Favoriting Miniature Minotaurs with Kurt Gottschalk: Playlist from January 3, 2014 Favoriting

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"I fancy him at the court of Minos, anxious to know what sort of unmentionable monster the Minotaur may be, whether he is as frightful as all that or perhaps charming?" - Albert Camus (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting January 3, 2014: Oye Guitarra Mia
~~Animation by Minnesota Jeff

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments
Olguita Alvarez  Oye Guitarra Mia   Favoriting   Rio Piedras  1977  45   
Conor & Ayuno Duo  Piao   Favoriting Breaking Training  New Focus Recordings  2010  CD  Composed by Chan Ka Nin (2003-2006) 
Rinshō Kadekaru  Disc 2 Track 7   Favoriting Ushinawareta umi e no banka  Imperial Records  2002  CD   
Fortner Anderson with Alexander MacSween  As I Stand   Favoriting Six Silk Purses  Wired on Words  2005  CD   
Harry Nilsson  Lamaze   Favoriting Nilsson Schmilsson  RCA  2004  CD  Album originally released in 1971; this track included on 2004 reissue. 
Christopher Penrose  Prelude to Chump / Chump   Favoriting 10th Anniversary Bonk  Bonkfest  2000  CD   
Talujon  Coming Together   Favoriting ...the speed of the passing time ...  Capstone Records  2001  CD  Composed by Frederic Rzewski in 1969 
Anders Dahl & Skogen  Row 29: Palindrome   Favoriting Rows  Another Timbre  2013  CD  Composed by Anders Dahl 
Lines  tangents   Favoriting Lines  Random Acoustics  1997  CD   
Trophies  You Wait to Publish   Favoriting You Wait to Publish  Monotype  2013  CD   
Lore Lixenberg / Gregorg Rose / Robert Worby  Song Books Mix 6   Favoriting Song Books  Sub Rosa  2012  CD  Composed by John Cage in 1970 
The King's Singers  Nouvelles Aventures   Favoriting Ligeti: Vocal Works - Madrigals, Mysteries, Aventures & Songs  Sony Classical  1996  CD  Composed by György Ligeti (1962-65) 
Tenore e concordu de Orosei  Libere me, Domine   Favoriting Voches de Sardinna  Winter & Winter  1998  CD   
Paolo Angeli  Frasi Fatte   Favoriting Sale quanto basta  ReR Megacorp  2013  CD   
The Cyrkle  Red Rubber Ball   Favoriting Red Rubber Ball (A Collection)  Columbia/Legacy  1991  CD  Composed by Paul Simon, originally released in 1966 
Jaap Blonk & Machinefabriek  Pickles   Favoriting Deep Fried  Kontrans  2012  CD   
Günter Baby Sommer Percussion & Strings  Snack IV   Favoriting Whispering Eurasia  NEOS Jazz  2010  CD   
International Contemporary Ensemble  Husk   Favoriting Afterglow  Mode  2013  CD  Composed by Keeril Makan in 2006 
Viv Corringham  Broken Land   Favoriting Walking  Innova  2013  CD   
Yarn/Wire  Passagework   Favoriting Tone Builders  Carrier  2010  CD  Composed by Aaron Einbond in 2009 
Yannis Kyriakides  Covertures III   Favoriting Resorts & Ruins  Unsounds  2013  CD   
Active Recovering Music  #1   Favoriting Active Recovering Music  meena  2013  CD  Composed by Masahiko Okura 
Petula Clark  The Show is Over   Favoriting Beautiful Sounds: The Petula Clark Songbook  Castle  2000  CD   

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:04pm

g'day, Kurt!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:06pm

hello dce, kurt and puppy blob!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:06pm

who put the puppies in the dryer again??
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:07pm

Avatar 3:07pm

piao to you too.
Avatar 3:08pm

awww. puppy blob.
Avatar 3:09pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

good day, all. thanks for tuning in!

yeah, i'm loving the puppies...
Avatar 3:09pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

mn jeff told me it's because it either is or isn't the year of the dog.
Avatar 3:09pm
still b/p:

Multiple puppies at that peppy pitch could chew shoes beyond counting.
that guy in black:

Sounds like something by Pink Floyd
that guy in black:

Or a very old 70's tv show on pbs like open mind
Avatar 3:12pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

Multiple puppies at peppy pitch counting together in a cove and chewing with a pict?
that guy in black:

Something like it on the album "umma gumma"
Avatar 3:14pm

MN Jeff is one of the only true auteurs of the animated GIF
Avatar 3:14pm

This is a Piao-erful duo. And the puppies are 'dorable.
Hi, Kurt and folks!
Avatar 3:15pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

Avatar 3:15pm

did you see the photographer fox? www.thestar.com...
Avatar 3:16pm

he should be on the cover of GIFForum
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:17pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...so this is the result of Minnesota Jeff's...Lab Experiment - ??...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:18pm

