Ken - we all need to know more about Khlam! Who are they? Where can we find them? How serious do they take themselves?
And in the widely reported, who-fuck-cares news, 'The creator of the GIF file format has sparked a lively debate on Twitter after announcing that it must be pronounced "Jif".'
Good advice, Ken. My heart wants to call it a gif with a hard g. I have no outward problems with people who pronounce it with a j sound, though. (Inwardly, I cringe a little bit. Like when people use unnecessary appostrophe's)
BlackDog(ZepFans): ♪ HeyHeyMama gonna make muh move - ♫ gonna take yer slice ♬ inna repeatin' jifgroove...
f❇f❇ (:
Dave B,
Thanks. I was also curious about what it means "hocking up a loogie" so I googled it. Now my curiosity is very satisfied. No more curiosity questions from me for today.
@Trish, The CPC answered the questions the way they answer every question, "well you see there was this sponsorship scandal, and we're just so wonderful and all these questions just distract from how wonderful we are, remember the sponsorship scandal?!?!"
Hello there. 2.42pm here in northern England. the weather's okay and I'm going to see the amazing comedian Daniel Kitson tonight, but first to the important stuff - what does everyone think of the new Fall album?
Hey Rob - Can you listen closely for the next hour? WMFU is o0n backup and Id like to try turning it back to the T1 if you can listen for me. Can you? Let me know!
@AW Their ad campaigning given it happened in the PMO is sickening.
As Mallick noted, "Don Draper’s advice from Mad Men — 'This never happened. It will shock you how much this never happened' — does not apply in politics."
Hello all! So, gif review:
-ballet movie "Evidentia" (part "Movement", I think)
-Hitchcock's "Saboteur"
-the once-banned "The Seashell and the Clergyman"
-"Woman of the Year"
I like the locomotion x-ray.
When she walks, she's like a samba that swings so cool and sways so gentle, that when she passes, each one she passes goes - oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhh.
@The Ricky Wilde image - "It's not a balloon! You stupid little thick-headed Saxon git! It's not a balloon! Balloons is for kiddy-winkies. If you want to play with balloons, get outside."
And just to put my 2 cents in, I say gif sometimes with a hard g, sometimes with a soft g. However, there is a file format .jif, which is pronounced the same way gif with a soft g is, so the soft g can lead to confusion (and, I suspect, is pronounced with a soft g just to mess with the .jif developers, so is kinda a bitchy move, which I oppose), so I still kinda prefer the hard g.
No, Im holding down the fort in JC - In Spain it is Evan Funk Davies, Brian Turner, Liz Berg, Scott WIlliams, Scott Konzelman and others
f❇f❇ (:
I heard the Gif creator is working on enhancing the capabilities of the image format. They are going to carry a Caryn commentary that would automatically pop up when rolling over them.
I had to proofread something with "GIFs" in it yesterday. Somebody here had spelled it "gifs" or stolen the text from somewhere that did. It's GIF goddammit! Capital letters forever!
The real debate is: web site, Web site, website, or Website?
I've always wondered about the legal implications. I could have a file called .pepc and say I want it pronounced Pepsi, and I'm pretty sure the Pepsi people aren't going to like that.
After today, I will delete all comments about the pronunciation of GIF and I will ban anybody who tries to discuss this topic ever again. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
f❇f❇ (:
Little Annie is great! I loved the song from the previous show.
I hadn't noticed until last night that Iggy shows up for just an iggy-bitty moment playing pool in The Color of Money.
Little Miss Dog Pedant:
This is a real post, cut and pasted from the "That's Not Cool" site, which is my new favorite website so thank you, Ken:
Simply based on the cover, I kinda want to read "What's Happening?" Of course, I suspect I won't develop such a fondness for it as I have for the Village-based "Man from UNCLE" episode, which just highlighted what a square Napoleon Solo was compared to Ilya Kuryakin.
Good morning, Kenneth and Wednesday people (including Wednesday Addams). Is the The The guitarist one of the Kalin Twins? Or perhaps Duffy Powers? Where is Caryn?
hooray for cracked versions of Cool Edit Pro! thank you Peter Quistgard!
The Falangist government fell in the early late 70s; I'll guess that the relaxed atmosphere Ken felt was a reaction to the failure of a military coup attempt in 1982, which failure probably both for a time discredited the Right and signalled to everyone else that things really _had_ changed...just as the abortive Brezhnevite coup against Gorbachev ended the Soviet Union.
New York Magazine said it best:
"Nerds on one side of the debate are partial to a hard g — as in 'get a life, nerds' — while nerds on the other side stubbornly insist on a soft g, as in 'gigantic nerds.'"
@Parq: There are actually a couple of "Evidentia"s, but the one you want is compiled from Sylvie Guillem's tv series of the same name. I think this is a streaming version:
f❇f❇ (:
When my slow internet connection really really sucks, Caryn's GIF commenting works like the Braille for me. Thanks Caryn!
When I am awake till 5am Weds AM, my odds of hearing this show live are small. But I would never fail to read the playlist, view the gjifs, and read the comments, lest I fall irremediably behind on the crucial project of staying current on the ongoing evolution, of western, eastern, northern and southern civilization! On to the live shows! Avanti!