Favoriting A440 / Stochastic Hit Parade with Bethany Ryker: Playlist from March 17, 2014 Favoriting

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Favoriting March 17, 2014: A440, Op. 2, No. 11

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Artist Track Album Label Comments Approx. start time
Julian Anderson  Fantasia I.   Favoriting Fantasias / The Crazed Moon / The Discovery of Heaven  LPO  London Philharmonic Orchestra  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
          0:16:59 (Pop-up)
Michael S. Horwood  Six Chromosomes for Orchestra (1973, rev. 2004)   Favoriting Masterworks of the New Era, Vol. 3  ERM Media  1. Rondo 2. Concerto for Orchestra 3. Dinner Rolls 4. Timber Timbre 5. Homage to Wagner 6. Return of Death With a Slap in the Face  0:11:53 (Pop-up)
Alejandro Rutty  Tango Loops for 14 instruments and Tango Quartet   Favoriting Masterworks of the New Era, Vol. 3  ERM Media  Kiev Philharmonic  0:13:50 (Pop-up)
Camille Saint-Saëns  Concerto No. 5 for Piano "Egyptian"   Favoriting Concertos 1- 5  EMI  Jean-Philippe Collard with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Andre Previn  0:25:06 (Pop-up)
          0:35:17 (Pop-up)
Marcos Pessoa (b. 1974)  Pessoa (2013)   Favoriting Density  Claire Chase  for six bass flutes, performed by Claire Chase  0:35:59 (Pop-up)
Etienne Rolin (b. 1952)  Space Forest Bound: Heterodyne   Favoriting Music for Ondes Martenot  Naxos  Thomas Bloch, ondes martenot  0:44:27 (Pop-up)
Olivier Messiaen  Fête des belles eaux (1937)   Favoriting Messiaen Works for Ondes Martenot  ATMA Classique    0:46:43 (Pop-up)
György Ligeti  Hungarian Rock   Favoriting Ligeti Edition: Mechanical Music  Sony  adapted for Barrel Organ  0:52:27 (Pop-up)
Edison Denisov  Sonata for Solo Clarinet   Favoriting Lindgren / Denisov / Sivelov: Music for Clarinet and Percussion  BIS    0:57:04 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 8:02pm

It can't be said that the guy can't find his "A" hole.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:03pm

nice transition there!
Avatar 8:04pm

I see what you did there.

hi bethany, hi listeners
Avatar 8:09pm

Julian Anderson, new to me... nice!

I'm "stoch'd" DJ Bethany, off to a cool start tonight! Onward!
Avatar 8:10pm

Hello DJ Bethany Ryker, thanks for that A440 explanation.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:13pm

Did chromosome 3 (or 2, i already lost count) have a siren in it?
Avatar 8:14pm
Bethany Ryker:

I'll go ahead and say...probably!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:16pm

Hi Bethany. This is perfect! Thank you.

(damn. i blinked.)

*rimshot* Hello, Bethany! I came home & turned on the radio, heard that guy & wondered if I was cornered in some guitar center “expert” conclave.
Avatar 8:24pm
Richard from Venezuela:

Hello Bethany and all the listeners.
Avatar 8:30pm

@Richard from Venezuela How are things in your world today?
Avatar 8:31pm
Richard from Venezuela:

Bad. Listen wfmu its like therapy to me.
Avatar 8:32pm

I love Camille Saint-Saëns .
Avatar 8:33pm

@Richard Great, hope things get better for you.
Avatar 8:35pm

I've heard Claire Chase's play through Mario Diaz De Leon's 'Enter Houses Of'. She's awesome!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:36pm

whoa bass flute is serious!
mike east:

I spent a few hours today trying to figure out how to get a keyboard tuned to 441 for a client.
Avatar 8:39pm
Richard from Venezuela:

This Pessoa track is really good.
Avatar 8:40pm

I wouldn't complain if you had a long time slot. Or, you can pull a Bryce and play one or two pieces.
Avatar 8:41pm
Bethany Ryker:

@mike east, you must be joking...
mike east:

(Sigh) I wish I was
Avatar 8:42pm
Bethany Ryker:

What was the reason?
Avatar 8:43pm

The only result I get is for Marcos Balter (b. 1974, Brazil).
Avatar 8:44pm

N'er mind, Pessoa is the name of the piece.
mike east:

Don't even know. It was something at Lincoln center. It's usually foreign ensembles or people doing baroque pieces that require 441 or 442
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:47pm

I just found it on iTunes via Claire Chase Density. And thanks, Bethany, that was wonderful.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:50pm

Ooh, I don't know if I've ever heard an Ondes Martenot before.
Avatar 8:54pm

I have this Ligeti piece somewhere....
Avatar 8:55pm

ngh, You're thinking of Tarkus!
  Swag For Life Member 8:58pm

Thanks, Bethany.
Avatar 8:58pm

Nope, here it is, "ligeti: keyboard pieces". lultz/

THanks Bethany!
mike east:

That ligeti piece was great
Avatar 8:59pm

Oddly, i was walking home last night, and in the building next door, I saw the big screen tv had the Tarkus album cover.

Not enough, you always leave us wanting more...
Thanks DJ Bethany, have a great seven days!
Avatar 9:01pm
Richard from Venezuela:

Thanks Bethany.

Hi Bethany. Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your show earlier this evening. Thank you!
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