I could start the show with musical seals, or the jingle cats or whatever. But something says enough is enough and it seems like it knows what it's talking about.
My family and I visited the elephant seal birthing ground last December in the San Simeon area. The birth we witnessed lasted about 10 seconds. Then the seagulls lined up for the afterbirth.
Thanks for the memories Roberto - IO was there, lined up with the seagulls. Good times, good eatin'
chrizzi in berlin:
the seal shouldn' t eat plastic bags! like this whale did: :( http://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2013/11/08/wal-verendet-vor-kueste-weil-er-zu-viele-plastik-abfaelle-geschluckt-hat/
Okay, I've decided. I'm changing the name of the album to "Lining Up for the Afterbirth".
mark in the train:
Only in Germany would a 37 character host name be normal .
F〓F〓 (:
Ok..There are no donkeys but I can see an ass. Playlist IS definitely updating automatically.
mark in the train:
mark in the train:
Stirring Tea
I was absentmindedly stirring a cup of hot tea, when I got to thinking, "aren't I actually adding kinetic energy into this cup?" I know that stirring does help to cool down the tea, but what if I were to stir it faster? Would I be able to boil a cup of water by stirring?
Will Evans
By stirring it you're just speeding up the process of entropy that makes the heat leave the tea. You are adding a trivial amount of energy, but that's offset by the fact that you're stimulating the process of heat loss. At least that's my take on it.
hey crew - i was perusing old sears catalogs at wishbookweb and more googling took me to this page with a song written about the male model who had his wang hanging out in the 1975 catalog. enjoy!
When in Montauk I collect and dispose of any plastic bags I find on the beach so's the sea turtles don't ingest. Evidently they sometimes mistake them for jellyfish. The resulting intestinal obstruction can cause the poor critters to starve to death.
The Schlammpeiziger LP-title along with the GIF is a god laugh:
it's a pun on "swinging unit for smoke outlet" altered to "[...] intoxication outled".
I guess this is all by Ken's intention.
You are very nice and talented and great and you do a good job and you are the general manager because you are awesome and very qualified and your show makes everybody the happiest they can be
The Donkey Step is a rare but unique dance style. This is only used by the slickest male cats in the club. When the time is right and such a pimp has the spotlight on him, he will begin to tap his right foot and from there on he will prance around in circles jerking his body around like a donkey galloping. This dance style seems to work in nervous moments and makes other males in the club fools while seducing any female watching this manly gallop. (Thanks, Urban Dictionary!)
Ken, Can you play that AWFUL song that guy made about Andy Breckman...literally the worst song ever created. i almost feel bad for Andy, that's how horrible it is
The usual, Ken. Everyone's favorite Milan Kundera fan. No wait, not Milan Kundera. Milo Kunik? Miles Cowlick? You know who I mean. Very active on Sunday evening comments among others.
I am almost afraid to invoke the full name, I'm worried it would be like saying "Beetlejuice" out loud. Or "Voldemort." Always shows up for Evan Funk Davies too. Absolutely NOT to be confused with Cheri Pi who is obviously a real person.
Something about this reminds me of felafel with lots of tahini and hot sauce.
F〓F〓 (:
You glance at this beautiful humming thing flying around you in the garden and just when you think is a beautiful humming it turns out to be a moth from hell! They scare the Jesus out of me. It's like those big birds they were once flying low around me under a tree in a tropical area. But they were no birds but flying mokeys from hell! Well, actually they were big bats that look like flying monkeys. Very scary.
HUMMINGBIRDS - i've only seen them twice, and 1 time was in wash sq park, years ago. now i'm wondering if it was a moth. [i heard ken's KICKSTARTER idea for tonight's 7SD. and i just thought of one. now to figure out its (low) cost.]
Hey Ken, thanks for the Night of a Thousand Gifs CD I just got from our heroes in the Postal Service. Don't know why it was sent; perhaps you were thinking of me one day decided to do me a solid, bro.
@jennique - I'm overdue in rewatching it. King Of Comedy is always a top movie for me. In the pre-email days, me and my friend Luke used to make sure we included Rupert Pupkin's name somewhere in the address lines when we'd write letter to each other.
Another superb show, Ken. Your show is the embodiment of what freeform radio is all about. No one in my immediate or extended circle of friends understands (or appreciates) my music aesthetic, but it gives me great comfort in knowing others on this planet do. You are a great station manager