Favoriting Do or DIY with People Like Us: Playlist from February 17, 2014 Favoriting

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A mixture of pop and avant-garde side by side, sometimes on top of one another. (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting February 17, 2014: Blue Daube

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Artist Track Approx. start time
Sammy1am (YouTube)  Toccata and Fugue in D Minor (On Floppy Drive Organ)   Favoriting 0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Woody Phillips  Beethoven's Fifth   Favoriting 0:01:01 (Pop-up)
BD594  Bohemian Rhapsody   Favoriting 0:04:27 (Pop-up)
The User - Symphony #1 For Dot Matrix Printers  Track 2   Favoriting 0:07:28 (Pop-up)
Benny Benassi on Singing Tesla Coil (YouTube)  Satisfaction   Favoriting 0:07:53 (Pop-up)
Gigawipf/Marc Almond (YouTube)  Tainted Love played by Floppy Disc Drives - now with vocals by Marc Almond   Favoriting 0:09:24 (Pop-up)
386DX  Smells Like Teen Spirit   Favoriting 0:12:17 (Pop-up)
Stefan Mossenmark  Vroom - Concert for 100 HD Motorcycles   Favoriting 0:16:24 (Pop-up)
Remko Scha  Kata Dee Do Day Nat a Doh - 1987   Favoriting 0:16:49 (Pop-up)
Remko Scha  Throb   Favoriting 0:16:56 (Pop-up)
Stefan Mossenmark  Vroom - Concert for 100 HD Motorcycles   Favoriting 0:17:06 (Pop-up)
Woody Phillips  Thus Spake Zarathustra   Favoriting 0:18:32 (Pop-up)
Ennio Morricone  Titoli Di Testa (Navajo Joe)   Favoriting 0:19:37 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Percy Faith 

Summer Place '76 (Theme From A Summer Place)   Favoriting

0:22:23 (Pop-up)
Ergo Phizmiz  UOEIA - The Histories of Yodelling - Cassette Side B   Favoriting 0:26:33 (Pop-up)
Okapi and Aldo Kapi Orchestra  Verdi / Otello /Verdi Otello Act 1 / Una Vela! Una Vela!   Favoriting 0:35:52 (Pop-up)
Jem Finer and Andrew Kötting  New Thought   Favoriting 0:37:50 (Pop-up)
Rainbo (aka Sissy Spacek)  John, You Went Too Far This Time   Favoriting 0:40:20 (Pop-up)
The GTO's  I'm In Love With The Ooo-Ooo Man   Favoriting 0:43:51 (Pop-up)
Felix Kubin and Coolhaven  There Is A Garden   Favoriting 0:46:59 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Misfit Toys 

Alone Again Naturally   Favoriting

0:50:23 (Pop-up)
Paul McCartney  Uncle Albert / Admiral Halsey   Favoriting 0:54:46 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:59pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

I am one minute into the past.
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I will be too in a sec
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fancy mode?? what fresh hell is this?

Hi everyone!
Nice start!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:01pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...I'm Bach to the Future...
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Evening all
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oh that's a good show title

For a moment I thought Night People was back on the air :)
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night people like us
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I'm seeing the mirror bits Virgil Fox used to glue to his heels. THAT'S showmanship!
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wotcher, vicki?
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this is the machine music part of the show

This music is giving me feelings of anxiety..!..LOL...:)O(:..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:06pm
Revolution Avant Retard Nov63:

...this is fairly terrifying to anyone who lived thru Ken's three hour Bohemian Rhapsodathon...Post Traumatic Rhapsody Syndrome...
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this is almost mechanical museum music
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:07pm

The Geordie contingent of WFMU is hereby checkin in. Alreet?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:08pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Mary Wing unearthed a couple more versions of BoRhap the other night.
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It's great. I am chained.
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... to the printer.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:09pm
Revolution Avant Retard Nov63:

...Kafka machines printing something on me...
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it's amazing how much emotion we invest in what we hear from these machines, but hardly surprising since most of us are sitting staring at them all day
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:10pm
Revolution Avant Retard Nov63:

..oddly enuff - the band Tesla never used these...
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Isolated almond?
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no, he saw it on youtube!
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hey vicki, how long do these shows take to put together, approximately speaking?
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he liked it so much he added vocals and reposted on youtube :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:11pm

anyone ever use a tektronix color printer circa 1990? they took cmyk wax crayons that melted and the whole machine sounded like a washing machine on the gentle cycle
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3 or 4 hours
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Warning: Created on machines that also process nuts.
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that sounds nice - I have yet to hear washing machine music, or rather human washing machine music

That's awesome
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:12pm
Revolution Avant Retard Nov63:

...sometimes you feel like a gigawatt - sometimes you don't...

Now that was really sexy!!!...:)O(:..
Avatar 7:13pm

i spend my days listening to saws, drills and routers. emotions? hmmm. i do love a well made piece of machinery.
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Emerging from 8 bit now.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:14pm

I was hoping this 386DX track would be included in this set.
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it's true that we want these computers to reflect back all the energy we invest in them... with a song

that was Donny and Marie Almond's brother, right?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:14pm
Revolution Avant Retard Nov63:

This is not a Drill ! - oh wait - maybe it is...
- Hey ! - I understand the lyrics to Teen Spirit ! - that can't be right...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:14pm

just bought a bosch colt glenn - should i buy the plunge base too?
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I played a double bill with this chap once
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he was amazing - had the computer hanging on him like a guitar. Didn't get to speak, he was Russian only

There go my teenage memories

when Dr. Hawking cuts loose, he really cuts loose-
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you all went quiet, it's this track isn't it
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:17pm
Revolution Avant Retard Nov63:

...Einstein famously said perspiration was more important than knowledge...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:17pm

ner I'm just drunk
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YES!!!!!!!!!!!! the bosch colt is great. i have 2 of them.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:19pm

i was just shoving apple cobbler in my face.
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A festering, itchy Strauss is nothing to saw about.
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ha ha
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:20pm

tool talk - on fmu.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:20pm
Revolution Avant Retard Nov63:

...Thus Sawed Zarathustra...
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thomas edison said genius was 1% inspiration, and 99% perspiration, but i quibble.

Creative version
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1% quibble
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:21pm

i do love how we're hitting the classix here. oh, this is morricone's mother or mother in law screaming according to the box set 'a fistful of film music'
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:21pm
Revolution Avant Retard Nov63:

...Edison also said Tesla couldn't carry a tune - & we've just blown that out of the water...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:21pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

A mechanical version of "Hey Jude" would fit well here.
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I think Edison said that right after he set fire to Tesla's lab.

@Glenn: my beloved Makita gets very sensitive and moody for sbout 4-5 days a month, won't let me slip a new bit in, at least without a lot of fuss. Is this normal?
Avatar 7:22pm

So, as you might guess, he was pretty sweaty.
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she's screaming for him to get out of the garage
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dale, this is where i buy all my tools. www.atlas-machinery.com
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Try the cough button.
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hmmm @#&!, is your beloved makita a router or a drill? you don't say.
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I'm so glad you want to talk for machinery rather than eating sushi
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You can't use a food word! I've done it, and regretted it soon after.
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Oops. Said the f-word itself.

"cough button"', " dump button", there's a button for every bodily function
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:25pm

those are canadian dollars? i get stuff from cpo bosch or amazon or wherever it's on sale.
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like duh, 386DX - title gives it away LIKE DUH
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That's the model, not the make.
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yeah, canadian $. they'll ship anywhere.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:26pm

this isn't summer place
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Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:27pm

oh, it kind-of is
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yes it is
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it's optimism, groucho. first we have to get to snow melting place.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:28pm

i have some old delta machines, drill presses, lathe, bandsaw, jigsaw. old and cheap and heavy duty.
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It is Summer Place. Elmer Bernstein had a similar mishap.
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then we have to pump out all the water
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:28pm

I have Theme From a Summer Place as the first song on my main spotify playlist, so when my most recently added songs finish it re-starts at Theme From A summer Place and I can pretend like I'm listening to Do or DIY
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yes I pretend that too
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listen, Ergo can yodel
Mex Navajos:

As a quasi-Anglophobic redneck, I cannot explain why your Brit accent produces an erotic rigidity, however, the plain facts are in evidence.
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Thanks for sharing, Mex!
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glad we didn't get a gif
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old industrial machinery, it's really beautiful.
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Ergo can also do a Goofy yell, apparently
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:32pm

my main playlist open.spotify.com... about 3000 songs I've had as 'earworms' since 2009. very much the fault of WFMU, Vicki and sometimes
BBC 6 Music.
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I think that was his wife - his kids are on this too
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:33pm
Revolution Avant Retard Nov63:

...as a semi-reformed-Anglophilic bicoastal tragedy - I can't really explain anything...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:33pm

Swiss Family Phizmiz it says. HA

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:33pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

There must be yodeling contests somewhere. Wouldn't those be fun to attend?
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it's the marathon this time next week, peoples - I will be live in one part, not two parts, I will actually be integrated live, if you get what I mean

A phizmiz phamily affair
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:34pm

Wait, did the transmitter go offline for a minute, or was that staticky radio effect with non-English voices part of the cassette?
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There's already one nutter. How many more you need?
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WFMU has a big auctioneer mp3 archive, all yodellers
which frequency, ranjit?
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bbc 6? that's a lot of public broadcasting.
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did 91.1 go off the air?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:35pm
Revolution Avant Retard Nov63:

...who knows ranjit...it's FMU...just smile & nod...
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This is a tough time-slot for troubleshooting the signal.
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oh that was probably ergo, ranjit unless it was REALLY bad
ha ha
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:35pm

91.1. I think it was off for about 45 seconds.

@glenn: my beloved Makita's a drill, I'm not really experienced with routers.
Like I said, she gets moody and tricky to work with for those 4-5 days every month, like suddenly she'll choke up when it's time to insert the 12.5 inch bit extension
...I can't be the only guy with this problem?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:36pm
Revolution Avant Retard Nov63:

...I favor BBC4Extra...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:36pm

I'll have to listen to the archive to confirm, or buy the cassette!
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Checking here, 91.1 okay.
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BBC6 is an internet music station - has some good shows - give it a listen, but NOT NOW OR FOR A FEW WEEKS YET
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oh good. Checking here, it's just raining
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@X&! Try some lubrication. I suggest Chivas.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:37pm

@@#&!: I think your problem is that you're an unsuccessful Borscht Belt comedian from 1960. How did you get on the internet?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:38pm

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Archive doesn't reflect transmitter signal... we have three transmitters, btw. Archive is run off the same sound pipe as the stream.
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I blame pirates
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:39pm
Revolution Avant Retard Nov63:

...favoUr - jeesh...
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I mainly blame other people though
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That's possible. I know there are some parrots missing in Rockland County
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:39pm

Yeah, I meant I'd listen to the archive or Ergo's cassette to see if it has a burst of static and blurry voices in the middle! If not, then it was the transmitter.
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I'm running the archive here

I'm waiting for Roger Daltrey to start singing 'Reign on Me'???...hehehe...:)O(:..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:40pm

7pm on weeknights on bbc 6, uk time, Marc Riley (off The Fall) - I used to work on his show, not biased at all, he's just the best (after Vicki, and Ken, and Meghan, and Trouble, and all the other one's I listen to here, like Kenzo, and that one that's called Beastin The Airwaves, I forget)
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huh. you don'e strike me as a right winger, vicki.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:40pm
Revolution Avant Retard Nov63:

...has Roger heard it on YT ? Maybe Marc Almond can stand in...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:41pm
Revolution Avant Retard Nov63:

Sissy Spacechick !
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Stuart Maconi in Radio 6 is also good because he plays MY STUFF and I get royalties
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Hoboken Pirate Club:

And why are some people always so quick to blame pirates for everything, ye lilly-livered landlubber?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:42pm
Revolution Avant Retard Nov63:

...when I blame Pirates - I'm just Parroting others...
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I love pirates, and I also blame them. It's great. It's the fault of illegal downloaders and drugs

Pirates are a big part of my religion...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:44pm

this is really her? nice! much better than pam dawber's 45. actually, pam dawbers 45 is pretty good. better than sally fields anyway.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:44pm
Revolution Avant Retard Nov63:

