Favoriting Diane's Kamikaze Fun Machine: Playlist from January 30, 2014 Favoriting

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Music to slaughter livestock to; 5,000 factory farmers can't all be wrong.

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Favoriting January 30, 2014: Hello

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Artist Track Approx. start time
Royal Thunder  Deacon   Favoriting 0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Cult of Luna  The Watchtower   Favoriting 0:09:21 (Pop-up)
Selfish  Deflower Beauty   Favoriting 0:15:30 (Pop-up)
Deadguy  Apparatus   Favoriting 0:18:15 (Pop-up)
Switchblade  Primes Below 100   Favoriting 0:20:16 (Pop-up)
Spiritual Beggars  Killing Time   Favoriting 0:25:47 (Pop-up)
Voivod  Killing Technology   Favoriting 0:32:46 (Pop-up)
Hail Of Bullets  Swoop of the Falcon   Favoriting 0:40:06 (Pop-up)
Acid Ape  X-Leg   Favoriting 0:45:05 (Pop-up)
Aeternus  Sworn Revenge   Favoriting 0:48:23 (Pop-up)
Golden Void  The Curve   Favoriting 0:55:12 (Pop-up)
Kvelertak  Blodtorst   Favoriting 0:59:49 (Pop-up)
Poison Idea  Marked For Life   Favoriting 1:03:26 (Pop-up)
Despise You  Painted Gray   Favoriting 1:06:30 (Pop-up)
Carcass  1985   Favoriting 1:07:42 (Pop-up)
Carcass  Thrasher's Abattoir   Favoriting 1:08:50 (Pop-up)
Hoax  Blind   Favoriting 1:15:31 (Pop-up)
Ash Pool  Big Bang Black Metal   Favoriting 1:17:39 (Pop-up)
Locus Mortis  Avvento   Favoriting 1:21:27 (Pop-up)
Bruce Dickinson  Chemical Wedding   Favoriting 1:27:02 (Pop-up)
Hellacopters  Carry Me Home   Favoriting 1:30:50 (Pop-up)
Redd Kross  Uglier   Favoriting 1:34:27 (Pop-up)
Mudhoney  Poisoned Water   Favoriting 1:38:14 (Pop-up)
Hickoids  The Best Liquor Store   Favoriting 1:41:01 (Pop-up)
Kingbees  Everybody's Gone   Favoriting 1:44:19 (Pop-up)
The Sloths  Wanna New Life   Favoriting 1:49:18 (Pop-up)
Easy Action  Worse For You   Favoriting 1:51:50 (Pop-up)
Black Tusk  Truth Untold   Favoriting 1:59:18 (Pop-up)
Red Fang  1516   Favoriting 2:03:22 (Pop-up)
Probot (Lee Dorrian)  Ice Cold Man   Favoriting 2:06:59 (Pop-up)
Bolt Thrower  Profane Creation   Favoriting 2:12:46 (Pop-up)
Mutation  Bracken   Favoriting 2:18:09 (Pop-up)
Anaal Nathrakh  Waiting For The Barbarians   Favoriting 2:21:44 (Pop-up)
Iron Man  Blind-Sighted Forward Spiral   Favoriting 2:26:38 (Pop-up)
Farflung  Endless Drifting Wreck   Favoriting 2:30:34 (Pop-up)
Black Sabbath  Wicked World   Favoriting 2:37:09 (Pop-up)
Soul Side  103   Favoriting 2:48:11 (Pop-up)
In Solitude  Pallid Hands   Favoriting 2:50:48 (Pop-up)
Coliseum  Disappear From Sight   Favoriting 2:56:11 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


Me like Royal Thunder. Good band, new to me.
Avatar 12:11pm
Cheri Pi:

Luna has a cult??? Heya!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:19pm

Hello Diane, hello again P-90, happy birthday Cheri
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:19pm

Rock will set me free!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:19pm

deadguy! wow! nice.
Avatar 12:20pm
Cheri Pi:

Hi Fred!
Avatar 12:21pm
Diane Kamikaze:

Ahem. I believe it is Cheri Pi's birthday... IS IT NOT???