Hello Kurt and others. I'm just in time for some music for Okinawa. And I left work just after the Karkowski/Menche. Just perfect.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:20pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...isn't : Leaving Year of the Water Snake & will be Wood Horse starting Jan. 31st Chinese Calendar-wise...
Avatar 3:22pm

Wooden horse -- hm, beware of geeks bearing .gifs.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:23pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

DogYears w/ Element :

1934 Wood
1946 Fire
1958 Earth
1970 Metal
1982 Water
1994 Wood
2006 Fire
2018 Earth...
Avatar 3:23pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

glenn, that fox photog is fantastic! remember the orangutan several years back that did that? i don't think it was an orangutan really, but not sure what it was right now...
Avatar 3:24pm
still b/p:

That kat, she Achilles me.
Avatar 3:25pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

rev rab, mn gif said it either is or isn't the year of the dog, so he isn't wrong, if i follow you correctly.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:25pm
Mike East:

Im a water dog.
Avatar 3:26pm

@still b/p: You can be such a heel.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:27pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Avatar 3:27pm

@Mike: I didn't know you were Portuguese!
Avatar 3:27pm
still b/p:

But you'd myth me if I 'uz gone.
Avatar 3:28pm

That's no myth.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:29pm

I like you
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This must be the anti-Smalley de-affirmation.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:30pm

I don't feel quite the same about you, though
Avatar 3:31pm

why isn't MN Jeff on dump.fm ??
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:31pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

..reminds me of 'Life of Brian' :

- 'You don't need me - you can think for yourselves !!'

- ...'We-can-think-for-ourselves'...
that guy in black:

Hmm? That sounded like what I hear in my head
Avatar 3:35pm
still b/p:

What's the traditional gift type for a 10th anniversary bonk?
Avatar 3:36pm

Someone say anniversary? Philo & I celebrate our 14th year of wedded bliss tomorrow.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:37pm

ye olde chump/chump is the perfect gift
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:37pm

congrats, kat & philo!
Avatar 3:38pm

Woah! Congrats kat & Philo!
Avatar 3:38pm

Thanks, DCE & NGH! :)
Avatar 3:40pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

happy anny, katty!
Avatar 3:40pm

i'm a metal rat. take that, sebastian bach.
laugh at my pain:

Laugh at my pain
  Swag For Life Member 3:42pm

yes rzewski!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:44pm

@glenn: I'm a yin metal pig. \m/
Avatar 3:44pm

Danke, Kurt! I'm a metal rabbit. Philo's a metal pig. We're heavy on the metal.
Avatar 3:44pm

@fred: Ha, cool!
Avatar 3:45pm
still b/p:

A Y2K couple? You bravely got married amid the collapse and crisis and upheaval when all the computers freaked and society nearly crashed-- remember, at the dawn of 2000?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:46pm

oh what an awful time to be human
Avatar 3:46pm

by the way, kat, in answer to a quwstion you asked from yesterday, i'd never hear of peter lemongello until fabio's show. then to find out he is the cousin of mark lemongello, together with all the other weirdness kinda blew my synapses.
Avatar 3:47pm

@still b/p: It was a case of Philo getting his 6-week vacation time around the holidays. After our honeymoon (southern Ohio in January!), he went back to Helsinki for another 9 months. His final immigration was Sept. of 2000.
Avatar 3:48pm

@glenn: I never gave it another thought. ;)
oh lawd:

This chick needs a good spanking
Avatar 3:54pm

S b/p, and the Y2K panic was a factor. We were tied together over the 4,500 miles only by that thin thread of the Internet and if, in fact it went haywire, we wanted to be together in real time.
Avatar 3:54pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

the text is actually a letter written by a prisoner at attica during the riots.
Avatar 3:57pm

wish id been paying more attention to the words. this is some great technoid synth and percussion action
Avatar 3:59pm
Mary Wing:

Can I do this song for Hoof & Mouth?
Avatar 3:59pm

Amazing that during the riots the prisoner could claim "excellent physical and emotional health."
Avatar 4:00pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

mary, HA!
Avatar 4:05pm

Mail just came and, heads up people: Emmaus Ministries announces it is the "Final Days: An Intelligent Look into Bible Prophecy," over a graphic of Lady Liberty waist-high in the waves and a plume of smoke coming from behind her. Inside it exclaims: "Be Prepared for the Next Earth Shaking Event! Y2K schmy 2K.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:06pm

Group 180's version of "Coming Together" is my favourite version, though this one was good too.
@Mary Wing - if you did that piece at H&F it would be the most awesome thing ever.
Avatar 4:08pm
Mary Wing:

Oh bravo, Kurt, that was almost like an oratory obstacle course.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:08pm

I really like Toshimaru Nakamura. I haven't heard him live often enough, but he was great each time
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:14pm

@Kurt: Was Bryce OK when you came in? He said he fell on his way to the station and was sore, so I'm a little worried
Avatar 4:15pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

yeah, he hurt his back pretty bad but he's ok. he's hanging around saying that everything i play sounds like star trek.
Avatar 4:19pm

