Frank O'Toole's playlist
November 4, 2013 ![]()
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Track Artist Album / Format Approx. start time Get Happy / MUSIC BEHIND THE DJ: Mr. Lucky
Jane Horrocks / Henry Mancini fxo mix (CD-R) Getting To Know You (Etta Big remix)
Andy Williams "Who, What, When..." fxo 2013 WFMU marathon piece (CD) 0:12:53 Pop-up) Normalology
Phillip Johnston "Eighth Day" Lp (MP3) 0:17:01 Pop-up) Every Single Night (Girlsongs mashup)
Fiona Apple Speak a Cappella mix (MP3) 0:22:47 Pop-up) The Passionate Objektive Jokerfan - Part 1
WFMU Silent Fundraiser For The Studio Of Tomorrow FMU/ Free Music Archive (MP3) 0:25:18 Pop-up) A Famous Blues
Tony Williams Lifetime (featuring John McLaughlin & Larry Young) Live in NYC, 11/69 (MP3) 0:27:25 Pop-up) Bali Hai (from South Pacific)
Gary Lucas "Cinefantastique" Lp (CD) * 0:32:52 Pop-up) MUSIC BEHIND DJ: Daly's Tune / FMU Locked Groove
Tommy Daly fxo mix (CD-R) 0:37:42 Pop-up) Appreciate
Paul McCartney "New" Lp (CD) * 0:42:29 Pop-up) Wigwam
Bob Dylan "Another Self Portrait: The Bootleg Series, Vol. 10" Lp (CD) * 0:47:36 Pop-up) Our Love Is Here To Stay (from 'An American In Paris')
Gary Lucas "Cinefantastique" Lp (CD) * 0:50:21 Pop-up) The Straight Life
David Greenberger & Shaking Ray Levis "Tramps That Go Think In The Night" Lp (CD) * 0:53:59 Pop-up) Moon Steam
Peter Gabriel Fissunix remix (MP3) 0:55:41 Pop-up) The 3 Deaths of Lucky
Howe Gelb (with KT Tunstall) "The Coincidentalist" Lp (CD) * 1:00:03 Pop-up) Insinuation
The Folk Implosion "Dare To Be Surprised" Lp (CD) 1:04:55 Pop-up) Abject Stupidity
David Greenberger & Shaking Ray Levis "Tramps That Go Think In The Night" Lp (CD) * 1:10:01 Pop-up) MUSIC BEHIND THE DJ: Here It Comes/ FMU Locked Groove
Freddie Fresh fxo mix (CD-R) 1:11:05 Pop-up) My Melancholy Baby
Django Reinhardt & Larry Adler "Bill Mac's- 2013 WFMU Premium" Lp (CD) 1:16:08 Pop-up) Lourdes Extra
Asmus Tietchens "Spat- Europa" Lp (CD) * 1:19:17 Pop-up) Malaguena
Harmonicats "Bill Mac's- 2013 WFMU Premium" Lp (CD) 1:21:36 Pop-up) Gladiator
Common "Universal Mind Control" Lp (CD) 1:24:55 Pop-up) Last Night Train Running
Doobie / Mar-keys mash Amoraboy Bootleg (MP3) 1:29:03 Pop-up) One Nation Under A Groove
Funkadelic Dee J Valvanis Funk edit (MP3) 1:32:30 Pop-up) Nina
Nenah Cherry & Afrika Baby Bam a Four Tet remix (MP3) 1:42:17 Pop-up) Blue Bossa (Jazzelicious remix)
McCoy Tyner "Nu Jazz Sessions" compil. Lp (CD) 1:46:42 Pop-up) Endicott
Kid Creole & The Coconuts Sine Qua Non edit (MP3) 1:52:44 Pop-up) The Passionate Objektive Jokerfan - Part 2
WFMU Silent Fundraiser For The Studio Of Tomorrow FMU/ Free Music Archive (MP3) 1:58:19 Pop-up) Out Where The Hills
Seatrain "Seatrain" Lp (Vinyl) 1:59:06 Pop-up) MUSIC BEHIND THE DJ: Why?... and We Repeat... Why?
Taj Mahal "Music Keeps Me Together" Lp (Vinyl) 2:04:55 Pop-up) Some Songs
Polvo "Siberia" Lp (CD) * 2:11:03 Pop-up) Morning Rain
Fleetwood Mac "Future Games" Lp (Vinyl) 2:16:19 Pop-up) I've Seen
Darkside "Psychic" Lp (CD) * 2:21:51 Pop-up) Jo
Goldfrapp "Tales Of Us" Lp (CD) * 2:28:42 Pop-up) Watch What Happens
Sergio Mendes and Brasil '66 "The Sergio Mendes Four Sider" Lp (CD) 2:33:16 Pop-up) Love and Go
RJd2 "More Is Than Isn't" Lp (CD) * 2:36:01 Pop-up) Shangri-La
The Kinks "Arthur, or the Decline and Fall of the British Empire" Lp (CD) 2:40:01 Pop-up) MUSIC BEHIND THE DJ: King For A Day (I Dub Thee Sir Mix)
XTC 12" Ep (Vinyl) 2:45:17 Pop-up) Lecce, Leaving
Lee Ranaldo and The Dust "Last Night On Earth" Lp (CD) * 2:49:06 Pop-up) Firth On Fifth
Steve Hackett & Group Live at the Egg (MP3) 2:56:23 Pop-up) end theme(s)
Hitchcock (with Nelson & his orchestra) fxo mix 3:05:33 Pop-up)
Listener comments!
♥ 6:04am :
Hiya, Frank. Good morning. Nobody beguines any more. More's the pity.6:05am : Hey, Frank. How's it going? Probably won't be finishing the whole show this morning, but I'll be looking at the archives.....=)![]()
6:08am : and now we begin...
hello Sem & Steve-O.![]()
6:13am : here, in Jersey City, there's a chill in the air. Stay warm, if possible, and it's dark out. I guess our time zone's affected, oh well, vot else is new?![]()
♥ 6:22am :
About this time yesterday, there was an eclipse, but I slept through it.![]()
♥ 6:26am :
- consolation prize KenfHP :![]()
6:28am : thanks "Ken From", I missed it too, but Rev called it. btw: sunzup.![]()
♥ 6:32am :
....turned 50 yesterday; I know I'm old because instead of 'Happy Birthday!' people said 'Good for you!'...![]()
6:39am : (AKA: David): heppy birfday.
Kenndey was gettin' ready for his journey, at this time. 50 years, eh?![]()
6:47am : Good dark ark wet autumn afternoon from Finland.![]()
6:50am : afternoon, Mauri.![]()
♥ 6:51am :
...forgot to change my Nicknmae back; occasionally we attempt a Dave insurgence - but the weather hasn't been right to fully take over yet I guess...
...Yeah - I was born almost exactly when the trem 'Beatlemania' was coined, since we mention SirMacca - & less than a day before Lennon told the Queen (or it might have been Queen Mother) to 'Rattle Her Jewelry'. Right then too - Ngô Đình Diệm was assassinated in Vietnam
- which points up the CIAs involvement, spurred those famous Buddhist self-immolation protests - & lead to the Vietnam Conflict for us...
- & we've expounded here before - 19 days after my birth JFK was assassinated, C.S. Lewis died, Aldous Huxley died of cancer choosing to go on a big dose of LSD - 'With the Beatles' was released, & the 1st thing on the BBC after JFK coverage was the debut of Dr. Who, 'An Unearthly Child'.![]()
6:51am : plip plip plip plip. Good morning, Franklin.![]()
♥ 6:52am :
Happy Birthday Rabbit![]()
♥ 6:54am :
- cheers Duke !![]()
6:56am : amEdeo, your show blew my mind.
Duke:where's David/Rev's cake?![]()
♥ 7:00am :
RevRab: you being an astrology buff, how does the Scorpio profile mesh w/ the Chinese equivalent?
