Favoriting The Dusty Show with Clay Pigeon: Playlist from February 6, 2014 Favoriting

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Street interviews, listener call-ins, vinyl gluttery, sporadic normalcy, original floperas and fiktion, blatant talking over songs, politix, tenderness, and a vague undercurrent of angst. Right up your alley!

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Favoriting February 6, 2014: Remembering Philip Seymour Hoffman

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Approx. start time
Philip Seymour Hoffman's Death Announced - audio courtesy of AP
Opening Comments
A Woman on Bethune Street at The Pickwick House - Residence of the late, Philip Seymour Hoffman
Philip Seymour Hoffman Basketball Scene from the motion picture, "Along Came Polly" 2004 - Universal
Were You Shocked?
Willy Nelson  Angel Flying Too Close to the Ground   Favoriting Willie Nelson's Greatest Hits (And Some That Will Be)  Columbia  1981  2LP     
Another Mourner Interviewed at the Pickwick House Memoria
Philip Seymour Hoffman and Meryl Streep from the Motion Picture, Doubt - Miramax - 2008
Makeshift Memorial
In the DIner
Addicts In Your Own Life
The Scariest Part
Opiate Addiction - Dr. Drew - audio courtesy of CNN
Everything to Live For
Elvis Presley  Are You Lonesome Tonight   Favoriting Elvis In Concert  RCA  1977  2LP     
More To It
Rehab Paradise
Steppenwolf  The Pusher   Favoriting Steppenwolf Gold  ABC Dunhill  1971  LP  Written by Hoyt Axton, from the movie, Easy Rider (1969)   
Philip Seymour Hoffman from the motion picture, Almost Famous - Columbia/Dreamworks - 2000
Talking with Sandra at Pickwick House
Negatively Affected
  Sorry about the distorted "S's" Need new Microcassette.
Heath Ledger Death Report - Anne Thompson Reporting - audio courtesy of CBS.
Clean for 22 Years
Talking Smack
Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton from the Motion Picture, "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" - Warner Bros. - 1966
An Interview with Pat at Pickwick House
From Colorado
Philip Seymour Hoffman from the Motion Picture, "Capote." - United Artists/Sony - 2005
Has Anyone Youve Known Struggled With Addiction?
Alice In Chains  Junkhead   Favoriting Dirt  Columbia  1992  MP3  Audio insert - MTV News report of Alice in Chain's front-man, Layne Staley's death. April 5th, 2002   
Talking With Mark
Paying Respects
The Village Is Morose
Philip Seymour Hoffman from the Motion Picture, "Magnolia," - New Line Cinema - 1999
Another Pat
A Legacy
Philip Seymour Hoffman and Laura Linney from the motion picture, "Savages," - Universal - 2012
More with Pat
Lou Reed  Heroin   Favoriting     2008  MP3  Hoffman Alleged Drug Providers Busted - audio courtesy of CNN - Music from a Velvet Underground documentary. Which one? I don't know ... tell me (dusty@wfmu.org)   
Talking with Claire at Pickwick House
Much Too Young
Philip Seymour Hoffman from the Motion Picture, "Capote." - United Artists/Sony - 2005
Can Anything Good Come Out of Something Like This?
Pink Floyd  Comfortably Numb   Favoriting The Wall  Harvest / EMI  1979  MP3  Features audio clip from Dr. Cyril Wecht, Forensic Pathologist, Allegheny Co. Medical Examiner - audio courtesy of WPXI-TV.   
An Interview with Ilsa
  Artist Personality
"You Don't Have Your Life If You're Addicted"
Philip Seymour Hoffman with Jeff Bridges from the motion picture, "The Big Lebowski." Gramercy Pictures - 1998
Talking with Tom at Pickwick House on Bethune St. in the West Village
Lost Soul
Escaping the Bounds of Conventional Reality
Philip Seymour Hoffman from the motion picture, "The Master." The Weinstein Company - 2012
Lynyrd Skynyrd  That Smell   Favoriting Street Survivors  MCA  1977  MP3  Audio clip - Philip Seymour Hoffman on CBS', "60 Minutes."   
Visiting With Lisa
Stronger Than Us
How Will You Most Remember Philip Seymour Hoffman?
Philip Seymour Hoffman from "Charlie Wilson's War," - Universal - 2007
Randy Newman  Lonely At The Top   Favoriting Sail Away  Reprise  1972  LP  Inconclusive Autopsy Results ausio clip courtesy of Real News   
Philip Seymour Hoffman and Adam Sandler "Shut Up!" audio from the motion picture, "Punch Drunk Love," Columbia/New Line Cinema - 2002
Miles Davis - The Tape Turn
  I accidentally didn't fast forward my cassette sufficiently before I flipped it over. Thusly, I omitted the name of one of my next interview subject on the show. Cindy and Colleen, in from Maryland.
Program People
  I should have "cut that out."
The Gateway Out
Pillhead Grandmother
  Listen Carefully ... you can hear the batteries in my microcassette recorder shake because I am shivering. Two hours in the cold winter night had taken their toll.
Silver Lining
The Promise
River Phoenix' Death Announcement - audio courtesy of FOX 13 News at 9 - October 31st, 1993
An Interview with Catherine at The Pickwick House
You Never Know ... At Any Moment
  I don't know if he "had everything" .,. who knows what he felt? A cliche.
Inches Away From Using
Words to the Young User
Another Decision
Philip Seymour Hoffman - Oscar Acceptance Speech Excerpt - Best Actor - Capote - 2005
Neil Young  The Needle And The Damage Done (Live)   Favoriting Harvest  Reprise  1972  LP  Sums it up ... RIP Philip Seymour Hoffman, and every soul lost to addicition.   
Closing Comments - Miles Davis -
  Thank you for listening to this episode of The Dusty Show. Sunday morning, I had casually mentioned to my wife how much I enjoyed Philip Seymour Hoffman in Capote. Next thing I knew, I was online and I read the news. Totally shocking. In a way that seemed to be bigger than the "average" celebrity death. A real and palpable loss. Yet, I didn't head off to the death-site with my microcassette. Didn't really think of doing so,

