Favoriting Scott Williams: Playlist from March 25, 2013 Favoriting

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" I can't tell when you're telling me the truth."
- I'm not.
"How do I know anything you've told me is..."
- You don't.

Monday 3:01 - 6pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting March 25, 2013: The Pros & Cons of Beardlessness

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Artist Track Album Label Year Comments New Approx. start time
Belajar Membunuj  Belajar   Favoriting V/a, Riot In The Internet: Indonesian Net Label Compilation  StoneAge         
We Be Echo  Shake, Shake, Go   Favoriting V/a, Let the Pigeons In  Frux  1986      0:06:21 (Pop-up)
Israel Quellet  Organs From Over There   Favoriting Rythmes d'Etain  Sub Rosa        0:09:40 (Pop-up)
Mama Dada 1919  Kulewala   Favoriting   Mama Dada 1919        0:14:16 (Pop-up)
Pazy and the Black Hippies  Elizabeth   Favoriting Wa Ho Ha  Secret Stash        0:13:11 (Pop-up)
Farthest South  A Lesson Learned - Part I - Creating Transformation   Favoriting Omens & Talismans  Farthest South    feat. Yair Yona  *   0:16:05 (Pop-up)
Snowy Red  The Right To Die   Favoriting The Right To Die  Dirty Dance  1982      0:26:48 (Pop-up)
The Delfonics  Stop and Look (And You Have Found Love)   Favoriting Adrian Younge Presents the Delfonics  Wax Poetics        0:31:10 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Peter Duchin 

Let's Face The Music And Dance   Favoriting

That Duchin Touch 





0:34:01 (Pop-up)
Lloyd Dockery & The Tennesseans  Dream Girl   Favoriting V/a, House of Cashalikes Vol 3  Cactus        0:43:44 (Pop-up)
Alex Calder  Location   Favoriting Time  Captured Tracks        0:45:36 (Pop-up)
Pauline Murray And The Invisible Girls  Dream Sequence 1   Favoriting Dream Sequences  Illusive  1980      0:49:07 (Pop-up)
Scott & Charlene's Wedding  Two Weeks   Favoriting Two Weeks EP  Critical Heights        0:52:17 (Pop-up)
Rainbow Arabia  He Is Sorcerer   Favoriting F.M. Sushi  Time No Place        0:55:15 (Pop-up)
Como Asesinar A Felipes  Nuevo Día Para Comenzar   Favoriting Un Disparo Al Centro  Koolarrow  2009      0:58:43 (Pop-up)
David Bowie  Love is Lost   Favoriting The Next Day  Columbia / ISO        1:01:08 (Pop-up)
Fast Forward  Bye Bye Love   Favoriting 7", 1981  Pink Noise        1:05:02 (Pop-up)
Mathematiques Modernes  Disco Rough (Long Version)   Favoriting V/a, Change the Beat/The Celluloid Records Story 1979-87  Strut        1:09:00 (Pop-up)
//Tense//  Disobedient One (F)   Favoriting V/a, Commercial Music Vol. 3  //Tense//        1:13:43 (Pop-up)
The 49 Americans  Doo-bee-doo-bee   Favoriting We Know Nonsense  Staubgold        1:16:47 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Pete King And His Orchestra 

Cast Your Fate to the Wind   Favoriting

V/a, Love is Blue 

Reader's Digest 




1:20:08 (Pop-up)
Nu Creative Methods  Barrio Chino   Favoriting Superstitions  Music a la Coque        1:29:11 (Pop-up)
Sütterlin  Mein Radio musiziert   Favoriting S/t EP  Kernkrach        1:32:44 (Pop-up)
Jerusalem in my Heart  3anzah Jarbanah (Sick, Diseased Goat)   Favoriting Mo7it Al-Mo7it  Constellation        1:34:27 (Pop-up)
Franco Battiato  Aries   Favoriting Sulle Corde Di Aries  BMG        1:41:01 (Pop-up)
Harald Grosskopf  Emphasis   Favoriting V/a, Deutsche Elektronische Musik 2  Soul Jazz        1:46:16 (Pop-up)
Bernard Xolotl  Venusian Aurora   Favoriting Journey to an Oracle (cassette)  Fortuna  1981      1:51:07 (Pop-up)
Deux Filles  She Slides   Favoriting Silence And Wisdom  LTM    double CD reish w. Double Happiness    1:57:52 (Pop-up)
Wolfgang Riechmann  Abendlicht   Favoriting Wunderbar  Sky  1978      2:00:52 (Pop-up)
Apple and the Three Oranges  My Baby   Favoriting Free and Easy  Now-Again        2:05:10 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