And, if you were to have a cake, what kind would it be?![]()
♥ 7:01am :
...more accurately :–-the-revolutionary-suicide-of-thich-quang-duc/
...'Thích Quảng Đức’s heart, which miraculously survived the immolation intact, has become a holy relic'...![]()
♥ 7:03am :
| |
♥ 7:04am :
The cake is a little lopsided but tasty.![]()
♥ 7:04am :
comment system messes up ascii art![]()
7:04am : Frank, really?! Thank you! Very kind. Let the mind deconstruction never cease!!! Now I sleep.![]()
♥ 7:10am :
Sem: You get out of Astrology as much detail as you want to be interested in :
- so if you do that, the different systems tend to tell you the same thing (namely: you are in fact yourself!) ;
- every continent & culture has their own calendar - & thus their own Astrology. In the Chinese system, you have what is called the 'Four Pillars' - which is not just your Year Animal, but your Hour, Day & Month - & there are Five Elements in their System (to the West's four) - & so on - & many & rich & varied other traditions, as you might imagine China would!
- There are differences in 'purpose' in the different cultures - for example in the Chinese tradition they are not so interested in the detailed sort of 'psychoanalysis' the Western tradition has w/ birth charts - they want to know who to marry, who to avoid, & what to do w/ their money!...![]()
♥ 7:11am :
A real treat, this one. Not so very melancholy, and that's good.![]()
♥ 7:11am :
Cake is delightful Sem !![]()
♥ 7:13am :
Appreciate the precis, RevRab, very clear. Thx.
Agreed, there is no bad cake.7:15am : hello,
thanks, here in Latvia is 2:12 PM and i really enjoy your morning music in dinner time:)![]()
7:17am : good afternoon, indulis. Nice to hear from you.![]()
♥ 7:20am :
Sem: Having said that - Western Sun Sign (what most people call - their 'Sign') & Chinese Year are a good place to start to know what you're dealing w/ !...![]()
♥ 7:23am :
These two tunes were made to be mashed together.![]()
♥ 7:25am :
- great! So much better than just the Doobies' version
...but what is happening there as a mashup?? - it just sounds like the Soul original...![]()
♥ 7:31am :
Sem: My moniker is in fact an attempt to embrace my contradictions by acknowledging them: The Hare's instinct for Security w/ Scorpio's instincts for intensity & Transformation - like 'Ninja Turtle', so to speak...altho' both Signs might be boringly self-involved : ) ...![]()
♥ 7:41am :
- cake is delightful >>duke<< !!![]()
♥ 7:45am :
REvRab@7:31: it is my observation that human beings generally have no trouble being self-involved :)![]()
♥ 7:51am :
Hey ! No commercials ! : )![]()
7:53am : commercials? no way!
...plugs, maybe...![]()
♥ 7:54am :'s okay on WhoSellOut - it's okay here : ) ...![]()
7:59am : Last Night Train Running was fun to listen to. Thanks![]()
8:20am : Hi, Frank and good people assembled! I enjoyed the opening fxo remix "Getting to Know You." :)
Hope you had a great b'day yesterday, Rabbit! That gift of an extra hour can't be beat.![]()
8:23am : kat: did you and Philo receive my 2013 premium CD?
and, hello.8:24am : Indeed, great tasting cake, Happy B-day!
A Chill here in Brooklyn too, but sun doing its thing...![]()
♥ 8:25am :
Thx kat!...I can say it was ingloriously misspent...