I wasn't saying we were better than Pirates as persons, or Parrots as a thing - I just said what I said & now it's all this...
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Pirates are a big part of my DO or DIY sound archive
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yes it's Sissy
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:45pm

forgot about Maconi's Freak Zone, that show really summons the spirit of freeform. have you read Phill Jupitus' book about his time on the breakfast show until they introduced the god-awful daytime playlist? I'm filming him next weekend and can't wait to shake his hand and tell him how much I agreed and stopped listening during the day because of him. that helped me find WFMU (that and a certain Jeffrey Lewis song, yes, I'm that young)

I've not heard this in awhile - cool
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Jarvis Cocker also does a show on Radio6

Always with "The Ooh-Ohh Man"..... Nice to be listening live! You rock, Vicki
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Love The GTOs
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reminds me of listening to Kenny G's show
Capt. Johnny:

@ Ye Rancid Retaarghd: Parroting others, eh? Can't think for yerself? The movement a parrot needs is on my shoulder, Judey-buck
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thanks :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:48pm

him off The Specials has been covering for Jarvis recently, he's got fantastic taste, but anyway, back to your show (i feel back for talking about other stations when you're on, I...ooooh There Is A Garden!!!! Wooo
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:48pm
Revolution Avant Retard Nov63:

- groovy...any rum ??...
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there is a garden
full of beauty
there is a garden
I will never see eee
there is a desert
full of disgrace
and in this desert
I will find my place
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:49pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:49pm

love this song....

I always think Felix sounds like Ergo..,
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:49pm

i think one of the first times i listened to kenny g he was playing art linkletters letter to his daughter and overlaid on that was someone snickering, then laughing, then guffawing when art is at the point of weeping. it was bizarre and wonderful
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:49pm

I get this Kubin song stuck in my head ALL THE TIME
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that's ok
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Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:49pm

do you have Shithausen by Euros Childs?

I see I came in in time for all the PLU 'standards'!
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well Felix is being english - the common factor being the bonzo dog doohdahhhs for this I'd say
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I miss Ivor Cutler.

Thanks for that!!!...The lyrics make 'it' seem all the more profound, PLU!!!...hehehe...:)O(:..
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Kenny's show was amazing

Totally great song there
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:52pm

@tim I'm filming a show soon in England about your ideal dinner guests, I'm not allowed to say more but it's got people from BBC panel shows on it, and one of the guest's choices is Ivor Cutler. I'm so excited for the show. keep an eye on www.avpne.com for the show
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Bethany is next, A440. I'm really looking forward to the marathon. But this will be a hard show to top.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:53pm

not related at all @tim www.chortle.co.uk...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:54pm

Kenny G. was sort of my gateway to WFMU.
And there, i've said too much already.
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do listen in next week for the marathon, I've picked out all the hits and less
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it was from guesting on Kenny's show that i got my own dj slot here

I will be there with bells on!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:55pm

ooh I love this!!!

Luvv Paulie!!!...:)O(:..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:56pm

will someone who knows mashupy stuff make a mashup of Uncle Albert with Liz Phair's Uncle Alvarez, please?
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it's raining
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:56pm
Revolution Avant Retard Nov63:

Sir Macca has a mac for you...

Splendid show as always Vicki!

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all together now!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:58pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

The forecast here is for snow tomorrow and rain toward the end of the week. That could be messy.
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hands across the water (water)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:58pm

hands across the skyyyyyy
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we are mainly flooding and blowy
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gather round
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:59pm
Revolution Avant Retard Nov63:

...I think he might've been a teensy bit stoned here...
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or is it get around
anyway BYE

I kneel and say prayers to Macca 4 times every day
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:59pm

I first heard about you from at mate at Goldsmiths, he came back from uni with all this music and blew my mind with it, then, after all that, there was this podcast I'd overlooked. next thing I know I'm at uni myself listening to every old podcast and loads of Boredcast (far too much to be honest) and aye, I'm still here, bouncing around to Uncle Albert and wishing you had a full 3 hour show like everyone else. I re-listen to this when feeding my parrots (got 6) at least 2/3 times a week and 1 hour isn't long enough
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audacity is your friend, ranjit.
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can't get into this

...oooooh ooooooh...

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