I have never heard of most of this stuff, Mr. Finewine. For me, my knowledge begins at Head East and ends with Foghat. Still, I am digging your efforts, and learning.
Hey! It was when you bought an item that was on sale and held it in "lay away" and had a certain amount of time to go back and claim it with the held price. I can't be the only one here that remembers that. K-Mart back in the 70s used to have "blue light specials" and you could get the items on special and put them on law-a-way to get them later.
thankfully my mom also used to lay away in the 70s so i could be here to listen to this music.
god daaaaaaaaaamn that john lee hooker record was too much. Love that kinda tough drum sound, like ike and tina bold soul sister, good evil crunchy metallic hat sound to die for
Scorching show this week. Too bad that this year's Fine Wine Premium is not another Detroit special. The one from four years ago is all killer and no filler. Still, cowboys and indians it shall be.
Hoo-boy, grew up in Detroit when it was a GREAT city; listened to R &B in the '50's, 60's, times of legendary radio dj's (Frantic Ernie Durham, Senator Bristol Bryant, Tom Clay, Martha Jean the Queen) I appreciate you carrying on this fine tradition, Mr Wine. You've got a friend here in Boston.
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Listener comments!
Tony in Durham NC:
I X Key!:
Ken From Hyde Park:
other david:
Green Mountain Man Mark:
Vick S. Burgskid:
Green Mountain Man Mark:
Mr. Fine Wine:
clark Barâ„¢:
Green Mountain Man Mark:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Green Mountain Man Mark: