Favoriting Underwater Theme Park with Meghan: Playlist from June 6, 2013 Favoriting

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Favoriting June 6, 2013: Again and Again and Again.....

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Artist Track Album Approx. start time
Dick Gaughan  Think Again   Favoriting A Different Kind of Love Song  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Tom Rush  On the Road Again   Favoriting The Very Best of Tom Rush: No Regrets  0:03:40 (Pop-up)
Everly Brothers  I'm On My Way Home Again   Favoriting Heartaches & Harmonies (Anthology)  0:08:02 (Pop-up)
The Cornell Hurd Band  Here Comes My Ball and Chain Again   Favoriting Down to Promised Land: 5 Years of Bloodshot Records  0:09:25 (Pop-up)
Th' Legendary Shack Shakers  Born Again Again   Favoriting Swampblood  0:11:35 (Pop-up)
Waco Brothers  Bad Times Are Coming Around Again   Favoriting Hell-Bent: Insurgent Country Volume 2  0:13:49 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

Sounds from the Point Pleasant Beach  


0:17:37 (Pop-up)
This Mortal Coil  'Til I Gain Control Again   Favoriting Blood  0:27:33 (Pop-up)
The The  Time Again For the Golden Sunset   Favoriting Burning Blue Soul  0:31:58 (Pop-up)
My Bloody Valentine  Forever and Again   Favoriting This Is Your Valentine  0:35:42 (Pop-up)
Belle & Sebastian  The Boy Done Wrong Again   Favoriting If You're Feeling Sinister  0:39:10 (Pop-up)
Isobel Campbell & Mark Lanegan  You Won't Let Me Down Again   Favoriting Hawk  0:43:36 (Pop-up)
Beck  We Live Again   Favoriting Mutations  0:46:46 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

Sounds of Sideshows by the Seashore  


0:50:00 (Pop-up)
Steely Dan  Do It Again   Favoriting A Decade of Steely Dan  0:59:38 (Pop-up)
UFO  Alone Again Or   Favoriting Lights Out  1:04:44 (Pop-up)
The Monkees  Do I Have to do This All Over Again   Favoriting Head  1:07:41 (Pop-up)
Led Zeppelin  Sick Again   Favoriting Physical Graffiti  1:10:39 (Pop-up)
The Animals  I'm Mad Again   Favoriting The Animals  1:15:00 (Pop-up)
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers  I Want You Back Again   Favoriting The Live Anthology  1:19:15 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

Sounds from the Point Pleasant Beach  


1:22:22 (Pop-up)
The Three Bells  Over And Over Again   Favoriting Dream Babes: Reflections  1:30:45 (Pop-up)
Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings  All Over Again   Favoriting Naturally  1:32:56 (Pop-up)
Jonna Gault  I'm Never Gonna Cry Again   Favoriting Girls in the Garage Pt. 2  1:37:34 (Pop-up)
The Girls  Here I Am in Love Again   Favoriting Destroy That Boy! - More Girls With Guitars (V/A)  1:39:52 (Pop-up)
Tower of Power  Back on the Streets Again   Favoriting Funk Drops 2: Breaks, Nuggets And Rarities  1:41:42 (Pop-up)
Sly and the Family Stone  Thank You For Lettin me Be Myself Again   Favoriting   1:48:21 (Pop-up)
The Waistcoats  You'll Never See Me Again   Favoriting Hidden Tracks- The Best of the GaragePunk Hideout, vol 5  1:52:19 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

Sounds from the Point Pleasant Boardwalk  


1:54:28 (Pop-up)
DJ Shadow  You Can't Go Home Again   Favoriting The Private Press  1:59:06 (Pop-up)
Little People  Breathe Again (feat. Rachael Roberts)   Favoriting Mickey Mouse Operation  2:05:53 (Pop-up)
Gorillaz vs Spacemonkeyz  Come Again (Re-Hash)   Favoriting Laika Come Home  2:10:08 (Pop-up)
Galactic  Do It Again   Favoriting Ya-Ka-May  2:15:35 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

