Favoriting Michael Shelley: Playlist from June 1, 2013 Favoriting

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Saturday 11am - 1pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting June 1, 2013: Michael welcomes The Worlds Greatest Music Experts (Meeting #9)

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Artist Track
Rascals  Good Lovin   Favoriting
Hamilton, Joe Frank & Reynolds  Don't Pull Your Love   Favoriting
Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass  A Taste of Honey   Favoriting
We Five  You Were on My Mind   Favoriting
Suzie Wallie  Tell Him   Favoriting
wynonne harris  Good mambo tonight   Favoriting
Captain & Tennille, The  Love Will Keep Us Together   Favoriting
Marvin Gaye  It's a Desperate Situation   Favoriting
Left Banke, The  Walk Away Renee   Favoriting
Jay Wiggins  My Girl   Favoriting

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CLICK HERE for a not quite right piece called "The Rising Cost of New Vinyl"

CLICK HERE this train wreck is a great microcosm of what is wrong with the world.

CLICK HERE for Nina Simone: nutty but good.

CLICK HERE for a few actual kind hearted people who would like to give $1 million to each and every person in America but are unfortunately not all that good at math

CLICK HERE for a series of Beatles vocal harmony tutorials

CLICK HERE to read: KISS' Paul Stanley: 'I Don't Need The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame'

CLICK HERE to read: An Open Letter From a Bar Owner to Musicians!

CLICK HERE to read "Van Dyke Parks: 'I was victimised by Brian Wilson's buffoonery' ".

CLICK HERE to watch revised version of David Bowie's Space Oddity, recorded by Commander Chris Hadfield on board the International Space Station.

CLICK HERE to watch a video that proves: Andy Kaufman Lives!

CLICK HERE to see why Bob Lefsetz thinks the Stones' tour is a greedy failure, and how the band is clueless.

CLICK HERE to see John Lydon’s handwritten response to the U.S. Rock and Roll Hall of Fame regarding the induction of the Sex Pistols in 1996.

CLICK HERE for "Here Are Idiot Celebrities Talking Out Of Their Asses About Punk At Last Night’s Met Gala".

CLICK HERE to watch the entire Minutemen documentary "We Jam Econo"

CLICK HERE for WFMU's Dave Mandl's Slate article "Same Old Song? Not Exactly. Many classic hits are secretly re-recorded. Can this be stopped?"

CLICK HERE for Lawrence O'Donnell's take on Wayne LaPierre's speech.

CLICK HERE for "22 geniously defaced textbooks & exam papers"

CLICK HERE to see Elvis & Elmo sing "The Monster Went And Ate My Red 2"

CLICK HERE for an horrifying video - who's behind this?

CLICK HERE to see Robin Zander's "son"

CLICK HERE to watch Antoine Dodson explain how he has renounced homosexuality, and has become a "True Chosen Hebrew Israelite descendant of Judah," and now wants a wife.

CLICK HERE to read what my man Eddie Deezen has to say about "Revolution 9".

CLICK HERE for a nice piece about the the L.A. studio musicians who dominated the 70's sound.

CLICK HERE for Kim Shattuck.

CLICK HERE to watch what happens when 2 monkeys were paid unequally.

CLICK HERE for info in Eric Kayser - now in NYC on 3rd Ave.

CLICK HERE to find out why people believe in conspiracy theories.

CLICK HERE for Rachel Maddow on Alex Jones’ Conspiracies.

CLICK HERE to watch "Music Man Murray," a short film about a record collector/dealer.!

CLICK HERE to see how to clean records with glue!

CLICK HERE to see kids at Coachella pretend they've heard of bands that don't actually exist.

CLICK HERE for a nice piece on The Cowsills!

I love THESE Beach Boy videos!

CLICK HERE for Jerry Lewis Telethon Bloopers - Part 1 !

CLICK HERE for Jerry Lewis Telethon Bloopers - Part 2 !

CLICK HERE for more Jerry. the whole clip is crazy - but 2:13 in is really off the charts nuts.

CLICK HERE for The Worst Work Stations Ever

CLICK HERE to see Google interview Nick Lowe after his Live@Google performance in Mountain View. To get the two tracks for free from this performance CLICK HERE

There's some controversy about the coin toss that decided who would get seats in the plane that crashed on February 3, 1959 and killed Buddy Holly, Richie Vallens & Big Bopper. CLICK HERE for "An open Letter & Challenge to Dion from Tommy Allsup" then CLICK HERE for Dion's version from "The Wanderer Talks Truth"

CLICK HERE to explore & watch a short film on The Cosimo Code, an attempt to catalog every Cosimo Matassa 45!

