Favoriting Knuckle Sandwich with Dave Bombay: Playlist from March 7, 2014 Favoriting

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A sexy, multi-genre romp through time and space. Sifting through the crap to pull brand spankin' new tunes every Friday. Ketchup/Catsup.

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Favoriting March 7, 2014: Marathon Week 2! Lets Do This!

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Comments New Approx. start time
The Books  Group Autogenics 1   Favoriting The Way Out        0:00:00 (Pop-up)
The Killjoys  Johnny Doesnt Want To Go To Heaven   Favoriting Punk 45: There Is No Such Thing As Society (V/A)      *   0:08:41 (Pop-up)
The Ramones  Havana Affair   Favoriting         0:08:52 (Pop-up)
Spray Paint  Day Sniffer   Favoriting Rodeo Songs      *   0:09:35 (Pop-up)
Destroyer  Del Monton   Favoriting         0:26:16 (Pop-up)
Nouvelle Vague  Too Drunk to Fuck   Favoriting Knuckle Sandwich presents Staying Under the Covers ... with Dave Bombay    Get my premium for a $75 dollar pledge!    0:35:01 (Pop-up)
Nina Simone  The Pusher   Favoriting Knuckle Sandwich presents Staying Under the Covers ... with Dave Bombay    Get my premium for a $75 dollar pledge!    0:38:48 (Pop-up)
Baths  Animal   Favoriting Cerulean        0:38:58 (Pop-up)
FourTet  Buchla   Favoriting Beautiful Rewind      *   0:41:11 (Pop-up)
TOKiMONSTA  Gamble   Favoriting Midnight Menu      *   0:44:00 (Pop-up)
Glaxo Babies  This is Your Life   Favoriting Put Me on the Guest List      *   0:45:52 (Pop-up)
Kurt Vile & The Violators  NRA Reprise   Favoriting It's a Big World Out There (and I Am Scared)      *   0:47:20 (Pop-up)
Cibo Matto  MFN   Favoriting Hotel Valentine      *   0:56:55 (Pop-up)
Warpaint  Love Is To Die   Favoriting s/t  Rough Trade    *   1:00:41 (Pop-up)
Joy Orbison  The Shrew Would Have Cushioned the Blow   Favoriting DJ-Kicks: Apparat        1:06:21 (Pop-up)
Thee Oh Sees  FBI2   Favoriting Singles Collection Vol. 3      *   1:13:22 (Pop-up)
Zig Zags  Monster Wizard   Favoriting Scavenger / Monster Wizard 7"  Who Can You trust?    *   1:23:37 (Pop-up)
The Ketamines  Take Me To Your Leader   Favoriting Take Me To Your Leader 7"  Leaning Trees    *   1:26:43 (Pop-up)
Royal Headache  Give It All To Me   Favoriting Stand and Stare 7"      *   1:28:08 (Pop-up)
Fa Bonx  The Rinda   Favoriting Jilto Boy 7"      *   1:30:10 (Pop-up)
Good Throb  Cosmic Libido   Favoriting Feminazi  Play Pinball    *   1:33:57 (Pop-up)
UV Race  Fuckin' Around   Favoriting Demos        1:34:39 (Pop-up)
The Dirtbombs  Sharevari   Favoriting Knuckle Sandwich presents Staying Under the Covers ... with Dave Bombay    Get my premium for a $75 dollar pledge!  *   1:39:08 (Pop-up)
War Dogs of the Pacific  Bridgeburner   Favoriting Publish or Perish        1:42:27 (Pop-up)
Small Brown Bike  Running, Swimming, and Sinking   Favoriting Our Own Wars        1:58:44 (Pop-up)
Not Blood, Paint  Watch Your Mouth   Favoriting La Normaldad        2:02:41 (Pop-up)
Best Coast  Goodbye   Favoriting Crazy For You        2:11:31 (Pop-up)
Tony Von  N'Hoca   Favoriting Angola Soundtrack 2: Hypnosis, Distortions and Other Sonic Innovations 1969-1978      *   2:23:10 (Pop-up)
Various Artists  Sahel Drum-Machine   Favoriting Radio Niger        2:26:48 (Pop-up)
Various Artists  Nomad/ Saraha FM   Favoriting Radio Niger      *   2:29:16 (Pop-up)
Whodini  Cash Money   Favoriting Open Sesame    Show WFMU some cash money by pledging at wfmu.org!    2:47:34 (Pop-up)
Eric B & Rakim  I Aint No joke   Favoriting         2:50:06 (Pop-up)
MC Shy D  Paula's On the Crack   Favoriting         2:51:50 (Pop-up)
Rashien  In '88   Favoriting         2:56:17 (Pop-up)
Buck Biloxi and the Fucks  Shut the fuck up   Favoriting S/T    Playing the 2014 SXSW showcase on 3/15!    3:11:38 (Pop-up)
The Forms  We Didnt Start The Fire   Favoriting Knuckle Sandwich presents Staying Under the Covers ... with Dave Bombay    Get my premium for a $75 dollar pledge!    3:12:18 (Pop-up)
The Strangulated Beatoffs  i am the walrus   Favoriting The White Album        3:24:46 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:01am
Sem Chumbo:

