Greetings, Rev. Turnip Druid! Missed you on the earlier hellos. I just say I'm middle aged now. On account of the fact that I can't remember my age anymore.
just passed 44 last month, but really, i don't look a day older than 43.
a fine 50th-show first hour! did anyone want a piece of cake with a rose on it?
Right there with you, @ljfw ("The moose...was furious.") However, I was late to Mel & Carl, a situation only fairly recently rectified by my better half (@ktrsBklyn, above!).
i was also allowed to listen to the lenny bruce album with "thank you, masked man" on it. except for the "psychopathia sexualis" cut. that one i just waited for the parents to be out of the house for. :)
(it was "the sick humor of lenny bruce"; thanks to google.)
ktrsBlkyn, you did a mitzvah in bringing mel and carl into the house!
simon: indeed. it also left me with a set of cultural touchpoints that made me an odd match for my fellow k-8 students. not a lot of folks knew tom lehrer's "elements song" in chemistry class. but it would serve me well much later.
Recently became reacquainted w Firesign. Still get a kick out of that kid named "Malcolm X John Lennon," who just wants to read his books and "tune in."
i hear ya. i didn't know about firesign until i saw "J-Men Forever" on Night Flight, but i apparently liked a fair number of things that were influenced by firesign.
I think there's something about appreciating the flow of good comedy that fits one for an appreciation of good jazz. Stream-of-consciousness, and all that.
Dipped out there briefly, discovered Lord Buckley & Cos around seventeen, once I got the translation chip in place it was wonderful. Love monologists above joke tellers.
Rob and Mel were recently featured on an episode of Jerry Seinfeld's "Comedians in cars getting coffee." The origin of the 2000 Year Old Man came up. It was an act of comedy oneupsmanship. Mell had "won" previously and at a subsequent meeting, Rob just walked up Me and began interviewing him. "I'm here with the only living man that was present at the crucifixion...sir, please tell us..."
The first 'jazz' record i bought was coltrane jazz guessing it was about '63, first track, hoagy carmichaels little old lady. then i knew this was not a holiday romance but there for the long run.
@UM: that " Cars" segment is wonderful. And notable 'round these parts for Reiner's admission that he and Mel like to watch movies that contain the line, "Secure the perimeter."
@Brian: Doug and I both worked with one of the leading Buckley historians/recreators/torch-carriers. One of his fave tracks is "Your Lady" from earlier in this show....was thinking of him...
must scoot out to the gym to work off this cake! i always say just one piece, just one piece, but no. and such brownies.....
many thanks for the cooling tunes on this oven-like day, and happy half-century!
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Listener comments!
listener james from westwood:
Uncle Michael:
Mike on South Street:
Brian in UK:
bok bok we got us a broody one right now.
Uncle Michael:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Rev. Turnip Druid:
Mike on South Street:
Uncle Michael:
Brian in UK:
Brian in UK:
Brian in UK:
Jeff Golick:
Brian in UK:
Jeff Golick:
pacific standard simon:
Brian in UK:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
pacific standard simon:
Jeff Golick:
pacific standard simon:
Rev. Turnip Druid:
Jeff Golick:
Brian in UK:
Rev. Turnip Druid:
Brian in UK:
pacific standard simon:
Rev. Turnip Druid:
pacific standard simon:
Jeff Golick:
Rev. Turnip Druid:
listener james from westwood:
a fine 50th-show first hour! did anyone want a piece of cake with a rose on it?
pacific standard simon:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Rev. Turnip Druid:
Jeff Golick:
pacific standard simon:
pacific standard simon:
Brian in UK:
Sean B.:
Jeff Golick:
@Sean B.: Yeah, it's a killer -- whole album really. Thanks for chiming!
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
listener james from westwood:
pacific standard simon:
Jeff Golick:
listener james from westwood:
Jeff Golick:
listener james from westwood:
pacific standard simon:
listener james from westwood:
ktrsBlkyn, you did a mitzvah in bringing mel and carl into the house!
simon: indeed. it also left me with a set of cultural touchpoints that made me an odd match for my fellow k-8 students. not a lot of folks knew tom lehrer's "elements song" in chemistry class. but it would serve me well much later.
pacific standard simon:
Jeff Golick:
listener james from westwood:
pacific standard simon:
listener james from westwood:
pacific standard simon:
Uncle Michael:
Brian in UK:
pacific standard simon:
pacific standard simon:
Brian in UK:
@simon no tell me more. Think I have gone Grease.
Uncle Michael:
pacific standard simon:
He was a wonderfully creepy monologist.
Brian in UK:
Brian in UK:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Brian in UK:
adios amigos.
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Brian in UK:
Jeff Golick:
Brian in UK:
Brian in UK:
listener james from westwood:
many thanks for the cooling tunes on this oven-like day, and happy half-century!
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
pacific standard simon:
pacific standard simon:
Rev. Turnip Druid:
Mike on South Street:
Jeff Golick:
@Mike on So St: thanks so much. Have a great week yerself!
Jeff Golick:
pacific standard simon:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
pacific standard simon:
Jeff Golick:
pacific standard simon:
Uncle Michael:
Jeff Golick:
(For a moment I thought you were harking back to some Gary Numan/Might Boosh thing.)
Jeff Golick:
And take care, @Shaun! Thanks for coming...and staying!
Doug Schulkind: