Favoriting Why Oh Why? with Andrea Silenzi: Playlist from December 18, 2013 Favoriting

Andrea Silenzi speaks with friends, experts, guys in bars, and her own Grandma Phyllis about where love and sex meets technology.

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Favoriting December 18, 2013: #3 - Boys Having Feelings

Today on the show, I learn just how lonely and complex boys can be when they rip out their strange. testosterone soaked hearts. I'll speak with Lulu-sullied George, decent Dave from Trash Ride, and that guy Randy (aka Quiz-yes) from last week's show. Plus, dating advice expert Holly Wood helps it all make sense.

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments
            Today on the show, I learn just how lonely and complex boys can be when they rip out their strange. testosterone soaked hearts. I'll speak with Lulu-sullied George, decent Dave from Trash Ride, and that guy Randy (aka Quiz-yes) from last week's show. Plus, dating advice expert Holly Wood helps it all make sense. 
Beex  Beat, Beat   Favoriting Necroscopix (1970-1981)  Artifacts/yclept  2013  MP3  Free Music Archive 
Casey in KC             
Casey in KC           

This is the perfume I wear called Coyote made by my friend Jill.
Randy            Send Randy an email: numberonelover453@yahoo.com 
CIVIL CIVIC  Lights On A Leash   Favoriting Bad Panda #59  Bad Panda Records  2010  MP3  Free Music Archive 

The worst of George's Lulu reviews.
When I ended things with the turtle dude             
This guy seemed cool before I learned that he uses turtles as chairs             
Custodian Of Records  Emo Step Show   Favoriting She Hate Me  Domination Recordings  2010  MP3  Free Music Archive 
Holly Wood            Dating Advice Expert 
Dave M           

Trash Ride
Trash Ride  I Hate the Way You Look At Me   Favoriting Unreleased Demo  Trash Ride  2013  MP3   
My instagram feed             
Subscribe in iTunes             

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:02pm
Greg from Bloomfield:

Boys don't actually have feelings– that's just an old wives' tale...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:03pm
Matt from Springfield:

Confused + Rage. And Horny. That's about it...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:04pm
Andrew Waterloo:

I love Dylan Moran's routine on men having feelings.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:08pm
Matt from Springfield:

AND non-Jerseyians!!
Avatar 7:08pm

It seems that Andrea courts train wrecks on these dates (no offense). In my single days, there were a handful of disaster dates, but even the 'meh' dates were usually were w/ nice, smart ladies. (in my thirties)
Avatar 7:08pm

Avatar 7:08pm

of course i have feelings. they're less expensive than root canals.

Where is Hearty and what is this hoopla.,?


okay. He's gone from an amazing radio guest, to a possible replacement for Tom Scharpling. Give him 3 hours ken!

Hearty moved to Thursdays.
Avatar 7:10pm

@FISH - Hearty is tomorrow 7-8pm.. though I do a SPOT ON Hearty impression when I'm drunk
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:11pm
Mike East:

and he used to be on Tuesdays, anyway, right?
Avatar 7:12pm

and anyway, if you want to blame "lack of feelings" on anything, i suggest craigslist is a good place to start.
Avatar 7:13pm

As a man, I'm fairly offended by the idea that Randy somehow represents our gender. If a girl into this kind of guy, at least some of the problem is with her. I mean, he's a disaster.
Avatar 7:13pm

This show is not about a lack of feelings! The guys I've interviewed this week have way more feelings than a lot of the girls I've interviewed. One guy is going to say "I wish girls would stop using me for sex."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:14pm
Matt from Springfield:

@Andrea: Now THAT would be great radio! :)
Avatar 7:15pm

yeah, i used to say that. 25 years ago, when i was cute and thin.
Avatar 7:19pm

Randy is pathetic and obnoxious, but I think he's being exploited a bit.
Avatar 7:19pm

Should I go to bubba gumps with this guy? Not on a date, but to record...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:19pm
Matt from Springfield:

"Isn't that the restaurant inspired by the Forrest Gump movie?"
"Uh, I don't know..."
Oh, brother.:

Can you hang up on this douche, please?
Avatar 7:20pm

It's a recorded show and RANDY IS EPIC.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:20pm
Matt from Springfield:

Hang up on a pre-recorded conversation?? ;)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:20pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

$180 an hour...so that's $360 for a 2-hour movie. That sounds like a lot to pay out to watch a movie. I don't see that as a good investment.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:21pm
Greg from Bloomfield:

"I have a Groupon for Bubba Gump's" is officially my new go-to pick-up line.
Avatar 7:21pm

@Otto That's my biggest fear! Thanks for sharing that
Avatar 7:21pm

of course you should go.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:22pm
Matt from Springfield:

@Andrea: I agree with Otto--it would certainly be interesting radio if you recorded him, but I wouldn't be laughing *with* him...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:22pm

It would make me sad if you hung out with this guy
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:22pm
Mike East:

@Ken - would YOU want to go see a movie with this dude? It'd take about that to get me to spend 2 hours of my time with him.
Avatar 7:22pm

lots of people will pay 500$ to go a football or hockey game, so.....

@otto: you may have a point. Still, there's something even more pathetic about the way she becomes more and more patient, indulgent, and fascinated the more obnoxious he gets
Avatar 7:23pm

i'd hang out with mike east for nothin'. but keep your paws off, big fella.
cee dubbles:

C r E e P e R !!!
Avatar 7:24pm

brain. hymen. yikes.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:24pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Coming up summer 2014 - Andrea & Randy's epic road trip story.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:25pm
Matt from Springfield:

I'd hang out with Mike East for nothin' as well!
AND, you'd have to keep your paws off me, BUT you will be allowed to touch your own paws together!
Avatar 7:25pm

I think he was showing off about the escort and her rates, but who knows with this guy
Avatar 7:25pm

I think ottovonbqe speaks for the lot fo us....

