Favoriting Why Oh Why? with Andrea Silenzi: Playlist from March 12, 2014 Favoriting

Andrea Silenzi speaks with friends, experts, guys in bars, and her own Grandma Phyllis about where love and sex meets technology.

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Favoriting March 12, 2014: #15 - He's Not Into Any of Us

If you're a woman trying to date today, you've probably experienced this situation over and over again. This isn't a date. Let's just keep things casual. If you say the wrong thing or text too often, you might scare him away. My guest Holly Wood has been studying this phenomenon -- and it's not your fault. Her research is showing that guys under 30 in major cities aren't that hungry for relationships.

It's not that he's just not that into you. He's not into any of us.

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Artist Track Comments
    If you're a woman trying to date today, you've probably experienced this situation over and over again. This isn't a date. Let's just keep things casual. If you say the wrong thing or text too often, you might scare him away. My guest Holly Wood has been studying this phenomenon -- and it's not your fault. Her research is showing that guys under 30 in major cities aren't that hungry for relationships.

It's not that he's just not that into you. He's not into any of us.
Beex  Beat, Beat   Favoriting  
Holly Wood    Follow her on Twitter @girlziplocked 
Small Colin  Old Sounds   Favoriting Free Music Archive 
Avery Trufelman    Fresh college grad conducting the interview! Follow her on Twitter @Trufelman 
Holly Wood    Check out her Tumblr 
Holly Wood    "It's not par for the course to be sexually objectified on a dating site every day because you want someone to love you." - Holly Wood 
Third Coast International Audio Festival    An interview with me was recently featured in their Library Spotlight 
Randy on Twitter    FYI @RandyIsDaMan 
mr&mrsBrian  me & my cold   Favoriting Free Music Archive 
Small Colin  Mutations   Favoriting Free Music Archive 

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Listener comments!

Avatar 7:00pm


Oh great, time for the worst show on WFMU
Avatar 7:03pm

There's plenty of other things to listen to in the archives.
Avatar 7:03pm

Ew Uspostage. Jerk

I guess you're a sports fan or you haven't listened to sportsy talk
Avatar 7:05pm

What a fucking asshole, starting off the comments section with negativity.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:06pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Is the troll from Sunday night back again?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:07pm
Andrew Waterloo:

umm.. trolls and stuff.
Avatar 7:07pm

If you guys were wondering, her real name is Holly Wood. I understand this came up in Irwin's comments.
Avatar 7:08pm

With a clever name like UsPostage, they clearly only aim for the top shelf
Avatar 7:09pm

WFMU DJs have the power to ban trolls, but i never feel the need. You guys always shame them out of the playlist.

UsPostage, shaddupayouface. Is Randy on this episode? Because if he is I need to say something.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:10pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

The Simpsons just aired the show where Homer changed his name to Max Power.
Avatar 7:10pm
Tom in PA:

Hm, I myself am also from a decaying tourist town in the Poconos
Avatar 7:11pm

hey uspostage, if you're gonna be a douche, the least you could do is not be an anonymous douche. ya douche.

You know the cartoonist, Max Cannon? 1990s was his peak. That is his real name.
Avatar 7:12pm

I used to know someone named Guy Steele.

I think @badguyzero had the perfect response
Avatar 7:13pm

Hi, I'm Max Powers' wife: Hootie McBoobs
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:13pm

Dude's probably gone anyway. Like a 10 yr. old ringing a doorbell and running away.
Avatar 7:15pm

That explains the flaming bag of dog poo on my porch.
Avatar 7:16pm
Tom in PA:

Hootie McBoob, formerly Busty Sinclaire?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:17pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

That reminds me, I forgot to check e-mail this afternoon for the weekly 7SD newsletter.

Is criticism necessarly trolling? I really enjoy YOY, but maybe it's someone else's sincere opinion that it's the worst program on the station. Where else should they say so but here?
Avatar 7:17pm

Stop bringing up my maiden name!
Avatar 7:19pm

I'm not sure that just calling it the "worst show" counts as valid criticism. There's no comment on what they thing is wrong with it or how it could be improved. It just seems like being a jerk.
Avatar 7:19pm

@Robert Their mirror?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:19pm

There are plenty of programs I think are bad.

I just don't listen to them.

The program itself doesn't owe me anything. How is me trashing it on the comments lend any use at all? It's freeform.