Tuesday, I was downtown getting a haircut and afterward I felt like walking home. I must have had it in the back of my mind because I had my tape recorder with me. I looked up the address and walked to Bethune Street in the West Village. It was a spooky feeling, knowing my destination was not only a place I hadn't seen before, but also a place of sadness and death. Seeing all the flowers and drawings and cards, etc, layed against the entryway of the building, it was immediately evident that this was a somber thing. Quiet. Personal. It was also cold and kind of late to be doing interviews. Maybe 8:30pm. Once I got started though, it was very natural. The show veered towards being more about addiciton itself than Philip Seymour Hoffman, but I hope that was all right. I noticed that many who happened by were recovered addicts. Perhaps it was some type of neccesary reminder to keep vigilant in sobriety. All were touched by Hoffman and his artistry, and those who'd encountered him had only pleasant things to say.

I sometimes feel a kind of delayed reaction in dealing with the emotions surrounding death. Now, a few days after, if I'm still, I can feel the loss and the pain of it ... and it leads to other doors and stories of other people. Stars, friends, acquaintences, who've fallen to drug addiction. It puts it in your face, just what a sad shame it is that it happens over and over. Perhaps it always will. We are alive, though, and there is more life to live. I hope you have a safe journey through and that you find your answers and have much happiness along the way. We'll spare a thought for our brothers and sisters who couldn't make the trip, and we'll always remember.

Philip Seymour Hoffman - July 23, 1967 - February 2, 2014

Clay Pigeon - NYC 271499

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Listener comments!

