if i am sat down when i listen to Dowtown Soulville i sway my chair and sort of blues bop my head but when standing i shuffle , casual jive and bit sort of twisty lunge about....probably perfectly normal behaviour but thought i'd mention it ,.....I'm sure WFMU DJ's have certificates of dedication guilded in gold and platinum taste budded lovelyness ....... thanks for levelling me , really , thanks , it means a lot
Fine Wine:
You're possibly my top fan besides my mom, spidermank.
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Listener comments!
Mr. Fine Wine:
....One Gal in Town, Five Men Hanging Around,,,,, aint it always the way...
@boonge - is the sky full of meteorites in the future in saturday morning?
Mr. Fine Wine:
Listener Jumpy in Brooklyn:
Fine Wine:
Richard D: