Morning everybody! Get yer pre-show requests in NOW.
my music desires, stimulated by TV programs are conflicted : do I want to hear musical numbers from those played on Breaking Bad or do I want to hear a selection from the group Journey, just featured on a documentary on PBS?
Suicide Is Painless, Ken.
How am I going to keep from being spoiled about :Breaking Bad" for ITS ENTIRE LAST 2 SEASONS until I can afford the DVDs? I think if I can just get past the hubbub for the next couple weeks or so, I can make it unspoiled.
Hang in there Robert. You have so much to live for.
I remember when "Suicide Is Painless" was used under the voice for the commercials of a gas appliance dealer on WMCA. But as bleary as I am, I thought stvn suggested "Suicide Is Pointless".
Really HEAVY material right now on JM in the AM.
@Robert: you can download Breaking Bad. But it's a major time commitment to see the series as I am attempting to do, along with listening to all of the archived Ken programs.
As long as it's legitimate downloading and I have the software compatible with it, I probably will eventually. Roght now I can download & play MP4s and some other video formats, but can't play video streams.
I'd repeat last week's requests, but we all know how that turned out...
I heard so much about the series and wanted to see it but didn't have cable, and then my friend John 2 years ago lent me the season 1 DVDs and I said, "I am soooo that guy", meaning Walter White, except I'm not brilliant like him. A year later John lent me seasons 2 & 3. But now he's moved to So. Car. before getting even season 4.
Thanks for pledging Maestroso! Which request are you speaking of? Don't worry, I will not be playing a single version of Bohemian Rhapsody. I'm sorry about that.
Good morning Ken. And a fine good morning to all the friendly little Kensters.
And I see "Better Call Saul" is getting its own show. Say you've been keeping a tiger illegally and it gets out and mauls the meter reader when he comes (totally uninvited, may I add) he gets mauled up pretty bad....
Um, I think it was for some Jpop - Zabadak or Yoko Ueno. Probably not heard on FMU yet.
The last ever IT Crowd episode aired on Friday. Are there any good remixes of the theme tune?
I've already read a complaint that "Breaking Bad" never did fill in the back story from the season 1 conclusion that promised to explain some more personal revenge motiv'n the lead character had.
But the best line of at least the 1st 3 seasons wasn't really in the show itself at all, but a meta-line from the DVD-included clips: "Don't hit me with your Emmy."
Interesting irony going from a song about coming out of Egypt on JM in the AM into "Egypt Chic" on John Allen.
Since we have 2:47 to kill, let's research the subject -
Ken- Many of us listened last week, hoping that the programming would deviate from the opening gambit. It didn't and I was left feeling that I could have used my ears for something more rewarding. So my question to you is: Will this show carry on with only covers of this song? And my follow up question: will your future shows all be devoted to torturous explorations of cover versions of music your audience ordinarily does not listen to?
This was just about the perfect choice to end the show with.
I could listen to Hotel California and all it's amazing renditions all day. Baby Blue on the other hand would probably drive me crazy. Just one listening hurts.
Breaking Bad was just a M.A.S.H. rip off. Bumbling teacher turned meth manufacturer - same as wise cracking surgeons making bootleg gin. Hank and Marie riding Walt's ass? Sounds a lot like Frank Burns and Hot Lips Hoolihan to me.
...B.Bad did seem to go from that mysterious whispered thing on cable I don't get that those few kewl people mentioned w/ enthusiasm that intrigued me - to that gawdam trendy thing I can't get away from hearing about constantly & should like to avoid...
@ dc pat. 50 million Elvis fans can't be wrong? Never seen an episode. Do not care what it is about. The content is immaterial to me. I do not care to be drawn to the televison week upon week like pavlovs' dawgs. Now the radio. You can still live your life and listen.
Of course, RHPS was a mash-up, using the characters from a Hitchcock film and dropping them into an episode of an old TV show.
unknowing seer:
Just checking in Ken. I have traveled immense and intense intervals in both time and space and this program always brings me back. I'm thinking of getting a space-time-share in this experiential plane.
Brian, soon very few viewers will be watching TV that way. Most will watch only archived material, any time they want. That's the way the trend's been going, I see no sign it'll abate.
crap going to have to go see Black Lips here in dc too. That makes about 5 shows this month...