Cheers 3d! ; the forecast the North-easterner learns to fear: Clear & Cool...![]()
♥ 8:25am : an icecube...![]()
8:25am : Nope, sorry. "King and I" made an impact on me as a wee one. Fell in love with Yul Brynner. ;)![]()
8:27am : We had frightful weather on Halloween itself, so they locally postponed trick or treating to Friday. I knew that meant few visitors. We have a TON of candy left. But weatherwise, we have made it to 70-degrees F. for several days, and believe it's expected to continue until Thursday.![]()
8:28am : 3d: glad you're aboard.![]()
♥ 8:29am :
I took my shirt off on the 2nd & sunned myself on my lunch break!![]()
♥ 8:29am :
...well - like that for 20 min.s ...![]()
8:30am : You're in NH or VT or Maine, RR?![]()
♥ 8:30am :
Solidly good fun throughout this morning, fxo. Turned up louder than the vacuum cleaner I'm using: no neighbours within a 200m blast radius.![]()
♥ 8:31am :
NH on Vt border - town next to Dartmouth college.![]()
8:31am : S'anyone send us a SASE package, happy to pack it full and send you all our fun-size treats.8:32am : .. just back from a remote area of the Catskills, (spotty internet), but will be able submit the annual WFMU pledge later today, so the current 73%, plus something...![]()
8:32am : @RR: Ah, I lived near Goddard College for a couple of years in the early '70s. Good times, lots of theater and music-making during that residence.![]()
8:35am : Goddard? Hippie Univ.? I wished I'd gone there...![]()
♥ 8:36am :
- meh - like the northmost outpost of Ivy League - pretty square if you lived in Santa Barbara like I did - w/ UCSB there...& shows cost money I ain't got, generally...there are worse places in the world, tho' - & small towns are generally safer, for one thing...![]()
8:36am : Ha, yeah, one of the minor players of the Chicago 8 (John Froines) was teaching there and, more relevant to myself, David Mamet was doing theater. And there was Schumann's Bread & Puppet as well. Exciting time.8:37am : God save The Kinks.![]()
8:37am : Yes, Woo, I concur!![]()
♥ 8:38am :
- legendary Bread & Puppet.
God save The Kinks !8:39am : @ shangri- La,
was that before or after CREAM's Ulysses -![]()
♥ 8:39am :
Taking a break just to say great show, FXO!![]()
♥ 8:40am :
- the Cream was '67 - Arthur '69 ? Pretty different !![]()
8:40am : @RR: Is there still a contra dance circuit up in that area? I recall Goddard importing a contra band -- I think from Dartmouth -- a couple of times a month. Never cared for square-dancing until I did it with a contra band. :)![]()
♥ 8:42am :
- Maybe kat - wouldn't be my scene !...actually don't have a scene...One could prob. Search 'contra dance NH-Vt'...may well be a barn dance around here somewhere...![]()
8:43am : Howe's bayou.![]()
8:43am : I also first saw Pilobolus (from Dartmouth then) at Goddard's Haybarn Theater.8:45am : Ah..sounds like the Kinks were having fun with some bits then :-)![]()
8:46am : hey, Stroso.
thanks Rev "Cream", no "the". The Cream's on the cake.
and to yous, 3d, and kat. Wish I was on Howe's Bayou.![]()
8:48am : Yes, it's a Blue Bayou.![]()
♥ 8:49am :
- wull - by 'thuh' Cream I meant 'Ulysses'.![]()
8:50am : Thanks for the morning spins, fxo! Was able to catch most of it, with the usual caveats of showering, b'fast making, JT's lunchmaking, u.s.w.
Have a great day everyone!![]()
♥ 8:51am :
- You too Kat !![]()
♥ 8:54am :
...beat the retreat & say Thx As Ever Frank now !...![]()
8:55am : Ulysses, by Joyce, or by choice? A huge bad pun, sorry.
Anyway, I'm finishing the webcast. Thanks for the positive feedback. I love it. Have a good week, and you'll hear me, with a new webcast, next Monday, same situation.
♥ 8:56am :
Beautiful closer, Frank. Much appreciated. Gotta fly now. Be well, and catch you next week again for sure.![]()
♥ 8:56am : Thanks Frank!![]()
♥ 8:59am :
...gentlemen, ladies, giraffes, girafesses...8:59am : The Catskills were delightful, but ( live)wfmu was indeed missed !
Great show-thanks Franklyn!
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