Robert are you having a conversation with yourself? You and UsPostage are the only non-logged in users keeping this troll junk alive.
Avatar 7:21pm

80k a year is a really high bar
Avatar 7:21pm

because just slamming something anonymously without giving a good reason for said slammage is not criticism. it's being a dick.
Avatar 7:21pm

Are there any ladies in here? Have you ever done a reverse timeline?

Research? Seriously? Selectively finding limited incidents to impose your assumptions upon is neither research nor feminism. I'm very sorry but this show is terribly embarrassing.

I'm curious hat this researcher finds with the "eternal 20 yo" that urban areas promote. Our society celebrates youth so much now I see there being a lot of people that never grow up.
Avatar 7:22pm

I'm totally open to feedback! Just not bullying. My ego isn't that fragile, it just creates a bad vibe in the chat. I'd much rather talk about the ideas we present in the episodes.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:23pm

A friend of mine did a reverse timeline. It didn't work out because the guys have been pretty terrible.
Avatar 7:24pm

@kevlicki - do you think it's gendered in any way?

I'm now an adult but "immature" from society's point of view since I still maintain my punk values and lifestyle. I'm in my first monogamous relationship

The idea of "adult switch" is hitting close to home. But, I did the "adult" things in my 20s, then got divorced and now in limbo in my 30s. So, I'm a catch.

Who's the show embarassing TO, Allell? Sometimes you give someone rope & they hang themselves. That shouldn't embarass anyone else, though.

Girlziplocked, I def think it's gendered

Well, here is an idea about bearing kids past 35: I can assure you my mom did that. No issues here. Statistics & reality are 2 different things.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:25pm

Like listening to limited examples of said research and assuming it's the whole of it isn't all that good either.
Avatar 7:26pm

Yeah, I've absolutely done the reverse timeline thing, but that also extends past dating/relationships and into other personal stuff I can't talk about here

I like watching these non-logged in pseudonyms pop-up. Such fun!
jeff in Puna:

it begs the question, is the interviewee speaking for her generation?

Can you log in on the app? Not sure you can.
Avatar 7:28pm

I think the interviewee is speaking for their own experience and what they've come across in their research and observations of friends

You can’t log in via the app. But pretty much every non-logged in person here is just being critical. Someone is really on their mobile device commenting negatively about a 1 hour show they could ignore?

JakeGould, stop pulling back the curtain!

Ange, the vibe is fine. But Randy. If he shows up in this show… Randy… That guy.

@Robert -- Giving Holly Wood such an uncritical platform to validate her own uneducated, infantile and overconfident bastardization of feminist research is embarrassing to feminists, Andrea, and WFMU. More than that, it does a great disservice to the cause Holly is claiming to represent.

I think there's plenty of variables. I dont identify with much of what's been discussed. But I didn't finish college and struggle against societal vales of "success"
Funny I was just thinking the other day that "success" to me is being able to define my schedule and make myself happy

I wasn't being critical about the show (which I think is great), I was being critical about comments which were critical of other comments. Any more meta, and the thread would get llke my ol' pal Irwin's comment threads.

But all of you logged in folks are endlessly positive and are always commenting. Some of us just comment once in a while when OUR fmu goes wrong.

All you non-loggged in folks: What’s your favorite Judy Blume book?

True, I am not endlessly positive. Toss Randy on the air. Watch. I’m not alone. We are legion! (Legion who has issues with Randy.)
Avatar 7:36pm

The difference between criticism is and trolling is showing itself now. UsPostage- Trolling. Allell 731 - criticism

Allell, is it OK for us to listen for laughs?

If I were embarrassed every time someone else could be said to be expressing my ideas vicariously (according to others' perceptions), there'd be no end of it.
Avatar 7:36pm

If you have feedback on the show dudes, e-mail ken@wfmu.org. Let the rest of us have our geeky co-listening in peace, or else I'll ban your IP address from ever commenting again.
Avatar 7:36pm

There are so many FMU shows I don't care for, but I don't come into their chats and let everyone know how dissatisfied I am

a lot of what is being described here are symptoms......and the cause is rapacious capitalism. the attempt at a feminist perspective is laudable, but needs more marxism, i.e. a class-struggle point of view. please keep thinking and talking about this but consider how social class enters into it. and how the struggle for survival, and POWER Relations, colors the behaviors and motives of every actor in this drama.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:37pm

That's just because when a show comes one that I don't like I go off and do something else. And don't feel the need to complain.

Goes wrong? 24 hours of this station couldn't possibly please everyone all the time. What ends would it serve to bitch about it? If you're legit offended or something go to Ken like Andrea says.
Avatar 7:38pm

I wonder if Randy is listening to this.

If Randy is listening to this I hope it’s in a car slowly sinking in a lake. That would be great.
Avatar 7:39pm

@Lee He still doesn't know the call numbers!
Avatar 7:39pm

If you can't be a certain sort of person and want to be with someone else, the question would seem fundamentally to be whether you'd _want_ to be with the sort of person who'd really want the sort of person you can't be. If you can't be a cookie-cutter housewife, that doesn't matter if you're not interested in the sort of partner who wants such. (You might be so interested: reality doesn't care about your happiness, and you might well strongly desire someone who won't want what you are.) (I wonder if our culture encourages wanting unobtainable love-objects so that we can assuage our empty places by buying stuff.)

When men seem reluctant to assume an adult rôle, I think one should assume that they are behaving at least partially as rational actors reacting to an extant and/or perceived incentive structure, and that structure the proper subject of your enquiry.

And as an egalitarian, I find it unlikely that women are fundamentally less unkind than men; it might well be that women are educated into being too timid to act forcefully enough to be unkind as often...but this is not being kind, as surely as naïvité isn't innocence and Oscar Pastorius shouldn't be given props for never kicking his girlfriend.
Avatar 7:40pm

That doesn't surprise me, after trying to watch him figure out twitter, Andrea
Avatar 7:40pm

@A of course, what am I thinking..
Avatar 7:40pm

Randy joined Twitter today guys... and I have SO MANY MISSED CALLS: twitter.com...

Randy. That Randy.
Avatar 7:41pm

@Graham While I agree that these are symptoms of capitalism, and that gender stratification is related to class struggle, Marxism in practice has not been very kind to women historically.
Avatar 7:41pm

Even the shows I like have a song every now and then that I am just not into. I'll find something else to listen to for a couple of minutes. I would never take to the comments board and say "________, don't play any reggae ever again."

Guess what...I like to listen to/talk about stuff you couldn't give a flip about. I bet you like some things I can't stand. It's what makes us individuals. But it doesn't give you a pass to be a jerk.
Avatar 7:41pm

don't ban me, andrea. i LUUUUUUUUUUVVVVVVVVVVVVVV why oh why.
Avatar 7:42pm
Tom in PA:

That twitter account..
Avatar 7:42pm

Everyone doesn't have to love the show! They just have to be respectful

@Ange -- I'm not criticising your whole show.. I'm constructively criticising this particular episode and the interviewee. It is nothing personal. The cause Holly claims to represent is close to my heart and work as well, and as such I feel the need to comment. I do hope you can achieve better quality of discourse and guests on your show in the future. Otherwise it will just be a token "feminist" show empty of actual theory or use, causing more harm than good.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:43pm

Plus, you really wanna be a jerk? You can.

And we can call you out for being a jerk.

Hooray America!
Avatar 7:44pm

I love the list of people he's following. Andrea seems so out of place amongst that list of corporations :)

Respect is more important than love. My first floor neighbor smells like a foot all the time. But I respect him. Because why hate?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:44pm

OK Cupid was terrible.

The only relationship I ended up in from that was a disaster.

It's like I wrote Ken about not long ago: I used to listen to Dave Emory fairly seriously, but then recently he started to talk about people i know (and where I know the cx he draws are spurious). So I stiil llisten to him, but now I listen for laughs, and in the hope that some day he might even name me as some conspirator.
Avatar 7:44pm

I fail to see what would be wrong with a feminist show, token or otherwise.
Avatar 7:45pm

I'm still on OKC. I have enough friends who've found amazing men there

I think it's safe to say you can like this show, but still think this particular guest's arguments and deductions are really a result of her own bellybutton lint dissection and nothing more.
Avatar 7:46pm

Poor Randy...he was the 453rd person to be denied getting numberonelover@yahoo.com.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:46pm
Andrew Waterloo:

I'm on OKC, all I ever get there is dead air. I'm not sure how that reflects on me though.

I fail to see what is wrong with a simple 1 hour show in a sea of choices. You’re on the app & complaining? You have a whole archive of about 672 hours of other shows. Just go to the archives.
Avatar 7:47pm

I'm on OKC, too. I do not match well at all with women near me. :sad trombone:
Avatar 7:48pm

This is such a diverse station. There's no way you're going to love ALL of the programming. It's okay for shows to not be your taste
Avatar 7:48pm

please forgive me for asking a stupid question, but there are what, 10 million people in new york city? how is it that you have to resort to a dating website to meet people? join a bowling league, or go to a bookstore or something.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:48pm
Andrew Waterloo:

I constantly feel like I have to conform to a certain construct as a male to be accepted by women.

I don't think it's "resorting" to a dating site. It's just another avenue.
Avatar 7:49pm

Holly is an awesome guest Andrea - great talker and people (especially guys!) need to hear this.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:50pm
Andrew Waterloo:

The main selling point of WFMU is it's indifference to whether or not you'll change the channel. When radio stations care about the fickle tastes of radio listeners you end up with a 25 song play list, and over produced station IDs

I was on OK Cupid until I realized how destructive it was to my social life. I understand the value but there is a key problem with dating sites: Their existence is a lie. If you actually could meet people successfully on it, then the service would have no use. Like Holly Wood says: Dating is about snap judgements. And snap judgements don’t form relationships.

Bowling league's for bowling, bookstore's for books, dating site's for dating, glenn.

No one NEEDS heteronormativity!
Avatar 7:51pm

I suspect that anything a fifty-something (I am one) thinks about how Young Things comport themselves says more about the thinker's fantasy-life and unmet needs than anything else.

As for fixing your dating life: stop dating. do useful (according to your humour) stuff, be important at something. Meet someone who also thinks those things are important. Dating has always seemed designed to reïnforce the contempt the sexes are taught to hold for each other.

And I doubt you're doomed...unless you only want what is impossible...I'm thinking of the Loh/Flanagan dialogue, which at least at one point seemed to be about 'We want men to be a particular way, and damn them for not being attractive to us when they are.'...or, for that matter, the man who wants a woman who is exactly as sexually adventurous as he'd like but not a jot further, lest she be accounted a 'slut'.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:51pm

Hi Andrea, this ep is amazing. I'm sending it to all my friends. :)
Avatar 7:51pm

What Holly's talking about really resonates with me and my friends -- that's the only factor I consider when I decided to air it. I fucking love the freedom I have on WFMU!
Avatar 7:51pm

Yeah, dating sites are just another option. It's not less than. It just is
Avatar 7:51pm

I relate more with what Holly is describing now as the adult switch more now than when they previously linked it with financial success

Righto, can you login to WNYC’s site & comment on Brian Lehrer’s show & let him know how you feel about his topics & guests?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:53pm

Good god I'm glad I'm not dating right now. This is totally depressing. I used to just *be* and I met really cool women IRL (sometimes there were long dry spells, true) and we all had a mutually wonderful time. And I got serious with one of these women. We've been together for 20 years now. I wish you all the same kind of luck and ease with the process.

Men are already scared... when you hear about the financial nightmare that is marriage and divorce... why would any rational man get involved in it?

“I fucking love the freedom I have on WFMU!” Bingo! By the same logic, am I supposed to like everything on WNYC?

That's what I love about your show, Ange: the freedom you feel. It comes thru.
Avatar 7:53pm

For real. Less men on the radio. Too many male voices
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:53pm
Andrew Waterloo:

What way I feel about OK Cupid right now is that it's designed to focus on the wrong things.
Avatar 7:54pm

@Andrew\ Waterloo:
You have my sympathies...I'm lucky: quickly found someone who is at least content with me-as-I-am, particularly lucky because I am autistic enough that I find it painfully hard to be anything else, I couldn't sustain that for years without sand-papering my mind daily.
Avatar 7:55pm

If I was a WNYC reporter, I would have to wait until Holly's book is published and at Barnes and Nobles everywhere to interview her. And then I would have to find someone who disagrees with her and put that in the same interview, and pretend like my interest is balanced. That's why it's so soulless.
Avatar 7:55pm

Totally, stavros!
Avatar 7:55pm

@Ange You forgot to add that you would also have to become terribly boring

Ange, people don’t realize that 90% of all interviews are product & promotion related in media nowadays. Few people just interview folks to interview folks. But Randy…
Avatar 7:57pm

well, my parents had literally hundreds of friends. they met them at dances, or euchre nights, or church dinners, or barn raisings or whatever. they went out and met people and had fun. a lot of the people that went to those events met other people and got married. sometimes the old ways are the best.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:58pm

What was that creepy song?

JakeGould, you seem to take personally, any type of criticism towards the guest.

I work near the WNYC studios. I have seen staff there getting “actualities” from people who are literally just walking on the same block… In Manhattan… In a media-centered/aware world… That is an “actuality” to WNYC… Get lunch, bring a recorder, record some schmoe on the same block.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:59pm
Andrew Waterloo:

I've never been good at forming relationships at all.. but the old fashion way has been my approach.. it's just slow and miserable when you're single and not already surrounded by social groups.

