Favoriting Blurred and Obscured with Jonathan Herweg: Playlist from February 16, 2014 Favoriting

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An underground journey through the history of psychedelic rock, modern music, shimmering noise, free jazz, punk, funk, children's records played at the wrong speed, tape cut-up, static, the composition of decomposition, and subversive spoken word.

Sunday 10pm - Midnight (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting February 16, 2014: Dirty Hippies/Endless Winter/

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Artist Track Album Label Format Approx. start time
  Absolutely Real         0:00:00 (Pop-up)
  Adult Entertainment         0:03:23 (Pop-up)
  Transmission Begins         0:03:37 (Pop-up)
  Dirty Hippies Montage         0:03:59 (Pop-up)
Deep Magic  Something in Her Eyes   Favoriting Reflections of Most Forgotten Love      0:04:56 (Pop-up)
  San Francisco Acid Test---Send Me To The Moon         0:06:22 (Pop-up)
Gong  Bible Study   Favoriting Acid Motherhood      0:08:20 (Pop-up)
The Source Family  I'm Gonna Take You Home   Favoriting The Source Family OSt      0:09:16 (Pop-up)
Pataphyscian Orchestra  Titiccaca   Favoriting Dreaming the Magic of Your Maya      0:11:12 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

Gas 1   Favoriting

Nah Und Fern 



0:17:55 (Pop-up)
Fuzzhead  Foilbite   Favoriting LSD  No Lable  LP  0:24:48 (Pop-up)
  1950's Spring Grove LSD Experiment         0:25:38 (Pop-up)
Stefan Jaworzyn  Torn Apart   Favoriting Eaten Away By Shadows    CD  0:27:47 (Pop-up)
Jooklo Duo  VI   Favoriting Free Serpants      0:30:31 (Pop-up)
Billy West  Don't Eat The Brown Acid   Favoriting       0:33:19 (Pop-up)
Sir Richard Bishop  Firepower   Favoriting Knucklehead Freefall      0:35:29 (Pop-up)
Pink Reason  Thrush   Favoriting Cleaning the Mirror    CD  0:36:23 (Pop-up)
  1950's Spring Grove LSD Experiment, (SOUNDS SEEN)         0:43:03 (Pop-up)
Roger Rodier  While My Castles Burning   Favoriting Upon Velveatur      0:44:29 (Pop-up)
Colin Stetson  Fear Of The UnKnown And The Blazing Sun   Favoriting Live in Studio Q    LP  0:49:51 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

Gas 1   Favoriting

Nah Und Fern 



0:52:41 (Pop-up)
Bardo Pond  Button   Favoriting terrastock 5 5-7" set    7"  0:59:31 (Pop-up)
Chris Farley  Rectum Damn Near Killed em' (Black Sheep)   Favoriting       1:02:31 (Pop-up)
Byron Black  50 Thousand Rastas   Favoriting Living Objects      1:05:59 (Pop-up)
Quicksilver Messenger Service  Who Do You Love?   Favoriting Live in 1967      1:07:41 (Pop-up)
Ulaan Khol  Goat Walking   Favoriting Ending/Returning    LP  1:12:28 (Pop-up)
R, Stevie Moore  Quits   Favoriting       1:16:20 (Pop-up)
Cluster  Tristan In Der Bar   Favoriting curiosum    CD  1:19:14 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

Gas 1   Favoriting

Nah Und Fern 



1:20:24 (Pop-up)
Sun City Girls  Radio Neocon 2   Favoriting Static Outside The Set      1:28:25 (Pop-up)
John Frusciante  I May Again Know John   Favoriting Smile From The Streets You Hold  Birdman    1:29:39 (Pop-up)
Etron Fou Leloublan  Face a l'Extravagante Montee des Ascenseurs...   Favoriting 43 Songs      1:36:13 (Pop-up)
John Zorn/Thurston Moore  Strange Neighbor   Favoriting "@"      1:42:36 (Pop-up)
Sun City Girls  Sacrifice in the USA   Favoriting Static Outside The Set    CD  1:51:43 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

Gas 1   Favoriting

Nah Und Fern 



1:56:04 (Pop-up)
Richard Brautigan  Interview/Reading 1983   Favoriting       2:00:12 (Pop-up)
Princess Flower & the Moon Rays  Vanishing Rama   Favoriting Dreaming the Magic of Your Maya      2:05:49 (Pop-up)
Vitelli Mix  Focusing In   Favoriting       2:16:20 (Pop-up)
Murralin Lane  All We Hear Are Birds   Favoriting Our House is on the Wall    CD  2:21:32 (Pop-up)
Tomorrow The Rain Will Fall Upwards  Up to The Skies   Favoriting How Great A Fame Has Departed    10"  2:23:18 (Pop-up)
Gas          2:28:51 (Pop-up)
Future Shuttle  Field Of Dreams   Favoriting Waters Edge Ep    12"  2:35:56 (Pop-up)
Black Dirt Oak  From The Jaguar Priest   Favoriting From Wawayanda Patent      2:43:15 (Pop-up)
Chris Cohen  Inside A Seashell   Favoriting Overgrown Path      2:51:18 (Pop-up)
Conrad Schnitzler  Blau Bonus !   Favoriting Blau      2:53:09 (Pop-up)
Obaqiat  Musica Vomitorium   Favoriting Musicia Vomitormium Ep      2:56:51 (Pop-up)
John Cale  Philosphy   Favoriting The Academy In Peril      2:57:26 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


Morning!!!! ;)

Morning Jon
Avatar 3:07am

Good mind-bending morning to you DJ Jonathan Herweg.

kimster: is that you? it's all dark and strobey and trippy in here, kinda disoriented
Avatar 3:08am
Yair Yona:

Good morning. Great pick, Deep Magic. Fabulous music
Avatar 3:08am

Hey there gang!
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Simon P:

Avatar 3:11am


Namaste, @DJ Jonathan, I like the hashish and patchouli vibe, my Idea of a Sunday am soundtrack
@Whooda! good to see you made it through that explodong plastic inevitable back there, the transition from 100% Whatever was like, 1000% whatever man
Avatar 3:15am

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\2@P-90 Like, I saw GOD man, and he was like eating DORITOS and burning ants with a magnifying glass. Pretty trippy.
Avatar 🎙 Swag For Life Member 3:15am
Ken From Hyde Park:

This beats endless hippies and dirty winter.

"ants"? that was my Karma burning man

@P-90 it's me, very trippy in here!
Avatar 3:19am

This music is quite contrast to watching those fanatics fly down the mountain in the Olympic downhill skiing.

wow someone gave Herbie Mann an upper, was that you DJ Jonathan
Avatar 3:19am

I let my inner-hippie out of the closet a while back.
Avatar 3:21am
Mary Wing:

P-90, I won't be able to play any backward songs for a while, because there is no stunt turntable in the little studio we're in for the next few weeks as we prepare for the marathon.

Hells' yeah, phuck Phish! and all tbat bougie snowboarder weekend warrier shit
Avatar 3:23am

Whew! Thanks DJ Mary Wing, I sure dodged a bullet there (until after the marathon at least).
Merry Pranks:

Just tuned in...I wonder if it was the Grateful Dead on that Acid Test track, because I actually read recently that they played their first show as the Grateful Dead (as opposed to the Warlocks) for one of Ken Kesey's Acid Tests in 1965.
Avatar 3:24am
Elisa In Italy:

OMG what can you do to save the planet??!!! Invest in efficient alternative energy god damn it! :) I have been doing research on Rawlemon and now am becoming a member.
Avatar 3:24am
Mary Wing:

Keep training, though, Whooda; I expect you to be firing on all cylinders when I resume that bit.
Avatar 3:25am

DJ Johnathan Herwig, don't despair about dying neurological damage due to Roundup. You'll be long dead from radiation poisoning from Fukashima by then.
Avatar 3:26am
Elisa In Italy:

I told you about this last week y'all! There are solutions you just need to quit the doom and gloom and think about solutions like Rawlemon solar energy device.

Oh, Hi @DJ Mary, thanks for the explanation, gotcha, thanks, your shows are always great, but the playlist tonight was actually more fun for me than usual even, 100% thanks again for what you do
Avatar 3:27am
Elisa In Italy:

great tunes by the way Jonathan...I will forgive your senseless despair through listening to your quality sound choices. ;)
Daniel T from Copenhagen:

Sorry, but I don't subscribe to the overpopulation myth: http://overpopulationisamyth.com/overpopulation-the-making-of-a-myth
Avatar 3:29am
Elisa In Italy:

Thank you Daniel T from Copenhagen at least someone else is doing their research before making blanket statements.
Avatar 3:31am
Simon P:

those hippies bein torn apart
Avatar 3:31am

@Elisa the Rawlemon certainly gets high marks for design. But I would expect nothing less from you fashionista Europeans :)
Avatar 3:33am
Elisa In Italy:

@ Whooda YES! Thank you, for taking a look, I appreciate it. I told WFMU listeners last week that it's 70% more efficient than photo voltaic panels but then I got some non believers...of course they never bother to verify the information and I even offered to give proof!
Avatar 3:33am

The easiest, most intelligent solution is conservation, but then I would have to sacrifice my FMU stream for the environment and I'm just too damn selfish for that.

@Daniel T: remember, you're in enlightened company here, we know that anthropogenic climate change is far more of a threat than population growth

though the two just might collide in somewhat unfortunate ways

voice of Billy "Stimpy" West
Avatar 3:35am

The efficiency apparently comes from the tracking of the sun's rays, PV cells are still around 15% efficient but that will continue to improve.
Avatar 3:37am
Elisa In Italy:

@ Whooda: Yes. There are many ways to improve this invention. It's so simple and efficient, it's sick. Rawlemon has created alot of jealousy in pv industry cause they didn't think of it soooner.
Avatar 3:39am

My gut feeling is that things are going to get bad, Really bad......I'm never wrong about these things.....who needs facts when you have instincts.
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There are flat array panel farms in the desert that track the sun albeit in a straight line.
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Elisa In Italy:

Nikola Tesla had the same problems with Thomas Edison. Tesla invented AC which is far more efficient than DC but because Edison was stuck on DC he made Tesla's life a living hell. www.youtube.com...
Avatar 3:43am
Elisa In Italy:

@ Whooda: did you mean this?

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Simon P:

Jon -have you worked out how many more shows you can do before the conflagration

love them "shattering impressions"
Avatar 3:45am
Elisa In Italy:

@ Jherweg you have to go with your gut but how much of or your instinct has been influenced by the doom and gloom media propaganda?
Avatar 3:46am

Well, i always feel like I don't have any shows left in me, I always feel like I I won;t be able to put a show together, and then some how magically it happens.....
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Elisa In Italy:

@ Jherweg :)
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Simon P:

@Elisa In Italy - yep lots of big bucks in the Doom and Gloom industry and a good way of keeping the fear factor up
Avatar 3:50am
Elisa In Italy:

@ Simon P: Yes, it's all money/power related. I know this sounds unrelated but I audited a physics course in Florida last August and even the conservative Floridian physics professor believed we could sustain 7 + billion people.
Avatar 3:51am

What are you talking about if anything the media in america isn't covering most enviro catastrophes, IE fracking, water contamination, ETC ETC,,,
Avatar 3:51am
Elisa In Italy:

When there is a will there IS a way.
Avatar 3:52am

@Elisa, yes that and also parabolic mirrors. I read that the tower complex was dismantled but am glad to see the idea continutes to be experimented with. I read where they store the heat energy in melted salt as a sort of battery function too.

yeah, suferring from "snowsonal affect disorder"
Avatar 3:56am

hehe DJ Jonathan Herweg. Does this theme mean your're going to be playing songs with 'down' beats? :)

yeah, give tne housewife, the accountant, and tbe construction worker megadose LSD and lock them in the Thunderdome, let them settle everything with chainsaws & flamethrowers
Avatar 3:59am

Beat matching isn't my thing.
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Elisa In Italy:

@ Jherweg: The following may sound critical of me but I REALLY don't mean to be...based on observation/listening many people sort of have honed their hopelessness and defeatism skills and stay stuck, don't do research or think about solutions...as opposed to getting off their asses and just do something. I guess I hoped my fighting spirit would rub off on you all.
Avatar 4:02am

