Busy Doing Nothing with Charlie Favoriting | A virtual supermarket sweep of recorded history, with an emphasis on processed cheese.

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Playlist for 14 March 2013 Favoriting | If you don't strike a match, the fire can't burn

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Artist Song Album Label Comments Approx. start time
My premium CD, yours automatically for pledges of $75 or more.
The Blue Birds  Sun We Bilou Akh Waliya   Favoriting Pakistan: Folk and Pop Instrumentals 1966-1976 (various artists)  Sublime Frequenceis     
Carlos Malcolm  Busting Out of the Ghetto   Favoriting Living in the Streets Vol 3 (various artists)  BGP    0:02:48 (Pop-up)
Zia  Helelyos   Favoriting Pomegranates: Persian Pop, Funk, Folk, and Psych of The 60s and 70s  Finders Keepers    0:04:57 (Pop-up)
Suicide  Dance   Favoriting The Second Album  Mute    0:09:09 (Pop-up)
Music behind DJ:
Soul Raga   Favoriting Pomegranates: Persian Pop, Funk, Folk, and Psych of The 60s and 70s (various artists)  Finders Keepers    0:12:49 (Pop-up)
James Pants  Every Night   Favoriting James Pants  Stones Throw    0:23:49 (Pop-up)
Prince and the Revolution  Take Me With U   Favoriting Purple Rain  Warner Bros.    0:27:10 (Pop-up)
Dara Puspita  Pip Pip Yeah   Favoriting 1966-68  Sublime Frequenceis    0:31:24 (Pop-up)
Music behind DJ:
Serengeti Stroke   Favoriting Party Keller Vol. 2 (various artists)  Compact Medien    0:32:59 (Pop-up)
Jonas Nordwall  My Life   Favoriting Organ Grinder Pizza, volume 1    on my premium CD, "Do Your Own Thing," yours automatically for any pledge of $75 or more.  0:46:33 (Pop-up)
Marcos Valle  Que Bandeira   Favoriting Garra  Odeon; Light in the Attic    0:51:33 (Pop-up)
Lue Renney  Your Wiggle and Your Giggle   Favoriting 7-inch single  Bethelehem    0:54:48 (Pop-up)
Chang Loo  At Three Springtime   Favoriting Asian Takeaways (various artists)  QDK/Normal    0:57:15 (Pop-up)
Marcos Valle  Garra   Favoriting Garra  Light in the Attic    1:00:25 (Pop-up)
Music behind DJ:
Bunny Kick   Favoriting Uh-oh!  Asphodel    1:04:04 (Pop-up)
Korean Black Eyes  All Dressed Up No Place to Go   Favoriting single  Vitoria    1:14:27 (Pop-up)
Mad Scene  Lorelei   Favoriting Blip  Siltbreeze    1:16:34 (Pop-up)
Thiaz Itch  No Place to Go   Favoriting The Square Carnival  Proot  Free download here, from WFMU's Free Music Archive  1:19:18 (Pop-up)
Nancy Wilson  Don't Rain on My Parade (45 played at 33)   Favoriting Best of  Capitol  on my premium CD, "Do Your Own Thing," yours automatically for any pledge of $75 or more.  1:22:06 (Pop-up)
Ernie Kovacs  Thoughts While Falling Off The Empire State Building   Favoriting Presents... Percy Dovetonsils thpeaks  Omnivore    1:24:28 (Pop-up)
Mirtha y Raul  El SueƱo De Andria   Favoriting Si Para Usted: The Funky Beats of Revolutionary Cuba Volume 2  Waxing Deep 
Mirtha y Raul
1:27:19 (Pop-up)
Mad Scene  T. Rex   Favoriting Blip  Siltbreeze    1:40:08 (Pop-up)
Yea Big  What We Will   Favoriting The Wind That Blows the Dandelion's Seeds  Illegal Art    1:43:27 (Pop-up)
Brook Benton  Do Your Own Thing   Favoriting 7-inch single  Cotillion 
on my premium CD, "Do Your Own Thing," yours automatically for any pledge of $75 or more.
1:46:40 (Pop-up)
TV Girl  Benny and the Jets   Favoriting Benny and the Jets  TV Girl  get download link here  1:51:08 (Pop-up)
Los Brito  El 4-5-6   Favoriting Si Para Usted: The Funky Beats of Revolutionary Cuba Volume 2  Waxing Deep    1:54:45 (Pop-up)
Shakers  Que Amor (What a Love)   Favoriting First Album  Fermata    1:56:39 (Pop-up)
Music behind DJ:
The Go! Team 
We Listen Everyday   Favoriting Junior Kickstart EP    on my premium CD, "Do Your Own Thing," yours automatically for any pledge of $75 or more.  1:59:47 (Pop-up)

Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 3/11 12:20pm Charlie:

For pledges of$75 or more, you will receive my new premium CD, "Do Your Own Thing," a collection of improbably chipper and heart-felt tunes that reaffirm your right to keep on doing whatever the heck it is that you're doing. Pledge here: www.wfmu.org...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:31am Artie:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:06am Charlie:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:33am listener james from westwood:

might be here for only part of the show, but wanted to say good luck and happy listening to charlie and the stream gang, respectively!
Avatar 11:58am ndbob:

morning Charlie and everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:00pm listener james from westwood:

heya artie and bob!
Avatar 12:01pm ndbob:

heya james!
Avatar 12:04pm glenn:

man. i always forget how much louder the stream is. i had the yo la tengo cranked up to eleven, and when i switched over i almost sharted myself.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:06pm Michael:

Hey now Charlie. And Tip O'My Hat to James, Bob and Glenn. Pretty cool Yo La earlier eh?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:07pm Charlie:

Heya, Artie, James, Bob, Glenn, Michael!!!
Avatar 12:07pm Mary Wing:

Welcome everyone! THe first prize on offer is the Pomegranates compilation, yours to win with a $15 pledge!
Avatar 12:09pm Mary Wing:

Here's info about the Pomegranates CD:
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:10pm Uncle Michael:

Cranking it to listen-in-the-shower volume...
Avatar 12:10pm glenn:

i have it, and it's a wonderful thing. plej early, plej often.
  12:11pm ALEXIS:

Avatar 12:12pm glenn:

(i only like creative misspelling when i do it)
Avatar 12:12pm pacific standard simon:

Hi all.
Avatar 12:12pm Carmichael:

You'll need these speakers then, UM.

Hiya Charlie!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:13pm listener james from westwood:

howdy all! if you shart while pledging, station manager ken will subsizide all carpet cleaning.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:13pm Charlie:

Thanks, Mary, quick with the links!
Hi uncle Michael, Alexis, PSSimon.
Avatar 12:14pm ndbob:

Heya Michael, Simon, Alexis, Carmichael
  12:15pm Tower:

@Mary Wing: That Julian's Treatment listed on your favorites is supposed to be really good and fairly rare. I'd love to find that on vinyl.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:15pm Charlie:

Carmichael! Tower!
  12:16pm honey, ashley, and spalding:

we're listening in vermont xoxo....
Avatar 12:19pm Carmichael:

Charlie/Mary, the websites at FMU are all jacked up and incredibly slow. Taking minutes to re-load. Hope that doesn't affect your online pledges.
Avatar 12:19pm pacific standard simon:

99 & 1/2 won't do!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:20pm listener james from westwood:

woo! mary wing! it takes two to make a pledge go right!
Avatar 12:21pm Mary Wing:

Yeah, Carmichael, I noticed that too. What's up with that?
Avatar 12:21pm ndbob:

Heya Tower Todd!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:23pm Parq:

Digging the Santana quote at the start of this "Soul Raga".
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:24pm Brian Trauma:

Not just me finding the site slow.
Charlie on site, you missed Doug?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:26pm Brian Trauma:

The expression 'pants' over here means something is not very good.
Avatar 12:26pm Mary Wing:

James Pants self-titled CD is also a prize for this hour, here's more info about it: www.stonesthrow.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:27pm Charlie:

Hi Parq! Yeah, Mr Trauma, slow!
Doug and I were like trains passing in the night (almost literally).
Avatar 12:28pm Carmichael:

And jeez Mary, didn't I hear you about 8 hours ago? A yeoman's effort!
Avatar 12:28pm Mary Wing:

Tower, I should know better than to favorite a track on Tony Coulter's playlist--I'll never find a copy of it, heh. But that Juilian's Treatment was excellent.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:29pm listener james from westwood:

everybody pants now. pants pants pantspants pants.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:29pm Parq:

Speaking of pants ...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:30pm Doug Schulkind:

Give Charlie a big ol' kick in the p.... (pledge box).
Avatar 12:32pm Mary Wing:

Question for the board: who is on backing vocals, Vanity or Appollonia?
Avatar 12:34pm Carmichael:

Appolonia Kotero. Song was originally meant for her solo album.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:34pm Brian Trauma:

John Oates!!
  12:34pm frenchee:

MS. Wing!