The only people who'll remain to watch a show weekly will be the uncool types who need something to talk about around the water cooler -- of which there will be very few as the # of office workers also continues to decline.
I didn't watch Breaking Bad until late in the 3rd season. It's well done. The ending isn't as great as the critics would say, but it's an ending, if you're into that sort of thing.
I was scared to tune in on time, thinking Don McLean's 68th birthday today might give us 180 minutes of American Pie covers (which wouldn't be that meany, come to think about it). Thank you for making me wrong! :-)
I'm not sayng there're no good tunes w/ a danceybeat.
- I'm sayiing there was like no other music anywhere but that had that one disco beat off the highhat - no Live venues for actual Bands - & your Dad wanting to learn the Hustle - for years & years & years...
when that whole Will Shortz crossword puzzle thing used to come on Sunday mornings, I would think why do I suddenly feel so depresssssssssed all of a sudden! Haven't listened to that in years!
guys im thinking of a political figure from the early 20th century, and the first letter in his name is also the third letter in his wifes name, and his middle name is the Spanish cognate for "to jump into" spelled inside out
i quit a band because they frowned on me playing hockey. although it may have had more to do with the fact that i unapologetically love the grateful dead.
...anyroad - just from where I was standing, which need not mean much, Punk seemed as much a reaction to Disco as anything...well - & the Eagles...
- The Mighty Wolf! - heard one track from like - 1951 !! - vocals w/ attitude, simple pounding drums - distorted guitar even, I swear!! - all there man, all right there...
I bet you my mother (who earned her Deutschmarks working at a margarine factory to get to NYC) was dancing to Deutschland Uber Disco with my uncle "Disco Kev" around the time she was living on Ave D in the 70s... sheer shamefulness that she obscures them from her daughter! Thanks Ken, for unveiling these tunes ... you might just be the mother I never had...
Hello. After last week I promised myself I wouldn't listen EVER again, however I am weak, so I decided to be tardy (tho, seeing the playlist, I expect I'll be listening again later)
Thee Headcoatees did a good cover of Ça plaine pour moi.
I'm curious if that is the copy of Fresh Out of Borstal that I donated to the station about 18 months ago. (They were poseurs, I understand, the Borstal guys--a sort of prison Menudo.)
Hiya Ken. I just wanna hear stuff. good things. Cool tunes. Maybe a live stream of the House floor debate played under Straight No Chaser, for instance.
I missed the Hotel California bouquet today, but I hafta mention again my holy moley WTF moment from years ago when I heard that title given as the answer to this trivia question on the radio: What's the only reggae song to make to #1 on the US charts?
Hello all! Finally home!
Gif check:
-"Breaking Bad" finale, of course
-skeleton from the 1929 Mickey Mouse cartoon "The Haunted House"
-John Phillip Law as Diabolik (man, I love that movie...)
-Musidora in 1915's "Les Vampires"
-the sirens are from the Busby Berkeley musical "Footlight Parade"
-"Inglorious Basterds"
-Claude Rains as the Invisible Man (1933 version)
-The Great Dictator with his globe
-Shirley Temple in "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm"
How about a narcocorrido Hotel California, Ken? "I dropped off five kilos of uncut Peruvian flake at the Hotel California but was captured and beheaded by Los Zetas..."
@Dan B: I'd say it's about 80 % know right away, then a whole bunch where I know I've seen it but need to double-check the title, and then some where I'm not sure and do a quick check. I blame my lack of any other life.
Like RRN63, I expect next week will be covers of BOC's "Godzilla". But I guess we'll see. Obviously, once we've mentioned it, Ken will veer the other way.
Since the "watch Breaking Bad" kool aid has been in overdrive for the past couple of weeks, so I'll just be inspired by the gifs and advise everyone to go watch "Danger: Diabolik". I mean, what's not to love? The hero and his non-underwear wearing supermodel girlfriend's monochrome fleet of Jaguar E-types and cool underground lair? The Terry-Thomas bit part? The leather and latex outfits?
Aaaaaand you can watch pretty much every MST3K episode on YouTube. As I have. Video piracy is a wonderful thing, especially when Best Brains more or less encouraged it ("Keep Circulating the Tapes" and all that...).