
Avatar 8:37pm
Holly in NC:

@Trixie your engraved invite is in the mail
Avatar 8:41pm

i spell it with a zed.

the beginning of this song sounds like "warm leatherette"
Avatar 8:47pm

Avatar 8:48pm
Holly in NC:

@Isabella - :-)


I was waiting for this.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:52pm
Bas NL:

(@Jesse Can't beat the SM58 on reliability, but any condensor mic has more headroom and freq. width.) *Plop* He, he.. never heard The Normal followed by EN. Nice mind jerk!
Avatar 8:54pm
Jesse K:

Full disclosure, It wasn't my idea first: www.discogs.com...
Avatar 8:57pm

thanks Jesse & Isabella. This was good sounds. Cheers!

thank you NGH!
Avatar 8:59pm
Jesse K:

thanks NGH! Glad to have you of course
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:00pm

this dude is excited
Avatar 9:02pm
Jesse K:

Avatar 9:03pm
Jesse K:

Avatar 9:05pm
Jesse K:

thanks everyone, have a great week!

Great to see Dum Dum Dum getting a play!
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