Bolero   Favoriting






2:08:35 (Pop-up)
Pretty  Moustache in Your Face   Favoriting Moustache in Your Face double-7"  Numero        2:13:50 (Pop-up)
Roy Porter Sound Machine  Funky Twitch   Favoriting The Story of Roy Porter Sound Machine 1971-1975  Tramp        2:16:10 (Pop-up)
The Mallard  There She Goes Again   Favoriting Castle Face and Friends: The Velvet Underground and Nico  Castle Face        2:20:39 (Pop-up)
Big Blood  The Black Angel's Death Song   Favoriting V/a, Safe as Banana Suicide  Big Blood    my 2011 WFMU Marathon premium    2:24:36 (Pop-up)
MV & EE  Trailer Trash   Favoriting Fuzzweed  Three Lobed        2:30:31 (Pop-up)
Dump  Just For You   Favoriting Superpowerless  Morr Music        2:35:04 (Pop-up)
Neo Maya  I Won't Hurt You   Favoriting The West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band Companion  Sunbeam        2:39:57 (Pop-up)
C.K. Mann & His Carousel 7  Araba Lucy   Favoriting Funky Highlife  Mr. Bongo        2:42:22 (Pop-up)
League of Nations  Overlord   Favoriting Music for the New Depression  Glaze Recordings  1984      2:45:51 (Pop-up)
Exhibit A  Rain   Favoriting V/a, The Thing from the Crypt (I Nearly Died Laughing)  Dark Entries        2:50:16 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
The Delfonics 

True Love   Favoriting

Adrian Younge Presents the Delfonics 

Wax Poetics 




2:54:00 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🧩 3:04pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

always, always, ALWAYS.... return the pen. Well played. You are paragons of good behavior. I have no idea what a paragon is.
Avatar 3:06pm

here and favoriting !

Bonsoir Scott et les habitués !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:08pm

there are instances where keeping the pen is acceptable; see Larry David for clarification
Avatar 3:08pm

Please excuse the screaming, that's me doing taxes today.
Avatar 3:11pm

Your parrot is gone.
Avatar 3:11pm

A paragon is a two dimensional object shaped like a budgie.
Avatar 3:11pm
Jim Price:

I'm in trouble with station manager Ken. I did not choose to rock.
Avatar 3:12pm

your parrot is gone.
Avatar 3:12pm

Avatar 3:15pm

Is it just me, or are the comments not loading?
Avatar 3:18pm

keeps gettin' better...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:19pm

help webpage frozen in time and space alert alert!
Avatar 🧩 3:22pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

My parrot has seen much.
Avatar 3:22pm

Ok, there it goes, I even used different browsers and checked w/ my phone.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:24pm

Phew! Disaster averted. Thought I'd gone into some sort of limbo-land.
Just wanted to say that this track is exactly why I tune in every week.
Avatar 3:26pm

uh… when it was the "Pazy and the Black Hippies"… it really sounded like they were saying "oooooh LIZ BERG, she's the only one ! "… really…
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:29pm
Scott Williams:

Bon apres-midi et bon soire, playlist pals! Hey, check out our pal Yair throbbing the bass on this Farthest South track

Farthest South is scary and cool.
Avatar 🧩 3:30pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Me diggy. Cheers Yair.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:31pm
Mike East:

I really like this, though I wish I had a nice surround sound system and not just these two little computer speakers.
Avatar 🧩 3:32pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

AND HEY, my marathon adoption conspiracy went thru! SW, it's ice cream and balloon animals until sicky-time!
Avatar 3:36pm

the Delfonics ! aye !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:36pm
Scott Williams:

thanks Dad! Tell me what to do!
Avatar 🧩 3:38pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Freak the hell out, to the degree that you feel like freaking the hell out. Or until sicky-time, whichever comes first.
Avatar 🧩 3:38pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

But first, find my parrot.
Avatar 3:39pm

We have a lost parrot at the manager's desk, he says his name is Archie and he is demanding crackers. Please pick him up as soon as possible.
Avatar 🧩 3:42pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Not mine. I have it on good authority that Archie is a Robot.
Avatar 3:43pm

Hiya Scott, hi everyone, hi Delfonics!
Avatar 3:43pm

I think it's time for my reign as a beardo to come to an end.
Avatar 3:44pm

I recently shaved my beard and can tell you people trust me more now
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:44pm
Mike East:

I tried to become a beardless man last weekend but the goddamn barber was closed and I don't wanna shave this off until my hair is at a more reasonable length.

