Favoriting JA In The AM with John Allen: Playlist from January 23, 2013 Favoriting

John Allen's avatar View John Allen's profile Favoriting

"I listened yesterday. It's no reflection on you but I could'nt see where you were going or what you were going for. This early seventies thing did'nt get noticed the first time and you talk about friends of like Dealney and Bonnie who had records out like we're supposed to remember who they are. Then you play this long winded free jazz stuff that really grates on my nerves. And that noise without a beat and sounds like someones being pinched. Then you play a reggae song, I think you called it Dub, to what, be cool? You seem to really fetishize the whole folk thing too which is obnoxious to us who don't even care. I liked it when you played that punk song though. I like Joe Belock a lot." (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting January 23, 2013

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Approx. start time
john butcher / matthew shipp  generative grammar   Favoriting at oto  fataka  2012  CD  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
eric chenaux and radwan ghazi moumnen  the sentimental moves   Favoriting the sentimental moves  grapefruit  2012  LP  0:30:06 (Pop-up)
vanessa rosetto    exotic exit  kye  2012  LP  0:36:07 (Pop-up)
robin artus / paul kass  automation   Favoriting tomorrow's achievements- parry music library 1976-86  public information  2012  LP  0:47:06 (Pop-up)
harry forbes  utilities   Favoriting tomorrow's achievements- parry music library 1976-86  public information  2012  LP  0:47:56 (Pop-up)
spandau ballet  glow   Favoriting   crysalis  1981  12"  0:49:38 (Pop-up)
rolling stones  undercover of the night   Favoriting   atlantic  1983  12"  0:57:53 (Pop-up)
crazy joe & the variable speed band  eugene   Favoriting   mumbo records  1980  12"  1:07:05 (Pop-up)
toy love  unscrewed up   Favoriting live at the gluepot 1980  goner  1980/2012  CD  1:20:28 (Pop-up)
helios creed  blood red   Favoriting x rated fairytales  subterranean  1985  LP  1:22:59 (Pop-up)
life partners  rapist gets off   Favoriting men are talking  ride the snake  2009  LP  1:26:09 (Pop-up)
ups and downs  lving inside my head   Favoriting   what goes on  1986  12"  1:28:57 (Pop-up)
the puddle  k3/ sodom & gomorrah/ interstellar gothic   Favoriting into the moon  flying nun  1992    1:31:36 (Pop-up)
13th floor elevators  pictures (leave your body behind)   Favoriting easter everywhere  international artists  1967  LP  1:43:27 (Pop-up)
tim rose  fare thee well   Favoriting tim rose  columbia  1967  LP  1:49:36 (Pop-up)
the red rippers  over the edge   Favoriting over there and over here  paradise of bachelors  1983/2013  CD  1:52:41 (Pop-up)
butch hancock  diamond hill   Favoriting own & own  demon records  1989  LP  1:55:58 (Pop-up)
wooden wand  southern colorado song   Favoriting blood oaths of the new blues  fire  2013  LP  2:03:43 (Pop-up)
parquet courts  stoned and starving   Favoriting light up gold  dull tools  2013  LP  2:14:25 (Pop-up)
moto  i fell ill   Favoriting bolt!  rerun  1986/2012  CD  2:19:37 (Pop-up)
guinea worms    smiles  columbus discount  2012  LP  2:22:22 (Pop-up)
plague lounge w/ ben chasny  contact high/ghosts   Favoriting the wicker image  holy mountain/nwos  1996  LP  2:28:16 (Pop-up)
bill orcutt  star spangled benner   Favoriting   pallilalia  2012  7"  2:37:04 (Pop-up)
stefan grossman & danny kalb  danish drone   Favoriting crosscurrents  cotillion  1969  LP  2:38:52 (Pop-up)
justin tyler  in the morning sue/ and she danced   Favoriting night fall  new earth  1978  LP  2:44:41 (Pop-up)
marc jordan  mystery man   Favoriting mannequin  warner brothers  1978  LP  2:52:32 (Pop-up)
randy newman  it's lonely at the top   Favoriting live  reprise  1971  LP  2:56:08 (Pop-up)
g green  mouth on the floor   Favoriting crap culture  mt st mtn  2012  LP  2:58:59 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 6:00am