Good morning, Dave. Bombays away! Good luck this morning.
bipolar guy:

Hello or Hola as they say in Brooklyn mister BombBay
Avatar 6:04am
the gp:

Good morning from sunny glasgow.
bipolar guy:

Marathon HELL! What a coincidence I happen to be going through a BED BUG HELL in my apartment
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:05am
Sem Chumbo:

Using nitro right off the starting line. Bold, sir, I salute you.
Avatar 6:06am
Dave Bombay:

Thats the only way to do it! Good Morning All!
Avatar 6:08am
sinister dexter:

wow too much for me .... bye
Avatar 6:09am
Dave Bombay:

Have a good one Sinister Dexter!
bipolar guy:

Hopefully the final week of the pledge drive
Avatar 6:11am
Dave Bombay:

It is. We end on Sunday.
bipolar guy:

I hope some day you get an over the air show
bipolar guy:

Mr Bombay if I still had money? IDE pledge 100.000 dollars if you and a few FMU on air dj's come over and get rid of my bed bugs!!!
Avatar 6:16am

The Sun is wunderbard here in Heidelberg. Nice to knuckle sandwich it with work.
Avatar 6:17am

French as a language is itself musical, so what makes one french song much better sounding than the other? To me most sound like I am in a snob cafe
Avatar 6:18am

..and now spanish (?) songs being sung in a french way is much more confusing :P
bipolar guy:

Can you give a bed bug a knuckle sandwich
Avatar 6:19am
Dave Bombay:

Hahahaha Here is some sexy french singing!
Avatar 6:19am
sinister dexter:

back , couldnt stay away i guess , greetings all from grand rapids michigan
Avatar 6:21am

@Dave: I like that....why don't I meet girls who are like that? Coz I am stuck to WFMU I guess LOL
Avatar 6:21am
Dave Bombay:

Welcome back Sinister Dexter! I am from Michigan too! Lived in Kazoo for a while.
Avatar 6:21am

anyone else hearing a high-pitched buzz?
Avatar 6:22am

@Hark: yes...and thats the best past of this song :)
Avatar 6:24am


thanks Dave
Avatar 6:24am
Dave Bombay:

No problem guys. Thanks for the heads up!
Avatar 6:26am
sinister dexter:

cool town kalamazoo .. i like that Dave .. i'll be listenning for the michigan
Avatar 6:30am
sinister dexter:

the best! yes Billy!
Daniel T. from Copenhagen:

What was the "Too drunk to fuck" song? Can't see the details on the playlist.
Avatar 6:34am
sinister dexter:

we got a great station here , WYCE , they mighta saved my life , but damn they could learn a few things from you , havent listened in years cuz i listen to you
Avatar 6:38am
Dave Bombay:

@ Dan T - the Too Drunk to Fuck info is on the playlist
Avatar 6:38am

yeah....that's what I am talking about....pump up the bass!!!!
Avatar 6:38am

hi all. dave, the track list is not updated. i guess some prefuze passed by.
great show so far.
Avatar 6:38am
sinister dexter:

thankyou so much for the beats
Avatar 6:40am
sinister dexter:

HotRod used to be in this slot .... i miss her alot ...
Avatar 6:41am

sorry, was baths. shame on me.
Avatar 6:46am
Dave Bombay:

@Sinister - I might not be as pretty but I'll do my best to fill those shoes.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:49am

G'morning Dave, good to be with you.
Avatar 6:55am
sinister dexter:

her show was something else Dave .. and who is playing the electronic music and beats now?i am wondering .... me i like black metal alot
Avatar 6:57am
sinister dexter:

i want that cd! i FUCKING love these guys!
Avatar 6:57am
Dave Bombay:

I play a bit of both but neither are the focus of the show.
Avatar 7:02am
sinister dexter:

uh Dave ...... where were the fucks at?
Avatar 7:03am
Dave Bombay:

I am sprinkling the fucks around today. I dont want to overload you with fucks too early.
Avatar 7:04am
sinister dexter:

i mean the edited cibo matto
Avatar 7:04am

may we overload you with fucking pledge ?
Avatar 7:05am
Dave Bombay:

Please do Bibi!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:09am
Guido (Cologne):


We thought they're way out too mainstream! ;-)

Guten Morgen wecasting DeeJays!
Guten TZAG everyone!
Avatar 7:12am
Dave Bombay:

Hey Guido! Yep, sometimes our awkward orbit crosses those of more traditional celestial bodies. I like to think of it as a baseline for the weirdness that is to come. A reminder of the mundane if you will.

Warpaint is a great band. I think that's why it was played.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:17am
Guido (Cologne):

Actually I'm a fan of Warpaint.
Was on their concert last week!

Unfortunately Jenny Lindberg (bass) was sick and had to play sitting.
And without her dancing in front, the front-ladies lost track.
Stella (drums) showed her considerable skills by slowing down and picking them up where they were lost.

Much too big venue for a Warpaint not in good shape.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:18am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Nachum has live video this morning on www.jmintheam.org... Note that the WFMU DJs will start a few minutes later since Nachum goes until 9:30 today.
Avatar 7:21am

Avatar 7:22am
Dave Bombay:

I am not opposed to Warpaint (hence the play). How big was the Warpaint venue size?
@Ken from Hyde Park - This show will be going until 9.30a today concurrently w/ Nachum.
Avatar 7:22am
Dave Bombay:

Morning Malcolm!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:28am

Good morning Dave and Billy, Guten TZAG pledgers
Avatar 7:33am
Dave Bombay:

Howdy Fred!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:35am
Guido (Cologne):

@Dave Bombay

Price of success! (Certain hype in UK and chart position.)
The Warpaint concert was moved from a smaller an very nice venue (capacity around 600) to a venue with a capcity of 1800 spectators.

I was very much in the back.
The sound was quite OK I must say.
But they couldn't deliever the goods.

I've seen the two years ago. They have a certain lazy approach inplaying, but it works with the group dynamics. But that night shape, approach and venue size worked against them.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:36am
Guido (Cologne):

Hi Fred.
My admiration to the "big mentor".
Avatar 7:37am
Dave Bombay:

I hear that. Sometimes a venue/artist mismatch will work against the greater good of the show.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:38am
Guido (Cologne):

They should have done two shows.
that could have worked.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:41am

I hope many people have something left to pledge today and over the weekend. I'm done pledging for this marathon

I used to do a classical music show on public radio in MD, and my station manager told me if a "bad" word was said, they could be fined $200,000. FCC nazis. Was he freakin' lying to me? Great music, by the way!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:53am

@travy: This show is web only, meaning it is not broadcast over the airwaves, hence free from the FCC's unpredictable language rules
Avatar 7:54am
Dave Bombay:

@travy - your station manager wasnt incorrect. I am able to swear as I run web-only while JM in the AM is terrestrial broadcast only. It is a magical thing. I am glad you dig the music Travy! Thanks for listening!

Oh. I had no idea. Thank youuuuu.
So, certain WFMU shows I hear are web-only? I live up in VT. I discovered WFMU when I lived in Brooklyn for a few months. Must donate today!
Avatar 8:02am

When did the fucksprinklers turn on today? oh...at Sunrise!
Avatar 8:03am
Dave Bombay:

The 6-9a Mon-Fri shows are web only as we run concurrently with JM in the AM. Other only other web-only shows are on the alt streams.
Avatar 8:04am

I completed my Good karma target for this year by pledging....now for the rest of the year I got to undo it... any ideas?
Avatar 8:05am
Dave Bombay:

A hearty dose of rock and roll taken thrice daily with food.
Avatar 8:08am

@Dave: writing it down....does it go well with some regular comedy and wash it then down with some beers?
Avatar 8:10am
Dave Bombay:

Yep. That sounds like a pretty good regimen to start with. A but of mischief might help too.
Avatar 8:23am
Cheri Pi:

Avatar 8:24am
Dave Bombay:

Hey Cheri! Good morning! Thanks for the pledge!
Avatar 8:26am

great show, dave, really. even without fucks.
Avatar 8:26am
Cheri Pi:

Your show has improved Friday mornings by 5,000%
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:27am

70%!!! good morn everyone!
Avatar 8:27am
Dave Bombay:

Thanks Bibi and Cheri Pi! That means a lot!
Avatar 8:29am

cool mix...has that crude beauty to it which you only find in dusty summer evenings in a warm land.
Avatar 8:30am
Dave Bombay:

I know! This album is taken directly from Nigerian 'pirate' radio from 04-07
Avatar 8:31am

@Dave: how do I recommend good bands to WFMU? There's one called "Thermal and a Quarter" which is churning out some neat stuff straight from Bangalore...no..NOT BOLLYWOOD
Avatar 8:33am
Cheri Pi:

I think I could listen to this all day.
Avatar 8:33am

wow this radio niger stuff!
Avatar 8:34am

no confusion, this stuff is from niger, not nigeria. hoho, battles !
Avatar 8:34am

@Cheri: yes.. me too... even the ads sound cool...better than ads with manhattan banks selling snake oil derivatives
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:38am
Sem Chumbo:

Oh, Mr. Bombay. Too good. Time for one of these: Knuckle Sandwich is a American Double / Imperial IPA style, 10% ABV, beer brewed by Bootlegger's Brewery in Fullerton, CA.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:39am

@Cheri Pi: I've been a fan of all the Friday web-only shows. HotRod, Jason, and now Dave, very different shows but all great for me. My only problem is I'm at work at this time, and that allows random bosses to interrupt my listening. This just happened, I missed almost a full hour
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:39am

@fred: stupid bosses. work's for jerks. i'm with you.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:41am
Sem Chumbo:

Not quite the helping hand I was prepared to offer. But, what the hell...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:41am

@common: on the other hand, work is how I get money to send to the station, so it has its uses
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:42am

@fred: indeed.

