Favoriting Tony Coulter: Playlist from March 11, 2014 Favoriting

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I play rhinoceros and psychedelic fork.

Tuesday Noon - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Favoriting March 11, 2014: Tony Coulter Presents Tape Hiss: Thomas P., Fear Merchants, Costes, La 1919 Spontaneo [PLEASE NOTE: "Tape Hiss" shows are not archived.]

Artist Track Album Label Year
The In-Theme  Holger Hiller: Toyshopshoptoy   Favoriting      
Thomas P.  Don't Ever Fall for Someone That You're Not Prepared to Lose   Favoriting New World Odor  no label  1992 
Thomas P.  Modern Love   Favoriting New World Odor  no label  1992 
Thomas P.  Mr. Sinister Wears Glasses   Favoriting New World Odor  no label  1992 
Thomas P.  Billie Jean   Favoriting New World Odor  no label  1992 
Thomas P.  Boinger Music Hits the Best Demographics   Favoriting New World Odor  no label  1992 
Thomas P.  Drinking and Ping Pong   Favoriting New World Odor  no label  1992 
Thomas P.  Girl Named Fantasy   Favoriting New World Odor  no label  1992 
Thomas P.  Seka's Song   Favoriting New World Odor  no label  1992 
Thomas P.  Supergroup   Favoriting New World Odor  no label  1992 
Thomas P.  Did I Fall in Love?   Favoriting New World Odor  no label  1992 
Thomas P.  Absurd Surreal Song   Favoriting New World Odor  no label  1992 
Thomas P.  God Doesn't Want Your Money   Favoriting New World Odor  no label  1992 
Thomas P.  Popeye   Favoriting New World Odor  no label  1992 
Thomas P.  I Am a Prostitute   Favoriting New World Odor  no label  1992 
Thomas P.  Walk on the Wild Side   Favoriting New World Odor  no label  1992 
Fear Merchants  Mental Theme   Favoriting Mental  It's War Boys  1983 
Fear Merchants  Un Choix du Mal Song   Favoriting Mental  It's War Boys  1983 
Fear Merchants  U-Boat Captain   Favoriting Mental  It's War Boys  1983 
Fear Merchants  The Uzbeck Connection 9   Favoriting Mental  It's War Boys  1983 
Fear Merchants  Industrialists Dirge   Favoriting Mental  It's War Boys  1983 
Fear Merchants  Interlude for Breif Fag   Favoriting Mental  It's War Boys  1983 
Fear Merchants  Fiasco   Favoriting Mental  It's War Boys  1983 
Fear Merchants  Ya Habibi   Favoriting Mental  It's War Boys  1983 
Fear Merchants  Aristocratic Out-Cast Song   Favoriting Mental  It's War Boys  1983 
Fear Merchants  Absolutely Misery Theme   Favoriting Mental  It's War Boys  1983 
Fear Merchants  Doctors Orders   Favoriting Mental  It's War Boys  1983 
Fear Merchants  When She Weighs Eighty Six Stones   Favoriting Mental  It's War Boys  1983 
Fear Merchants  Mental Theme   Favoriting Mental  It's War Boys  1983 
Costes  An Happy-Go-Lucky Native   Favoriting An Happy-Go-Lucky Native  Costes Cassette  1987 
La 1919 Spontaneo  Questo Caldo   Favoriting L'enorme Tragedia  ADN  1985 
La 1919 Spontaneo  Molto Azzardato   Favoriting L'enorme Tragedia  ADN  1985 
La 1919 Spontaneo  Senza Tregua   Favoriting L'enorme Tragedia  ADN  1985 
La 1919 Spontaneo  Dornier Cordaianthus   Favoriting L'enorme Tragedia  ADN  1985 
La 1919 Spontaneo  L'enorme Tragedia   Favoriting L'enorme Tragedia  ADN  1985 
La 1919 Spontaneo  Il Sogno di F.F.   Favoriting L'enorme Tragedia  ADN  1985 
La 1919 Spontaneo  Metzengerstein   Favoriting L'enorme Tragedia  ADN  1985 
La 1919 Spontaneo  8'35"   Favoriting L'enorme Tragedia  ADN  1985 
La 1919 Spontaneo  La Caduta   Favoriting L'enorme Tragedia  ADN  1985 
David Greenberger & 3 Log Torso  Two Strokes   Favoriting Legibly Speaking  Meester  2004 
The Out-Theme  Gelbart: My Favorite Vacation [part of] + Die Trip Computer Die: Airborn [part of]   Favoriting      

