Favoriting Daniel Blumin: Playlist from February 9, 2014 Favoriting

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The run-around drill sergeant of love meets the freeform radio nurse in an international popularity crisis. Twang, dub, noise, rockers, aliens, drum machines, foreigners, imported goods, songs, rumbles, hollers, blips and squiggles, along with an occasional musical number.

Monday 9pm - Midnight (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting February 9, 2014: Pyeongchang to Pyongyang: Leisure Coma Ossification

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Approx. start time
Lambchop  The Book I Haven't Read   Favoriting Nixon  Merge  2014    deluxe reissue of 2000 album  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Philippe D'Aram  Apparition du Chateau   Favoriting Fascination/Requiem For a Vampire  Finders Keepers  2012      0:06:00 (Pop-up)
Ter  Untitled 4   Favoriting Rite of Passage  Monotype  2013      0:08:54 (Pop-up)
Vulcanus 68  Azra   Favoriting Thomas Carnacki / Vulcanus 68 split 12"  Alethiometer / Gigante Sound  2014  12"    0:14:48 (Pop-up)
Colin Potter  Melodious Thunk (excerpt)   Favoriting The Fight of the Sound Cable  Tapeworm  2013  Cassette    0:17:59 (Pop-up)
Memotone  Koma   Favoriting Koma/Goldair  Black Acre  2013  7"    0:28:31 (Pop-up)
Beneath  Ocupy   Favoriting Beneath EP  PAN  2014    out in March; Bill Kouligas of PAN will be in-studio next week! Tune in!  0:31:31 (Pop-up)
Leisure Muffin  Alys   Favoriting The Bunker 01  The Bunker  2014  12"    0:37:28 (Pop-up)
Felix Kubin  Atomium Vertigo   Favoriting Zemsta Plutona  Gagarin  2013      0:41:13 (Pop-up)
Tres  Panodrama   Favoriting La Ciudad Secret: Sonidos Experimentales en la Barcelona Pre-Olimpica 1971-1991  Munster  2013    book + 3cd's  0:45:29 (Pop-up)
Family Fodder  Room   Favoriting Monkey Banana Kitchen  Staubgold  2014    reish  0:50:24 (Pop-up)
Officer!  Some   Favoriting Ossification  Megaphone / Knock 'Em Dead  2014  LP  '84 LP from Mick Hobbs and friends - on this trk: Tim H of Henry Cow/The Work, Mick Hobbs of The Work, Half Japanese and Family Fodder, Bill G and Catherine J of The Work; PS BS = BASS!?WhyIoughta!!!  0:53:06 (Pop-up)
Pip Proud  A Million Years From Now   Favoriting Purple Boy Gang 7"  Em  2013  7"    1:12:54 (Pop-up)
Under The Hills And Nearby  Beggarman   Favoriting Under The Hills And Nearby  Celebration  2013    Sam Callow of 4tRECk accompanying trad field recordings w/ banjo and/or dulcimer  1:18:11 (Pop-up)
Les Rallizes Denudés  Beaten Down and Shamed (AKA The Last One '70)   Favoriting Naked Diza Star  Bamboo  2013    reish of '06 comp on Univive  1:19:39 (Pop-up)
Be Bop Deluxe  Swan Song   Favoriting Futurama  Harvest  1975      1:30:20 (Pop-up)
Richard Lloyd  Pretend   Favoriting Alchemy  Elektra  1979  LP    1:35:18 (Pop-up)
The Devil  Agatha Christie   Favoriting The Devil  Copy  2013  LP    1:38:31 (Pop-up)
Mo Kolours  Biddies (Truth Is Light Edit)   Favoriting EP1: Drum Talking  One Handed Music  2011  12"    1:46:10 (Pop-up)
Bahru Kegne  Mela Mela   Favoriting In Memory of Ethiopia's Greatest Azmari  Terp  2013      1:51:28 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


Good Evening, Daniel B.
---not familiar with Lambchop. A hole in my education?
I'll have to look Mr. chop up and find out

Hi there! I hope you survive this snowstorm! I mean, 1 inch of snow.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:09pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Hi ! I'm listening & enjoying & taking up room on a server.
Avatar 8:12pm

Howdy, Daniel! I, too, am sucking up precious disk space.

Daniel! Happy Sat eve to you. Why, yes I AM barbequing. Chicken in mango sauce this evening, despite the lambchop soundtrack.

Children in India get one 1.44MB 3.5" floppy and they are happy with it.

@gang: Hi all. Fleep, I like your "Fleeper" avatar. Really.
Thought that was worth a couple kb's
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:20pm
Daniel Blumin:

P-90, do it! Nixon's got a buncha tasty nuggets! Jake, it looks beautiful as it's coming down. All the little centimeters count! Hallo, Fleep and RRN63, and Carm, were it but Saturday and I didn't have to go to work bright n early! Happy bbq'ing to you, Sir!
Avatar 8:23pm
Eyepatch Fox:

What lovely sounds!
Avatar 🌫 Swag For Life Member 8:23pm


Good evening Daniel...

