Hiya Duke and everyone. The Jeffs are a tad late today as they lost a diamond nose stud in the plush carpet of their stretch limo on the way to the show.
so i have a jazzy type of question. the gun club covered an excerpt of pharoah sanders "the creator has a master plan" on the las vegas story. which part exactly did they take it from?
@Jeff Golick
I'm doing a Barbara Donald memorial special tomorrow evening on the next episode of GTDS. Do you happen to have her Olympia Live lp on Cadence? Or any of the Sonny Simmons/Bert Wilson albums on FMO (Mr. Wheelz)?
Hello Jeffs; interesting that you use Chaz Jankel as your bed in part. What do you think of him. Very talented with Mr Dury but like a lot like him what do you do with that talent when solo?
Hey, Brian in UK! Yeah, our exposure to his work outside of Dury is limited to this one compilation. I like much of the first half of this record quite a lot, but then my interest starts to seriously wane on the back half.
@Uncle Michael
The Pirates are losing 0-20. That is, 20 straight years without finishing above .500. They have extended their own North American sports franchise record the last two years.
I can understand that. Like the way you talk about it like it's a record.
Seems like I am moving into a Hubert Selby Jr phase about to read The Demon again. Wrong in the springtime. Hell the car is due for a service too.
Always sux when that happens, Brian. When Jeff J and I saw Cecil live up at Columbia University many moons ago, there were several openers, including a Ron Carter band. I recall Jeff remarking that Ron just seemed to be biding his time until the chardonnay backstage was at the proper temperature.
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Listener comments!
Bobby Bonilla:
Rich in Washington:
Not Jeff Golick:
Doug Schulkind:
Rich in Washington:
Doug Schulkind:
People here in Pittsburgh still weep about that speedster Sid Bream going to Atlanta.
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Uncle Michael:
Doug Schulkind:
Footage: youtu.be...
Jeff Golick:
@glenn: some background, including sweet (if small) photos of Ornette w Louis, and Miles w Louis: dippermouth.blogspot.com...
@Doug: I heard Rob play that during the marathon and promptly ran out (to my computer) and bought it.
Doug Schulkind:
Uncle Michael:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Doug Schulkind:
Jeff Golick:
Uncle Michael:
Jeff Golick:
Uncle Michael:
Jeff Golick:
Uncle Michael:
Jeff Golick:
Uncle Michael:
Doug Schulkind:
I'm doing a Barbara Donald memorial special tomorrow evening on the next episode of GTDS. Do you happen to have her Olympia Live lp on Cadence? Or any of the Sonny Simmons/Bert Wilson albums on FMO (Mr. Wheelz)?
Jeff Golick:
@Doug: hrm...not optimistic on the Barbara Donald front. Let me check w JJ?
Brian in UK:
Uncle Michael:
Jeff Golick:
Doug Schulkind:
The Pirates are losing 0-20. That is, 20 straight years without finishing above .500. They have extended their own North American sports franchise record the last two years.
Twenty years.
Uncle Michael:
One Hundred and Four Years.
Brian in UK:
Seems like I am moving into a Hubert Selby Jr phase about to read The Demon again. Wrong in the springtime. Hell the car is due for a service too.
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Brian in UK:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Doug Schulkind:
Jeff Golick:
Brian in UK:
Brian in UK:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Uncle Michael:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick: