Hi gang,
Today's D:O Radio will actually be airing from 1-4pm (ET). A screw-up at WFMU has the link to this playlist showing on the home page now, instead of beginning at 1pm. Sorry for the confusion. Jeff Golick we be beginning the show in 43 minutes.
Apparently, the change in scheduling HAD been done, but the WFMU has "gone rogue" and is linking to today's show at the typical time anyway. Kenzo is no on the case. We can all rest easy.
Just now I tried to check the stream's software remotely to see what that long song was, but I am unable to connect. Apparently, WFMU is having some connectivity problems today. Happy Old Year, everyone!
@duke: One time during Bryce's program, I had 4 different "devices" playing one of his intoning pieces all at once, with split-second staggering of all. It was trippy in the extreme.
The longer he delays, the more Philo will get to enjoy when he walks in the door around 3:37 EST. [ALWAYS a silver lining -- or slate gray as this playlist color scheme]
I wish I could tell you. My ability to remotely open the stream is down right now so i can't access the info. If the connection gets fixed in the next 8-10 hours, I will be able to go in and scroll back through the history and find it.
@earrie: You have one of those, too? I attached some elastic arm pulls to the top of a doorway and so can double the trampoline workout benefit (also prevents any falling too far forward or backward ;).
Elastic arm pulls, Kat? For over the tramp? Must be a pretty large door frame, yeah? (Love my leetle trampoline. Fun. Doesn't plug in. Can make shit up as I go along, etc.)
@earrie: Yes, it's a double door -- of the old house ilk -- between LR and DR. I just store them up on a second hook when not in use. Really does give a good cardio workout more than just bouncing does.
Interesting idea, Kat. I can not face a single direction or do the same thing over and over for more than a bunch of min , or so. I've a total kid-mind for exercise.
So, happy end of 2013, everyone. Greetings of the season to all assembled: @kat330! @earrie! @Gary! @Uncle Michael! @Captain Hate! @duke! @listener james from westwood! And anyone else who stuck around...!
@Doug: :) That last note reminds me. I saw *exactly* from where Kubrick lifted his famous "Here's Johnnie!" scene in "The Shining." It was in a Swedish silent film called "The Phantom Carriage." Everything but for the Nicholson grin and dialogue.
Jon Stewart does brilliant comedy on the Daily Show, but has anyone (other than me) noticed that he has lifted a great deal of his physical comedy directly from Johnny Carson? In the spirit of all comedians, you'd have to call it homage rather than theft, but still, the resemblance is, as I observe it, unmistakable.
Doug, was all that by way of letting me know I misspelled "Johnnie"? ;) I love Stewart -- never really noticed the Carson similarity -- but I double-love Colbert. I don't know how much credit goes to his writers and how much to him personally, but he always nails the political parody on its head.
Hullo, @Brian in UK! Thanks for the link. Those are some great ones. Read STONER little while back -- that book's had an enviable second life. SPEED BOAT is in my ever-growing to-be-read pile.... Salter I got a little problem with... Have you read any of those? Am really enjoying the National (US) Book Award winner THE GOOD LORD BIRD right now.
I am speaking mostly of what he does with his face and hands while sitting at his desk. There is a double-take that Stewart does that is pure Carson. And his laughing at his own jokes, usually in response to a less-than-robust audience response, is also straight from The Tonight Show.
@Jeff just about to read Stoner, the others are new to me. Reading Red or Dead by David Peace at present.
Cohran had a South African vibe about it at least to my ears!!
@earrie and kat330
You both had asked about the long track that was playing on the stream right around noon. I was finally able to check the stream. It was "Egungun Riot 1976" by Femi Akinyemi's Juju Lucky Stars. Here is the album's cover art: globalgroovers.blogspot.com...
@kat not really sure, I should know. There is Lambeth Palace nearby where the Archbishop of Canterbury resides.
We are going to the Lake District in March near Grasmere, might be a bit chilly.
@Brian: In March I'd think so. We were at Windemere staying in a youth hostel in Ambleside in May, and I'll never forget the freakishly sudden storm that had us unable to row our boat back from the opposite shore.
@Doug. Hm. Yeah, I'll chime in. Disagree about the laugh. 1) it's human and 2) I'm fine w/ the current and dislike the previous. And the double-take? Could be caricature of caricature: mrwgifs.com...
Aww, hitting it outta the ballpark, Jeff. Thanks for this set and all before as well! (yeah, DJ has to pull that short Joni off quickly before the next track! :)
And as time winds down: We probably won't be on comments again until 2014, so here's a final 2013 message from Philo and me to you all: tinyurl.com...
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Listener comments!
listener james from westwood:
Uncle Michael:
listener james from westwood:
Uncle Michael:
Doug Schulkind:
Today's D:O Radio will actually be airing from 1-4pm (ET). A screw-up at WFMU has the link to this playlist showing on the home page now, instead of beginning at 1pm. Sorry for the confusion. Jeff Golick we be beginning the show in 43 minutes.
Uncle Michael:
Doug Schulkind:
Yes, this is just a one-time air-shift shift to accommodate some D:O Doings.
Doug Schulkind:
How is it weirdly, for you? I am not hearing any problems on my end.
Uncle Michael:
Doug Schulkind:
Captain Hate:
Uncle Michael:
Doug Schulkind:
Just now I tried to check the stream's software remotely to see what that long song was, but I am unable to connect. Apparently, WFMU is having some connectivity problems today. Happy Old Year, everyone!
Doug Schulkind:
Doug Schulkind:
Good things come to those who wait!
If it takes digging, f'get it. And glad for the reschedule note. And hi/hellos.
Doug Schulkind:
I wish I could tell you. My ability to remotely open the stream is down right now so i can't access the info. If the connection gets fixed in the next 8-10 hours, I will be able to go in and scroll back through the history and find it.
Doug Schulkind:
Jeff Golick:
Hi there.
Doug Schulkind:
Jeff Golick:
Doug Schulkind:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Doug Schulkind:
Twerking in a coal mine.
All twerk and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
Doug Schulkind:
Jeff Golick:
"Ba ba BOOM."
Peter Paul Mounds:
Jack Sheldon:
Brian in UK:
Time, phffft.
These book selections might interest you. Guess you know already.
Jeff Golick:
Brian in UK:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Doug Schulkind:
I am speaking mostly of what he does with his face and hands while sitting at his desk. There is a double-take that Stewart does that is pure Carson. And his laughing at his own jokes, usually in response to a less-than-robust audience response, is also straight from The Tonight Show.
Brian in UK:
Cohran had a South African vibe about it at least to my ears!!
listener james from westwood:
Doug Schulkind:
You both had asked about the long track that was playing on the stream right around noon. I was finally able to check the stream. It was "Egungun Riot 1976" by Femi Akinyemi's Juju Lucky Stars. Here is the album's cover art: globalgroovers.blogspot.com...
Brian in UK:
We are going to the Lake District in March near Grasmere, might be a bit chilly.
Brian in UK:
This is a cool set.
To the kitchen.
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Doug Schulkind:
Philo Gristle:
Jeff Golick:
Philo Gristle:
Doug Schulkind:
And as time winds down: We probably won't be on comments again until 2014, so here's a final 2013 message from Philo and me to you all: tinyurl.com...
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Uncle Michael:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Philo Gristle:
Doug Schulkind:
Doug Schulkind:
Don't thank me, friend. I'm just a happy recipient like everyone else. What a miraculous show!
listener james from westwood:
Jeff Golick:
Catch you all (early) in 2014! xoxo