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:44am
listener james from westwood:

Good afternoon, Tony and all!! Love the label on the "Happy-Go-Lucky Native"!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:56am

Bring it on!
Avatar 11:56am
Tony Coulter:

Hey there, James! That Costes cassette packaging is very handmade, as you can probably tell.
Avatar 11:58am
Tony Coulter:

Hiya, Gary!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:58am
listener james from westwood:

Fittingly unique for a one-time-only unique broadcast!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:58am

Holy Tony + James!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:59am
listener james from westwood:

Gonna go see how long range my Wi-Fi is by taking the iThing down to the laundry room. Will also class up this trap with your opening theme.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:59am
listener james from westwood:

How do, Gary!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:01pm
Doug Schulkind:

Wait, Listener James! WFMU will do your laundry for the next year as our thanks! #frommylipstogodsears
Avatar 12:02pm
Tony Coulter:

Doug Doug!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:03pm

well, hello, Tony
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:05pm
listener james from westwood:

Oh, man, nobody deserves that fate! LOL!!
Held the signal just before the bend in the hall. Not even my fillings could amp it up.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:06pm
Santos L Halper:

Afternoon! Psyched to have a day off so I can hear my first tape hiss!
Avatar 12:07pm
Tony Coulter:

Heya DCE and Santos L. Halper!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:09pm
Doug Schulkind:

I have to run out and get some epsom salts for my dog. (Don't ask.) Back soon, Hiss lovers!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:12pm
listener james from westwood:

Charming Bowie cover!
Avatar 12:12pm
pacific standard simon:

Those damn epsom salts burn like a bitch. Had to soak my toe after having part of the nail removed a few years ago. HI TONY!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:13pm
Santos L Halper:

Thomas P>David B
Avatar 12:13pm
Tony Coulter:

@ James: Indeed-y. There are a few other covers on here, which should be easy to spot.
Avatar 12:14pm
Tony Coulter:

Hola, Simon!
Avatar 12:14pm
Fred Roberts:

Listening from Hamburg, Germany!
Avatar 12:14pm
pacific standard simon:

The old-timey approach just makes sense.
Avatar 12:15pm
Tony Coulter:

Hey there, Fred!

Hey! Cheers from the gritty underbelly of Puget Sound. Hiss on!
Avatar 12:17pm
Tony Coulter:

He ho, Tahomajohn!
Avatar 12:18pm
pacific standard simon:

Puget Sound -- there's something in the water!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:18pm
Uncle Michael:

This is all so good.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:18pm
listener james from westwood:

Met my upstairs neighbor while getting the mail. I wonder if he dug the Public Enemy that Jeff played yesterday when the station hit 100%. He got a very loud dose of it. :)
There's another cover!
Avatar 12:20pm
Tony Coulter:

Ho hola ho, Uncle Michael!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:22pm
listener james from westwood:

(In point of fact, he's actually quite deaf. His loss on the PE, really. Not as much his loss on my rap-along. Chuck D is in no danger of losing his spot on the mic.)
Avatar 12:28pm
Tony Coulter:

Hey: Has the stream been louder recently? Or is it just my new computer playing tricks on me?
Avatar 12:30pm
Tony Coulter:

Recently, as in the last couple of weeks.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:33pm
Aaron in Minneapolis:

Tony is there any way we can get a heads up on these Tape Hiss shows
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:35pm
listener james from westwood:

Tony: Can't tell; it certainly hasn't sounded worse. (It sounds good and has been steady today.)
Avatar 12:35pm
Tony Coulter:

Hi Aaron. Yes, I should be better about that. I mention it on my own FB page, but maybe I should give the show its own page. Or list them on FMU's special events page (used to do that).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:36pm
Aaron in Minneapolis:

Avatar 12:40pm
Tony Coulter:

Thanks, James. It's probably just my new computer sounding different to me.
Avatar 12:41pm

hey Tony! is that Costes as in, the french sicko? that cover looks curiously non threatening...
Avatar 12:42pm
Tony Coulter:

Hey Steve! Yes, it is the very same Costes. Amazingly, the theme of this particular tape in neither fucking nor shit.
Avatar 12:43pm
Tony Coulter:

... or even fucking shit.

This guy's like: hello, Tom Lehrer, we salute you!

If today's indie bands were truly cool, they'd cover "The Vatican Rag" instead of "Love Will Tear us Apart" for the 5 millionth time.
Avatar 12:45pm

Hear hear, Mr Fab!
Avatar 12:45pm
Tony Coulter:

Hello, MrFab, we salute you!
Avatar 12:45pm
Tony Coulter:

I'm strong to the finach....
Avatar 12:46pm
pacific standard simon:

Hey MrFab, are you the MrFab whose website I was just visiting?
Avatar 12:46pm
Tony Coulter:

Greets, indeterminacy!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:47pm
listener james from westwood:

Aaron, are you on the Give the Drummer Radio mailing list? Stream-meister Doug sends list memberas an email before each show, and always flags the Tape Hiss shows if you're especially bent on catching those (who wouldn't be?).
Tony, is it doug@wfmu.org to join the list? (I believe Doug's still out on Epsom salt duty.)

Well that depends, Simon: were you on MidgetFootFetish.com? It's one of my more popular sites.
Avatar 12:49pm
Tony Coulter:

@ Listener James: umm -- that's his email address -- so probably, yes.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:50pm
Aaron in Minneapolis:

James thanks! Thanks Tony!
Avatar 12:51pm
pacific standard simon:

Even better than that -- this site features a balalaika-playing bear.
Avatar 12:52pm
Tony Coulter:

Hmm. The guy across the street from is either a drug dealer, running a B&B, or the most popular person in the world.
Avatar 12:54pm

Sounds like my kind of B&B.
Avatar 12:55pm
Tony Coulter:

This cassette is another one with handmade covers -- cut out from kiddies books. (It's the lower one on the right.)
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:59pm
listener james from westwood:

Ah, good; thanks for confirming, Tony. Couldn't recall whether there was some sort of auto-address like "subscribe @ etc. com" or something.
Avatar 1:01pm
Tony Coulter:

There may be -- Doug will have to confirm.
Avatar 1:02pm
Tony Coulter:

By the way, this tape ends super abruptly -- on both sides.
Avatar 1:06pm

That almost sounds like Felix Kubin on Teenage Tapes
Avatar 1:07pm
Tony Coulter:

Also by the way: Sara (the female vocalist here) later moved to the U.S. and became a professional wrestler. She usually wore a Union Jack while wrestling.
Avatar 1:16pm

....was not expecting that trivia....
Avatar 1:17pm
Tony Coulter:

Hey NGH! Info via Ken Freedman, who met her back in the '90s.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:17pm
Uncle Michael:

That entire Thomas P. was insanely good. Just crazy that he kept it on the down-low.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:19pm

suitably weird
Avatar 1:21pm
Tony Coulter:

@ Uncle Michael: Seems like some artists definitely go out of their way to keep themselves obscure -- only their therapists know for sure why.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:26pm
listener james from westwood:

That was delightfully strange.
Avatar 1:28pm
Tony Coulter:

Amos is a master of delightfully strange.
Avatar 1:28pm
Tony Coulter:

-- and of abrupt endings.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:38pm
listener james from westwood:

Nice how the title uses "An" to reflect the Franglish pronunciation " 'appy."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:39pm
Rich in Washington:

Greetings, Tony!
Wonderful show!
Avatar 1:40pm
Tony Coulter:

@ Listener James: Spoken like a copy editor.
Avatar 1:40pm
Tony Coulter:

Hola, Rich!
Avatar 1:42pm
Tony Coulter:

Was the phone just ringing in the background there? I mean in Costes' background?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:42pm
Rich in Washington:

I remember reading a perhaps apocryphal story about Costes and how - back when CDs were first coming out and were several dollars more than LPs and cassettes - he supposedly put out a release in a CD package and how - if you bought it and opened it, there was just a 5" piece of circular cardboard that said you were "a stupid fucker for buying this" .
Don't remember where I read it. Maybe Forced Exposure.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:44pm
Rich in Washington:

Hah! Costes site is blocked as 'pornography' here at my work.
Avatar 1:44pm
Tony Coulter:

I can believe it. I've got an LP of his that has *deep* needle-destroying gouges deliberately cut into the last track. You can never forget about having to leap up at the end of the record.
Avatar 1:47pm
Tony Coulter:

Nonetheless, I'd bet good money that if you had him as a house guest he'd be perfectly sane and pleasant. In my experience, people who make "crazy"music usually aren't crazy. It's more often superstar types like Michael Jackson who are genuinely nuts.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:50pm
listener james from westwood:

@Tony: Heh! We always admire a well-tuned silent H!
Avatar 1:51pm

i wonder what Costes does for a living, what he's like on a day to day basis.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:52pm
Uncle Michael:

'..an 'alibut..."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:52pm
Rich in Washington:

This is the most Costes that I've ever heard to date. I found reading about him and Lisa Suckdog intriguing but never heard too much of their - or his stuff - until now.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:53pm
Rich in Washington:

@Steve: maybe a daycare worker...?
Avatar 1:55pm
Tony Coulter:

I'm a big Costes fan. I got official clearance in pre-stream days to play even the most obscene and scatological of his stuff on FMU -- as long as it was in French. French obscenity is totally FCC-compliant.
Avatar 1:59pm

Holy crap, I have my windows open!
Avatar 2:00pm
Tony Coulter:

That abrupt ending for the Costes cassette wasn't an equipment malfunction -- that's just how the tape is.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:03pm
listener james from westwood:

I just signed up for a spelling bee at a copy editors' conference. I'll be competing with word loons from the nation's top dailies; no freelance copy editors had signed up, so I pulled a Katniss Everdeen and offered myself as tribute. (Note: I might be less photogenic than Jennifer Lawrence.) I'm likely to get crushed like a bug. B-U-G. Bug.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:07pm
listener james from westwood:

NGH: Windows open here, too. We can finally see grass and turf and whatnot here in northern NJ. Thought we'd be seeing mammoths lumbering about soon.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:10pm
listener james from westwood:

Really like the La 1919!
Avatar 2:10pm

love this old lofi industrial, nice post Costes cleansing.
Avatar 2:11pm
Tony Coulter:

You mean cloned mammoths, brought back to life? If the NYT mag is to believed, that'll be happening soon.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:11pm
Rich in Washington:

We're getting Spring-like weather here in the Pac. NW: lots and lots of rain.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:12pm
listener james from westwood:

They'd have found a comfy home here this winter!
Avatar 2:15pm

and now this is collaged with a car parked outside blasting Cotton Eyed Joe
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:15pm
Rich in Washington:

this is really cool, Tony!
Avatar 2:19pm
Tony Coulter:

Can still be gotten pretty cheaply on places like Discogs.
Avatar 2:25pm
Tony Coulter:

Relatively cheaply, that is. Some of these '80s cassettes are starting to go for mucho dinero.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:28pm
Rich in Washington:

again, really lamenting the fact that I almost totally ignored cassette-only releases back in the day. Not sure why.
Avatar 2:29pm
Tony Coulter:

Track on now is the one on my marathon premium.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:30pm
Uncle Michael:

I never, ever remember that one can shop on Discogs. I use it for research, exclusively.
Avatar 2:31pm

I know I've heard this La 1919 Spontaneo track before.
Avatar 2:32pm
Tony Coulter:

@ NGH: I've played it many times over the years!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:32pm
Doug Schulkind:

My father was born in 1919. Still, I'm not sure this would be his cup of tea.
Avatar 2:33pm
Tony Coulter:

@ Uncle Michael: Discogs actually makes it dangerously easy to buy stuff -- once you have a want list anyhow.