Sounds From the Coney Island Boardwalk  


2:18:12 (Pop-up)
Hüsker Dü  Never Talking To You Again   Favoriting Zen Arcade  2:19:17 (Pop-up)
APB  Free Again   Favoriting Three  2:20:51 (Pop-up)
Dinosaur Jr.  Not You Again   Favoriting This is Fort Apache  2:23:01 (Pop-up)
The Buzzcocks  Something's Gone Wrong Again   Favoriting The Complete Singles Anthology  2:25:24 (Pop-up)
Queens of the Stone Age  Do It Again   Favoriting Songs for the Deaf  2:29:59 (Pop-up)
Cock Sparrer  Again & Again   Favoriting England Belongs To Me: Best Of Cock Sparrer  2:34:19 (Pop-up)
Tankard  Try Again   Favoriting The Morning After  2:35:23 (Pop-up)
Operation Ivy  Here We Go Again   Favoriting Operation Ivy  2:39:00 (Pop-up)
The Undertones  I Don't Wanna See You Again   Favoriting Hypnotised  2:41:05 (Pop-up)
Minor Threat  Think Again   Favoriting Minor Threat: Complete Discography  2:41:50 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

Sounds of Sideshows by the Seashore  


2:44:09 (Pop-up)
They Might Be Giants  Everything Right is Wrong Again   Favoriting They Might Be Giants  2:45:38 (Pop-up)
Yellow Magic Orchestra  Here We Go Again~Tighten Up   Favoriting Zoshoku  2:47:35 (Pop-up)
Hot Hot Heat  Naked in the City Again   Favoriting Make Up the Breakdown  2:48:38 (Pop-up)
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah  Over and Over Again (Lost and Found)   Favoriting Clap Your Hands Say Yeah  2:51:51 (Pop-up)
Sparks  Falling in Love With Myself Again   Favoriting Kimono My House  2:54:56 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 6:01am
buısןǝɥ uoʌ pǝɹɟ:

Yeay !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:01am
Matt from Springfield:

Dick Gaughan!!
Morning again, Meghan!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:03am

good morning!!!

Hi Meghan. I'm about to tune out, but I'm gonna watch this on the archive.....Can't wait to hear the rest! =)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:05am
Matt from Springfield:

Was this a Chuck Berry, or just Tom Rush in a Chuck style?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:06am
Matt from Springfield:

@Steve-O: WATCH it? Is there a webcam in the studio we can look at!! ;)

But seriously, hi/bye and have a great day Steve-O!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:07am

awww Steve-O!!!!! come out tonight!
Avatar 6:13am
buısןǝɥ uoʌ pǝɹɟ:

Roll me over / in the clover / do it over again !
Dave B:

I almost overslept...

Avatar 6:16am
buısןǝɥ uoʌ pǝɹɟ:

lunchtime! / brb kthxbai c u AGAIN
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:19am
Matt from Springfield:

Billy Bragg is fun; Dick Gaughan is funner!
And you've seen him perform live? Excellent!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:21am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

gamboling - definition of gamboling by the Free Online Dictionary ...
intr.v. gam·boled or gam·bolled, gam·bol·ing or gam·bol·ling, gam·bols. To leap about playfully; frolic. n. A playful skipping or frolicking about.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:22am
Matt from Springfield:

Never cray on! It doesn't rhyme with rayon!
Dave B:

O r a n g e

I knew someone who pronounced if

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:23am
Matt from Springfield:

@RRN63: It materialized, BECAUSE we made it up! Woohoo! :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:24am
Matt from Springfield:

@Dave B: You can hear it in the station IDs here. Some say West "AR-inge", others say "Oor-ange".
Dave B:


hi - to gambol is to walk in a shambolic manner - have fun
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:26am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Oranja glad I Posted it??
- Grinder up here in NewHampsha...
- Wedges are potato 'logs' in SoCali. where I lived...in SantaBarbara, no one ordered pizza w/out ranch sauce to dip it in - which disgust everyone here in NorthNewEngland...
Dave B:

And I was corrected once with pronunciation os


and not seh-caucus
Avatar 6:26am
Dave E:


Aluminium - Aluminum
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:27am
Matt from Springfield:

Early Blood Sweat & Tears had a great one called "Meeghan's Gypsy Eyes"--only place I've heard Mee-ghan, everyone else has been "Megh-an".
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:28am
Matt from Springfield:

@RRN63: So that's a SoCal thing? I've seen people dip in ranch occasion in VA, probably a personal preference but they might have learned it there.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:29am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

aloo-MIN'-eee-um is British!
- They say Pentagon - pent -uh-gun'...
Matt - I figure there's ranches there so - ranch sauce...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:30am
Matt from Springfield:

"Vocals by Heidi Berry, Louise Rutkowski & Deirdre Rutkowski"
"originally recorded by Emmylou Harris, written by Rodney Crowell"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:31am

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:34am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- well - California is large. In SantaBarbara it was potato 'wedges' - I took phone orders for food on one job
- including calls from Bakersfield (Buck Owens country) - & I think they said 'logs' - & we thot that was extremely redneck...I think they're 'log' people here in NewHampshah...
Avatar 6:39am
Dave B:

you say "toe may toe" and I say "toe may toe"

lets call the whole thing off
Avatar 6:40am
Dave B:

^ that didnt work^

thanks auto correct (and lack of coffee)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:40am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- great Link Meegun!

I saw a guy in Haahvid Square Sunday wearing an FMU shirt...Yeah!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:43am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- oh yeuh, don'chaknow...
- a lotta NewHampsherites say sure like 'show-are'
- even tho' NH has very little coastal shore...
Avatar 6:43am
Dave E:

Pahk yer cahr in Hahvad Yahd.

I did pahk my cahr near Haahvid Yaard!
Avatar 6:48am
Dave E:

My grandmother used to call the toilet the turlet.
Avatar 6:48am
Dave B:


KAW FEE is ready. I don't drink "kahfee"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:48am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- there's a group of Jamaican immigrants where I live (I'm in retail) - & they are lovely, nice & fun people
- but I marvel in incomprehension @ their English - it is so different! ;...even though it'd much kewler to understand Jamaicans - right?! How they understand us I do not know ! Credit to them...
Avatar 6:50am
Dave B:

speaking of jamaican, is it "Bacon" or "Beercan"

Avatar 6:51am
Dave E:

I'll be right beck.

hey everyone again,

I realized that I had 1.5Gb of unused mobile bandwidth unused last month so I'm going to listen in from the gym from now on.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:52am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Historically of course - why *should* they speak 'The King's English' - ?? Cromwell sent a lot of Irish to Jamaica, which is interesting...

Thats because Arthur's mother is from Portland Maine...not a Bostonian accent!!
Avatar 6:54am
Dave E:

Foot coverings?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:55am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...I've only lived in extreme opposite diagonal corners of the U.S. - NorthNewEngland & SoCal. ...
Brits - car trunk ='s 'boot', gas = petrol...
Dirty Old Man:

You called?
Avatar 6:56am
Dave E:

Now we have sneakers for everything - Tennis Shoes, Basketball shoes, Running Shoes, Jogging shoes,

I still can't believe they used Chucks for basketball. they have no cushioning!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:57am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Brits : sweater = jumper - now that's different...
Avatar 6:57am
Dave B:

I have a friend from London who will slag you right proper if you say you like his accent. "I speak English, You have an accent"
Avatar 6:57am
Dave E:

Bonnet and boot
Avatar 6:57am

To even further cunfuse things, here in Scotland we wear 'gutties' instead of trainers, sneakers, whatever.

Brits: take the "lift"
Avatar 6:58am

Apparently we can't spell 'confuse' either..!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:59am

GUTTIES?! I have NEVER heard that one! wow! Where does that come from?
Avatar 7:01am

I have no idea! It's just one of those words that you always hear used here.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:02am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Do Americans (by which we blithely mean U.S. citizens) say 'SahnLewie' for St.Louis? The English were ruled by France for what - centuries in the Norman Conquests? That's why we have things like 'buffet' in English, & there's a really strong Class element to French usage in English-speaking cultures...some 'mispronunciations' are perhaps defiantly deliberate...
Avatar 7:02am
Dave B:

Woulda been funny if you were on the air. Just imagine how many listeners tuning in at this moment would be scratching there heads and exclaiming "what da fuck?" thinking they hit some AOR station
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:04am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- DaveB - exactly that happened to me tuning into MartyMcSorely one A.M. & he was playing KennyLoggions...
Avatar 7:05am

Hey! Got a working modem again....
Avatar 7:06am
Dave E:

They have Black and White coffee in the UK
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:06am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Never heard this version of 'AloneAgainOr' !...
Avatar 7:07am
Dave E:

UFO - yeah!
Avatar 7:07am

Calexico do a great cover of 'Alone Again Or' that's worth your time.
Avatar 7:08am
Dave B:

nice choice of the UFO version!
Avatar 7:08am
Dave B:

and agree with PlasticFangs. I think I sent that over too...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:09am

I actually have the Calexico song....
Avatar 7:09am
Dave B:

and this Monkees song could make the "Bass Lines" theme...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:09am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- you prob. know - a Bryan Maclean song (not Arthur Lee)...
Avatar 7:12am
Dave E:

I'll take the Zep over Rush anytime
Avatar 7:12am
Dave B:

I was trying to find the Brian Regan bit where he talks about his Italian friends who over pronounce Italian food names.... Funny as hell, but I cant find it...

He then riffs how he doesnt do that with "corn beef and cabbage" in a fake irish accent...
Avatar 7:13am
Dave B:

@Dave E - especially the Rush track that has "again" in the title. It's horrible...
Avatar 7:17am
Dave E:

Here again is a pretty good song! But probably will not here it here again.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:17am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Love The Animals.
- course - I'm a David. One has to love animals...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:19am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- except that damned poodle! Totally jealous of his spread there!!
Avatar 7:20am
Dave B:

The Daves have it.

Animals For The Win
Avatar 7:24am
Dave B:


The book, which is the story of five streetwise but cuddly rabbits from Coney Island, takes place on the seedy streets of New York after dark. The rabbits are drawn to a convention of animals that takes place in the Bronx where they discuss a truce between all the other animals in the city. However, after the wise fox named Cyrus who called the meeting is gunned down, the Rabbits are pursued by the other animals who believe they killed him.
Avatar 7:24am
Dave E:

My name is Dave and I live in a cave.
Avatar 7:25am

isn't that the story line from "The Warriors", Dave B?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:26am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- kids - animals get gunned down - face it...
Avatar 7:26am
Dave B:

pretty much...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:27am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...& we won't even talk about what Daddy did to the cute little mousies in the house...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:28am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...yes - we can tell yer underslept...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:29am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...all in the name of good radio...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:30am

@Chuck: Juliana Hatfield changed her mind (again) and is working on a new record: www.pledgemusic.com...

julie's not close enough to her mic
great show as usual M.
Avatar 7:32am

Well that's good news for us then, fred!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:32am

Julie is shouting into my mic.... she doesn't have a mic. This room isn't set up well for multiple people to talk. The other mic is at the other end of the room.....
Avatar 7:32am
Lonious Monk:

hi listeners hi Meghan hi fred !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:33am

good morning!!!