Bonjour John Allen
Avatar 6:07am

Good morning John and everyone!
Avatar 6:09am

salut Looms !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:19am
George of Troy:

Good morning John, pierre, Looms and crew.
Avatar 6:26am
John Allen:

ok boys fall into line

Present and accounted for, sir.
Avatar 6:58am
John Allen:

george, sorry I couldn't coordinate the other night.
Avatar 7:06am

Someone give Mick a poke!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:06am
George of Troy:

No problem; we'll catch up one of these days.
Avatar 7:07am

I'm a cool dude in a loose mood
Avatar 7:20am

What was that cool background music?
Avatar 7:27am
John Allen:

looms, that was illusion of safety
Avatar 7:29am

Wow! Don't know that one. What album is it from?
Avatar 7:32am
John Allen:

more recent 10 inch called "sweet dreams"
Avatar 7:34am

Thx :)
Brian in UK:

Hello Mr Allen, Looms.
Avatar 7:35am

Ahoy John Allen and all!
Avatar 7:38am

hello there!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:46am

Good morning/afternoon JA and everyone
Avatar 8:04am

Salut fred ! :)
Avatar 8:17am
Cheri Pi:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:22am

25 year listener; brand-new friend. How you like me now!
Avatar 8:24am

CHERI PI ! (friend of rock'n'roll)
Avatar 8:25am

Stay away from me, man! :(
Avatar 8:25am

Avatar 8:26am
Cheri Pi:

Pierre! King of the fathomless sea!
Marmalade Kitty:

Salut JA et mon avatar compatriote!
Avatar 8:28am

Bonjour Miss "Banjo" Chaton.
Avatar 8:30am
Dave B:

My neighbors LOVED Plague Lounge!

Goood morning!
Avatar 8:33am

it can't always be easy being a friend of rock and roll. the 3 a.m. post breakup phone calls, the holding it's hair away from it's face so it can puke after getting trashed, the lending it money. i nominate cheri poi for sainthood.
Avatar 8:33am

I had no idea Ben Chasny was thrashing around in '96.
Avatar 8:35am

oops. pi.
Avatar 8:35am
Dave B:

(I heard their door slam as they left for work)....

Avatar 8:35am
John Allen:

yes, this is still him thrashing
Avatar 8:38am
Cheri Pi:

Cheri Poi! I should winter in Hawaii.
Avatar 8:42am

i'm a big fan of stefan grossman. he invented guitar tab, or so i'm told.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:46am

How do i list favorite shows? Am I restricted?
Avatar 8:47am
John Allen:

Grossman was born in queens, took lessons from rev. gary davis, and developed tab to take notes. there needs to be statue for him somewhere off the 7 line
Avatar 8:48am

he was also gary's unpaid factotum for a while.
Avatar 8:50am

there's a star beside the name of the program/host/song/person you want to friend. click on that.
Avatar 8:51am
John Allen:

see my shows from the early 2000s when I was trying to ignite the Stefan Grossman Apprciation Society. It never caught on, maybe the time is now
Avatar 8:52am

sign me up.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:54am

Cheers, glenn. I got some work to do. Great Show! Reminds me of the music I used to hear in my mom's car in the seventies, sorta... Wednesdays are the best!

wow...some late 70's on the road/truck stop music...nice!
Avatar 8:54am

how about joseph spence?
Avatar 🎸 8:55am

Any album/song info on that Justin Tyler track?
Avatar 8:56am

hi / bye Randy!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:57am
Sem Chumbo:

I'm tired of being the Boss, Rand. Why don't YOU be the Boss for awhile?
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