Avatar 6:02pm

Hello, Clay. Important show tonight.
Avatar 6:02pm

greetings, all.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:02pm
Matt from Springfield:

46 is the new 27.
Hey Clay and Pigeoneers! Nice Willie number.
Avatar 6:03pm
Clay Pigeon:

Hello P-pul!
Avatar 6:04pm

My favorite PSH flick was Love Liza, it turned me onto Jim O' Rourke and gasoline huffing
Avatar 6:04pm
Marcel M:

Whats up everyone. Hi clay. I didn't know he was an addict. Used to see him downtown every now and then.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:04pm
Matt from Springfield:

Doubt (2008) is a great film. Even more interesting how it was expanded from a one-act stage play with only 4 characters: the priest, Mother Superior, young nun and the boy's mother.

was that guy arrested dealer really once in james chance and the Contortions? Couldn't believe that one...but did
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:05pm
Matt from Springfield:

Hey Lovecraft, Marcel, Owlex, david, kat and all!
Avatar 6:05pm
Marcel M:

@ Lovecraftdude, whaaaaat??? What dealer?? Thats so random. Hey Matt!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:05pm

listening in the snowy north. good skiing i'll bet for you this weekend clay.

i think i've only seen him in capote, but he was pretty brilliant.

Marcel...the guy that's still accused or in custody....was supp. once in James Chance and der Contortions...supposedly
Avatar 6:06pm
Marcel M:

I saw him in a play once, called "Jack Goes Boating." Was a play before a movie.

Robert Vineberg....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:08pm
Matt from Springfield:

@dale: Boogie Nights? Charlie Wilson's War? The Talented Mr. Ripley?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:09pm
Matt from Springfield:

Grass is good. And safer than most drugs too!

Avatar 6:09pm

The 22-23 years clean before relapse seems like the most frightening part of this...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:09pm

don't get out much matt
Avatar 6:09pm
Marcel M:

Rolling up a spliff now Matt!!
Uncle Sam:

Our presence in Afghanistan speaks volumes.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:11pm
Matt from Springfield:

@Marcel: Goes hand-in-hand with the Dusty Show!

Robert Vineberg aka Rober Aaron....he was in some stage of James Chance's band...or bands....was playing with Wyclef Jean apparently recently....supposedly had fallen on hard times and started dealing again. Oof. This is the chinatown guy...but no proof yet so let's not condemn him yet....unless he was the guy
Avatar 6:11pm
Marcel M:

@Matt: That and just about everything else I do! :-)

was gonna say was anybody on here at NYU in the mid to late 80s and was it as rife with drugs and debauchery as I'd heard?
Avatar 6:12pm

Identifying clips anyone?
Last one was his portrayal of Lester Bangs in Almost Famous, I think?
Avatar 6:13pm

hey Clay! so sad about PSH, i agree with Fabio, its just pathetic for someone to check out that early from shooting heroin... what a loss. can't help but wonder... why?? is it the pressures of stardom?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:14pm
Matt from Springfield:

Or was it 14 years sober before relapse? I'll have to find a reliable source.

Hey steve!
Avatar 6:15pm

hey Matt and fellow Pidgeonaires and Clayniacs!

I think the pressures are part for sure....but Phil said he got going in late college or just post NYU days....I mean...it's not hard to get going in student days and have trouble from there....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:17pm
Matt from Springfield:

Wow, listening to his Capote voice makes me appreciate his acting even more. How long must he have worked to get that voice right.

I read he was supp. sober for almost 22 years.....
Avatar 6:17pm

my understanding of a heroin OD on relapse means a relapsed addict probably used an amount closer to their tolerance level before quitting, therefore are more likely to OD... what they say happened to Gram Parsons...
mike da scag:

I'm an addict in recovery, and everybody is getting it wrong when they say that he should have been smarter and recognize all the good things he had. When you are an addict or alcoholic, there is no defense against stepping back into a life of drinking and drugging. There is only a daily reprieve.

make it stop.
Avatar 6:19pm

@mike: No doubt that's true. But do not bring children into your personal hell.
Avatar 6:19pm

great voice on that layne staley.
Avatar 6:19pm
Clay Pigeon:

Hanging out with Station Manager Ken. He said Philip Seymour Hoffman was his favorite actor.
Avatar 6:20pm

i agree, lane staley had a great voice!
Avatar 6:20pm
Clay Pigeon:

I'll note all these clips on the playlist.
Avatar 6:21pm
Kenzo (Ken's Last Ever):

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:21pm
Matt from Springfield:

@mike: That's very difficult, thanks for sharing your story.

