Favoriting Professor Dum Dum's Lab: Playlist from November 22, 2013 Favoriting

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Professor Dum Dum, scientist of music, performs experiments in music and human behaviour. Living, breathing volunteers subject themselves to his verbal vivisection, helping all to understand what laymen call "absurdity." (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting November 22, 2013

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Artist Track Album Label Approx. start time
Korova  Strangulation Alpha   Favoriting Dead Like an Angel  Napalm Records  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
JJ Hrubovcak  Dance of the Sugarplum Fairies   Favoriting Death Metal Christmas    0:05:50 (Pop-up)
King Diamond  A Visit from teh Dead   Favoriting Conspiracy  Roadrunner  0:09:53 (Pop-up)
Code  Harmonies in Cloud   Favoriting Augor Noir    0:15:57 (Pop-up)
Elend  Ls Tenebres du Dehors   Favoriting Les Tenebres du Dehors  Holy Records  0:28:12 (Pop-up)
Satan's Host  Heart of Evil   Favoriting Virgin Sails  Moribund Records  0:32:23 (Pop-up)
Amorphis  Privelege of Evil   Favoriting Privelage of Evil  Relapse  0:39:38 (Pop-up)
Deicide  Trample the Cross   Favoriting In the Minds of Evil  Century Media  0:56:20 (Pop-up)
Angizia  Nichts an Mir Weckt Begehr   Favoriting Kokon  Schachtelstuck  0:59:12 (Pop-up)
King Diamond  Charon   Favoriting Fatal Portrait  Roadrunner  1:01:20 (Pop-up)
Theatre of Tragedy  And When He Falleth (remix)   Favoriting A Rose for the Dead  Candlelight  1:05:31 (Pop-up)
Oblivion  Black Veils of Death   Favoriting Called to Rise    1:12:30 (Pop-up)
Confessor  The Last Judgement   Favoriting Confessor  Earache  1:15:41 (Pop-up)
The Vision Bleak  Cannibal Witch   Favoriting Witching Hour    1:30:45 (Pop-up)
Melancholy Pessimism  Brisket   Favoriting Inconsistent World  Epidemie  1:36:19 (Pop-up)
Satan's Host  Virgin Sails   Favoriting Virgin Sails  Moribund  1:37:54 (Pop-up)
Parzival  1314   Favoriting Anathema Maranatha  Euphonious  2:04:26 (Pop-up)
JJ Hrubovcak  Come Oh Azreal   Favoriting Death Metal Christmas    2:06:50 (Pop-up)
Svartsot  Gravollet   Favoriting Ravenes's Saga  Napalm Records  2:09:51 (Pop-up)
Enstille  Reich Van Jugend   Favoriting Kapitalation  Season Of Mist  2:14:21 (Pop-up)
Drautran  Gavar Nidr   Favoriting Throne of the Depths  Lupus Lounge  2:20:21 (Pop-up)
Sea of Bones  Failure of Light   Favoriting The Earth Wants us Dead    2:33:27 (Pop-up)
Trouble  The Misery Shows   Favoriting Run to the Light  newtrouble.com  2:40:04 (Pop-up)
Finnr's Cane  Time is a Face in the Sky   Favoriting A Portrait Painted by the Sun    2:45:37 (Pop-up)
Esoteric  Quickening   Favoriting The Maniacal Vale  Season Of Mist  2:51:07 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 12:13am
sinister dexter:

woohoo!! King Diamond!!
Avatar 12:33am
sinister dexter:

Satan's Host fucking rocks!!!
King Dean:

what is with this girl?
Avatar 12:57am

Oregan doner :D
I like her voice
Avatar 12:57am
sinister dexter:

woohoo!! oregon donor!!
King Dean:

if that wasn't a girl i'm sure her mother would have been in the garbage can
Avatar 1:34am
A. Black:

Has been a long time since the mighty Professor hasn't sent any mother to the garbage . I miss those times lol

I missed the beginning, tell me how to romance the baby jesus.

King Dean, heres lookin at you, this is tramshed.

Your only enemy.

Baby Jesus is your auditor, but he has a nut allergy
So before he dies for God, he has fed you his allegory
A little bit of soy and smoke you can count on
So hes beef jerky like tutankamen!

Also, my bad for the bad word, whiskey.

Its hard to remember which words arent allowed when you are shitfaced.

Make me a sandwich jesus,
Mary dont care which side you start with
You are just a little jewish christian baby
if you drop the jelly the romans might kill you maybe
Whats more important is if you have paid your taxes
Pagans dont get the free tax credit laxes
If you want to fulfill your destiny
You best pay someone to manange your ill gotten jew money

Wow, that was awful, Im too drunk to poet.