I'm pretty sure it's Wendy and Lisa.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:34pm listener james from westwood:

my guess was wendy & lisa too.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:35pm Uncle Michael:

Carmichael, Uncle Michael has an Uncle Marshall.

Off to the commute...
Avatar 12:38pm Carmichael:

Here you go: en.wikipedia.org...

It's on the internet, so it's been vetted. HA!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:38pm listener james from westwood:

wiki sez apollonia dueted, but lisa backed for a bit of body.
Avatar 12:39pm sugarwolf:

A few years ago at a craft fair in Brooklyn, I saw someone with a WFMU tattoo on his arm.
  12:39pm frenchee:

Yay, Charlie in the house!

Hi Mary!
Avatar 12:41pm Carmichael:

Oh Mary, excellent Steven Wright cut last night! Had me laughing while I was doing taxes.
Avatar 12:43pm Carmichael:

You're not an institution, you're a fraternity. A brotherhood. A loose conglomerate.
Avatar 12:46pm glenn:

lisa did have a bit of a body, if i remember rightly.
Avatar 12:49pm Carmichael:

This is horrible, and I love it! Anyone want to roller skate??
Avatar 12:54pm Mary Wing:

Third prize this hour is Marcos Valle's Garra CD, originally released in 1971 and yours to win for a $15 pledge! Check it out: lightintheattic.net...
  12:54pm gary mitchell:

  12:57pm Tower:

It has a meter that is tricky,a bit of wicky wacky-wicky
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:58pm Parq:

I donwanna roller skate, but I'd love a walk in the park with Lue Renney.
  1:01pm gary mitchell:

hong kong's answer to Carole Burnette (musically)
Avatar 1:02pm Lewis:

I had Asian Takeaways on my "go get" list for ages, but it never happened. Time to return to raise that priority.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:03pm Charlie:

A late hello to Frenchee, Sugarwolf, and hiya, Gary!
And Lewis!
Avatar 1:04pm Mary Wing:

Prizes are going to be awarded in a minute, get in your pledge!
Avatar 1:10pm ndbob:

pretty much Gary
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:11pm listener james from westwood:

must head out; best of luck, charlie and mary! good thursday, all!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:12pm Ike:

Bouncing back & forth between this and Kamikaze. Groovy vs. grinding.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:14pm Doug Schulkind:

Did you make some reference a few days ago to Rush Limbaugh promising to donate $25,000 to Nachum? Is that true, or did I completely misinterpret your comment?
Avatar 1:19pm Mary Wing:

The Mad Scene EP Blip is one of three prizes this hour; a mere $15 gets you in the running for it! Read more: www.midheaven.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:19pm Ike:

Doug, yes, believe it or not, that happened.

I rarely listen to JM, but I happened to tune in on Wed. morning at around 8:30. Rush actually sounded... nice.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:19pm Uncle Michael:

Ok...I just gotta say that Billy Joel on theater organ was really good but Billy Joel in march time was freaking awesome.
Avatar 1:19pm Mary Wing:

Thanks again for your pledge, James!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:22pm Ike:

(And when I say "rarely" I mean "pretty much NEVER, yak, needs way more klezmer" but Nachum in marathon mode can be entertaining.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:23pm Doug Schulkind:

Many years ago, Limbaugh made a sizable pledge and then never paid it. I wouldn't hold my breath.
Avatar 1:23pm Mary Wing:

Really, Doug? That's pretty shitty.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:24pm Ike:

Well, Rush's final words this time were something like, "And this time, send me an invoice!" Hmm.
  1:26pm Tower:

This reminds me of LuLu's The Boat That I Row. I often play that 45 @ 33 rpm.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:28pm Uncle Michael:

Why would Limbaugh be supportive of WFMU? How sure are you that someone else wasn't just punking the station?
Avatar 1:28pm Mary Wing:

Ernie Kovacs is prize number 2 this hour! Pledge $15 to be eligible to win it! Check it out: omnivorerecordings.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:28pm Charlie:

Hi Ike, and a late hello to honey, ashleay, and spalding!
And Tower (again?)
Avatar 1:28pm Carmichael:

That's pretty typical, actually.
Avatar 1:29pm Lewis:

Alice Cohen does a rocking "boat i row" on the the Losers Lounge comp...
  1:29pm Listening Out There:

Thanks for the Percy!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:29pm Uncle Michael:

You know who does a rockin' "The Boat That I Row?" The fella what wrote it!
Avatar 1:31pm Mary Wing:

We've set a goal for this show; help us reach $1000 in the last half hour!
Avatar 1:35pm Lewis:

@unclemichael - I have really tried to like that fella that wrote it, but I keep coming up short... That said, I have not heard him do boat I row and I will give it another shot!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:36pm Ike:

I almost never take that crunky elevator -- don't want to get stuck, & walking up is good exercise.
Avatar 1:36pm Lewis:

@UM - I keep trying because I find that I *really* like other people who sing his songs... It is a conundrum.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:38pm Uncle Michael:

@Lewis A lot of people share you view. I used to. It was certainly the orthodoxy to dismiss him. Then I found it impossible to dismiss the Bang sides and now I find it hard to dismiss most of the first half of his '70s stuff. I adore it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:39pm Uncle Michael:

Is there bombast? Yes. Is he show biz? Yes. Did the Band invite him to the Last Waltz for a reason. Hell yes.
Avatar 1:40pm Lewis:

@UM - I will track down the Bang sides and it is possible that I have been listening to compilations that didn't do the early 70's stuff justice.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:40pm Doug Schulkind:

Charlie's show is only two hours, so you have 20 minutes left to show your appreciation for the exquisite BUSY DOING NOTHING!
Avatar 1:41pm Lewis:

I have no problem with bombast... it can be lots of fun (see Tom Jones)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:42pm Uncle Michael:

@Lewis I don't take anyone else' taste personally so if it's not to yours, that's cool as cool can be. I recommend the Stones and Tap Root Manuscript albums.

And Tom Jones is the lord god. What's more, he has four testicles.
Avatar 1:43pm Lewis:

@UM - thanks for the recommendations!
Avatar 1:44pm Mary Wing:

Last prize for the show is the great compilation Si Para Usted: The Funky Beats of Revolutionary Cuba Volume 2 which you can win if you pledge $15 or more to Charlie's show right now! More info here: www.waxingdeep.org...
Avatar 1:48pm Mary Wing:

Be that wrench! Pledge now!
  1:49pm gary mitchell:

love it love it!!
Avatar 1:49pm pacific standard simon:

I, for one, am in concordance with Uncle Michael's taste for Neil Diamond and Tom Jones. And I wouldn't have been, 40 years ago.
  1:50pm gary mitchell:

late period Leiber-Stoller
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:50pm Uncle Michael:

I enjoy Brook Benton's recordings with Dinah Washington so much more since I learned that they didn't get along.
Avatar 1:50pm Mary Wing:

One Mouse of Today pledge would put us right at the brink of our goal, won't you be the person who puts the dog wag on Charlie's playlist?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:51pm Doug Schulkind:

Holey crikey! Charlie is now only $239 away from reaching the goal! Wow wow wow!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:53pm Uncle Michael:

I wish I was made of money...instead of whatever this stuff is that I'm made of. Ew.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:53pm Charlie:

Download this TV Girl song here: www.facebook.com...
Avatar 1:55pm pacific standard simon:

Fake fur and naugahyde, UM.
Avatar 1:55pm ndbob:

excellent pledge show Charlie!
Avatar 1:55pm Mary Wing:

Six minutes left! Please make a pledge in support of Charlie and the Give The Drummer Radio stream! Your voice matters!
Avatar 1:57pm pacific standard simon:

All of my pledges have been for GTDR streams -- Doug, you are a hero.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:59pm Charlie:

Stay tuned for Matt Fiveash, right here on WFMU's Give the Drummer Stream! Here's the link to his playlist page: www.wfmu.org...
Avatar 2:01pm Lewis:

@pacific standard simon - while I can't claim "all", my pledge has also been heavily weighted to GTDR.
  2:01pm Tower:

Another great show, Charlie!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:01pm Doug Schulkind:

@pacific standard simon
Tag, you're the hero!
  2:03pm Tower:

Bye to Charlie, Mary, Bob and everyone else. See ya Sunday, Gary.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:04pm Brian Trauma:

Great job, Charlie 'n Mary.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:04pm Uncle Michael:

Thanks for the great show, Charlie.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:05pm Uncle Michael:

Thanks Mary.
Avatar 2:06pm ndbob:

congrats winners!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:07pm Michael:

Thanks Charlie and thanks to Mary.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:50pm Charlie:

Too busy wrapping up the show to say:
Thank you everyone for listening, commenting, and pledging!
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