The original or DS9?
Avatar 4:20pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

TNG i think but i wasn't really paying attention
Avatar 4:21pm
Mary Wing:

Maybe Bryce could lay the desk and Kurt could practice his Rolfing technique.
Avatar 4:23pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

Avatar 4:23pm

@Mary: If Bryce can lay the desk, his back isn't too bad. ;) But IAE,
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:24pm

@Kurt: If you play some Prince he might switch to Space: 1999
Avatar 4:25pm

ooops, I was going to add that Rolfing is quite intense, but Kurt would be gentle I'm sure.
Avatar 4:27pm

Loving the gargling.
Avatar 4:28pm

I'm imagining it's Lady Liberty when she's finally under the waves after the 4 Horsemen -- wooden horsemen? -- have arrived.
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still b/p:

When the minotaurs are miniature, you can add them to the back-walking treatment gradually, a couple at a time, until you create the individualized healing herd.
Avatar 4:30pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

thanks, b/p
Avatar 4:31pm

Imagine opera singers doing the dishes in a room overflowing with suds. That's what this sounds like.
Avatar 4:31pm

The monks have arrived.
Avatar 4:43pm

can i just say, mary wing has a great show, and an awesome radio voice.
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not that i'd ever tell her that, you understand. i don't want to inflate her ego or anything.
Avatar 4:45pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

sure, you can say that!
Avatar 4:46pm

Mary Wing's no Glen Jones.
Avatar 4:48pm

And Glen Jones is no Stan. Stan's the man.
Avatar 4:50pm

Oh, this is gorgeous! Appreciated all the more as it arrives.
Avatar 4:51pm

Lasciate mi, morire....

This is Sardinian?
Avatar 4:54pm

Two Sardinian selections in a row!
Avatar 4:55pm

@tdk60: Voices of Sardinia is my translation guess.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:57pm

happy weekends! stay warm!

A reviewer said Lee R. & Dust's new album is crap. But I sorta like it, upon 1 listen.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:08pm
chocolate monk:

i REALLY love a pickle!
Avatar 5:10pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

hey monk!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:13pm
chocolate monk:

awright sweet cheeks??? Happy New year to you,, and all yr listeners.
Avatar 5:15pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

ha! you too! weren't you gonna send me something? (i could use it next week, whatever it is.)
Avatar 5:16pm

we love and support ICE, glad to hear them on your show!!
Avatar 5:20pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

ICE is nice
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:21pm
chocolate monk:

yeah man,, but only if you follow through with yr idea of doing a show of only "stupid" sounds.
Avatar 5:23pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

how stupid does stupid be?
Avatar 5:25pm

you're asking us?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:27pm
chocolate monk:

one persons stupid is another persons.....?
Avatar 5:27pm

Aw, glenn, love your new look.
Avatar 5:28pm

3 hours of only stupid sounds, i think we can all get on board for that
Avatar 5:29pm

"Passagework" is a very nice piece of work.
Avatar 5:30pm

bryce and kurt could do armpit farty sounds.
Avatar 5:31pm

The question to that answer was: What does the fox say?
Avatar 5:37pm

i haven't see that video, and i don't think i'm going to.
Avatar 5:40pm

Neither have I, but snippets are impossible to miss, at least in the media I listen to /watch.
Avatar 5:41pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

it's pretty fun to watch with a 10 year old and a 12 year old.
Avatar 5:42pm

Your children, Kurt?
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Kurt Gottschalk:

niece and nephew
Avatar 5:44pm

Cool. So is it something they get up and dance to?
Avatar 5:45pm

I guess this group is already providing the A.R.M. noise, but not the pits.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:45pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Happy Anno kat330 & Philo !!
Avatar 5:46pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

they don't dance to it, they just laugh and say it's weird.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:46pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...unless they're *very very good * @ it...
Avatar 5:46pm

Masahiko Okura, new to me and awesome!
Avatar 5:47pm

Thanks, RR! Wow, that was a delayed reaction, making me think it just turned midnight wherever you are. ;) Though I realize you're in the same zone as I in NH.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:47pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...armpit playing, I mean...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:47pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...just home from Werk...
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@Kurt: I imagine that's a fine critical appraisal from what little I know.
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Kurt Gottschalk:

which what now?
Avatar 5:49pm

Is that a stapler?
Avatar 5:49pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

Avatar 5:52pm

Or are they ARMing themselves by cocking a more deadly weapon?
Avatar 5:52pm

Ok, time for brinner. See y'all next week! Cheers!
Avatar 5:54pm

So long, ngh! And yes, it's time I get into the kitchen, too. Later than usual since Philo's working late. Have a warm and safe weekend, y'all! Lots of hot cocoa and snuggling whenever possible!
Avatar 5:54pm

Thanks for your program today, Kurt! Bye!

listen often Kurt. Always dig what you sling.
a fan...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:58pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Shaggs !! NewHampshuh Superstars !!
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