I haven't experienced anything comparable, but they say the physical and mental addiction it creates is so bad, the only way to be free of heroin is to never start it.

I think the main point is something triggers the relapse..depression..whatever it is...and that's the crux of the matter esp. in a case like Philip's. Besides the addiction per se....I could be wrong but.... and if there aren't massive supports in place, forget it. Given if he was clean for 22 years....it gives some hope at least...for some
Avatar 6:21pm
Clay Pigeon:

Excuse distortion and levels. This show is all cassette and edited on the fly.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:22pm
Matt from Springfield:

@Lovecraft: That's true too, something that triggers your mental state of the past can cause a relapse back into drugs.
Avatar 6:23pm

Listener Equalizer: Share the responsibility
Avatar 6:23pm

one of my best friends from high school got into heroin when he was in college and watching him rot over those ~2 years was one of the nastiest, most awful things i've ever seen. can't imagine what it was like to actually BE the addict himself. i wouldnt touch that stuff for a million bucks.
Avatar 6:23pm

Neurons shooting back to that dark place in the brain... pretty crazy...
Avatar 6:24pm
Clay Pigeon:

That's the spirit Owlex.

blah blah

the savages was a good film
Avatar 6:24pm

greatness does not come without a cost. An artist is on a permanent merry-go-round to be "better" with every performance or achievement. That is not an innocent ambition.

Matt...yeah, or even just to depression or whatever, not even nec. a relapse to drugs....that's true. But what pisses me off a bit is other rock stars and people have almost "glamorized" other things like meth...i don't like that at all...Andy Eldritch doing his "meth" I don't know that i even believe he did that much..I think he's full of shit...he'd be dead by now. I hope!
Avatar 6:24pm

The Savages was particularly affecting for me. Saw it while my own siblings and I dealt with a mother in assisted care.
Avatar 6:25pm

"and if there aren't massive supports in place, forget it." yup
Avatar 6:25pm

good point Whooda.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:25pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

People always say an actor was especially great when they pass prematurely - but sounds like this time - it might indeed be true...

Perhaps the horrific irony of dying w/ the needle in your arm tends towards indicating *not* being a recent &/or experienced user ? Especially exalted Singer Tim Buckley is reported to have died *because* he'd been cleaner & didn't have the tolerance any longer
...Anyhow - tending to contradict Miike Doughty on a recent Dave Hill show here & side w/ John Lydon in 'Filth & Fury' (reflecting on his pal Sid): 'recreational heroin' is bullshit: the dangers of addiction & overdose are simply too prevalent.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:25pm
Matt from Springfield:

@steve: To see another human fall into that is terrible to see, but it's the fact that you care about the person that makes it truely painful.
Avatar 6:25pm
Clay Pigeon:

Me too, kat.

Blah Blah!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:26pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...& Meth don't mean anybody any good either...

well...with any of that type of thing, massive supports..but heroin is just one of the absolute worst of the worst things to relapse or be addicted TO...that's the thing nevermind alcohol or whatever....

no such as recreational....doesn't exist

re: Mott St. arrests. So the disheveled guy that quickly came in and out of Rubirosa restaurant on Mulberry Street near closing time Tuesday night last week, about whom I remarked to my wife 'looks like a banged-up Philip Seymour Hoffman', may have been the late actor.
Avatar 6:27pm

Clearly happiness is NOT a warm gun, literally or metaphorically....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:28pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Jerry Garcia died in Rehab trying to kick: It's no small thing.
Avatar 6:28pm

People not wanting to jeopardize their connects with someone famous to hold them accountable... Though they're wildly different stories, I can't help but think of the parallel to Woody Allen. Mind you I don't think the two are similar at all...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:28pm
Matt from Springfield:

@RRN63: "Recreational heroin"--much like the group calling themselves "Leftover Crack" (give or take a few umlauts)--it just doesn't exist.