CLICK HERE for the Top 100 Alternative Albums of the 1960s!

CLICK HERE to hear The Ramones comment on Phil Spector!

CLICK HERE for a great time waster.

CLICK HERE for Lance Shabazz's super cheaply made JOE TEX documentary!

CLICK HERE for "The Beatles - 12 Hours To Please Me!" from the BBC - featuring some interesting stuff AND that thing that drives me nuts - contemporary folks covering the Beatles - some ok, some blah!

CLICK HERE for proof: destruction of the Death Star was an inside job.

I'm a huge Sonny Curtis fan. CLICK HERE for a recent interview.

CLICK HERE for a nice Spin piece on Jerry "Swamp Dogg" Williams

CLICK HERE for a video about Wealth Inequality in America

CLICK HERE for info on why Brian Wilson is the devil!!

CLICK HERE for "I Was a Teenage Fake Zombie"

CLICK HERE and enjoy the part that starts 2:25 in.

CLICK HERE for Los Shakers - Siempre tú

September 21st, 1939, radio station WJSV in Washington, D.C., recorded their entire broadcast day -- CLICK HERE to hear it!

CLICK HERE for Albums that never were (but should have been!)

CLICK HERE for info on an amazing new drug: Unpretentiousil!

CLICK HERE for info session guitarist Vincent Bell.

CLICK HERE for Paul Anka's famous post-gig turned into a short film!

CLICK HERE for Wreckless Eric & Amy Rigby's "Do You Remember That" Official Video !

CLICK HERE for info and a trailer for a new documentary on the Muscle Shoals sound!

CLICK HERE for The dB's live on World Cafe!

CLICK HERE for some info on Gabriel, the genius behind "Buzzard Lope" !

CLICK HERE for Long Bets.

CLICK HERE for "Drifter Kills Guy With A Hatchet The Gives INSANE Interview".

CLICK HERE for "The Story of Pat and Lolly Vegas" - former guest Pat Vegas drives around L.A. and talks about their history.

CLICK HERE for an recent Montclair Times article on Michael Shelley!

CLICK HERE for some minor key songs reworked into major keys.

CLICK HERE to read how Big Star's "September Gurls" was recorded at Ardent Studios

CLICK HERE to see Beastie Boy Mike D's lovely $9 a square foot wallpaper!

CLICK HERE to read "The Beatles and the Art of the Tambourine"

CLICK HERE to watch a robot band cover The Ramones

CLICK HERE to read Carol Kaye review of "The Wrecking Crew: The Inside Story of Rock and Roll's Best-Kept Secret"

CLICK HERE for "Sony Releases Stupid Piece Of Shit That Doesn't Fucking Work" !

CLICK HERE for an article about Sandy Hook truthers who think they've found “absolute proof” that the Newtown shootings were a hoax.

CLICK HERE to find out who played bass on some of Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Songs of All Time.

CLICK HERE for a great Beach Boys Interview from 1964 (starts @ 1:30).

CLICK HERE for seven minutes of David Bowie getting pissed off during interviews.

Apparently Bowie offered "Golden Years" to Elvis Presley - but The King declined. CLICK HERE former guest Stevie Riks nails the Elvis/Bowie duet version.

CLICK HERE for a short film which explains how Mellotrons work.

CLICK HERE Led Zeppelin vs The Beatles - Whole Lotta Helter Skelter !

CLICK HERE for Chuck Berry's 1980 thoughts about The Sex Pistols, Talking Heads and Clash records.

CLICK HERE for Famous Album Covers Revisited Using Google Street View .

CLICK HERE to go to a useless website like THIS ONE.

CLICK HERE for a reminder that you have to be 恋のホワン・ホワン! (or HERE, or HERE , or HERE , or HERE, or HERE!)

CLICK HERE for info on an odd e-book "Nick Lowe: A Long Career That Never Gets Stale." It is 4 pages long and "sells" for $1.99. The same author has one about Dean Martin that was reviewed like this: "This pamphlet was complete gargbage. A sixth grader could have written a better essay. All of this author's works should be removed from Amazon."

CLICK HERE for a similar 156 page "Book On Demand" titled "Nick Lowe" that boasts being made from "High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles!" What is the world coming to? Only $19.95.

CLICK HERE for the FREE download of "No Good To Cry" by The Explorers Club!

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Listener comments!

