Favoriting Seven Second Delay with Andy and Ken: Playlist from September 18, 2013 Favoriting

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The program formerly known as Dinner at Andy's, The Fuzzy Glove Hour, Whores, and The Happiness Hut. Ken and Andy, also known as The Enema Boys, further lower WFMU's already abysmal standards on a weekly basis. Stunt radio which subjects the radio audience to concepts and topics which mature adults should not have to endure. Find the fatal flaw. (Visit homepage.)

Wednesday 6 - 7pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting September 18, 2013: The Seven Second Delay Failed Cable Pilot from 2000
Ken and Andy once welcomed a TV crew into WFMU studios and created a pilot for The Metro Channel, which they lovingly called the failed-pilot before it inevitably failed for real.

The idea was that they would shoot the radio show at WFMU and make it 90 minutes long by cutting in interview segments with Ken and Andy taped after the show where they explain inside jokes and things that went right or wrong, fatal flaws, etc.

Andy sabotaged the entire thing by constantly calling attention to the video crew, and refusing to learn the name of the cable network. Thanks to John K for keeping this recording around for all these years, ripping the audio from VHS, and editing it into a real show.

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Ken & Andy 

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:02pm
Matt from Springfield:

Wooooo! Encored encore of a failed pilot! And on air pause button! Woooo!

Hi Andrea and Tape Voices and Delayers!
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:03pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Strength through failed cable pilots.
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:03pm
Matt from Springfield:

Failed Cable Is My Co-Pilot.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:04pm
amanda c:

hey people
Avatar 6:05pm

He keeps insulting metro channel! "You know they're a big deal cause they have their own business cards."
Avatar 6:05pm

wouldn't Strength Through Failure really be a more appropriate name for SSD? i feel like Fabio unironically succeeds pretty much every week
Avatar 6:05pm

Everyone say "Thank you John K" because he editing all of this together from VHS!
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:06pm
Matt from Springfield:

Yay Andy Benediction!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:06pm

Then Andy puts on "Hotel California" and gets stabbed repeatedly.

Wait, that didn't happen?
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:07pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Will this appear on youtube or other video site, or are there copyright laws that would prevent that?
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:07pm
Matt from Springfield:

And thank you John K!
Avatar 6:08pm

Ken i wrote that without seeing your prior comment! doh!

Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:08pm
Matt from Springfield:

@Caryn: That pilot *was* successful, but cable never aired it, they just paid for it so no one else who buy it first. Actually Andy once talked about that practice as a reliable way for writers to bring in some money...
  🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:08pm
Paul Paul Paul:

Thank you John K. I'm always happy to hear a new old show.
Avatar 6:11pm

What's an answering...mashin?
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:12pm
Matt from Springfield:

Speaking of answering mashins...are you New Jerseyites getting political robocalls? Virginia and NJ are the only states with a Governor election this year, and I'm getting them too. It wouldn't be so bad if it was recordings of politicians weeping miserably, RoboBawls would be fine...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:14pm

Oh Andy, an answering machine full of messages from women wondering where you are is not going to impress a woman. It's just gonna tell her that you are a douchebag who is gonna try and get into your pants and then disappear off the face of the planet and screen your calls.

Also, calls from women sounding like Andy and Ken would definitely not impress anyone.
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:17pm
Matt from Springfield:

We know who most of them are, it's the ones not on our radar you gotta worry about.
Avatar 6:19pm

Ken had a pager!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:19pm

Avatar 6:19pm

I'd love to get this on YouTube! I'll ask
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:22pm

Something like this was actually on cable back then. My parents,after watching it, finally realized what a weird sense of humor their son had.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:23pm
amanda c:

this episode is great! the fact that it's actually a failed pilot makes it even better. too bad i gotta go out to dinner now. let me know how it ends! (that's funny cuz we know it fails, get it?)
Avatar 🚂 6:25pm
Danne D:

Hi everyone :) Thanks John K :)
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:26pm
Matt from Springfield:

The whole 7SD episode run is a bathroom break!!!

Hiya Danne! :)
Avatar 🚂 6:27pm
Danne D:

those who don't know the original number have a 1 in 10,000 chance of getting it if you try and random :)
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:28pm
Matt from Springfield:

Atheticpay! It's like Athletic Pay!
Avatar 6:28pm

We miss you Hunter
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:29pm
Matt from Springfield:

RIP buddy, Hunter...
Avatar 🚂 6:29pm
Danne D:

Agreed Andrea was about to say the same thing - we miss Hunter :(
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:29pm

And Andy's lisp occasionally turns it into "aesthetic-pay", which means nothing in Pig Latin.
Avatar 6:30pm

Where is my Athletic Pay!
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:30pm
Matt from Springfield:

But does "Pays thétique" mean anything in French?
Avatar 6:31pm

I'm doing jumping jacks, right NOW!
Avatar 6:31pm

If anyone has other favorite Hunter episodes, we want to do a compilation show down the line. E-mail them to andrea @ freemusicarchive dot org.
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:32pm
Matt from Springfield:

@Fredrix: It's probably a Athetic Play for Athletic Pay situation out there.
Avatar 🚂 6:32pm
Danne D:

That's wonderful that you are doing that Andrea :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:32pm

@Matt: well, it would mean an "aesthetic country"
Avatar 6:32pm

It still seems like Hunter calls in every week. I suppose that's how memory works.
Avatar 6:32pm

Hunter has passed? No joke?
Avatar 6:32pm

Andy is collecting pathetic pay.
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:33pm
Matt from Springfield:

Thanks nice of you Andrea.
Don't know any off the top of my head, but Hunter was on mic in a few UCB shows, good place to start.

@Fredrix: Some months ago, yes :(
Avatar 6:33pm

Now this pilot failed even more.
Avatar 6:33pm

What about people interested in scrimshaw and Scrimshaw?
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:34pm
Matt from Springfield:

@Caryn: Really??! Wow, some luck on my part! :)
@Carm: "Monk" residuals prob fade over time through inflation.
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:35pm
Matt from Springfield:

What a long-lived show, it took 35 whole minutes to lose the will to live!
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:39pm
Matt from Springfield:

Antique Phonograph Answering Machine!!
Avatar 6:39pm

Not a bad answering machine message, I'm impressed! I miss making answering machine messages for my machine.
Avatar 6:44pm
Green Mountain Man Mark:

Hey, Fuckers! Tonight there is a full moon.
Avatar 6:44pm

Neil Young comes to mind, GMMM.
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:45pm
Matt from Springfield:

"Lex, Luther"
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:46pm
Matt from Springfield:

Harvesting anything by the full moon?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:48pm

I love how disappointed Andy just was to hear a genuine first time listener enjoying the show......
Avatar 6:52pm
Marcel M:

I love how he keeps comparing it to Cops... haaaaaaa
Avatar 6:53pm

How long did the acid reflex Andy era last?
Avatar 6:53pm

GMMM, there was what looked like one last night.

4 VHS copies of this gem from 2000
languishing in the storeroom vault...
Avatar 🚂 6:56pm
Danne D:

This is amazing :)
Avatar 6:57pm

Tonyb, save one for next marathon. I'm in.

haha, this is gold
Avatar 6:59pm
Green Mountain Man Mark:

Harvest full moon I believe is officially tonight. And also strange is there is a little asteroid zipping by us about half way between the moon and us tonight. The asteroid though is WAY smaller than the one they flew into that Siberian town earlier this year.

hey fredericks:
down to 3...
Avatar 6:59pm

Look, i'm feeling very pathletic!
Avatar 7:00pm


Andy was right. No matter how bad the show, they almost always save a kick for the end to make me laugh.
Avatar 🚂 7:03pm
Danne D:

thanks Andrea :)
Have a good night everyone :)
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 7:04pm
Matt from Springfield:

Woooo! The sweet smell of failure in the evening!

Have a good night everyone!

Ken owes Andy an apology. Where was the sabotaging? That was great too.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:31pm
Greg from Bloomfield:

How this didn't get picked I'll never know...
Avatar 4:45pm

I can't believe I missed this repeat. Scrimshaw...no one's called me that in years. I'm thrilled to be archived amongst one of 7SD's greatest fails of all. (FYI, I didn't get a single call as a result of this show.)
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