Here is a perfect example of the sort of character approaches "relationship studies" by politicizing everything she encounters: she speaks of "corsetting roles/images" for women, without acknowledging for ONE moment that it might be the women in the society who are collectively formulating these expectations.
Also, for someone who claims she's completely content with not being in a relationship, she seems very angry and militant about the whole business.
And where does she get the bizarro idea that men in their 20's are looking for sexual experiences that perhaps won't necessarily lead to long-term relationships, but not women. Really???
Avatar 7:59pm

thankyou andrea for having this show

Righto, I think some of her ideas are not great. But I enjoy listening to other ideas… You should try it sometime. Will clear your soul’s colon.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:33pm
Greg from Bloomfield:

"It's just pure judgement and assessment and quick, rapid rejection."
Perfectly summarizes the thoughts I've been having about online dating that I couldn't find the words for. I think she may have just inspired me to quit OKCupid. PROM KING OUT. <drops mic>

Holly's research is not nearly so original in conception as she seems to imagine...people have been writing academically about this kind of thing for decades (e.g. http://www.amazon.com/Educated-Romance-Achievement-College-Culture/dp/0226349446/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1394752279&sr=1-1&keywords=educated+in+romance and http://www.amazon.com/Inequalities-Love-College-Educated-Barriers-Politics/dp/0822350084/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1394752316&sr=1-2&keywords=educated+in+romance).

Still - the interview is great and the material is very interesting...but you don't have to be a Marxist to be amazed that even when the show brings in a trainee sociologist, it happens to be a sociologist who seemingly cannot talk about class. So we hear about how guys make the adult switch when they 'earn 80k', as if this is just normal, this is just what 'guys' are like...but 80k is almost double the average salary in the US...so clearly these are not just 'guys', but guys belonging to the upper 1/3 economic group in the country, at least. Once again, the show is really only and exclusively about the experiences of people belonging to an economic elite, and it doesn't seem able even to admit that fact to itself. Why is this relevant? It's relevant because, as Graham hints, the norms of behaviour amongst 'guys' which are being described, are NOT universal male norms even amongst people in their 20s in the US today. Rather, they are norms shared by a small cohort who are in training to become the corporate / media elite of the US. Their individualistic culture, their self-indulgent hedonism and their inability to form relationships are a necessary part of their training to become, if not members of the 1% themselves, at least their loyal and well-rewarded lieutenants. Okay, so women who belong to the same social group are apparently experiencing things and behaving differently. That's really interesting and it would be great to know why that is. But that question couldn't be answered without some reference to the much bigger social context within which even those women are themselves part of a tiny and incredibly powerful elite whose norms and culture are inevitably shaped by that status. I understand that ultimately the show is not trying to give some comprehensive account of contemporary gendered experience. I get that it is basically just about Ange and her friends. But I really think that Ange and her friends will never understand their own situation and the things which affect it unless they can face up to the fact that they are not just 'women', but are women who belong to an incredibly privileged caste, whose role in the wider social order affects the way that they, and the men with whom the associate, behave, feel, and see the world. Ange says her favourite TV show is 'Girls'...but the thing about Girls is that that show kind of knows all this...it knows that the women whose lives it describes are unbelievably privileged and it invites us, frankly, to despise their self-interested social parochialism even while it considers its nature and causes (that's why the show is actually mostly about their jobs, even though it lures in viewers by pretending to be about their sex lives). The trouble with WoW is that it isn't really managing to be 'Girls' - it's still more like Sex and the City...a story about the sex lives and heartbreaks of the NYC cultural elite...it keeps coming so very close to being something more than that, but every time it gets there, it turns away (I mean my god you have a SOCIOLOGIST) and all she can say about the fact that her subjects live in the most expensive cities in the world is that this 'leads to problems paying the rent' - COME ON...before you start even talking about that, you should talk about the fact that just BEING IN THOSE CITIES AT ALL, without having been born into one of their isolated working class districts, pretty much qualifies these people as upper middle class...). Okay enough. I love this show - I just wish it could get beyond its limitations.

Maybe that's expecting too much.

also http://www.amazon.com/Aftermath-Feminism-Culture-Representation-Identity/dp/0761970622/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1394752501&sr=1-1&keywords=the+aftermath+of+feminism+gender+culture+and+social+change
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