Avatar #1 Hit Supporter Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:03am
Mike East:

Jersey's own!
Avatar #1 Hit Supporter Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:04am
Mike East:

man, you forget that this wasn't a slow ballad
gene sculatti:

Yes! "Don't Pull Your Love" is one of the real No. 1 records. Bravo, Michael!
Avatar 11:06am
Phelger Nank:

Little know fact: original parenthetical subtitle of the last track was "(if you know what I mean)"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:07am

this is going to be fun
Avatar #1 Hit Supporter Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:10am

Wow. First three all power hitters. Watcha' got for the rest of the show? (No pressure.)

I was amazed to find out I remember EVERY word to that H,JF & R song...wow. And now, Herb Alpert?!?!?! I am loving this beautiful Saturday morning just a little bit more than I thought I could. THanks Mike! Help's to soften the sad news of losing Harvey Korman.
Avatar #1 Hit Supporter Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:11am

Aw, Harvey Korman? He had a god ride. (I swear Tim Conway was in my dreams last night. NOT a common occurrence.)

YEs, very sad news. edition.cnn.com...

ChuBops sounded TERRIBLE!

It's even sadder that Harvey Korman died in 2008 and you guys are only noticing it now.

Although I guess that dying multiple times is an occupational hazard for comics.
Avatar #1 Hit Supporter Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:14am

Ow. That hook is going to be stuck in my mouth for some time. (I really did see Tim Conway in my dream!)

How about the 8-track, and the Panasonic "Take-n-Tape"?

Oh my GOD - I just noticed that was from 2008!! Holy crap. I need coffee.
Avatar 11:15am

just checking in
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:24am
Greg from Bloomfield:

Somebody, I forget who, referred to that as the "Monoculture." Before things became super duper nichey.

Avatar 11:27am
Phelger Nank:

Herb Alpert: The E/LP Bra
Avatar 11:28am

Ive always been amazed that there have been hits nationally that were never played in NY. Cant Explain and early Grass Roots come to mind. People from outside city heard this stuff and ABC wouldnt touch it.
Avatar 11:28am
Phelger Nank:

@ Stevel: "Ow. That hook is going to be stuck in my mouth for some time" was an alternate parenthetical subtitle for "Don't Pull Your Love."
AZ Dave:

"... and give them their cut." Great line. What's your quintessential top 40 hit? My vote goes to "Innagaddavida" (3 minute version).
Avatar #1 Hit Supporter Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:31am

Phelger Nank: I would not argue with that supposition (my first 4-sylable word of the day!)

I too went from heavy top-40 to FM AOR (then to punk and other such stuff.)
Avatar #1 Hit Supporter Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:33am
Mike East:

we5! my mom used to play this constantly
Avatar #1 Hit Supporter Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:33am
Mike East:

ive still got the lp

Michael - you're lucky. In our station wagon it was either WPAT easy-listening, or 1010 WINS, while my dad smoked Chesterfields.
Avatar 11:38am

you could argue Like A Rolling Stone is too atypical to merit that distinction. It was played in NY a lot though.
Avatar #1 Hit Supporter Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:41am

Tom Jones always got the instant station switch in our car, since Dad controlled the radio. Complaining when he switched off Daughter of Darkness (in all of its excessiveness) was one of my first acts youthful rebellion.

who is the guest and what south fla station is he from?

In 1972 I was 10 years old & lived in Jersey City. All I listened to was 77-WABC and they played all those songs - multiple times every day. As you speak of them, I realize how great a majority of them were. Popular music today doesn't even come close.
Avatar #1 Hit Supporter Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:52am

The only song not just mentioned was "Gimmie Dat Ding"

1st single ever purchased - Stevie Wonder - 'Superstition' - $.99 in the early 70's.
Steve C.:

Wow, I feel sorry for you kids. I'm 61- I was 13 in 1965, the perfect age to be during the absolute peak of AM radio. I admit that there was an ok mix on AM radio during the late 60s and early 70s, but COME ON, by then it was over already.

I grew upin Miami Beach and bought my Albums from Zayres
and listened to WSHE "she's only RocknRoll"
Just saw the "rascals" show
here on west coast of FL
Avatar 11:59am

I remember hearing Creedence's Suzie Q on AM from buffalo. mind boggling. That kid of stuff would travel at night when FM hadnt really set in.

David Gates also plays bass on some Ventures albums.

first concert
Allman Brothers 1975ish at the Orange Bowl Wet Willy opened
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:02pm

does Kim Fowley fit in to any of this?
Avatar #1 Hit Supporter Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 12:04pm

re. Susie Wallie: Although the format was wider open, there was still only so much room on the air.

Guys - how about The Name Game!

Also, Diana Ross. She wasn't even the greatest singer in the Supremes, but her voice was built for what AM radio sounded like in the '60s.

Is this not the most common lyrical cliche ever? "down on my knees, begging him/her please"
Avatar 12:06pm

First concert, the Happy Jack/Sell Out era Who, 1968.
Avatar 12:07pm

Wet Willie was the bane of ABB fans.
Avatar 12:07pm
Sonny Rickles:

You're right about Mickey Dolenz! and I love that Tell Him song!

Talk about the rise and fall of session musicians?
Avatar #1 Hit Supporter Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 12:09pm

Has Neil Diamond been pitched yet?
Avatar 12:12pm

Surfdog, LOVED the Rascals show in NY.
Avatar 12:14pm

Steve C, the only decent renaissance of AM radio was garage stuff of late 60s. Every Mother's Son, Box Tops,
Seeds, those bands signaled the FM era.

best line from the show:
40 yrs ago when we broke up we had tension in middle east,war noone wanted racism "nothings fuckin changed in 40yrs!
Avatar 12:17pm
pacific standard simon:

@surfdog - Herman wanted racism?

As for ramen. yes, the Band was like that. Robbie Robertson has the writing credits. Everyone else had to depend on touring.

"That Thing You Do" was a perfect movie. A small, perfect, movie.

As Tony Visconti said, .."the cream "used to" rise to the top"

now high quality manure can be made and reliesed by anyone...

How about the Pirate radio stations in the UK during the 60s ie Radio Caroline, Radio London, Radio City etc and their influence on the British scene. Many artist would have never made it in the UK wihout the pirates.
Avatar 12:25pm
Sonny Rickles:

Ask Scott when can we expect his book on Garage Rock!

Isn't it time to bury the awful word CURATE? Hate it.
Avatar #1 Hit Supporter Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 12:35pm
Mike Sin:

Unfortunately, maybe popular music just isn't a cultural barometer anymore? Look at the numbers it takes to have a #1 record in 2013 -- those numbers just aren't high.

Disco was polarizing because people had their identities wrapped up in certain music. That doesn't exist today because most folks don't really care or it's so easy to shut out and ignore what you don't like.

culture is fractured now - music plays a very small part of our culture. back then it played a major aspect of all our lives

ABBA was the dividing line between good and bad eras of AM radio. They had hits on both sides of the line. (Captn and Tenile were on the bad side BTW)

wow I forgot about WPAT

when there is so little music on TV now or associated with any politics or movement or some of the big things in our lives - where is popular music in popular culture ? er.... lady gagaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

who wrote "love will keep us together" ? sounds like a Linsey de Paul song.
Jett Brando:

The backing vocals at the end of Love Will Keep Us Together remind me of Mary Hansen from Stereolab.

Where to tune on the dial used to be a major fight with friends and family- perhaps that confrontation-loss plays a role somehow-

would carol king have a hit now ?
Avatar 12:45pm
pacific standard simon:

@3d-nyc - True, and the one(s) who lost would go on to have many complicated issues with music in adult life, and eventually become supporters of FMU!

neil sedaka wrote the song. bought the single back in the 70's growing up in Australia. mum and dad loved it !!!

Michael Shelley, we gotta find you a jukebox. And I gotta find this Marvin Gaye 45 for mine.

..and a dollar a day is very inexpensive victory (!)
Avatar 12:48pm
pacific standard simon:

Right on, Gaylord.

Warren rules!
Why was he called Ork Boy in the eighties?
Peace and respect
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:50pm

hide your kids, hide your wife
Jett Brando:

45s are great to have. Even if they're beat up they can potentially sound better than LPs. It's the compression. I've snagged hundreds of great 45s at house sales.

I saw the del fugleos in Brisbane Australia in the 80's ( easts leagues club )
Jett Brando:

I thought Walk Away Renee went to #2.

Sylvie also covered Sloop John B in French

also making money from music now is totally different business model - it sux now . small bands have a small audience and no money
Avatar 12:54pm
pacific standard simon:

They're ALL covers of the Billy Bragg version, but they changed all his words!

explorer's club should be worldwide no 1 - but it aint going to happen :(
Jett Brando:

How much do you want to bet that the flute solo in Renée was in attempts to capitalize on the flute solo thing in California dreaming
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:57pm
Brian in UK:

Nick Lowe "Pretty good is the new rubbish".
  #1 Hit Supporter Marathon 2025 12:57pm
David in ATL from NJ:

This is the original version, right?

' art 'is what you can get away with ...
  #1 Hit Supporter Marathon 2025 12:59pm
David in ATL from NJ:

Chris Sprague on the 15th!
That's great news. He's awesome!
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