Favoriting Underwater Theme Park with Meghan: Playlist from March 7, 2013 Favoriting

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Favoriting March 7, 2013: It's a WICKED Amazing Fundraising Marathon Time! With co-host Julie.

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Artist Track Album Comments Approx. start time
Hedwig and the Angry Inch  Wicked Little Town   Favoriting Hedwig & The Angry Inch    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Belle & Sebastian  Is it Wicked Not to Care   Favoriting The Boy with the Arab Strab    0:30:17 (Pop-up)
Washed Out  Wicked Game   Favoriting     0:07:42 (Pop-up)
Little Richard  Born on the Bayou   Favoriting Double Degrees of Separation- Underwater Theme Park Premium    0:12:24 (Pop-up)
1612 Underture  Autobahn 666 (Travelogue #1)   Favoriting Listener Andrea Ku's- Sounds from a Sliverpool Sloth  For $15 or more you can win this amazing mix!!!!  0:28:03 (Pop-up)
Django Django  Default   Favoriting Listener Andrea Ku's- Sounds from a Sliverpool Sloth    0:33:27 (Pop-up)
Skulker  Hej   Favoriting Listener Elwyn Chow's- Your Alternative Workout Mix Tape    0:44:12 (Pop-up)
Coven  Wicked Woman   Favoriting Witchcraft Destroys Minds And Reaps Souls    0:46:47 (Pop-up)
Smog  Wicked Man   Favoriting Back to Peru Vol 1    0:49:37 (Pop-up)
Steppenwolf  Sookie Sookie   Favoriting Double Degrees of Separation- Underwater Theme Park Premium    0:52:46 (Pop-up)
Razel  Suffer in Submission   Favoriting Listener Elwyn Chow's- Your Alternative Workout Mix Tape    0:56:00 (Pop-up)
Pyhäkoulu  Painajainen   Favoriting Listener Fred Baube's- Naisleijoinat  $15 or more and you can win this!!!  1:04:21 (Pop-up)
Thee Ultra Bimboos  I Rule!   Favoriting Listener Fred Baube's- Naisleijoinat    1:06:29 (Pop-up)
Lee Perry  Wishes of the Wicked   Favoriting Studio 1 Killers Vol. 1    1:07:33 (Pop-up)
Neville Esson  Wicked and Dreadful   Favoriting Studio 1 Killers Vol. 1    1:10:05 (Pop-up)
Fats Domino  Jambalaya (On the Bayou)   Favoriting Double Degrees of Separation- Underwater Theme Park Premium  For a pledge of $75 or more you can get this!!!!  1:14:02 (Pop-up)
Kuolleet Kukat  Vihollinen On Systeemi   Favoriting Listener Fred Baube's- Naisleijoinat    1:15:26 (Pop-up)
Anonymous 4  Echo La Primavera   Favoriting Listener Dave E's- A Strange Mix  For $15 or more you can win this!!!!  1:20:51 (Pop-up)
Caretaker  Great Hidden Sea of the Unconcious   Favoriting Listener Dave E's- A Strange Mix    1:22:00 (Pop-up)
The Meteors  Something Wicked (This Way Comes)   Favoriting Psycho Down!    1:23:59 (Pop-up)
Zacherley  A Wicked Thought Will Pull You Through   Favoriting Malamondo 7    1:29:10 (Pop-up)
Spencer Davis Group  Jump Back   Favoriting Double Degrees of Separation- Underwater Theme Park Premium  For $75 or more you automatically can get my premium!!!! Double disc, sticker AND button!!!! Holy!  1:31:21 (Pop-up)
Soundhog  I Wish I was a Bulldog   Favoriting Listener Danne D's- Hey DJ!    1:48:01 (Pop-up)
Denis Rosner of Camp Akiba  Big Spender   Favoriting Listener Danne D's- Hey DJ!    1:49:29 (Pop-up)
Lone Justice  Ways to be Wicked   Favoriting Left of the Dial: Dispatches From the 80's Underground    1:50:49 (Pop-up)
The Grifters  Wickedthing   Favoriting Spring Lineup, Sub Pop's Heavy Hitters    1:54:03 (Pop-up)
They Might Be Giants  Wicked Little Critta   Favoriting Mink Car    1:59:03 (Pop-up)
Kimberly Rew  Going Down To Liverpool   Favoriting Listener Danne D's- Hey DJ!    2:02:18 (Pop-up)
Tuomo  My Thing   Favoriting Listener Jenna- Stop! Mannerheim: Music from Finnish Male Singers  pledge $15 or more to win this!!!!  2:05:59 (Pop-up)
Redrama  Move it Along   Favoriting Listener Jenna- Stop! Mannerheim: Music from Finnish Male Singers    2:08:32 (Pop-up)
Alice Cooper  Wicked Young Man   Favoriting Brutal Planet    2:11:47 (Pop-up)
Black Sabbath  Wicked World   Favoriting Black Sabbath    2:15:37 (Pop-up)
The Faces  Ooh La La   Favoriting Listener Sue A Dynamo's- Car Karaoke Mix  pledge $15 or more to win this!!!  2:26:42 (Pop-up)
Radiohead  I am a Wicked Child   Favoriting Hail to the Thief    2:28:34 (Pop-up)
Joanna Newsom  81   Favoriting Listener Sue A Dynamo's- Car Karaoke Mix  You can win this!!!! $15 or more..... go go go!  2:31:17 (Pop-up)
The Clash  Complete Control   Favoriting Listener Bill- You're My Guitar Hero    2:39:00 (Pop-up)
Emily Wells  Fever (Lover)   Favoriting Live on Underwater Theme Park    2:41:35 (Pop-up)
Ride  Seagull   Favoriting Listener Bill- You're My Guitar Hero    2:50:14 (Pop-up)
Kassabian  Sun Rise Light Flies   Favoriting Listener Thor- WFMU Underwater Mix    2:50:48 (Pop-up)
Smothers Brothers  Chocolate   Favoriting Listener Gary- Love Folk and Cheese  Last prize up!!!!! Let's go!!!  2:57:17 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 6:02am