I feel like I need a quick shower to clean off after Randy's segment

You can't choose the hashtags. Who is in charge of choosing them. God?
Avatar 7:27pm

If a guy gets really high ratings on Lulu, can he start charging for dates?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:28pm
Ken From Hyde Park:



Randy sounds like a psychopath and I wouldn't waste any more time on him
Avatar 7:30pm

#fuck off with the fucking hashtags already.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:30pm

Another reason to not be on Facebook
Avatar 7:31pm

Avatar 7:31pm

and also, the new gmail homepage is retarded.
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#selfdescirbesasnerd #dealbreakdforme #ifiwereawoman
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:32pm
Matt from Springfield:

"Porn educated", also known as, "educated".
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#cantstophashtagging #somuchselfloathing #needhelp
Avatar 7:32pm

He works in science if that makes the #nerd description more robust for you
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:33pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Just checked gmail. Found a 7SD newsletter from WFMU.
Avatar 7:34pm

Well, it's not that I suspect it's false, it's just the whole humble bragging nerd things is a pet peeve. As in, "oh, I went to library school #totalbooknerd" etc. Makes me realize as a gen x-er that I just can't relate to the younger generation.
Avatar 7:36pm

@kfhyp - I got that too. My first FMU spam.

"I've been a dick, but never on purpose." #saywhat
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:37pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Lulu seems to be www.onlulu.com. It's the first app for girls!

Avatar 7:38pm

Well, I'm off to an appointment - interested to learn more about Andrea's dark and self-destructive attractions on future episodes.
Avatar 7:38pm

This guy's clear-eyedness is winning me over.
Avatar 7:39pm

This convo was really cathartic for George. I think I've never had a guy open up to me like this before about being a #totalfuckingdickhead in his past

@otto: Right again, thinly veiled "humble bragging."
Me? I'm in the NASA astronaut training program
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:41pm
Mike East:

@glenn and Matt - what movie do you wanna go see?
Avatar 7:41pm

oh oh. being a therapist will nip any relationship in the bud.
Avatar 7:42pm

hmmm. is the breaking bad movie out yet?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:43pm
Andrew Waterloo:

The last time I opened up to someone she ended up using it against me. Which seemed a bit unfair.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:44pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

@glenn - I don't know about that movie, but I just saw that a Gilligan's Island movie is being planned.
Avatar 7:44pm

i saw that too. what could possibly go wrong?

This is gender stereotyping. Doesn't fit me in the slightest.
Avatar 7:47pm
Willie Nelson Bus Crash:

Tuned in 1/2 hour late, am 56 years old and trying to make sense of the broadcast. These conversations couldn't of taken place in my day. It's unavoidable today obviously. And this conversation is important. People haven't changed but the superficial anonymous personality review (Facebook) is new and ubiquitous soft and hard porn are something new. The whole scene is destructive because it is removing people from one another, not closer or more caring.
Avatar 7:47pm

The only times I would talk to other guys about girls I've dated about certain details, would only be to my best friends about my serious gfs and vice versa.

"ubiquitiveness"? #ubiquity
Harvard? Really?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:49pm
Matt from Springfield:

@Mike: Either "Twelve Years A Slave", or "Anchorman 2".

Again? Gawgh- why is the show on the air?
Avatar 7:49pm

chai soy latte? you couldn't pay me enough.
Avatar 7:49pm

@P-90 Is that your best reply? Thanks for proving my point.
Avatar 7:49pm

I enjoy going to movies and eating by myself.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:50pm
Greg from Bloomfield:

Tell me she didn't just say that men aren't concerned about women evaluating them...

Is there a list of these lulu hashtags somewhere?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:52pm
Mike East:

@Matt - Lets keep it light. 12 yrs a Slave. :)
Avatar 7:52pm

i hope ernie bushmiller's getting a cut of the lulu action.

I thought WFMU was supposed to be about music...

A list of the hashtaggy lexicon of Lulu. Anyone?

"I wanted to steal something, but she didn't really have great taste"
Avatar 7:54pm

i don't think johnnyh listens between 6 and 8 most nights.

Willie Nelson Bus Crash should be hosting this show
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:55pm
Matt from Springfield:

Ha, Mike!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:55pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

I vote for more breakup stories. Pathetic ones, preferably.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:56pm
Andrew Waterloo:

The way he describes her he makes it sound like his attraction was entirely physical and he has no problem using women for sex.

No one is in a serious relationshiop for 1-2months a year

I'm glad I'm beyond these years! Not like this doesn't happen in the later years, but yeah...

hurray! it's over!
Avatar 7:58pm
Willie Nelson Bus Crash:

Universal truth "Men trade love for sex. Women trade sex for love".
Avatar 7:58pm

Although, I'm curious how non-friends would describe me, but maybe that's the vanity in me..

Tip: don't over enunciate. Normal enunciating is sufficient.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:59pm
Matt from Springfield:

Woo, GO #CantTakeAHints!!!

Thanks Ange and guests! Have a good night everyone!
Avatar 7:59pm

untrue on my side, Willie Nelson Bus Crash.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:00pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Now we can find out what's new with The Muslim Brotherhood.

If Andrea goes to dinner with him and he allows her to record it it's really clear that he's in this for the attention and the rise he gets out of her. It's also clear that he's not really adding anything valuable to the conversation the show is having: he's a spectacle for us to laugh at. It sullies the other great content of this show.
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