Barry from St Paul sez his daughters heard his name mentioned on your show and did not believe it was their dad you were saluting. Sigh, from the top coast capital.
Avatar 8:43am

@Fred: may be you should introduce your boss to WFMU....things might rapidly change after that!...up or down..but they will surely change :P
Avatar 8:45am
Dave Bombay:

Hahaha! Barry from St Paul def got a shout out!
Avatar 8:47am

Hey Dave! That pledge from Lisa from Brooklyn is from DJ KEILI!!! xo DJ Keili's Mama.
Avatar 8:48am
Dave Bombay:

@Sem - I gotta check out the Knuckle Sandwich beer! I love a good IIPA!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:51am

@Prashanth: I have enough WFMU T-shirts for everyone around me to know about the station. One of my bosses even mentioned Nat Roe in a scientific workshop
Avatar 8:52am
Dave Bombay:

Hahaha! Thats amazing!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:52am

more hip hop on FMU! Biily Jam only has one hour on Fridays
Avatar 8:53am

love that Ol'skool rap and smooth bass rhythms in the background...just one beat from the snare...awesome
Avatar 8:54am

A coffee shop owner in Wisconsin saw mine, and commented that he had played live sets with his band at WFMU from time to time — back in his NYC days. Damn good espresso, too.
Avatar 8:54am
Dave Bombay:

I feel you on that SeanG!
Avatar 8:54am

@Fred: they they're right :) Work work work...earn that money, and buy us some beers
Avatar 8:55am
Dave Bombay:

@Brian - I have had that happen too! Bartender though, not a cafe owner.
Avatar 8:55am

There are a few FMU DJs who play hip hop on every one of their shows.
Avatar 8:55am

in Germany if you play WFMU in a bar or a cafe, you gotta pay a huge license fee to a dubious org called GEMA. HUGE SUMS
Avatar 8:57am

The Victory Cafe. I gather it used to be in Brooklyn.
Avatar 9:01am

Love you Billy Jam!
Avatar 9:02am

did the station change????
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:03am

Whoa. The stream just switched to JM.
Avatar 9:03am

Hey, the mp3 stream switched channels! No more Knuckle Sandwich.
Avatar 9:03am

that was a rough switch man....total mood change too
Avatar 9:03am
fred von helsing:

ready to beast
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:04am
Guido (Cologne):

Thanks dave!
You did well!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:04am

Whew. Knuckle is back.
Avatar 9:04am
fred von helsing:

check !
Avatar 9:05am
Marcel M:

Yeah that switch really threw me out of my daydream there
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:05am
Guido (Cologne):

a ... i see .. mor minutes to go ... someone must have pushed the switch ...
Avatar 9:09am
Sean D. Daily:

Billy Jam!
Avatar 9:09am

Hey Billy- I lived for almost 50 years believing that I was 100% Irish. Republic of Ireland, Irish. I just found out that my ancestors on my father's side are actually from Northern Ireland, originally Scottish. Just sharing. No reason other than your brogue. xo
Avatar 9:10am

@guido: dein Kunst ist genau wie WFMU...keep rocking bro!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:14am
Guido (Cologne):

Thanx 4 encouragement!
Avatar 9:15am
Cheri Pi:

This rules.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:15am

@Toots: do you remember when Keili had Dan Bodah sing on her show?
Avatar 9:17am

oh god. What did she make him sing??? Something horrible, right? She tried to get Ken to sing something worse, I remember. But he didn't.
Avatar 9:20am
fred von helsing:

Does the 4th floor bathroom still have that grossout cookbook ? :-O
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:20am

I think she had Dan sing that very song (we didn't start the fire). I'm sure it was a Billy Joel song
Avatar 9:26am

RIGHT! What a horrible song...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:27am
Guido (Cologne):

i try my best!
Avatar 9:28am
fred von helsing:

aw-rite guido !
Avatar 9:28am
Cheri Pi:


The title of that album is The Beatoffs, btw. And people, don't buy it, it's terrible. Pledge instead.
Avatar 9:34am

Billy! Just missed you.
oh, well, here's a pledge for you.
Avatar 9:34am
Dave Bombay:

Thanks for listening and for all of the support guys! You kicked so much butt! You can catch me and the rest of the WFMU DJ's singing our little hearts out on Sunday Night for the Grand Finale!
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