No disrespect but you are clueless when it comes to Steeley Dan! They are about incredible musicianship and amazing composition. Their solo instrumentation is spectacular and the lyrics are also quite amazing. But i also understand music is a very personal thing but talent should be recognized in an objective manner...especially from a DJ. Listen to "Everyone's gone to the movies" brilliant or "Kid Charlemain". And yes, Aja is a superlative musical masterpiece!

ok i see.. mic challenged... all is good.
Avatar 7:36am
Dave B:

@Paul - Steely, not Steeley....
Avatar 7:36am
Dave B:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:36am

Paul.... no disrespect, but I am allowed my opinions and I don't like them. I never said they weren't talented, did I? I don't like Rush or Grateful Dead either. There are a lot of talented musicians that I am not a fan of.
Avatar 7:36am
Andy in Berlin:

Hi Meghan! Checking in. Are we going to hear the Dave Clark Five today? - Over And Over
Avatar 7:38am

I heard recently that Sharon Jones has some type of cancer. They've canceled some gigs...

people wanna convince others of... their likes and dislikes... it usually eases with age but.. yes it's rather silly but..

Hey andy, i am also in berlin. Are you in berlin, germany or berlin, MA? And oops, yes, Dave B it, was a typo, thanx.
Avatar 7:40am
Andy in Berlin:

@ Paul - Berlin Germany
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:40am

Good Morning again
Avatar 7:41am
Dave B:

@cglenn - lord knows we've been trying to convince Meghan of the MAJESTY of RUSH for YEARS!

You can lead a horse to water, but you cant make it drink....

Andy, what part, i am in Wedding. And Meghan, you said SD sucked, not that you don't like them, there is a difference. One is opinion the other is judgement.
Avatar 7:44am
Lonious Monk:

this playlist is so good - i am converting my team work to underwater theme park
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:45am

sucking and not liking are pretty much the same thing..... suck is slang remember! If I meant literal suck then it would mean something totally crazy wrong! ha!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:46am

hells yeah Lonious!
Avatar 7:47am

Avatar 7:48am
Dave B:

@Lonius - will you issue the requisite Red Woolly Cap, like Team Zissou?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:49am

Wow, kind of amazing you followed Tower of Power with Sly. I was just saying last night on FB that Sly was my first major-label concert in New York, with Tower opening.
Avatar 7:49am

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:49am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- what I find interesting is how women often equate looks w/ musical merit
- which is prob. how women feel about what men do not just in music but 24/7...

Here I am, again !

Bonjour Meghan and Parkies !
Avatar 7:50am
Dave B:

and I agree with Meghan on the literal/figurative use of "suck"

William S. Burroughs, Naked Lunch:
Mary is strapping on a rubber penis. "Steely Dan III from Yokohama," she says, caressing the shaft.
"What happen to Steely Dan I?"

"He was torn in two by a bull dyke. She could cave in a lead pipe."

"And Steely Dan II?"

"Chewed to bits by a famished candiru in the Upper Baboonsasshole. And don't say 'wheeeeeeee!' this time."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:52am

Avatar 7:53am
Dave B:


Where the hell have you been?
Avatar 7:53am
Van in DC:

Now there's a dog I would like to adopt. Good morning Meghan!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:53am

I don't equate looks to music merit..... but Steely Dan are just ugly. didn't we have this conversation recently about ugly musicians and I said it then too....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:54am

morning Van!

Sorry, don't get how sucking doesn't mean "not good" (in slang sense) not "i don't like". For example i might say Michael Jackson sucks", but i would never say, "i suck Michael Jackson". See what i mean?! Now i am done with this discussion. It was never meant to go on so long. ; )

hi guys ^_^ !
(i'm always here, lurking… I wasn't commenting much these days, but i'll try to make amend)
Avatar 7:55am
Van in DC:

Wow. I missed This Mortal Coil! Again!
Avatar 7:56am
Andy in Berlin:

@ Paul - Prenzlauer Berg. Used to live in Wedding - I liked it but I had to give up the apartment.
Avatar 7:57am
Dave E:

It's okay if you don't like Rush, just make up the difference with Led Zeepelin!
Avatar 7:57am
Dave B:

I just laughed out loud and that imagery
Avatar 7:57am

I'm with Meghan. Respect Steely Dan's musicianship, hate the music...

