Frank O'Toole's playlist
April 15, 2013 ![]()
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Track Artist Album / Format Approx. start time for 20 minutes
problems with the webcast 0:00:00 Pop-up) (partial) Gypsy Woman
Tim Buckley Happy Sad (CD) 0:01:45 Pop-up) Wait Till Your Boat Goes Down
XTC "5 Senses" Ep (Vinyl) 0:04:19 Pop-up) Ohm
Yo La Tengo "Fade" Lp (CD) * 0:08:12 Pop-up) Caine's bit
Michael Caine WFMU/ Free Music Archive 0:09:03 Pop-up) MUSIC BEHIND THE DJ: Daly's Looney Tune/ FMU Locked Groove
Tom Daly fxo mix (CD-R) 0:14:31 Pop-up) Lots
Dan Deacon "America" Lp (CD) * 0:19:21 Pop-up) Sunrise / Rael
Petra Haden "Petra Haden Sings: The Who Sell Out" Lp (CD) 0:25:00 Pop-up) Another One
Pere Ubu "Lady From Shanghai" Lp (CD) * 0:33:02 Pop-up) R Stevie Moore & Phoaming Edison
LUKATUFEB MP3 (MP3) 0:36:48 Pop-up) To Sir With Ignells
Fly Ashtray "Reports" (MP3) 0:40:30 Pop-up) Tell Me When It's Over
Steve Wynn "Live on FMU's Three Chord Monte" (MP3) 0:44:36 Pop-up) MUSIC BEHIND THE DJ: Here It Comes/ FMU Locked Groove
Freddie Fresh fxo mix (CD-R) 0:48:25 Pop-up) Orchestra
People Like Us & Ergo Phizmiz "The Keystone Cut Ups" Lp (CD) * 0:51:16 Pop-up) F.E.E.L.I.N.G.C.A.L.L.E.D.L.O.V.E.
Pulp ""Mary Wing's 2012 WFMU Marathon Premium" Lp (CD) 0:55:37 Pop-up) Autumn Day
Major Stars "Decibles Of Gratitude" Lp (CD) * 1:02:27 Pop-up) The North Downs Dimension
Broadcast "Berberian Sound Studio" Lp (CD) * 1:08:00 Pop-up) Find Somebody
The Rascals "The Ultimate Rascals" Lp (CD) 1:09:50 Pop-up) Crazy Train
Jack Jones Rough Recording remix (MP3) 1:13:22 Pop-up) Axis, Bold As Love
Jimi Hendrix Experience Mashup (MP3) 1:17:49 Pop-up) Changeling***Transmission
DJ Shadow "Entroducing" Lp (CD) 1:24:42 Pop-up) On The Way Home
Buffalo Springfield "Reunion mix-10/23/10" (MP3) 1:32:11 Pop-up) Soul Man
Lee "Scratch" Perry "Master Piece" Lp (CD) * 1:36:11 Pop-up) MUSIC BEHIND THE DJ: Green Eyed Lady Dub
Sugah-loafed fxo mix (CD-R) 1:41:39 Pop-up) Africa Freedom
Z.A.M. "DJ Kicks: Hercules & Love Affair" compil. Lp (CD) 1:44:31 Pop-up) Pet Sounds
Humans Don't Be Angry "Mojo Presents 'Pet Sounds' Revisited" compil. Lp (CD) 1:51:49 Pop-up) Mercy Mercy Mercy
Brother John Rydgren "Silhouette Segments" reissue Lp (CD) * 1:58:50 Pop-up) Egyptian Reggae
Jonathan Richman & The Modern Lovers Mojo Filter Web edit (MP3) 2:01:52 Pop-up) Someone Else's Dream / White Lily / The Mysterious "J"
Laurie Anderson "The Ugly One With The Jewels" Lp (CD) 2:08:45 Pop-up) The Cultural Ambassador / Same Time Tomorrow
Laurie Anderson "The Ugly One With The Jewels" Lp (CD) 2:14:48 Pop-up) MUSIC BEHIND THE DJ: King For A Day (I Dub Thee Sir Mix)
XTC 12" Ep (Vinyl) 2:27:53 Pop-up) Stella Blue
Willie Nelson "Songbird (Dig)" Lp (CD) 2:32:33 Pop-up) Dance Macabre
The Westminster Philharmonic Orchestra "The Bride of Frankenstein (Score by Franz Waxman)" soundtrack Lp (CD) 2:36:40 Pop-up) end theme(s)
Hitchcock & Riddle mashup fxo mix (CD-R) 2:37:24 Pop-up) 2:38:03 Pop-up)
Listener comments!
6:22am : (° ͜ʖ ͡°)?![]()
6:26am : (° ͜ʖ ͡°)!![]()
6:27am : Neat!![]()
6:27am : at the 20 min., or so, the webcast kicked in.
Welcome webcast listeners. I be here. Let me know. Howzit goin'?
Comments are right here...![]()
♥ 6:28am :
So there you are. Good morning, FXO!6:29am : when did this song come out devendra hardware fag6:38am : G'morning all.![]()
6:39am : hello friends. Morning Sem. A bit of chill in the overcast this morning, here in Jersey City.
dax: huh?![]()
6:41am : mornin' Jack.![]()
♥ 6:59am :
G'morning FXO, just joined during the Deacon. A bit chilly here in Livingston as well.![]()
♥ 7:03am :
- Mornin' Ralph ~ Mornin' Sam :
- Directed by Richard Thompson (no Linda on this one)...![]()
♥ 7:05am :
I don't know what I'm doing what am I doing am I about to completely finish putting out a book![]()
♥ 7:05am :
Mad Magazine Stating the Obvious Dept. :
- Petra sure don't miss a thing...![]()
7:08am : maestroso: glad you're here, as always.
RevRab: good catch.
I X Key!: good luck with your task.![]()
♥ 7:12am :
I X Key: Labor then Post-Partum?![]()
7:14am : Rev: sure, why not?![]()
♥ 7:16am :
just making a book of flippable pgs available![]()
♥ 7:17am :
Not like anyone likes the idea of wanting my books![]()
♥ 7:17am :
No worries![]()
♥ 7:18am :
Cartoon flipbook? Now that I think of it, all books should have cartoons on the edges...![]()
♥ 7:20am :
@RRN63 I!ve freaked out before about thinking before that the thing itself was wrong after the fact, but yr not really supposed to go into the museum to touch up yr paintings there, are you?![]()
♥ 7:21am :
Flipbooks are awesome! That should be a requirement!![]()
♥ 7:23am :
Why are things as crummy as copyright required, & not flipbookness![]()
♥ 7:25am :
Wunna the big questions! Zappa remixed old stuff w/ dif. bass. Am I gonna argue w/ him? He's such an Auteur, right? Or leave the Period Artifact as is? A good thing about Reproducable Art - the old/original version can still be there...Old hippies get weird about Beatles 'Love' - I say it doesn't eliminate the other! & The Beatles (esp. John) were totally into studio experiment - that's what gave you that stuff in 1st place!...![]()
♥ 7:28am :
Absolutely @RRN63![]()
7:30am : eggs-actly.![]()
♥ 7:33am :
Rascals sounding like some great early (Cali.) Bay Area track!![]()
♥ 7:34am :
yum all up eggiwegs![]()
♥ 7:36am :
...& the great Ai Wei Wei Coca Cola Vase debate...
- Should start cooking my own eggs for breakfast - cheaper...could prob. do it on this guy's amp head...![]()
♥ 7:39am :
♥ 7:40am :
What have you been doing there for an egg?![]()
♥ 7:43am :
Because I live in the forest in the mountains & enjoy local mountain forest eggs, & @scharpling says we hate you & call you flatlanders, so I'm asking![]()
♥ 7:45am :
Holy everything wasabi is so good for you in so many ways all over the place![]()
♥ 7:46am :
Downstairs obviously, because this apartment doesn't have room![]()
♥ 7:48am :
I eat out all the time: stupid & lazy. Omelettes...When warm enuff for Farmer's Market, there's a Crepe lady once a week!
- Here in New England hills, Flatlander is slur for everybody else too - xenophobic even about 'Mass-holes' (Massachusetts a-holes) just over border. New Hampshire-ites are GraniteBrains ('the Granite State')...![]()
♥ 7:54am :
You have the "Way Back" machine cranked to 11 right now. Nice one, FXO.![]()
♥ 8:02am :
@R rly, actually? I didn't know that was anything other Tom Scharpling saying, & I live here![]()
♥ 8:02am :
I also am from MA & use the term MASShole![]()
♥ 8:03am :
♥ 8:03am :
ahahahahahah massholes in taxachusetts![]()
♥ 8:04am :
ah the dreamy old Wayback Machine of oldness![]()
♥ 8:04am :
O olden times O![]()
♥ 8:05am :
- 'flatlander' prob. a common easy slur all over...people get weird over any obvious difference. Smalltown North NewEnglanders are like Hobbits - don't know what's over even those little hills & are all xeno about it. Some writer said about New Hampshire music (Shaggs?): 'Not behind the times, but actually just out of the loop'...![]()
♥ 8:10am :
...gonna shower for work & leave some oxygen on Board here for others!
- Grateful for FXO Frank!![]()
8:13am : afternoon![]()
8:13am : Good Monday to you FXO![]()
8:16am : morning, Ms. Pi
Mauri: good afternoon.![]()
♥ 8:18am :
♥ 8:19am :
Xeno it!s speeled ex um um you![]()
♥ 8:20am :
that makes sense![]()
♥ 8:21am :
SO..-- is that actual? You call them flatlanders? How tricked am I? We always think is's so hilasious what @scharpling says about us![]()
♥ 8:22am :
What''s that from?8:32am : Happy mondays FXO!![]()
8:36am : back atcha, MK.![]()
8:38am :
Big fan of "Ugly One" -- great to hear it.![]()
8:45am : you & me both, Parq.![]()
♥ 8:46am :
Hey diddly dee a listeners life for me.8:46am : sounds over modulated on my end. I love Laurie Anderson though![]()
8:50am : hey, Brian in UK.
Wrk Truk: the engineers are working on it. Thanks.![]()
♥ 8:52am :
I only caught the end of the Laurie Anderson piece. I really enjoyed what I heard.![]()
8:52am : Good set once again. Thanks Frank.![]()
♥ 8:55am :
Grateful for the soundtrack to a very dull job here, made all the difference this morning.![]()
8:56am : thanks Mauri, I try.
Duke: maybe I'll play more Laurie, in the near future.
hey gang, thanks for bearing up with me. Next week, we should have this stuff sorted out. Have a nice week, You guys are great.
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