I'm out of it, Daniel. Don't listen to me.

Good Evening, Ms. Fox. Last time I saw you, you were scurrying about the Record Fair, looking like you were making stuff happen.
Is it snowing yet where you are?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:28pm

good evening, all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:29pm

good eve everyone. RR & Fleep we're all taking up room on the earth's server so no worries here.
All, in a chorus::

good evening, anne
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:30pm
Daniel Blumin:

Thankee Eyepatch Fox! Hallo, Ike & ms_a + Anne & KK!
Avatar 8:30pm
Eyepatch Fox:

P-90: Tis indeed. It looks quite pretty.
All, in a chorus::

good eve KristinaKoffee
Avatar 8:32pm

Did someone say FREE BBQ SERVER space for me? Great! I'm starved!
All, in a chorus:

nothing in life is truly free, Whooda
All, in a chorus:

especially BBQ
Jack m.:

beneath, nice! and hello.
Avatar 8:35pm

I have a feeling the NSA is going to have a few extra thousands Petaflop server space they won't be needing, maybe FMU can get a good discount on rental space in UTAH!

My dreams can fit on a thumb drive.

But our love requires RAID-5.
Avatar 8:37pm
Richard from Venezuela:

wfmu's desktop wallpapers rocks t.co...
Avatar 8:37pm

RAID-5? I hear ya JakeGould, love can be complicated sometimes.
All, in a chorus:

@Whooknew: Yeah, I hear these archives are like, for Eternity Man. Boggles the mind
Avatar 8:37pm
Richard from Venezuela:

Greetings Daniel and all the listeners.

Watching the world’s first Lego movie. www.youtube.com...

Some relationships use RAID-10 with spares.

Chicken in mango sauce, Whooda. I shall make extra.
Avatar 8:42pm

@JakeGould I heard that the new Lego Movie has an anti-consumerist theme, but geez, I didn't realize that concept extended into the production too!

@JakeG.: Did you hear about the big-budget Hollywood Lego movie with Will Farrell? (or was it Colin?)
"RAID 5" is a Linux thingie. isn't it?
Retard Riot:

Buckling my spacesuit..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:44pm

@jake watching that vid with Atomium Vertigo on is all i could ever ask for in a scifi pomo art thesis project

"Raid 10" -- sometimes referred to as "Raid 1+0"
Avatar 8:45pm

Thanks Carmichael, I'll bring my appetite and dessert. (And a rain coat..Praise God!) Have three bread pudding dishes in the over now, two made for freezing to gorge on later.
Avatar 🌫 Swag For Life Member 8:46pm
Andrew Waterloo:

RAID 5 is the sort of term you don't want to hear on a date.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:49pm
Santos L Halper:

I took a dozen 10-year olds to see the Lego movie yesterday. Everything is awesome! Best time I've had at the movies in ages.
Concerned Citizen:

Terrific show so far! Thx for playing this cut, D-Boomz -- I've been wanting to hear the comp. Your show is making Sun-night office work a bit less miz.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:49pm
Daniel Blumin:

Greets, Jack, R Riot & Richard!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:50pm

Ive been hearing accounts that the Lego movie is legit good but I can't bring myself to believe it.
Avatar 🌫 Swag For Life Member 8:50pm
Andrew Waterloo:

Sounds like I need to take my 10 year old to this

BTW Daniel, thanks for the Felix Kubin.
Richard from Venezuela:

Great playlist so far.
Avatar 8:53pm
Eyepatch Fox:

Thanks. This is a set where I get to be interrupted by the music and instead of doing the responsible computer things I end up closing my eyes and dancing in slow motion! :D Wheeeeeeee!

@P-90: “"RAID 5" is a Linux thingie. isn't it?” Not really. It’s a way of setting up a hard drive array for any system. But I am not offended! Also, yeah I heard about the major Hollywood Lego movie. Kinda shocked how it seems like society is rallying around that film as if it is one of the greatest films on Earth.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:57pm
Daniel Blumin:

Thanks CC! Happy officerating! Slow motion dancing Sunday night is perfect, EF!
Avatar 8:57pm

[Thanks Blumin -- Lurkerland Listeners]
Avatar 🌫 Swag For Life Member 9:00pm
Andrew Waterloo:

@JakeGould I think people are just pleasantly surprised they liked something that they thought they had legitimate reasons to gripe about without ever seeing.

@JakeG: I see it now on my viso-screen, a standard method for linking multiple independent disk drives, to get the most out of the sum of the parts. Interesting indeed.
@LegoMovie: Yes, the buzz about the movie was minimal before it opened, don't think folks expected much. Now there's mondo buzz about how it's so profound that adults are weeping by the end

I think all of the adult “Lego Movie” reviews should say, “I went to this kid’s movie on Saturday afternoon with my kids & instead of falling asleep, I actually stayed awake for the whole thing!”
Avatar 🌫 Swag For Life Member 9:05pm
Andrew Waterloo:

Not like there's any shortage of cheap movies made after certain products or Saturday morning cartoons got popular.