Rich, I think I had a bias (no pun intended) against tapes, like: they must not have been good enough to be a "real" proper vinyl release. Unless it was on ROIR, which for some reason, was acceptable.
I still know someone with fairly esoteric tastes who doesn't like tapes releases.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:34pm
Doug Schulkind:

Now that Billie Holiday you played last week, Tony. That would be his cup of tea. My father saw Billie perform live. I drool every time he tells me the story.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:35pm
Rich in Washington:

@MrFab: that was my rationale, as well, however irrational. Now I wish I had paid more attention. but a lot of it was also living 20+ miles from a proper city - I bought the majority of my music from Tower Records.
Avatar 2:35pm

@Tony: I brought some tapes with me to Germany from the Endicott area, circa 1985 - Neon Circus, Public Welfare, and Jack Survives. Wondering if you've heard of any of them. And an odd tape that I might have gotten in Ithaca by one Brett Munroe "New Dream Schedule" totally obscure - could never find out anything more about it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:36pm
Rich in Washington:

I fondly remember getting RIOR catalogs, ordering stuff. Still have a few RIOR tapes. Wished I'd kept the catalogs, too...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:37pm
Rich in Washington:

I also recall arranging tape trades from the classified ads in either Flipside or Maximum Rock N' Roll.
Avatar 2:37pm
Tony Coulter:

@ indeterminacy: Haven't heard of any of those! Would be curious to hear 'em.
Avatar 2:38pm
still b/p:

1985...you reckon this was done mostly or exclusively with tape/analog editing?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:38pm
Doug Schulkind:

Or, as Fox News calls it, a "Spelling Be."
Avatar 2:40pm
Tony Coulter:

@ still b/p: most likely -- tho '85 is sort of on the digital cusp, I guess.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:41pm
Doug Schulkind:

The speaker here sounds like a cousin of the dude in Parliament/Funkadelic telling the tale of Sir Nose D'Voidoffunk!
Avatar 2:42pm
still b/p:

Yeah, some helpful tools and synth tricks available by then, but still the amount of work...it is The Shitload.
Avatar 2:45pm

Congratulations on reaching your Marathon goal, Tony. When do you think your premium will be mailed to us lucky pledgers?
Avatar 2:46pm

Is it ok to share dropbox links here? A friend digitilized the Jack Survives tapes - really bizarre but fun electronic project by some SUNY Binghamton film students. May be the only surviving copy. Check the spectacular thread at the facebook group "Slipped Disc Record Co-op - SUNY Binghamton" for the story.
Avatar 2:49pm
Tony Coulter:

@ Kay: Yes, thanks, hurray! I'm guessing it'll be a while before they get mailed out. Maybe May? Dunno fer sure.
Avatar 2:49pm
Tony Coulter:

@ indeterminacy: Please do share that link. Thanks!
Avatar 2:50pm

Avatar 2:50pm

(It's just over 100MB)
Avatar 2:50pm
Tony Coulter:

Thanks much!
Avatar 2:52pm
Tony Coulter:

Hope I'm not bumming you all out with this track....
Avatar 2:53pm

Enjoy! They started sharing some of their later recordings, and opened a fb page "Music of the First Ward" - this earlier tape is just so raw and crazy. I love it. This program was excellent, by the way! Enjoyed all the tapes.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:53pm
listener james from westwood:

Riveting stuff. Thanks to David Greenberger for capturing these folks' lives.
Avatar 2:55pm

yeah, this is harsh but worth hearing, like Joe Frank or Clay Pigeon
Avatar 2:57pm
Tony Coulter:

Thanks for showing up everybody! See you next time.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:58pm
listener james from westwood:

Happy to be here! Thanks for the fine show!!
Avatar 2:58pm

Thanks Tony!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:59pm
Uncle Michael:

Great stuff Tony...thank you.
Avatar 3:00pm

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