You don't like prog? I suppose you don't like math either!?!?!
Avatar 7:58am

On the other hand, I love Rush. Go figure...
Avatar 8:00am

Good to hear some Shadow, haven't listened to "Private Press" in a while.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:00am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

☆ Waistcoats

...no - just felt obligated to discuss their fugliness (your word) when discussing their musical merit; seriously - a guy would never get away w/ that kind of argument...
- of course I don't think you judge music by the artist's looks (not solely anyhow) - yer tastes are obviously great (or we wouldn't be here)
- & it's totally legit to have musical tastes you can't verbally articulate (explain) or justify - it's a different part of ourselves. If one can, bonus!
- On the other hand, this is Popular Music & they are Performers - & Visuals matter, yeah (it's true in Opera too, for that matter)...
Avatar 8:00am
Dave E:

Steely Dan was in a Rush to see Black Sabbath.
Avatar 8:01am

I break out my "food analogy":
A taste in music is just like a taste in food. Some stuff you just don't care for. Other stuff you can't get enough of. For example, I HATE sweet peppers, but LOVE hot peppers. It's just the way it is...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:02am

At least SD doesn't use autotune.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:02am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- yeah! I often find food diet is a good metaphor for musical diet...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:03am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- some peole are happy w/ MacDonalds as often as possible...
Avatar 8:05am

Those are the people that listen to commercial radio, RR!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:05am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- anyhow - if I don't get Steely Dan here - seriously, no problemo!...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:06am

I was talking with a coworker while on the subway headed to a concert. She said she never goes to see live music. Then continued to tell me that she hasn't really listened to music since 1992. That blows my mind.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:07am

If you want to talk about sucking, commercial radio is the definition of suck.
Avatar 8:08am
Dave E:

@duke: you are right, I can hear the swooshing sound
Avatar 8:09am
Dave B:

Got turned on to Little People a year or so ago at Highline Ballroom. Went to see Emancipator. Little People was in the middle of the bill, Natasha Kmeto opened. 'Twas a good night of laid back electronica/turntablism or what ever category you want to put it in...
Avatar 8:09am

I was on a rather long hiatus from music myself, Meg. Mostly because I was trying to find something new on commercial radio and coming up with nothing. I just gave up for a while...
Avatar 8:10am
Lonious Monk:

hahaha pierre, remember ?
Avatar 8:11am

Then independent radio saved me! Thank you WVKR!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:11am

Chuck- Lisa just has no interest in it. Could care less. Rather have silence than anything. It boggles my mind!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:11am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- musical anorexia...more starvation or distaste in Chuck's case...

I loved the title (and the drawings) that comes with that album
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:13am

RRN- at least it's not bulimia!
Avatar 8:13am

Silence? Really? That is odd to me. I'd be climbing the walls without something to listen to!
Avatar 8:13am
buısןǝɥ uoʌ pǝɹɟ:

all this work stuff is riilly pissing me off. when am I sposta be able to listen to free form ???
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:14am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- I could see being in a real spiritual meditation kinda space where you're digging the silence
- absent that exalted state - musical voraciousness for me...Work Bad Music Good...
Avatar 8:14am

Oh no, I'm late :(
Avatar 8:15am
Dave B:

@ buisley uo^ perj -

how'd you do dat?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:15am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- I was gonna say being in retail w/ Xmas Music is bulimia - but that's just more like plain nausea...
Avatar 8:19am

Ugh! RR that sounds more like having steel spikes driven into your head! Wear a T-shirt that says "Just KILL ME, PLEASE!"...
Avatar 8:20am
Jim Devoid:

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Cheri Pi:

ROAR!!!!!!!! good morning Meghan!
Avatar 8:20am
Dave E:

@Dave B www.typeupsidedown.com
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:20am

work schmirk.... work just gets in the way of fun..... morning Jim and Cheri!
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ǝ ǝʌɐp:

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buısןǝɥ uoʌ pǝɹɟ:

why does husker du sound like FZ ?
Avatar 8:21am
Dave B:

Work gets in the way of my DRINKING!
Avatar 8:21am
Phelger Nank:

Happy 69th anniversary of D Day, Meghan!
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Jim Devoid:

I wholeheartedly agree on the fun/work inversion.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:22am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- Man - my comcast was off for unknown reason last night
- & I was up too late & felt crap
...really excellent to have this Program this A.M. & a great Show! Appreciated!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:22am

@RRN My son worked at some Xmas store one season. He was ready to lose his mind from the bland Xmas music. He says if he ever hears Rockin' around the Christmas Tree again he going to go on a rampage.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:22am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

fred: Because they're excellent.
Avatar 8:23am
Jim Devoid:

Thanks foe the D Day reminder....wow. My pops was in the 2nd wave of the Invasion of Normandy (I am not THAT old, but was a happy accident later in my 'grups lives).

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Dave B:


bonk bonk on the head!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:24am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- hard to beat Normandy Beach for cred...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:25am

wow, it's been 69 years since D Day huh? crazy....

was that two f-bombs in that last song?
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Cheri Pi:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:27am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

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Dave B:

D-Day is 63!!!

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Van in DC:

Oooh, thanks for the D Day info, now I know where I'll trundle on my lunchtime walk today, down the Mall...
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ǝ ǝʌɐp:

Are the buzzcocks shaved?
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Props to the Buzzcocks on the "I Wanna Be Your Dog" rewrite, right down to the continous piano plunking along!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:29am

What does one give for D-Day? I just feel like nothing seems appropriate, you know....
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Jim Devoid:

@Meghan: Bullet casings? Blood donations? French cheese? Red wine?
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QOTSA, yeah! Going to see them at Vintage Vinyl tonight, should be a good one!
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buısןǝɥ uoʌ pǝɹɟ:

an amphibious assault food cart ?
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Dave B:

Sauerkraut and Wursts?
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Phelger Nank:

I gain a dot.
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buısןǝɥ uoʌ pǝɹɟ:

underwear decorated with Marshal Pétain ?
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buısןǝɥ uoʌ pǝɹɟ:

The entire province of Applesauce-Lorraine ?
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Phelger Nank:

@Meghan: I'm giving my wife cross-channel assault. It will be both appropriate and inappropriate. Like this comment.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:36am

you can never go wrong with cheese and wine.....

Oh nice PKNY.... that should be great! Too bad I am DJing a rockabilly gig tonight.....
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Jim Devoid:

The complete DVD set of Hogan's Heroes?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:37am

oh nice! You can't go wrong with that..... HOGAN!!!!(shakes fist)
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General Hochstetler:


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buısןǝɥ uoʌ pǝɹɟ:

Cross-channel assault? I have the strangest boner right now... d'oh
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Dave B:

There's a NYHC page on Facebook that has some incredible photos of Minor Threat @ Great Gildersleeves circa 1982.

Now THAT was a show to remember!
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buısןǝɥ uoʌ pǝɹɟ:

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15 minutes? You could play 10 Ramones songs in that amount of time...
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buısןǝɥ uoʌ pǝɹɟ:

You could play 15.8 songs by the Minutemen
Avatar 8:51am

@Dave B: whoever is running that NYHC FB page is killing it. So many great pics/flyers have been posted.
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Dave B:

Indeed PKNY. I've burned manny an hour strolling down memory lane. Found my head in a shot of Void at CBGBs circa 1983....

Avatar 8:56am
Phelger Nank:

Clap your hands say Talking Heads
Avatar 8:57am
Jim Devoid:

Will have to check out that FB page. only been looking at the Old School Hardcore Kids FB page...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:58am

I know the BHC scene.... not the NYHC one....
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Thanks Meghan!
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Van in DC:

Again, I must thank you Meghan!
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Ta, all!
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Dave B:

I'm not a gambling man, but next week will be good
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