i enjoy hiding behind my beard.
Avatar 3:45pm
Marshall Stacks:

Pro: it covers my dueling scar.
Avatar 🧩 3:46pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

My own pro-beard activities were purely based on laziness. First thing in the morning (before coffee), I should not be waving blades around.
Avatar 3:46pm

I had a beard for a short time in the early 80s. It was not fun, as it itched a lot. The early 80s, I mean.
Avatar 3:46pm

i hatcheted my beard into stars and cornets
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:46pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Hey Mike - ! They got the Harryhausen Quintopus on the Homepage! No Stereo to plug into? That makes me sad.
Avatar 🧩 3:47pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Plus after about 20 years with a goatee, it finally hit me, what the EFF am I doing with this toilet-ring of hair on my face? This is RIDICULOUS. Let it GO, man, let it go...
Avatar 3:49pm

just to participate in these pros & cons, I wear a slight beard, but mostly, I've been wearing a mustache for 6 years now (Rev. Turnip Druid, can witness it, he saw me in person)… and all I can say is, well when my face is hairless, I feel like i'm having WAY too much skin on my face, I look like a french butt cheek, so I'm stuck with mustache and beard…

Not Johnny Cash, and not Vince Mira, neither.

i am bearded when the weather is cold. usually bare skinned by now.. i am thinking april 5th.. predicted to be the first real spring weather day.
Avatar 3:50pm

love funny love lyrics
Avatar 3:50pm

You reach a certain age where a beard looks less 'cute and scruffy' and more 'off medication and possibly homeless' ... so mine is gone.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:51pm
Mike East:

I saw that RevolutionRabbit! Awesome. I've got a nice stereo at home...just not at work.
Avatar 🧩 3:51pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

I can confirm the octopus moustache. Speaking of which, Pierre: gotta land some more shows on your side of the big water. That was a blast.
Avatar 3:51pm

Plus, my gf hates the scratchiness of it, and the look of it. I have to condition the heck out of my beard. Howevr, it only takes 9 days for me to regrow a full beard. I have a 5 o'clock shadow by the time lunch break is over.

Shaving is a bitch.
Avatar 3:55pm

@ Rev. Turnip Druid: you know you're always welcome !
I shall (at least) be able to give you shelter, plus If I can help you organize / translate anything for whatever, you know, you just have to ask me.
Avatar 3:55pm

Ok, off I go. A friend is taking me to birthday bbq, since my veggie gf isn't in tow. Cheers, everyone!
Avatar 🧩 3:55pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

NGH, that's not such a bad problem from my POV. English genes on both sides, so growing this stuff requires epic long-term dedication to laziness.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:55pm
Mike East:

for me, shaving is a bitch, but the longer I go without doing it, the more of a bitch it is.
Oddly, the baby doesn't seem to mind its scratchiness...but I do.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:56pm
Mike East:

enjoy, ngh! meat it up!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:57pm

I hate facial hair and I hate no facial hair so I'm continually in a state of flux
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:57pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Facial hair is a secondary sexual chracteristic - i.e. - it's pubic hair on your face.
...Putting that generally in the Con column myself.

...Might've written that differently mentioning Mila Kunis - but I must be maturing or something...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:57pm
Scott Williams:

yes, people trusting you! up to & including the kiddo
Avatar 3:59pm

howdy scott!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:03pm
Scott Williams:

DVD! you around?
Avatar 4:05pm

i am now, sorry i missed the festivities...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:05pm

so this is David Bowie, huh?
Avatar 4:07pm

@DCE: i was going to ask the same thing
Avatar 🧩 4:10pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

ooh. clicky star.
Avatar 4:10pm

on a related note, why can't i buy a trac II razor any more? i refuse to support the tyranny of the 5-bladed razor.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:12pm
Scott Williams:

that was David Bowie
Bic Man:

Glen you can always try mine - one of my single blades just press harder
Little Bic Man:

Hey that Bic Man was an imposter
Avatar 4:12pm

The trac II was replaced by the Mach 3 after that tragic shaving accident in France.
Avatar 🧩 4:13pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Glenn: That's another reason I quit. The razors are insane. They've become sci-fi racing cars or some damned thing. These smooth-cheeked kids today... [shakes fist]
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:13pm

you know, you CAN buy trac 2's on the internet...I've done it!
Hairy Man:

The 5 blader works fine on my other cheeks
Avatar 4:16pm

And then they figured out how to sell us batteries by making the razor vibrate. I just drink two cups of coffee real fast.