What color is my heart on here?
Avatar 6:02am
fred von helsing:

Avatar 6:02am

Yay! It's black again!
Avatar 6:03am

Hey Thanks Julie .... Morning Meghan am not so well hope to be back to work Friday
Avatar 6:03am
fred von helsing:

I've never seen H+AI but a bi she-friend who hates conventional musicals totally recommends it. Does it rule?
Dave B:

Howdy. I gotta go to work early, and today is payday so I'll be pledging shortly. First things first.... Coffee!
Avatar 6:04am
fred von helsing:

but before coffee... wfmu !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:04am

Good morning all!!!!!!! Are we ready for a wicked good time?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:04am

@BGZ: well, dark blue
@FVH: it indeed rules, I highly recommend it
Dave B:

Avatar 6:04am

I think it's red to people that haven't clicked on someone's profile. If they have then it's black or white depending on the particular comment s board's color scheme.
Avatar 6:05am

let's get WICKED
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:05am

Nice Bostonian cartoon, Meghan!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:06am

Changed it up...... didn't want to deal with the sizing...... but I still have my Mass-hole representing!
Avatar 6:07am

@Caryn: I suppose it is dark blue.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:09am

Ok..... Let's make my computer ring! really! Let's do it!!!
Avatar 6:09am
fred von helsing:

@BGZ yup when I click on a profile the heart instantly goes from a natural, healthy blood red to an evil Jett black

Hey everyone!!
Avatar 6:12am

I'm heeeeeeeeere
Avatar 6:15am
fred von helsing:

whoa this is a very cool version !
Avatar 6:18am
fred von helsing:

New band! Bosco and the Bagels
Avatar 6:18am

Julie Costanza!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:20am

Oh please, until you've properly dumpster-dived, you haven't lived.

How much $ to get Julie to kiss Bosco on the lips?
Avatar 6:20am

She won't lick the floor. Pretzels in the garbage? No problem.

Avatar 6:24am
fred von helsing:

Morning Meghan and Bosco the Miracle Marathon Mutt
Avatar 6:28am

Give now, dudes, you're right here!!
Andrea on the M62:

Wahey youre playing one of my songs!! Merci!
Avatar 6:32am
Dave B:


Andrea on the M62:

And it's a prize! Wow brilliant im so pledging now!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:33am

Andrea, wait until someone else's mix is the prize! You don't want to win your own stuff!
Andrea on the M62:

Sliverpool as in Liverpool with an 'S' which is where I am from! Hahaha yeah I wanna win that cd!
Andrea on the M62:

Yes that's tru I will wait for another mix and I will pledge...would kinda make sense I guess!
Avatar 6:34am
fred von helsing:

Sliverpuddlian !
Andrea on the M62:

Sliverpuddlian i likes that one, Fred¬
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:36am

Andrea, I've always wondered why the "Liver" in Liverpool and the "Liver" in, say, the Liver Building are pronounced completely differently. What's up with that?
Andrea on the M62:

oh i dont know about Liver and Liver....lots of non-Liverpool people ask that. I suppose we got used to the different words. But hey, Im so glad you like that cd anyway!
Avatar 6:38am
Dave B:

You need to see him in his gold lame rollerderby shorts
Avatar 6:39am
Dave B:

FTR - I knew an italian dude named Andrea, which is the the equivalent of Andrew.
Andrea on the M62:

yes I am a boys name too. And American folk say the name the same as Scottish peeps. Fact
Avatar 6:40am
fred von helsing:

Can someone come up with a Rush song played backwards
Avatar 6:41am
Dave B:

and for next year....

Avatar 6:42am
Dave B:

FvH - I have a show ready of Rush covers sprinkled with Rush covering other songs....
Avatar 6:43am
fred von helsing:

oh maaaan
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:43am

Maybe the suggested theme will end up being "songs with either the word 'Billy' or the word 'Joel' in them"...
Avatar 6:45am
fred von helsing:

this HOPS
Avatar 6:46am

Pledge now to get into the running for Elwyn's cd. Hey! Hey! You're a guy! Hey! Hey!
Avatar 6:46am
Dave B:

@Andrea - would that difference be "Ahn" as opposed to "Ann"
Avatar 6:46am
fred von helsing:

workout becomes heart attack <3
Avatar 6:47am
Dave B:


For that pledge, where's my freakin heart?

what a gyp....
Avatar 6:48am
fred von helsing:

volume prob - this and the last song are too low compared to the mic
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:48am

strange! Where is your heart?!?!
Avatar 6:48am

your mic is ok but sound on music is low
Avatar 6:48am
fred von helsing:

sorry dave your heart has been sold on the aftermarket
Andrea on the M62:

Yeah brits say Ann-drea and scots says Orn-dree-a which i believe americans do too....but correct me if I am wrong!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:49am

How's that?
Andrea on the M62:

So if I pledge now am I in the running for this workout CD? I need one of those!
Avatar 6:50am

bit more up maybe
Avatar 6:50am

I've known both Ann-dreas and Ahn-dreas
Avatar 6:50am
Dave B:

I don't think I was signed into the Friendship Society when I pledged... FECK.

I'll hit up Kenzo for the fix.

FWIW - I can barely understand Scots to begin with.
Avatar 6:50am

Hej - The J is silent(?)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:51am

Yes! You are in the running if you pledge now for a workout CD!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:51am

@hamburger: the J is pronounced like the Y in "yell"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:52am
Sem Chumbo:

Something wicked this way comes. Meghan nails it.
Andrea on the M62:

Julie, have u known and Orn-dree-a? That's the Scotch way
ok am gonna pledge this minute! Id love it!

It's spelt Hëj. I <3 umlauts!
Avatar 6:52am
fred von helsing:

Candy is dandy but wicker is quicker
Avatar 6:53am

Hej Hej! Why the double Hej? !
Avatar 6:53am

Isn't Hej Hej hi in..is it finnish?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:54am

@hamburger: because then it means "bye", the same way you could say "bye bye".

@Julie: Swedish/Norwegian/Danish
Avatar 6:54am
fred von helsing:

Hëj hëj we are de svenska Monkëës !
Avatar 6:55am
Dave B:

Hëj is for Norses...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:57am

@hamburger: or as FVH points out, it's a chanting thing
Avatar 6:57am
fred von helsing:

A Norse is a Norse of course of course
Avatar 6:58am

I'm going to try to go on my own dime.
Avatar 6:58am

I need to see My Bloody Valentine again.
Avatar 6:59am

Tony brought you more gravy?
Avatar 6:59am
Danne D:

Hi Underwater Fans :)
Avatar 7:00am

Good morning, Danne!
Avatar 7:01am

You should play a song about a superhero called "Tony's Theme!"
Avatar 7:02am
fred von helsing:

wow that IS a snazzy bag store.wfmustore.org...
Avatar 7:03am
fred von helsing:

Avatar 7:03am
Danne D:

you guys are wonderful and I am sleepy but I had to come say hi
Avatar 7:03am

Yay! Maybe the workout CD will inspire me to, you know, work out.
Avatar 7:04am
fred von helsing:

WOMEN'S team !
Avatar 7:04am
Danne D:

Fun fact: in 1980 beat Finland to secure the gold medal (a couple days after the Miracle on Ice win vs the USSR)
Avatar 7:05am
fred von helsing:

i'd love to see how the cover art worked out !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:05am

Danne D!!!!!! Hello!!!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:05am

I need to allow a non-Finn to get this, so I'll wait for another mix to pledge for.
Avatar 7:06am

good morning Danne!
Avatar 7:07am
fred von helsing:

Thee Ultra Bimboos YEAY!
Dave B:

An unFinnished listener
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:07am

@Danne: yeah, the way the hockey bracket worked in those days was a bit weird

Hey, it's Pyhäkoulu, not Phyhakoulu!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:07am

@FVH: hey, I have TUB on one of my mixes too! Oh wait, that's on next year's mix... Never mind!
Dave B:

Miika - umlauts are a bitch on that console PC
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:09am

Thanks Miika! fixed!!! Now how do you pronounce that!!!!
Avatar 7:09am
fred von helsing:

Bimboos said they won't have any reunions. ME SO SAD.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:10am

@Dave B: I suspect the extra h is more of an annoyance...
Avatar 7:10am
fred von helsing:

pyhä: y like German ü, ä like vowel in "cat".
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:11am

Koulu: the ou like the ou in "soul"
Avatar 7:12am
Danne D:

not to be confused with AP Mike's chi-ku :)
Avatar 7:12am

pledge now to get FVH"s cd, you're already on the site, I don't need to read it to ya!

I can't figure out how to spell pyhä, but koulu's a bit like "co-lou".
Avatar 7:15am

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:16am

The bayou seems to play a key part on Meghan's premium...
Avatar 7:17am
fred von helsing:

btw Naisleijonat not Naisleijoinat :)

Julie didn't learn to cuss in Finnish? :-(
Avatar 7:19am
fred von helsing:

it's also got silly sound clips !
Avatar 7:19am
Danne D:

awwwwwww bosco :)
Avatar 7:20am
fred von helsing:

Avatar 7:20am
Danne D:

yay :) I was digging those tunes FVH :) Looking forward to it
Avatar 7:21am
Danne D:

See folks, even if you are curled up in a fetal position next to your computer due to sleep deprivation you can still pledge and win :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:22am

danne d - an inspiration to us all!
Avatar 7:23am
fred von helsing:

In honor of my first successful wfmu cd... another great song by The Ultra Bimboos... Who Stole My Underwear?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:26am

Sorry FVH, will fix! on my computer, sometimes it's hard to read on my computer!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:29am

Make that computer ring!!!!! Come on! We need to make our goal!!!! WE CAN DO IT!!!!!
Avatar 7:30am

not even 30 percent raised, get in the running for the Dave E Cd!

[Provisional Heart for Pledge After Payday: ((♥)) - plenty JettBlack]
...'Maybe the suggested theme will end up being "songs with either the word 'Billy' or the word 'Joel' in them'...groooan - it's morning - okay? Underwater is right...'Little Billy' by The Who
- An-dreee-ah / An-dray-ah - ? 'Andrew' means 'man' (Like Anthropology?) - so Andrea means - ?? Person?...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:31am

This is fantastic!
Avatar 7:31am

you don't have to wait for payday, you'll get billed later. Pledge now while the cd's are hot!
Avatar 7:32am
fred von helsing:

Meghan please do send me an image file for the cover art, I want to see what y'all came up with !

! - Read about Zacherley in 'Monster Show' by David J. Skal. Good book.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:33am

It's on the other computer..... but I will send it to you!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:34am

I must admit I'm quite curious about mine too, Meghan :)

BTW; I'll spend the year coming up with cover art for the other two mixes.

Yay for zombies!
Dave B:

More of a mambo, or maybe cha-cha
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:36am

Yay for Patton Oswalt-adjacent gravy drinking discussion!
Avatar 7:38am
fred von helsing:

Danne D it's a bunch of web pix and pix I've taken. Meghan that photo of the two gals with the purple hair it rules eh heh
Avatar 7:39am
Danne D:

yay michael:)
Avatar 7:40am

Sing a Klaus Nomi song!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:41am

The battle of the Falco covers! Which one will Meghan prefer?!? Oh, the intrigue...
Avatar 7:42am
fred von helsing:

Let me guess. The name of the CD is... "Hëj Fever !"