As for meth, Krokodil, spice, street "quaalude", any artificial drug is bound to be super destructive.

I doubt Phil started off with heroin right off....must have started with pot, coke...or pills first. I would imagine. I mean,....why start off with that? But it's possible, of course.
Avatar 6:29pm

So when ppl relapse, why i it fair game for making money off of in the media-content arenas? That's pretty sick, eh?
Avatar 6:29pm

Seems like heroin resurges every 20 years or so, no? 2014, 1994, 1974...
Avatar 6:30pm

@Lovecraftdude: I heard on some news report he began with prescription pain pills.

earrie...sure it's sick...pure $ making sensationalism. I dunno how I feel about Dr. Drew or whatever...I mean if it helps anyone, great...but it's hard to see it that way when $ is being made

kat...that I HADN'T heard! or maybe...that would prob. make more sense to me. anything that got the ball rolling of course...
  Swag For Life Member 6:31pm

really moving show today dusty
Avatar 6:31pm

So will Rush out on a Limbaugh for heroin, too?
Avatar 6:32pm

@david that is true but also it's often the artist that can't stand the criticism, even if it's true and that 'tough love' can send an unstable artist (I dare you to show me a 'stable' artist) into a place even worse than where they are.

I'm also wondering if the problem gets worse when the economy tanks and recessions and things turn crap....I"m sure that has to be true, as well....I think?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:32pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Prescription opiates - often for a legitimate medical reason - are often the doorway into heroin. Kurt Cobain had a difficult to diagnose & painful stomach condition...& was AWOL from Rehab for the 2nd time when he blew his own gead off.
Avatar 6:32pm

Hoofs to the head when people are down at their very lowest. It's cruel.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:32pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:


RR: that is easily seen how the two intertwine...very easily
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:33pm
Matt from Springfield:

@Lovecraft: Not sure of the stats, but it appears to be stronger in downturns.

ahah! Matt..thanks. I figured as much. I pretty much have observed that..or figured I had, over the years. Certainly the problem on LI the past few years has been reported to death.
Avatar 6:34pm

true about the "tough love" thing, Whooda.
Avatar 6:35pm

The mind is too powerful to forget that we can't absolutely control our own. It controls us sometimes. A simple misguided neuron can send one into an epileptic episode.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:36pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- sometimes it's just the size of the crop coming out of Afghanistan - but also the Politrix surrounding that.

Whooda..yep that's totally utterly true...most of us just go around and don't worry about it...but in my case having had depression and such....panic attacks..etc. I can see how it can easily just go wrong or have issues in a split second! and that's sans drugs....
Avatar 6:37pm

gotta wonder about the resurgence in heroin and the "drawdown" in Afghanistan...

L Ron Hubbard getting a bit testy! hehe!
Avatar 6:37pm

Has anyone interviewed mentioned Almost Famous yet?

how dare you attack my crackpot cult bullshit religion! harrrr I just watched that movie and was dying laughing....
Avatar 6:38pm

@LCD Yes exactly, I have had about four panic attacks and once had a rope around my neck. That shit is real and beyond control.

Afghanistan keeps turning over record crop amounts. It's a great time to be a heroin seller and buyer. So to speak.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:38pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Newer studies show it has more to do w/ brain chemistry & structure than Moral Fiber or Will of any kind. & - incidentally - 'Just Say No' is exactly the *wrong* strategy - because it still focuses on the Drug !! As every therapist & treatment expert knows - you have to remove the entire Environment & Social scene connected to it...
just wonderin':

how many bags were found in his apt.?
Avatar 6:38pm

makes sense drewo.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:39pm
Matt from Springfield:

My heart goes out to you, Whooda.

Whooda...oh man sorry about that. I was just saying, even things like that the balance can go off very easily without drugs or whatever. Even mildly....of course chemistry is a major part of it

Sad sad sad but you would have to wonder if the rehab center shares any responsability in this.

makes me think of David Lynch going off about "sugar is pure happiness"...but trouble is, like any stimulant...it only lasts a short time usually...the positive effect. etc.
Avatar 6:40pm

Not a problem, thanks for the concern everyone.

Why are my comments getting cut off Mr. Webmaster???

The needle used to be a tipping point for recreational drug users. But a lot of people have no problems these days with multiple piercings or tattoos, so another needle is not such a deal breaker.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:41pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Keith Richards: "My high became the look on those people's faces when I said 'No'"...

So why is alcohol legal??? Why isn't it a controlled substance? It can be considered a gateway vehicle.
Avatar 6:42pm

Relying on chemistry alone to help or solve addiction seems as unreasonable as counseling / therapy alone.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:42pm
Matt from Springfield:

My late Uncle Bart died young, short of 40, indirectly because of past heroin use. RIP Uncle...

Avatar 6:42pm

Rabbit: HA
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:43pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

You can overdose snorting: G.G. Allin did - as a Comic Strip linked to on the HomePage tweets related (remember 'Pulp Fiction'?)...
Avatar 6:44pm

Believe a bit in everything, and you'll fall for nothing in particular.
Avatar 6:44pm
Kenzo (Ken's Last Ever):

Punch-Drunk Love

oh yeah G. G. Allin....right. meanwhile Darby Crash..c'mon that guy was on a Death Wish Mission from Day one and made no bones about it...which is really absurd to me...I mean...whatever. That type of thing I DON'T understand...the drugs apart from that
Avatar 6:45pm

djelrock Alcohol or some equivalent depressant is very welcomed in most every house for millennia. Those that tried to prohibit it found out that prohibition only created more problems.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:46pm
Matt from Springfield:

@RRN63: "Girl, you'll be a woman, soon...."

Thanks for that, Kenzo.
Charlie Wilson's War before that. Coarse, learned Finnish..

as for Layne Staley...well....read his life history look at what he came out of.....and his dad being an addict and wildman...etc. etc. I'm not that surprised hearing that stuff...I mean...I dunno. Could be genetic...upbringing too..all those causes as well.

There's this wonderful drug called Suboxone/Subutex which has helped many adicts. Why wasn't PSH on it? Wondering minds wanna know.
Avatar 6:47pm
Clay Pigeon:

You can hear the batteries in my microcassette rattling. It was cold! Botched that tape turn. Better get ready for Hearty. Thanks for listening everyone. I've enjoyed your comments. Take care. Always remember ... Philip Seymour Hoffman

There is use and abuse. Do no harm.

hey...I used to go to the GreenDoorNYC parties...hehe....but I always knew when to put cork in bottle. But many cannot.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:48pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- for every Alcoholic or Problem Drinker - there are 1,000s & 1,000s of Recreational or Social Drinkers: I would suggest this is *not* true of Smack...
Avatar 6:48pm

Shivering Batteries YES!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:48pm
Matt from Springfield:

@Lovecraft: Look at the Barrymore family--with Drew B and long before, genetic predispositions to addiction, and their individual environments didn't help them either.

Just watched extended version of Almost Famous the last two days. Great movie. Better than I recalled the first time around.

I was def. a social drinker at most....go out and have a night out at GDNYC or whatever, then not drink for months...or a year....Matt....right for sure there's gotta be a genetic thing there.
Avatar 6:49pm

I'm still hearing / understanding that people with addiction issues have some self-awareness of it -- whether they can ever overcome it or not -- so I must question why such self-destructive people bring children into the world. Condoms are easily obtained in the U.S.

Bank Street -- I used to live on Bank Street.

well in Phil's case...clearly he was clean when they had kids...sounds like. So.....I mean he thought he'd beaten it!

True about alcohol Dooha and RevolutionaryRabbit. Smack is much worse.
Avatar 6:51pm
Kenzo (Ken's Last Ever):

If all the self-aware people refused to procreate, the world would be filled with only the most oblivious.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:51pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Burroughs suggested that what Junkies *like* about Addiction is that it takes Decision-Making & looking for Purpose out of life : you need this - & that is all.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:52pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...which may happen Kenzo.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:52pm
Matt from Springfield:

CLAY! We keep saying: QUIT - FOR - GOOD! Easier said than done, but you got to make a final break with cigs!
Avatar 6:52pm
Clay Pigeon:

You guys are smart!

yeah it doesn't hold water..even Keef has had kids and all that and it didn't stop him!! them.. I mean

look for the ledge beyond the edge
Avatar 6:53pm
Clay Pigeon:

I like that Marmalade.
Avatar 6:53pm

Clay, I have stopped smoking 25 years ago and last night was thinking of starting again, crazy shit. I might have been more eager if they weren't so expensive now. They were about $2 / pack when I quit.

Do something else (more healthy) when triggered.
Avatar 6:53pm

@LCD: Perhaps. But PSH was too aware of himself, his psyche -- he had to be to be such a consummate actor. Maybe it was some really bum batch, and he never intended it to be his end. I dunno. I just think of the children left behind.

Quit smoking Clay!!!
Avatar 6:53pm

These comments/episode feels like therapy. Well done clay

hell I used to hang at The Bank that goth club...those people were too Goth to do drugs! heehee..I hope
Avatar 6:54pm

I can see PSH's death giving some clean addicts cause for pause, and others a reason to start again...

who needed drugs!?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:55pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Keef: 'In all deference to the poppy - I didn't have a cold in 20 years!'
- but people also tell of him turning blue & having to 'walk' him to keep him breathing & alive - so his cavalier attitude & image is, I think, overstated...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:55pm
Matt from Springfield:

Neil...I was hoping you would play this Clay. Thank you.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:56pm
Rich in Washington:

Dammit, Clay. That PSH mom speech made me teary.

RR yeah i've read all that on keef....know what's weird, I got diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes last year but I haven't had a cold in almost 2 yrs!! WTF?
Avatar 6:56pm

@Kenzo: Are you suggesting all self-aware people are hopeless addicts and self-destructive??
Avatar 6:56pm
Marcel M:

Great show Clay, well done.
Avatar 6:57pm

excellent show Clay!

er kat... I'm sure he's not...the thing is a massive physical addiction like heroin etc. it doesn't matter how aware or not u are....it's just like an iron grip
Avatar 6:58pm

Yes, thanks, Clay. A lot of thought for food.

Clay. I used to smoke regularly. Still do on occasion. Nothing bugs me more than folks telling you to stop. Do what your heart and body tells you. We all are dead in the end.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:58pm
Matt from Springfield:

Philip Seymour Hoffman...Always Remembered...

This was a great show Clay! The very lengthy comments tonight are proof of it--and just as valuable to our learning.

Take care, everyone!

take care!

thanks Clay great damned show
Avatar 6:59pm
Kenzo (Ken's Last Ever):

kat330: ???
Avatar 6:59pm

Cheers to living
Avatar 6:59pm

cheers to living.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00pm
Rich in Washington:

Kenzo: there's a big empty space in my Wednesday radio listening binges.
Avatar 7:01pm

great show dusty
  Swag For Life Member 7:01pm

yeah, really good show
Avatar 7:01pm
Kenzo (Ken's Last Ever):

@Rich: Everything must end unexpectedly
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