Hi fred, and Hi to Stevel, common, Diane K, and the guest of honor, Ms. Pi
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:24pm

@Diane: I think it is. Would you perchance have some Voivod to play today?
Avatar 12:24pm
Cheri Pi:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:25pm

Cheri Pi: Getting older generally beats the alternative!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:26pm

hey p-90. everyone.
Avatar 12:26pm
Diane Kamikaze:

Cheri, would you like to pick the Voivod tune today?
Avatar 12:27pm
Cheri Pi:

Agreed Stevel, I've got nothing against aging at all.
Avatar 12:27pm
Cheri Pi:

Oh, can we hear Killing Technology?

Free choice Voivod! An honor
Avatar 12:28pm
Cheri Pi:

I am beyond honored and thrilled!!

And a very Voivod Birthday to you!
Avatar 12:30pm
Cheri Pi:

thanks P-90!
Avatar 12:33pm
Cheri Pi:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:33pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:33pm
Rich in Washington:

I was always somewhat aware of Voivod but it was this program that turned me into a Voivodian.
Thanks, Diane!
Avatar 12:34pm
Cheri Pi:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:34pm



Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:39pm

i remember when i first saw the cover of angel rat when i was a kid. scared the shit out of me.
Avatar 12:40pm
Cheri Pi:

i just got Voivod goosebumps
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:44pm
Cubicle Carl:

Nice column deletion, Diane.
Avatar 12:45pm
Cheri Pi:

Hail of clicky stars is more like it.
Avatar 12:48pm
Cheri Pi:

damnit, the nords know how to do it.
Avatar 12:50pm
Diane Kamikaze:

Sorry CCarl. I filled out the "Album" field instead of the song title field by accident!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:54pm
Cubicle Carl:

You do no wrong.
Avatar 12:56pm
Cheri Pi:

Golden Void!!
Avatar 12:56pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:58pm

I think the only thing better for Cheri Pi's b-day would be a visit by Kvelertak!

(Yes, this request is actually about me.)
Avatar 12:59pm
V Priceless:

"The 'FUN MACHINE' is coming down, and we're gonna have a party!" Hey there, DK! Happy B-day, Cheri, cheers y'all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:00pm

Avatar 1:00pm
Cheri Pi:

Hahahahha! NICE!!
Avatar 1:01pm
Cheri Pi:

Oh it's my favorite too. this is a great driving song.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:01pm

Diane is queen of my world!
Avatar 1:04pm
Cheri Pi:

my cubicle is gonna need a new cubicle after this.

Rockin the B-day cubicle!
Avatar 1:09pm
Chris from DC:

Ah, I needed this.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:11pm

Jesus, madre mia!!
Avatar 1:20pm
Chris from DC:

Ash Pool!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:23pm
Cubicle Carl:

Pure Sardinian Black Metal.
Avatar 1:28pm
Cheri Pi:


sorry guys been busy as hell today....various tasks....listening loud but not on board much. Arghh And missing my pal Rev. Rabbit!

@LCD888: Happy Cheri Pi's Chemical Birthday!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:35pm

having first practice with my sludge metal project this weekend. any name suggestions?

@LCD888: Don't despair, the Right Reverend will join in later for some cerebral celebraintions...
&: I'm "Pi-90" for the rest of the day!
Avatar 1:37pm
Cheri Pi:

thanks n-90!
Avatar 1:39pm
Cheri Pi:

π-OH of course!!!
Avatar 1:40pm
V Priceless:

@ common: Molten Berle

a.k.a. "Uncle Moltie"
Avatar 1:42pm
Cheri Pi:

3 votes for Molten Berle.
Avatar 1:43pm
V Priceless:

or maybe....Kyssux
Avatar 1:47pm
Diane Kamikaze:

You guys are a wonderful distraction!
Avatar 1:48pm
V Priceless:

bass solo...time for a bathroom break! Ha!
Avatar 1:54pm
Cheri Pi:

Avatar 1:58pm
kirk from beer city usa:

I was hoping for some black pus!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:59pm
Planet Tyler:

John Brannon! Used to see Laughing Hyenas A LOT back in the day. Glad he's still alive and still growing polyps on his throat

but where is my bud C-90 Maxell cassettes and 8 tracks?? Anyhoo, was busy cleaning my bloody apt. and all kinds of shite...it sucks but I had to do it. cranking the Alesis monitors to drown out thebloody renovation noises going on around the back of my building fruiteee wankers!! fruiteeees Anyway, right, happy Birthday Cheri cheri my black leather ladyeeee
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:05pm

molten berle...sorry, i was at lunch. I'll think about that one. thanks guys!

The Carlos Castenada of rock.aka more Hickoids.
Avatar 2:11pm
V Priceless:

@ common: don't forget to toss around Kyssux, too! Or maybe you can revise that to "Kyssux Post 75"...nobody'll get that! : )
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:12pm

V Priceless: Just saw that. thanks! I'll run it by the peoples.

Cheri: took gander at your profile....nice white kitty kat...so cute!! awwww sleepy white fur....and loved that chick from WKRP I had the hots...back in the day I mean
Avatar 2:15pm
Cheri Pi:

My cat is the fluffiest thing next to fluff...

oh cute....yep pretty fluffy a big white fluffball with ears!

and is that the CAN box set you got for Xmas?

Jan Smithers...wow she was like a hot librarian type That was one of my fave TV shows of all time hands down

I'm ready to throw some bolts....
Avatar 2:18pm
Cheri Pi:

I think that Can box was a 1/2 birthday gift to myself.

haha! nothing wrong with dat I think I have the mp3 version of that on here somewhere....cannot even recall. But I shall buy the actual thing at some stage

the phone Cops it' the phoneee coppssss
Avatar 2:24pm
V Priceless:

D - you "r" in need of an "r" in "Thrower" - now there's a great band name!
Avatar 2:25pm
Diane Kamikaze:

Thanks for having my grammatical back, VP!
Avatar 2:29pm
V Priceless:

Ha! This is serious biz for future generations of archivists and scholars, ya know? BTW, "Grammatical back"'s got a nice percussive roll to it, no?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:30pm
Planet Tyler:

This is serious biz for us now-archivists :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:33pm

Damn, missed Voivod AND Probot?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:34pm

Happy Birthday Cheri Pi!

Avatar 2:35pm
Cheri Pi:

thanks Luna! and you missed Cult of Luna too!
Santos L Halper:

Groovy farflung wreckage here...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:37pm

Bummer! We're busy installing an exhibition...taking a very short break. Thank dog for the archives.
Avatar 2:38pm

Avatar 2:38pm
Cheri Pi:

oh that sounds exciting! You were here in Voivod spirit for sure,
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:39pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

I was away for a while. I hope it's not too late to express my support of Voivod (!!!) and happy birthday to Cheri Pi.
Avatar 2:40pm
V Priceless:

True story: The funniest name I ever heard for a Sabbath tribute band was "Sab Blabbath"!
Avatar 2:41pm
Cheri Pi:

that gets a chortle VP. t'anks KenFHP!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:46pm

sab blabbath! Hee!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:46pm
Cubicle Carl:

Your swarminess is very becoming, even today.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:47pm
Rich in Washington:

Sabbath was still a big deal when I went to high school. Metallica hadn't been invented yet.
Avatar 2:48pm
Cheri Pi:

SOULSIDE= the CHERRY ON TOP of a killer show!!!!!!!!!
Avatar 2:51pm
Cheri Pi:

our junior high was equally divided between Black Sabbath and Duran Duran, I rode in both camps.
Avatar 2:53pm
Diane Kamikaze:

I went to see Sabbra Cadabra once. They were actually pretty good. The singer was wearing this nice silky white shirt with fringe on the arms. There was a fairly large marinara sauce stain in the absolute center of the shirt. I spent the whole time watching them thinking.. "you have to eat wearing that shirt?" "Are you trying to be as sloppy as Ozzy?" "You didn't have another shirt to eat in?".... I was soooo distracted.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:53pm

Damn, I just LOVE In Solitude.
Avatar 2:55pm
Cheri Pi:

speaking of Ozzy: www.cherrybombed.com...

Green Sabaoth
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:57pm
Rich in Washington:

@Diane: I thought I was the only one who got totally derailed by some minor detail like that at shows.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:59pm
Rich in Washington:

Thanks for a great show!
Happy birthday, Cheri Pi!
Avatar 3:03pm
V Priceless:

hahaha..that's a riot! Reminds me of that talking stain commercial, when the guy goes in for an interview...and all the business owner sees is the stain on the guy's shirt blabbing on and on, louder & louder! And in defense of the singer for Sabbra Cadabra..well...you know how it is D - musicians gotta jump at the opportunity to eat whenever it presents itself! But I'm with ya - it would have disturbed me all night long, too! Great show!
Avatar 8:00pm

nice playlist Diane! see ya at the post office!
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