Favoriting Miracle Nutrition with Hearty White: Playlist from January 22, 2013 Favoriting

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Southern inspirational dada.

Thursday 6 - 7pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting January 22, 2013: Miracle Nutrition with Hearty White

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Artist Approx. start time
Hearty White  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Hearty White  0:18:02 (Pop-up)
Hearty White  0:28:54 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 7:03pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Hi, Hearty!
Avatar 7:04pm
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

Hello Hello Hello!
Devin Gristlewater:

Well hello friends of all shapes, sizes, and transparencies!
Avatar 7:05pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Mr. Gristlewater! You feeling back to 100% now?
Avatar 7:07pm
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

Ribcage music!
Devin Gristlewater:

YES, thanks for asking! I had a delightful weekend and start of the week!
Avatar 7:08pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

The Lullville alternative weekly had an item the past week about how if the area were simply nicer to its natives, they might stick around. She brought up Kentucky not being the Land of Lincoln because KY wasn't nice to the Lincoln family. I certainly know Ali was treated badly. Probably Hunter S. Thompson was, too.
Devin Gristlewater:

How is everyone else?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:09pm
Mike East Riverwatercorn:

Hey Philo - didn't get a chance to say hello before the Sunday morning/afternoon comment blackout.

I'll have a cup of tea if you're boiling water, HUK.

Hi Devin. at the peak of a seasonal cold/flu. hopefully on the way to recovery.

The board's up. I thought Mr. White was feeling exclusive.
Avatar 7:10pm
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

And Rudy Rucker! His favorite comment about Louisville is that "it's real humid."
Avatar 7:10pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

I've never felt a lot of love from across the river. If I manage to win Leonard Cohen tix for his Palace performance, that might be mitigated. ;)
Avatar 7:12pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

@Devin: We're nippy in Knob Knee but so far holding our health. I think the humidifier at night helps so the air's not so dry (virus loving conditions).
Avatar 7:12pm
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

Greets Mr. Mike! The little one asleep yet?

@Devin Honey & I had ourselves a good long sniffles earlier this year, thus maybe avoided this latest bout.
Avatar 7:13pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

I'll whistle just for you, Mike! ("You know how to whistle, don't you?....;)
Avatar 7:13pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

It was last October, Philo, hunaja -- last year.
Devin Gristlewater:

The air is quite cold here too. Thankfully there is also heat. In summation: Temperature is happening all around us!
Avatar 7:14pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Are you saying you're sick, Mike?? I thought you'd escaped it. :/
Avatar 7:15pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Thanks for clearing that up, DG.
Avatar 7:15pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Some of us have many somethings.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:16pm
Mike East Riverwatercorn:

@Philo - probably not. Poppa's still at work. Usually its me that puts her to sleep at night, but I hope she doesn't wait for me.

@Honey, I thought so, too. I don't know if its the same thing everyone else has/had. Atleast there's no vomiting.
Avatar 7:16pm
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

I'd like me some temporal-ture, to keep my years straight. Or tempura-ture, to keep warm.
Avatar 7:18pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Oh, Savile, yes, what a prince.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:18pm
Mike East Riverwatercorn:

or tempora-ture to put a crispy fried coating on everything
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:18pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

I remember the Fabersham gag from The Beverly Hillbillies.
Avatar 7:19pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

At least your aviator staved off any illnes, yes?
Avatar 7:21pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Schnatter, eeeechhhh!
Avatar 7:22pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Hearty, wherever we raise our glasses together when you drop by, there may not be a Papa John's within a 1/2 mile. :)
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:22pm
Mike East Riverwatercorn:

yeah, she cool. she's got her mother's constitution.
Avatar 7:24pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

@Mike: More importantly, she has her mother's immunities from breast milk and her time in utero. That lasts for quite a while, longer if breastfeeding.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:24pm
Mike East Riverwatercorn:

right down the block from John Jay College
Devin Gristlewater:

Papa John's cannot be escaped. They're the Whole Foods of frozen pizza.
Avatar 7:25pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Hare soup? Some people like rabbit. I don't think I would. It would be cannibalism.
Devin Gristlewater:

That may actually be an inaccurate comparison. Politically both their owners are pretty in line though.
Avatar 7:26pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

@Devin: Around here, where it originated, it's more like the Starbucks of pizza. :,
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:27pm
Mike East Riverwatercorn:

@HUK - yes, exactly. Michy East has been sick only one time since I've known her and it was because she got a flu shot.
Avatar 7:27pm
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

Ha! Exactly, Devin. Slim Pickens locally, if you want good pizza.
Avatar 7:28pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

I thought Whole Foods had a progressive political POV -- wrong? John Schnatter is a piece of work.
Avatar 7:29pm
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

I note Hearty is livetweeting this episode on his profile page!
Devin Gristlewater:

"Whole Foods CEO John Mackey Says He Regrets Comparing Obamacare To 'Fascism'"
Avatar 7:30pm
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

"Get my Idiot seeds from Burpee catalogue. 90% sprout rate!"
Devin Gristlewater:

I guess now he's apologizing? I don't know, haven't been following it. That was the first result on google though...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:30pm
Mike East Riverwatercorn:

ha! nice, Philo! Thanks for the headsup
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:32pm
Mike East Riverwatercorn:

get off twitter and onto the fmu comments board, Hearty! its way cooler.
Avatar 7:33pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

@Devin: Oh, wow. I did not know that. Next you'll tell me Newman's Own is Schnatter-esque.
Avatar 7:34pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Well, yeah, Schnatter is back-pedaling, too.

Say, did anyone else think it a poke when the Mormon Tabernacle Choir performed at the inauguration? I'm not a news junkie, but I didn't hear a soul mention it as ironic. Maybe they perform at EVERY such event?
Avatar 7:36pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Hear here, Mike! Yes, Hearty, *some* of us eschew the twitterverse -- Hoosier Mama??
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:37pm
Mike East Riverwatercorn:

I thought it was the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir that sang? I thought their arrangement of Battle hymn of the Republic was not great. performance was good, though
Devin Gristlewater:

I have no idea, but I would definitely derive quite a bit of perverse pleasure from learning that.
Devin Gristlewater:

Avatar 7:38pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

@Devin: Doesn't Hearty find some way to work that work into every show?
Avatar 7:40pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

@Mike: YCOCBR -- I was no doubt multitasking and just *thought* I heard them announce Mormon TC. Oh well, would have been great! :)
Devin Gristlewater:

Don't think he's said it in a while, but it is a favorite word of mine. Thanks for teaching me well, Hellboy.
Avatar 7:41pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

work that WORD, s.b. My typing has sunk to a new low. Too much screen time for my eyes today.
Avatar 7:42pm
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

I think I first came across it in the similarly titled terrific James Blaylock novel. The original steampunk before it became a fashion statement.
Avatar 7:43pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Hearty, it's the hormone replacement therapies pushed onto them by greedy medical professionals.
Marmalade Kitty:

Dr Who - Noddy Holder :D
Avatar 7:44pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Jeopardy has a "cat"egory called "Songs for Your Cat"! :)
Devin Gristlewater:

Philo are you saying you were into Steampunk before it was cool?
Avatar 7:51pm
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

Bocoors! I used to host a K.W. Jeter website in the oldendays, and he's the man who coined the word, being facetious. But gave up once it got popular; I'm such an elitist pooper!
Devin Gristlewater:

So trendy! What's the next big thing?
Avatar 7:53pm
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

Cute cats.
Avatar 7:53pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Devin, Philo was into many things before they became mollusk. He's of the à van-guard. ;)
Devin Gristlewater:

Avatar 7:55pm
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

Philo-Honey lexicon includes: mollusk=cool, bocoors=but of course, miguel=might as well
Marmalade Kitty:

When I was a kid I used to think John pertwee had dyed his hair - Tom Baker..?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:57pm
Mike East Riverwatercorn:

green mountain man mark's new religion involves holy guacamole instead of holy water.
Avatar 7:57pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

@MK: Is the newest Dr. Who really good?
Avatar 7:57pm
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

guacamole is holy!
Avatar 7:58pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Thanks, Hearty, and thanks for the company of all you fine Hearty-ites! 'Night!
Avatar 7:58pm
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

Thanks Hearty! Thanks listenerds! G'night, owl!
Marmalade Kitty:

I loved Christoper Eccleston, and I think the current Dr. Matt Smith is good! A friend of mine is the double of Matt Smith :)
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