Favoriting Brian Turner: Playlist from November 26, 2013 Favoriting

Order and disorder in a freeform haze of terribly-played guitars, shorted-out electronics, found audio detritus, strange sounds from strange lands all around. Psych-punk-junk, collage, even pop. Lots of in-studio live performances to boot.

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Favoriting November 26, 2013

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label New Approx. start time
ARU / BB Jr  Golden Strand   Favoriting Deadly PA  Personal Archives  *   0:00:00 (Pop-up)
DJ Keiji Haino  Experimental Mixture   Favoriting       0:05:44 (Pop-up)
John F. Kennedy, Jr.  Inaugural Speech   Favoriting Various: Great Speeches of the 20th Century  Word Beat    0:10:54 (Pop-up)
Gene Simmons  Ace Frehley Is a Greedy Paranoid Backstabbing Junkie   Favoriting       0:12:03 (Pop-up)
Gene Simmons  Peter Criss is a Stupid Tonedeaf Cocaine Junkie Loser   Favoriting       0:25:16 (Pop-up)
Fleshtone Aura  Excerpt   Favoriting On Rusticated Slant  Pleasance  *   0:26:02 (Pop-up)
Mama Bea Tekielski  La Clef   Favoriting Faudrait Rallumer La Lumiere Dans Ce Foutu Compartiment  RCA France    0:26:46 (Pop-up)
Thee Oh Sees  The Burning Spear   Favoriting Singles Collection Vol. 3  Castle Face  *   0:31:57 (Pop-up)
Vox Pop  Just Like Your Mom   Favoriting 7"  Munster  *   0:34:26 (Pop-up)
Vaz  Visiting Hours   Favoriting Visiting Hours  Sleeping Giant Glossolalia    0:37:10 (Pop-up)
Foetus  Warm Leatherette   Favoriting Soak  Ectopic Entertainment  *   0:41:52 (Pop-up)
?Alos / Xabier Iriondo  The Storm   Favoriting 7"  Tarzan / Bar La Muerte  *   0:45:13 (Pop-up)
William Onyeabor  Good Name   Favoriting Who Is William Onyeabor?  Luaka Bop  *   0:48:55 (Pop-up)
AK Process  Post Town   Favoriting Various: I Hate the Pop Group  Vertical Slum    0:58:49 (Pop-up)
Lou Reed  WPIX DJ 1979   Favoriting       1:01:15 (Pop-up)
Mammane Sani et Son Orgue  Lamru   Favoriting La Musique Électronique Du Niger  Sahel Sounds / Mississippi  *   1:39:10 (Pop-up)
Aanipaa  Toward All Thesholds   Favoriting Through a Pre-Memory  Mego  *   1:39:37 (Pop-up)
Rodion GA  Stele Si Lumini   Favoriting       1:57:37 (Pop-up)
Bailter Space  Today   Favoriting Trinine  Fire  *   1:59:43 (Pop-up)
Peter Gutteridge  Hang On   Favoriting Pure  540/Xpressway  *   2:02:49 (Pop-up)
The Brothers Gorgonzola  You Are   Favoriting Split 7" w/Toerag  Onset Offset    2:05:19 (Pop-up)
Foom  Untitled   Favoriting Surface Noise and Imperfection  No Label  *   2:13:55 (Pop-up)
Asian Women On the Telephone  St. Artemy   Favoriting Ivan  Feeding Tube  *   2:21:30 (Pop-up)
Francois Tusques  Nous Allons Vous Conter...(Intercommunal Blues)   Favoriting Various: Mobilisation Generale: Protest and Spirit Jazz from France 1970-76  Born Bad  *   2:26:55 (Pop-up)
Carlo Vinci Jr.  Blue Snowflake   Favoriting Piper of Dreams  Century Productions    2:40:23 (Pop-up)
Bill Burns  Exerpt   Favoriting Dogs and Boats and Airplanes Choir  Bennifer Editions  *   2:46:53 (Pop-up)
Noothgrush  Jundland Wastes   Favoriting Split LP w/Coffins  Southern Lord  *   2:54:30 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 3:04pm
Cheri Pi:

Bee to the Tee!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:06pm

hello...still got the TC stream going but I'll be joining up in a second!
paula pc:

have no clue what this is; really really like it
paula pc:

ah...never mind -- I see who it is!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:08pm

nice. likey.
Avatar 3:09pm
Cheri Pi:

It's no Personal and the Pizza's but it's pretty decent;
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:18pm

all the history no one ever needed. but it is interesting.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:20pm

wait let me guess... Ace never showed up?
paula pc:

synergy like Wizard Of Oz and Dark Side Of The Moon...
Avatar 3:23pm

Gene sounds *reaaaal* thrilled to be doing the audiobook.
Avatar 3:25pm

KISS is my favorite band...since 1978, but Gene calling Ace greedy is pretty gawd damn funny
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:26pm

i'm just amazed you can get a gene simmons book on tape
Avatar 3:28pm

I just had a hibachi dinner with Gene, Shannon, et al on the Norweigan Pearl KISS Kruise. I learned that he hates guacamole.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:30pm

he must like the chips though, judging from the size of his belly in his home made porno (shudder). when a man keeps his tee shirt on during sex you know it's time for a diet
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:31pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

I'm a little rusty with my KISS knowledge. I forget who is who and must check the internet to recall who wore what makeup. I need the mental image of who is speaking.
Avatar 3:32pm

true dale and his black socks.
Avatar 3:33pm

@Ken - Gene = Demon, current pizza mogul --> www.pmqmag-digital.com...
Avatar 3:33pm

i sometimes refer to him as $ocks on KISS messageboards.
Avatar 3:35pm

@Mike - if I met Gene, I think I'd ask him about his confident prediction that Rick Perry was going to be POTUS.
Avatar 3:37pm

wasn't aware of that. i know he voted for Obama first time and that other dude last election.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:37pm
Mike East:

wait, there's a pizza magazine and I don't have a subscription? I'm ashamed.
Avatar 3:38pm

he really just needs to donker down when it comes to politics and stick to what he knows....singing songs about 16 year old girls named Christine
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:39pm
Andrew Waterloo:

Rick Perry was one of those guys you can only expect to be President if you're very cynical or very out of the loop when it comes to politics.

The track titles are hard to read on this Vaz album, but they're on the insert. White text blocks of lyrics about halfway down the page.
Avatar 3:40pm

@Mike East - obviously you're not a pizza mogul. Not that I'm one, either. But still.
r i s k y:

Copped this Vaz. Nice listen!

Saw Vaz the other night with Rusted Shut. I've seen them a bunch of times before, but holy fuck balls. they were incredible.
Avatar 3:41pm
Brian Turner:

Thx Fernando

Outstanding Vaz!

Agreed, Cory! I wish Rusted Shut could get it together to tour. Maybe I just need to travel...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:45pm
Planet Tyler:

Cool, didn't know there was a cover of Warm Leatherette - and by Foetus to boot!

Ya I mean I was actually saying Vaz ruled, but Rusted Shut did as well. Has Rusted Shut ever toured? That would be wild.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:46pm

Planet Tyler: Count me schooled too! Great take on a potentially uncover-able song.
nick s.:

I saw Rusted Shut in St. Paul a few years back in St. Paul, MN. Amazing.

Oh I was agreeing with your Vaz compliment. Just jealous of the local Rusted Shut factor!
paula pc:

funkiest reading of Othello ever
J Frank:

Onyeabor sounds a whole lot like Jose Gonzalez
Avatar 4:09pm

I just downloaded a pre-Velvets Lou Reed comp. not bad.....
paula pc:

this is from that same WPIX show??
paula pc:

Avatar 4:58pm

audio dropped to right channel only.
Avatar 4:58pm

left channel just sounded like a dial tone for a sec.
Avatar 4:59pm

or maybe I'm having a stroke. Cool song to stroke out to!
Avatar 5:00pm
Brian Turner:

Yeh sorry about that. Was playing it off You Tube, looks like something not hooked up right on the computer...

so did anybody go to the new Rough Trade shop in Wburg? Just curious. No reviews on Yelp yet. I have no time or $ but shall go next month I hope.

New Zealand represent
Avatar 5:07pm

LD888 - im kind of disgusted that a number of great small shops (Earwax, Academy Annex, Sound Fix) helped make the neighborhood into an awesome place to live and visit... and now that we're past that point they're all priced out of the neighborhood and this "indie superstore" is going to kill off even more of the small businesses that worked hard for years to build up the neighborhood
Avatar 5:09pm
Brian Turner:

Earwax is still in the hood, just knocked off Bedford.

Earwax even moved off Bedford? Last time I was over there a few months ago it was still there! Crazy. Anyway, yeah, I took a look at pics of the RTrade shop and it looks ok but a lot of "space" and vinyl that isn't that unique, and not much "shop" or stock except tons of copies of Morrisey's bio. Blechh. Maybe I won't bother.
Avatar 5:12pm

BT - right, i know! but i see Rough Trade as something that's going to further push the shops we've come to love out of the neighborhood, and possibly out of business as well. i just think its sad, though gentrification is inevitable. just one man's opinion.

Wait a sec: I just read Earwax is moved to N. 9th, and that's right where the Rough Trade shop is. Wacky. And Academy is moving to Greenpoint. Ah well. Meanwhile if a shop like any of these opened in Port Washington we'd all have a heart attack from shock. There's NOTHING cool here. nada.

The only good thing in PWashout is the library, that's a jewel in the crown, but otherwise, zip. I'd rather move to Greenpoint or
Bushwick but the rents are killin me.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:16pm
Mike East:

I think those smaller record shops were part of the original wave of gentrification. This is post gentrification, I think. Hipsters being priced out by yuppies. I don't judge anyone. I used to live there myself.
Avatar 5:17pm
Brian Turner:

I have the feeling the missing links of RT will still lead people to Earwax, Record Grouch, Heaven Street and the ilk --- though maybe the non-deep-digging music types of the giant McCondos of Wmsbg who will be content to, uh, not look for the missing links. Havent checked the RT shop yet.

I find it a shame that something like Amoeba never opened in NYC, I've never been there but heard so many great things about it. We need something like that around that won't kill off the other indie shops, but just compete and provide a comprehensive set of stuff, books, music, records, etc.
like a concentrated version of the old Virgin or Tower but better.
But Rough T. doesn't look like it.
Avatar 5:18pm

good point BT
Avatar 5:18pm

and Mike East
Avatar 5:19pm
Brian Turner:

Stores with good used selections will always triumph....

But trust me, could be worse, you could be living in Hoboken! Look at how lame that place is these days. Long Island even
has a few indie shops left but never anything really great.
High Fidelity is good, out in Amityville, but who goes there from NYC? Nobody. Even I barely get there.

I used to like Other Music ok, went there rarely, but it's very limited in terms of size/stock, but otherwise I liked it ok. I still preferred Tower I don't care what anybody said, and even Virgin though their prices were high.

how about some Frank Chickens to follow this up!?
Avatar 5:28pm

This Francois Tusques is TOP stuff; nice one
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:29pm

Can somebody please pick KF by the ankles and shake him until the new schedule falls out? :) Sorry, I'm just really curious to see it. Thanks.

the question is will there be a Furby balloon at the parade Thursday? This is the burning question of the season....not.
Avatar 5:35pm

LD is that a serious question? Furbies are awesome, i hope there's a Furby float!

ha, I dunno Yahoo was pushing the neo Furby trend or whatever today so I was wondering myself...I betcha there may be one. That's if they go up at all. boohoo. Wind. I never owned one I was afraid it would never shut up...like moi.

a Furby float on the menu at Friendly's.....they could use some help!

I was likin that Tusques, tribal meets free jazz meets A. Ayler or whatnot.
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