“Johnny Quinn explains how he busted his way through Sochi bathroom door” www.washingtonpost.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:05pm

preach it brother

@LegoMovie: but they're saying: "weeping". Actual widespread "weeping." By the grown-ups. Dudes even.
They're saying Oscar for Will Farrell and Best Picture maybe?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:10pm

saw the MVO show last night at Output. not an exciting live performance, but it sounded great on that system. unfortunately, they made everyone, including ticket holders, stand out in the cold for at least half an hour at the door for no reason (it wasn't sold out) so i missed part of his show and whoever was on before him-legowelt, maybe.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:10pm
Santos L Halper:

@jake re: Lego. Yes I went with kids, but was crying with laughter like I haven't since heyday of Simpsons and MST3K. It's legit, and has a great message to boot.

@Santos L. Halper: you out there? You saw it, wanna "halp" us out? Don't be shy, there's certainly storage space on the perpetual server for a mini-review of this "milestone".
Avatar 🌫 Swag For Life Member 9:11pm

My favorite Sochi moment? That was when the murdered zombies of stray dogs rose up en masse, descended on the Kremlin, and ate Pootin's brains. Oh wait, that was just in my fevered imagination.

@Santos: sorry, you stepped up before I posted my request

P-90, one day some intern will be tasked to parse through the files on the server to see what they can glean..

...some day they may clone a small army of interns to comb through the files...
megan m:

I mean, it WOULD be an opening ceremony like no other http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Fh8lMTulkg
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:16pm
Daniel Blumin:

And more goodness:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:18pm

I'm gonna admit something right now, while I was watching figure skating last night I was also switching back to Jackass 3.5. I'm not ashamed, no. You might even say that it's also beautiful and athletic in it's own way.

---Daft Punk song!?, you gotta be pulling my leg...

@KK: “…I was also switching back to Jackass 3.5.” That’s classy.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:25pm

Just sayin... it was on, too...
Richard from Venezuela:

Anna Semenovic is the best woman ice skater.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:30pm

thank you for turning on the awesome music button

I am enjoying this set Daniel! Great tracks!

@daniel b.: B-B De L. ! One of my all-time fave bands. The whole show's been masterfull, thanks!

KK, I am not judging you, I am complimenting you.
Avatar 🌫 9:39pm

good choice
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:40pm
Daniel Blumin:

P-90, this is either ridiculous or sublime, but prolly both! Great dancin and awkward singing. Campy as hell. A choir that's made up of fellas that look like they were there back in the KGB days of Brezhnev. Plus the youthful fun-loving lads that represent the best in what the new Russia has to offer protestors - a punch in the head and some quality time behind bars; and I'd say that this opening ceremony ode to gettin lucky is "straight" up in violation of that there law they got cookin in the Supreme Soviet of Comrade Putin.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:40pm

don't worry JG It's not the first time I've heard that before ;)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:42pm
Daniel Blumin:

Thanks, Thomas, Karina, and Yayson!

@daniel: can't believe it, stranger than ANY paorody could be...
Also: Ag-a-THA, right?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:44pm
Daniel Blumin:

Right you are, p-90!
Avatar 9:57pm

Thanks for the break from watching monkeys slide around on snow and ice, DB!

liking this Ethiopian mela mela, Daniel!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:58pm

thanks for the great show, daniel!

@Daniel B.: I'm floored by that Police Choir. The arrangement is actually pretty damn good, the choral singing is strong, in the Russian choral tradtional style, it's like an SNL shtick gone berserk

So: I hereby challenge you to play this on the show next week

Unless Pseu beats you to it
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:44am
Daniel Blumin:

Pseu's the one that clued me in, p-90! Sadlee, it ain't SNL these boys are representing, and despite the strength of the manly singing, the even manlier camp value, the trotting out of the least likely to 'get lucky', and the evident boredom of many a singer as seen from the outside, the fun quotient dims as I think of these men's direct link to the internal security apparatus and the suppression of pro-democracy demonstrations. Wonderfully campy and genuinely awkward? Absolutely. But if you don't 'get lucky' and meet some of 'em on duty in the public square, boy will the fun times turn ominous right quick. I guess that has something to do with why this video is incredible. Someone can write a book on the layers of meaning found somewhere above, beneath, and around the bemedaled masses!
On a lighter note:
Frenchee! Phil! Hallo! And thanks all fer yr Sundae night ears! A cheers to the archivists! Tune in next week fer Bill K of PAN Records!
  🌫 Swag For Life Member 5:50pm

The archivists cheer you back, Daniel!
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