I am bopping my head on a gloomy day. Thanks, Scott! (And Ken - good call on the rock)
Avatar 4:18pm

i know. hell, i use to have to shave with an old tomato juice can. using shaving soap i made myself from pig fat and ashes. by candle light from candles i made myself using pig fat and string. and you tell these snotty kids that and they just say "whatevs, grampa" and go back to their damn twatting or pinteresting or whatever the jeezledy christ they're doing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:19pm

I'm twatting right now!
Avatar 🧩 4:21pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

That explains my frustration, Glenn. I'd been using pig ashes this whole time. The shave was awful but I smelled awesome all day.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:21pm
Andrew Waterloo:

I just use a Mach 3 cause I've always had a Mach 3.
Avatar 4:21pm

i was going to say i know, eh, but didn't want to reinforce the stereotype.
Avatar 4:28pm
Pete from Boston (and NJ):

The last time I had a giant beard, it was as if the beard people had all noticed me suddenly and wanted to be friends. I didn't really like that, which was one of the reasons I shaved it off.
Avatar 🧩 4:29pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

holy crap, that needs to happen: Trans-Ozark Express. Make it so, adopted young'un. Homework.
Avatar 4:30pm

David Bowie never had a beard.
Avatar 4:31pm
Pete from Boston (and NJ):

But mostly it's distracting, it evolves through like four different kinds of discomfort, and it traps me into thinking, "I really want to shave, but I spent all this time growing this giant prop on my head," so I wait until I just can't stand it anymore (three months, usually).
Avatar 4:31pm
Pete from Boston (and NJ):

In recent years, sometime, he did.
Avatar 4:32pm

are you proposing a kraftwerk / ozark mountain daredevils mashup thingy? because i'm thinking jackie blue done as eurotrash disco wouldn't be horrible.
Avatar 4:33pm
Pete from Boston (and NJ):

I content myself now with excessive sideburns, which strikes a nice balance between facial hair and facial hair I can't taste.
Avatar 🧩 4:46pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Ah, this Battiato is the cat that did that amazing FETUS record, yes? Have only heard that one LP .. thanks for this.
Avatar 4:47pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:48pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Ah - true: I *do* wish I could grow a Rawkin' pair of sideboards
...then I could be the complete Hipster
[...rolls eyes & laughs disdainfully...]
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:51pm
Scott Williams:

da, RTD, I only knew Pollution and Foetus, until I get hepped to this one by Quinn. THANKS QUINN!
Avatar 🧩 4:52pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

...with sweet transition to Harry the G... well done, boss.
Avatar 4:53pm

i love when WFMU is playing one of my most favorite songs ever! i tuned in just in time. ahhh.
Avatar 5:01pm

yeah deux filles i looooove
Avatar 5:03pm

Really? The thin white hairy-faced duke??
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:05pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...no one will mention the Beard Discussion to Billy Gibbons...*Right* - ?!?!...
Avatar 🧩 5:06pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Throwing staplers around the room in delight. Sky label 1978-81 = giddy giddy.
Avatar 5:08pm
Danne D:

Hiya Scott and all.

Like the new avatar RR1163
Avatar 5:11pm

Man, I thought this was Peter Wolf.
Avatar 5:15pm
Guy With Stapler Attached to Head:

Hey! Stop that. Right now.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:18pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Thanx D.D. - ! It's old to me...
...Didn't mean for it to be bigger than the others...
Avatar 5:23pm

There was no cure for Funky Twitch back then.
Avatar 5:24pm

yes no cure
Avatar 5:33pm
Dr. Goot:

This Big Blood track is sweet, thanks Scott!
Maxim Goose:

i like this
though really dump is an unfortunate name
cool record this though
Maxim Goose:

this however is spooky
wcpaeb-- slightly tainted isnt it?
Maxim Goose:

but now this is tremendous-- slightly out sax and ice cream van organ-- lovely
Maxim Goose:

i'll stop now
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:51pm
Scott Williams:

s'ok Goose! btw that Dump is James McNew from Yo La tengo
Avatar 5:51pm

Synthy slap drum. Always a crowd pleaser.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:53pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...'slightly out sax and ice cream van organ'...
- Scans well I think- !...
Maxim Goose:

ah yes
good music
Maxim Goose:

yes it does
Maxim Goose:

cool show today
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:57pm
Scott Williams:

Avatar 5:58pm

Thanks for a great afternoon's tunes, Scott.
Maxim Goose:

bitte schon
Avatar 5:58pm

Scott, you're a genie in disguise!
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 6:00pm
Bas NL:

Thanks Scott!
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 9:15am

just between you, me, and the internet, I think I like Big Blood's version of The Black Angel's Death Song better than the original!
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