Instead, I shall enjoy the metal.
Mrs. Amanda Maurissa Waine Anderson:

simple mind
In process of creating
wonderful rhymes that roll off the tounge
ever so delicately
bouncing from meaning to meaning
thyme to rhyme in that beatnick fashion with passion so intense tears rise to the listener's eyes/
Grow Wise
after hearing truth
Not suffocated-elevated or incorporated into a mass merchandizing machine that idealizes a pale dream
Turned drama
Parrinoia pursues the poets who realize no surprises could shake the feeling that there is danger in security who pretend to be by for and of...
The People paralized in boxes/bags/bills cheap thrills
wrapped by the doc round the next corner block
There to ensure we all stay so numb of course for a small sum
They'll take their pound of flesh -MAMWA

I just got owned.

Melissa motherfucker
Avatar 11:26am
Mailman Tom:

Please don't leave us Professor! We love you and listen to your show every week!
Mrs Amanda Maurissa Waine Anderson:

p.s. I am an oregon donar I donated the deed of multnomah county courthouse to Jill hephner on ladow inpendleton along with Astoria masonic lodge deeds.... Also noticed Hunter Thompson's dad's name on a army war memorial (WWII ) for those of u who don't know his name was Ray E. Thompson his plane went down in Papa New Guinea in 1945his dog tags were placed in Arlington national cemetery Ray was placed in oregon state hospital... half of the institution is in Salem (the states Capitol who's building has housed thousands of cremains who since 2011 have started to be interned in their home towns )and half of which is now known as EOCI crematory functioning and operating in 2010 ....u may have heard the story in a film or read the book[s]?.... Men keasy's one flew over the cookoos nest? ...they buriedray this year... C 4 selves East Oregonian News Paper.... Or check out the veterans and their version of what happened on the video I have on my FaceBook amongst other images.... Yep oregon donor donating information under article 1 section 1 of The Oregon State Constitution has pushed me to also draw note of our US Groups being incinerated and who's ashes are piling in king George landfillin VA...on a side note my rights under ORS Atrccicle1 sec1-44 have been violated... especially ORSArt1sec 43 where the supreme court clearly ruled against gov Kitzhaberin 1987 Armatta v.s. Kitzhaber.....as an Oraganizm oops I ment Oregonian(oregon pronounced or eh gun) it is not only my right but my responsibility to report these war crimes against America's youth and familys -Always-MAMWA

P.s.s... For our veterans Medical Marijuana is going to be approved by medicare in 2014 for P.T.S.D.-salute
Mrs. Amanda Maurissa Waine Anderson:

Oh and judge L W Hampton and Judge Ronald J Paul of district court 6 promote child sex abuse and human trafficking of native american kids Salem DHS worker charged with 14 counts of enditement getting 76,000 for each native child the take custody of this woman gives herself a 176,000 paycheck and these kids are shoved into the adoption system where the american add council is selling US children o know cause I married a direct descendent of cheif Joseph he molested my daughter and I'm not allowed to report it in Umatilla county even though he almost killed is on July 3rd 2013.... My mom was a umatilla county deputy for work release who allowed her sons to molest me as a kid....she had my 17 yr old brother selling cocaine out of her basement after the dare officer Hambey used to smoke pot with the boys and their friends-do as I say not as I do sort o thang meanwhile a woman who molested my brothers Cindy Sampson ferrals daughter never got in trouble for it and is now a Child Protective Services agent for Department of Human Serviced ....I'm a bartender I wouldn't serve the woman Maria O'Grady if she came into my establishment in the condition I met her in after she assisted my husband a registered sex offender(molested his 4 yrs old nice I only got to see the papers in may2013) who molested my child and gain access to his victim by forcing me onto generic medication and masterbating next to her room the night before I phoned the police asking for shelter always from him...I have PTSD from sex abuse I freeze and can't talk about it my voice raises octaves because when I try to explain what happened I relive it and no I've never been a threat of harm to anyone I do have a gun was trained on itsooperation and maintenance been in hunter safety since I was twelve and was misdiagnosed as psychotic for crying and my nose dripping by a grad student hired by my county paid for with my taxes to misdiagnose me psyccotic because Joyce Turner has liability and she would rather have me on mind control substances afraid to leave my home than my child and myself away from a sex predictor because if my life is successful then DHS doesn't get to kiddnap my child for not wanting to live with my abuser and make 76,000 off of forcing me to stay with him so she would get molested by him
Mrs. Amanda Maurissa Waine Anderson:

U want a story now u have one and its true
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