! - good point Julie - !...I almost feel I don't deserve them - only tuned in for a month or two. Been thinkin' Pledge once @ (Kitty!) T-shirt level & 'Vote' for fave shows when I do - simple...Okay I'll cogitate that...
Avatar 7:43am
Danne D:

Hey Bulldog with Eminem btw
Avatar 7:43am

Morning, Meghan.

Congrats Meghan to your German phrases! When mentioning 99 Luftballons, don't forget abou CAN, Einstürzende Neubauten and J. H. Bach (for oldfasioned fans)
Avatar 7:44am
Danne D:

RR1163 you are as deserving as anyone :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:44am

I'm sad that the first two Degrees of Separation premiums are not available at the prize warehouse. I need those to complete the set!

Gotta work - ! 'Be Lucky!' as Roger Daltrey says.
Avatar 7:46am

So this CD set picks up where last one left off?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:46am

pass the Kool-Aid
Avatar 7:47am
Dave B:

bust out a few rails of jell-o mix
Avatar 7:47am
Danne D:

@KP Meghan's premium picks up from last year's :)
Avatar 7:47am
fred von helsing:

pixie stix ! and wax liquor bottles
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:47am

@KP: yep, and the finished set will be a cycle (the last track on the last CD will connect with the first track on the first CD)

Comments Boards make me lmao *all the time* (y'all). Probably measurably good for one's immune system...
Avatar 7:48am
Danne D:

this is the roughest song ever on any FMU premium btw
Off of Noah's '11 premium
Avatar 7:48am
Dave B:

@Caryn - kinda like the original Planet of The Apes movies?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:49am

@Dave B: essentially :)
Avatar 7:50am
Danne D:

This is off the Incorrect Music ('02 I think) premium btw
Avatar 7:50am
Danne D:

(Irwin and Michelle B's old incorrect music show btw)
Avatar 7:51am

Only 30 percent is NOT acceptable. You underwater folk are like an underwater family (sea monkeys?) Dig out your wet soggy cash and pledge!
Avatar 7:51am

This sounds like an awesome mix Danne D!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:51am

For WFMU, this is correct music.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:51am

COME ON!!!! Let's go!!!! Pledge damn it!!!!
Avatar 7:52am
Danne D:

also have songs from such DJs as Terre T, Evan Funk Davies, Hova, Meredith, Keili and many more :) 17 songs in all
Avatar 7:52am

Lone Justice! I still have this on vinyl.
Avatar 7:53am
Danne D:

FMU legends like Pat Duncan and new stars like Amanda Nazario.

Um, Julie's songs apparently were too dark to have someone say "hey" in 'em :( (at least the ones I could find)
Avatar 7:53am

Maria McKee killed it live too.
Avatar 7:53am

Does the last song on the new one lead into first song on first one?
Avatar 7:54am
Danne D:

And there's actually no Meghan song, b/c I figure you guys more likely than not have 'em :D
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:54am

@KP: I don't think the set is complete yet, so I suspect no.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:55am

The last song on last years premium links the the first song on this years! Same with all of the others!
Avatar 7:55am

I had a theory Maria McKee was the girlfriend in the original Less Than Zero.
Avatar 7:55am
Danne D:

@KP - nope - it'll lead to the first song on the next one I believe. Meghan's development an epically long chain as I understand it :)
Avatar 7:56am

That's cosmic.
Avatar 7:57am
Van in DC:

Oh goodie, I made it in time for all the good stuff! :) Hi Meghan!
Avatar 7:57am
Dave B:

Like a human centipede!

(ducks and runs for cover)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:57am

ewwww Dave!!!!! gross!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:58am

Alright..... we have ONE HOUR left! I need to raise $3000! We are not even half! I have done this before, so let's go!
Avatar 7:58am
Dave B:

not as gross as the upper decker convo on Ken's show yesterday
Avatar 7:58am
Danne D:

Thanks Hamburger :)
Hey Van :)

I will say that my prize CD is a good tour for the WFMU newbie - especially for some of the great DJs of FMU past. It has stuff from premiums dating back to '01

Mileage varies greatly in terms of styles on it too
Avatar 7:59am
Danne D:

It was amazingly fun to make :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:00am

Wikid Litta Critta!
Avatar 8:00am
Danne D:

lol heya Parq :)
Avatar 8:00am

I hope that is next week, Danne D. I am not awake enough for a presentation.
Avatar 8:01am
Van in DC:

Hey Danne!
Avatar 8:01am

Hello, Van!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:01am

I like 'im. I have prawblums.
Avatar 8:02am
Danne D:

This one serving as Meghan's bed music is off my CD too :) This was from the '02 Meredith Premium.
Avatar 8:03am
Van in DC:

Wow, full crowd looks like :) Hi KP!

Julie! I wanted to catch your show LIVE for once and what happens? What I ask you? My stupid laptop at home DIED yesterday! I have it in repair shop :(
Avatar 8:04am
Danne D:

Thanks for pledging pledgers :) Very glad I didn't drive all the pledgers away :)
Avatar 8:04am
Danne D:

Yay Brynn - I hope you really enjoy :)

Dang! I love this background song by Katrina from Katrina
Avatar 8:05am

yay! Haha. Lookin Fah-wahd to it! (Boston accent)
Avatar 8:05am
Dave B:

Holy Crap - now THAT'S a Bloody Mary!

Avatar 8:06am
fred von helsing:

the female singers was mine :) but OK some murrcans mixed in
Avatar 8:06am
Danne D:

(Btw thanks to Meghan for figuring out who did that version of Going Down To Liverpool - I actually couldn't find the song list for that particular CD)
Avatar 8:06am

Danne D, I had good idea for the CD but BGZ insisted on MBV. MBV is so over now I don't remember what it stands for.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:06am

Well, I was worried last year, because of the crappy condition of the tapedeck I was using to make the mixtape. No technical problems this year, so less worries :)
Avatar 8:06am

@ Dave B omg it's more like a meal !
Avatar 8:07am
fred von helsing:

I was wondering too what the hell an upper decker is. now I know. thanks a heap, ken.
Avatar 8:07am

Avatar 8:08am
fred von helsing:

holy fräk that is the bloody mary to end all bloody mary's.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:08am

Holy crap! I want that bloody mary!!!! Where do we get that one!
Avatar 8:08am

Why is my heart black? Don't answer that.
Avatar 8:08am
Danne D:

Cool :) You guys should be pledging to win this awesome Jenna mix CD :) I am lucky that I didn't have to follow this one!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:09am

The "Stop! Mannerheim." is TM last year's Marathon comments board, BTW. So, thanks to whoever came up with that.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:09am

mmmmmmmm GRAVY!!!!
Avatar 8:10am

Uh, is there a separate pledge for Cds or something, Danne D? I just got up.
Avatar 8:11am

WAKE UP JULIE @ kP Because you are friends with one or more of the folks on the board
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:11am

@KP: nah, you just pledge. You can mention in the comments if you want to try and win a specific mix cd.
Avatar 8:12am

Thanks, Jay.
Avatar 8:13am

And the CD goes to the high pledge of that time span?
Avatar 8:13am

we have all kinds at FMU, we have vegans, people who drink gravy and everything in between
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:13am

As long as you pledge, you are in the running for something!!!!!! Come on everyone! I am not even half way!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:15am

@KP: it's a lottery system. Every pledge card from a specific period is shuffled and the winner is drawn.
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Danne D:

@KP - there's Meghan's Premium. Peeps get that automatically for $75+ pledges.

Then there's the prizes with are the mix CDs we made :)

Right now Jenna's is on the prize block.

Mine happened to be the one that was on the prize block before that
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looks like most of the people on the board have pledged we need new blood
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fred von helsing:

and before that was the grrrliest one :)
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Danne D:

Meghan has to be able to look Bosco in the eye at the end of this shift people! PLEDGE!

(That's right, I played the puppy dog eyes card)
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Sabbath! With Bill Ward! \m/
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Meghan did you see Jeff Moore's tumblr as posted to Joe's show yesterday.
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Danne D:

And though archive listeners can't win the prize CDs they can still get Meghan's awesome premium - you oversleepers are not off the hook either!
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Dave B:

Stop Mannerheim steamroller!
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fred von helsing:

Speaking of eyes, is Bosco playing poker ?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:17am

@Danne: I think we need a link to a soulful-eyed Bosco pic to get people pledging.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:18am

I didn't......
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fred von helsing:

Bosco shuffles the pledge cards www.rugandart.biz...
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@Caryn: YES!
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Van in DC:

I didn't oversleep on purpose, I really wanted to catch at least half of Dark Night of the Soul, but alas, no way to listen right now at home. Hopefully next week.
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Oops. i meant Flickr.
Avatar 8:19am

clickity click the pledgey button! You too can have me misidentify your gender on the air!
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Dave B:

Get Bosco's soulful stare and shop it into a "Feed The Children" add. Insert Sally Struthers big bulbous head into the picture for extra oomph!
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Danne D:

Bosco wants you to pledge:
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Danne D:

And hooray to Jenna for adopting Bosco :)
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Dave B:

@Danne D:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:24am

Congrats to the winner!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:25am

Late to the party...putting my 2 cents in...
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Van in DC:

Bosco says WF! WF!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:26am

The cow is trying to make friends with animated, but still, Bosco.
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Avatar 8:27am

Ok i want this.
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Cheri Pi:

Oh lala is right!
Avatar 8:29am

only a half hour to go and almost 50 percent left to raise. C'mon guys, you don't have to pay now, pay later, enjoy now and always!
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Cheri Pi, bless your black heart.
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Van in DC:

MOOve cow MOOve cow! Yay!
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Udder delight!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:30am

Let's make the dog bark!!!! come on everyone!!!! Bosco will be sad if the dog doesn't get any attention!
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Heavenly Bovine!
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meghan and julie together = www.youtube.com...
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Meeting Nick Cave is so 1994 to me. :P
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trawna represent.
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Triple CD!
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Souvenir from August 21, 1994: sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net...
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Glenn that looks JUST like us
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:40am

nice keepsake BGZ!
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Come on guys, no one in the running. You can WIN WIN WIN
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i was thinking more along the "wicked and weird" lines.
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so we are not the half naked trailer trash girls?
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Dave B:

I remember talking to MAC at the holiday party and he liked the idea of mix tape prizes. And then the conversation digressed to releasing the prizes on wax cylinders...
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only if you want to be.
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Come on, let's at least get her to 2000, 15 minutes left!
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Danne D:

I'm heading to work :) Keep pledging guys! And keep up the great work Meghan and Julie (and Bosco) :)
Have a good day everyone!
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Dave that is so very Mac
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So long Danne & thanks for all the pretzels
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:45am

Thanks Danne D!!!! For everything!
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See ya Danne D.
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Dave B:

Admit your love of the band RUSH!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:49am

@glenn: appearance-wise, I think these girls are more like Meghan and Julie (but, you know, just ignore the burgeoning lesbianism): www.youtube.com...
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Dave B:

Do "Fly By Night" at the Hoof and Mouth.
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Caryn, that would be difficult/
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:51am

@KP: well, you don't have to, but you can. It's a free world, after all. ;)
Ami G.:

Hey! Hey! from Israel!!
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I'm not hearing any ringing, c'mon guys! You, Israel, you can pledge too!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:52am

Yay Israel!!!
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Caryn, can i take this home?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:52am

do you hear these amazing mixes!!!! Come on!!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:52am

@KP: nobody's stopping you...
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guys, less than ten minutes to go!! hurry hurry get your pledges in
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:53am

Now I really hope I win!
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Does BGZ REALISE there's a 15-minute MBV track on "You're My Guitar Hero"?
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good morning!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:54am

Let's go! A Cluster of CD's!!!!! 4 CD's for a mere pledge of $15!!!!! Go go go!!!!!
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Caryn, i hope you win.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:54am

Now I'm annoyed because I can't remember which frigging movie this track was in.
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Dave B:

@Caryn - I'm thinkin more Lucy/Sarah (sorry I couldnt find a better clip)

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oh my gawd! the caryn memory bank has failed.
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Wait i cant win my own CD!
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gave all the money I could on Julie’s show wish I could have spread the money out
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Congratulations. Tim. Thanks for pledging.
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jay, you dont have to give money, you can use credit cards.
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2 minutes left!!
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<3 Smothers Brothers!
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that's what I did KP
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:59am

Come on!!!!! Last chance, last prize!!!!!!
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Jay i know the feeling.
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Dave B:

You can also get billed. Esentially an I.O.U.
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Van in DC:

Thanks Meghan! Thanks Julie! Thanks pledgers and Bosco! And donators! And everyone! MOOO
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Im thinking!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:01am

Darn it! But congrats!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:11pm

BTW, glenn, the old brain kicked in again. It wasn't a movie, it was an episode of "John from Cincinnatti".
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