This Bardo Pond sounds like Gate.
Avatar 4:03am
Elisa In Italy:

@ Jherweg: Unfortunately, many people have thwarted me just for being outspoken but I mean well. I see it this way...God gave us WFMU, right? So not all lost in the world. :)
Avatar 4:03am

This style of music and its popularity are very exciting
Avatar 4:04am

One of Station Manager Kens pics on his playlist summed it up for me: Shit is fucked up and stuff.
Avatar 4:05am

I sort see humanity as a virus thats out of control, I sort of want it all to crash and burn. I feel like we deserve it. Most of us anyway...we have all this potential but don't use it.....well Elisa I don't believe in god either so we won't agree on that one.
Avatar 4:06am
Elisa In Italy:

@ Jherweg...sounds like you need more LSD in your diet...You can even be productive on Mescaline if you want! :)

I just haven't seen this "media gloom and doom" thing, more like the important issues actually get glossed over, then back to more bread and circuses for the masses; and the corporate money and power is actually invested in keeping their markets complacent and UN-affected by anything like "hopeless gloom & doom"
Avatar 4:07am

I second Elisa's thoughts!

Avatar 4:09am
Elisa In Italy:

@ Jherweg: Just kidding. :)

@ northguineahills: Thank you! :)
Avatar 4:09am

@P-90 I agree with you 100%

As a virus is a destructive agent in our bodies, our bodies kill it. As our species is a virus on the Earth, the Earth will deal with us in the same way. No doubt our universe is a virus on some greater concept and itself be destroyed. It a natural process.
Avatar 4:10am

My LSD days are way behind me, nothing more to gleen there.
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Elisa In Italy:

Buona domenica a tutti!

I work at a coal facility, I brought home some liquid but it started to talk to me so I dumped it in the river is that ok?
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Cosmas! one of my Longest Running listeners!!
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@coalhard yes that's ok because you are a consumer of the liquid and not a producer, so dump away!
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Elisa In Italy:

@ Jherweg AWESOME!!!!
Avatar 4:16am

Tutti Domenica to you too Elisa! thanks
Avatar 4:16am

I'm in my late 30s, and losing one's ego and reclaiming it can be frightening, but rewarding at the end. Once one has done LCD, there are other triggers to get a similar experience. I'm in a static place, so I could stand to clear the cobwebs of my mind again.
Avatar 4:17am
Simon P:

UK headlines www.theguardian.com...

I used to work at nuke plant but they caught me peeing on fuel rods --said I made them toxic
Avatar 4:19am

I can only dream of getting my hands on some shrooms or mescaline. I don't even have a simple weed connection. :(
Oh, well, it'll be legal soon enough and we can all be done with this cloak and dagger approach to dope.
Avatar 4:19am
Simon P:

..re the climate change apathy

@Jonathan: good for you, as the man once said re: psychedelics: one gets the message and then one hangs up the phone
@whoo: sorry, but there is nothing more conceited, self-important, self centered and delusional than this "man is a virus infecting the Earth" bs.
Talk about self-defeating, "gloom and doom" learned helplessness!
If H. sapiens has any special place as a species in determining the "fate" or "destiny" of the planet, iits function is probably the exact opposite of that of a virus "infecting" blah blah
Im surprised at you, is that the limit of your vision, Dr. Castaneda Jr.?

same here @Whooda
Avatar 4:21am

It is just a scientific observation. If I wanted to use superstition I would have cited religion.
Avatar 4:24am

The Earth is very much a living organism with its own system of health, our bodies are microcosms of the same system. It's very obvious. The Earth will be hear billions of years after were gone, regardless of what mechanism kills of off.
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Yair Yona:

SRS is really amazing
Avatar 4:25am

@P-90: Whooda was commenting on Jherweg's comment.

This Gas is the gas!
Avatar 4:27am

This is my soundtrack to non-medaling women's hockey. Sleep will be here in a half hour.
Avatar 4:28am

Nothing more passive-aggressive than watching those meddling women's hockey players...haha, forgive my stupid puns.

hello from jersey city, enjoying show greatly as I pack up my building blocks! http://www.ankerstein.de
Avatar 4:31am

@Moose OH NO, not building blocks with compound angles, I'm just getting the hang of Lincoln Logs. :)

My girlfriends name is ETHEL NOL she is a gas also if I spank her hard enough

"rectum? Damned near killed 'im": the famous punchline for which NO one has ever been able
to write the set-up...
@Jonathan: "I don't believe in God, I believe in Love": you got it man, you snd I are right about these matters and every one else is just wrong.
So lets let this whining and squealing about hopelessness just drop away like a used chrysalis and spread our wings, and change the course of our discourse back to Olympic curling, endless snowstorms, Justin Bieber, and other more concrete, tangible concerns
Avatar 4:34am

This is great listening DJ Jonathan.

@whooda: no decent herb connection, you said?
we'll talk
Avatar 4:35am

I might be cynical but at least I can distract myself with sublime music.
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Thanks, I'll be ok P-90. I so dislike involving others in my own problems which is exactly why I have no connections :)
Avatar 4:37am

It helps when jonathon plays sublime frequencies....
Avatar 4:38am

I can't believe my eyes, the weather map shows temps above freezing in Albany, NY area by Wednesday.

@Simon: thanks for the link!
@ Whooknew: hahaha
Avatar 4:39am

I think NYC is in for more fucking snow I can't believe it .
r i s k y:

Jherweg, enjoy the spread of tunes this evening. Keep it lit
Avatar 4:43am

I think there won't be any more snow until Tuesday, but it was just supposed to be a dustin' today, so, who knows...
Avatar 4:44am

Could you do me a favor and tell us what label this Zorn/Moore track is on, (why haven't I heard of it!!!)
Avatar 4:46am

Its on TZadik, part of the "Key" series. ??
Avatar 4:47am
Simon P:

we got the spring flowers peekin above the inundation here-way, way too early, crazy times
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Avatar 4:49am

@Simon that is some crazy shit.
Avatar 4:50am

CLimate Change is real.
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My Jalapeno bush that's 3 years old, just sprouted another pepper in our cold kitchen. It won't die.
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Climate change is a naturally occurring phenomenon. I'm not saying that released carbon and chemical don't alter it but geo-engineering is doing more damage than anything else man-made.
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ACC exasperates what would be happening naturally.
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The electromagnetic field around the Earth is setting itself up for another flip (magnetic pole shift) I think that is causing a lot of the crazy shit we are witnessing.
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etron fou leloublan = Mad Shit, the White Wolf.
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Now, this is hippie! Digdug!
Avatar 5:15am

("寧為太平犬,不做亂世人") as: "It's better to be a dog in a peaceful time than be a man in a chaotic period.

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No matter what I do, that link won't display correctly.
"It's better to be a dog in a peaceful time than be a man in a chaotic period.
Avatar 5:22am

Nice show Jonathan!
Avatar 5:27am
Simon P:

Up to the skies-great track
Avatar 5:27am

I have 15 minutes left in me. Thanks for the sounds, Jonathon!
Avatar 5:30am

I'll race you to bed NGH. I would have already been there if I hadn't taken DJ Johathan's advice to make a cup of coffee and enjoy the show. I did and I am.
Avatar 5:31am

Dibs on that name! Sonic Heroin
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It is only inconvenient for your house to be on a wall if you can't release your attachment to the floor. Famous Chinese proverb (or not).
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Dibs on that name too: That Mormon Woman
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Simon P:

head first at 90mph now that's living for the moment
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Watching cross-country skiing as I fall asleep to these sounds....
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The show has been to spectacular to bail out now.
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Its almost over....
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Simon P:

thanks, Jon
Avatar 5:52am

Don't deny yourself your current remarkable sucesses DJ Johathan. You are a DJ on WFMU, you know how many million people dream of that? Plus you are really good at it and bring real happiness to others through it. Those are remarkable accomplishments.
Avatar 5:54am

The TV just told me to "live the life I want to lead" plus if I order now I'll receive a free tote bag. See ya next week.
Avatar 5:58am

you introduced me to Black Dirt Oak.... the Conrad schintzler was nice too... good nite!

Thank you for another musical adventure, Jonathan. :)
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