Favoriting Faye: Playlist from January 17, 2013 Favoriting

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Quiet countenance, courageous compass. Girlish charm and boyish good looks! Off-kilter pop punk-tuated with mixed media.

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Favoriting January 17, 2013: Throughout the Greyness & the Pallor We Colored in a Lifetime

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year New Approx. start time
Little Black Egg  Buzzard's Bed (exc)   Favoriting Buzzard's Bed  Egon  2013    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Yo La Tengo  Cornelia and Jane   Favoriting Fade  Matador  2013  *   0:06:18 (Pop-up)
Pretend  Two-Too High   Favoriting Bones in the Soil, Rust in the Oil  No Label  2009    0:10:37 (Pop-up)
Hoi Voo Doo  Japanese Title!   Favoriting   Japan Overseas  2002    0:15:25 (Pop-up)
The Cat's Miaow  Make a Wish   Favoriting Going Against Maz's Advice (V/A)  Four Letter Words  1995    0:19:26 (Pop-up)
Harry Forbes  Remote Control   Favoriting Tomorrow's Achievements- Parry Music Library 1976-86  Public Information  2013  *   0:22:56 (Pop-up)
Jeremy Jay  Gallop   Favoriting Slow Dance  K  2009    0:26:08 (Pop-up)
Widowspeak  Nightcrawlers   Favoriting Widowspeak  Captured Tracks  2011    0:29:36 (Pop-up)
The Spook School  ...That's When I Ran Away   Favoriting I Don't Know, You Don't Know, We All Don't Know        0:32:22 (Pop-up)
Iceage  Brokenbone   Favoriting Hole 7"  Escho  2010    0:34:43 (Pop-up)
Thirsty Boys  Psychic Highway   Favoriting         0:37:06 (Pop-up)
Camperdown & Out  Down & Out   Favoriting   Popfrenzy!  2013    0:39:41 (Pop-up)
Half Japanese  I Live for Love   Favoriting The Band That Would Be King  50,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,008 watts  1989    0:41:51 (Pop-up)
Belmondo  Girlfriend's Revenge   Favoriting Going Against Maz's Advice (V/A)  Four Letter Words  1995    0:44:38 (Pop-up)
Fat Tulips  Last to Know   Favoriting Nostalgia  Vinyl Japan  1992    0:46:34 (Pop-up)
Magnetic Fields  100,000 Fireflies   Favoriting Distant Plastic Trees  Red Flame  1991    0:57:42 (Pop-up)
People Like Us & Ergo Phizmiz  Moon   Favoriting     2013  *   1:01:16 (Pop-up)
ONRA  Hope   Favoriting Chinoiseries        1:04:22 (Pop-up)
Cannanes  Bumper   Favoriting Small Batch  Explosion Robinson  2013  *   1:06:08 (Pop-up)
Icky Boyfriends  Muffin   Favoriting Frank's Mom/Muffins 7"  C&P Records  1991    1:09:12 (Pop-up)
Scaley Andrew  I Don't Wanna Reach Nirvana   Favoriting Wakefield. The TeenBeat Story Vol. 4  TeenBeat  1995    1:10:58 (Pop-up)
Idle Times  Driving You Sad   Favoriting Get Your Feet Off The Ground 7"  Woodsist  2009    1:13:37 (Pop-up)
Home Blitz  AC S.S.   Favoriting Apocalyptic Grades 2005 AD  Self Released  2005    1:16:52 (Pop-up)
Happy Cadavers  Nothing New   Favoriting With Illustrations 7"  Undefined  1982    1:18:26 (Pop-up)
These Are Powers  Nubians on Franklin Ave   Favoriting Terrific Seasons  Hoss Records  2007    1:21:10 (Pop-up)
The Flying Lizards  TV   Favoriting The Flying Lizards  Virgin  1979    1:23:06 (Pop-up)
Gen Ken Montgomery  Call Me   Favoriting Postcards  Vinyl-on-Demand  2013  *   1:27:00 (Pop-up)
A Sunny Day in Glasgow  How Does Somebody Say When They Like You?   Favoriting Autumn, Again  Misojos-Discos  2010    1:29:37 (Pop-up)
Unbunny  Super Sonic   Favoriting The Willis Files  -esque Records  199?    1:34:14 (Pop-up)
Huggy Bear  Katholic Kunt   Favoriting Rubbing the Impossible to Burst  Wiiija  1992    1:37:14 (Pop-up)
Clarence  Come on Over   Favoriting         1:39:59 (Pop-up)
Kitchen's Floor  Bitter Defeat   Favoriting Bitter Defeat  Negative Guest List  2012  *   1:41:30 (Pop-up)
Monopoly Child Star Searchers  The Garnet Toucan   Favoriting The Garnet Toucan  Underwater Peoples  2013  *   1:44:34 (Pop-up)
Black Moth Super Rainbow  Rollerdisco   Favoriting Dandelion Gum  Graveface  2007    1:50:11 (Pop-up)
Chris Imler  Tanzen   Favoriting Vorwärts 7"  Meeuw Muzak      1:52:42 (Pop-up)
Robyn Hitchcock  I Something You   Favoriting   K  1995    2:06:08 (Pop-up)
Shannon & the Clams  Ozma   Favoriting Ozma 7"  1-2-3-4 Go!    *   2:09:23 (Pop-up)
Cotton Candy  Union Square   Favoriting         2:12:41 (Pop-up)
The Mayfields  Out to Sea   Favoriting         2:13:42 (Pop-up)
Blues Control  Glen Fandango   Favoriting A Full Tank  Managing Expectations  2007    2:16:27 (Pop-up)
ESG  Dance   Favoriting A South Bronx Story  Universal Sound  2000    2:22:27 (Pop-up)
Moon Duo  Scars (Sonic Boom remix)   Favoriting   Sacred Bones    *   2:27:45 (Pop-up)
Alastair Galbraith  Yuhahi Coast Road   Favoriting Hey Drag City (V/A)  Drag City  1994    2:31:24 (Pop-up)
Death by Milkfloat  Vagrancy   Favoriting Uninformation  Vinyl Drip International  1989    2:33:59 (Pop-up)
The Field Mice  So Said Kay   Favoriting Skywriting  LTM  2005    2:40:29 (Pop-up)
Unrest  Imperial   Favoriting Imperial f.f.r.r.  TeenBeat  1992    2:45:44 (Pop-up)
The Summer Hits  Beaches & Canyons   Favoriting         2:53:15 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 9:04am

Good morning, Faye!

Hello Faye
Avatar 9:04am

Voilà !
And bonjour Faye !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:04am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Hello to the children!
Avatar 9:05am

Well, this will do for breakfast.
Avatar 9:06am
fred von helsing:

OMG this is like Faceborg but with much more mutants !
Avatar 9:06am

Hello friends!!
Avatar 9:07am

(i know it might come out weird, but i love how my Octopus is coming out on this playlist)
Avatar 9:08am
other david:

Well if this isn't nice, I don't know what is...
Avatar 9:08am

is that a tentacle in your pocket, or are you just happy to see us?
Avatar 9:09am

I'm very happy to wave all of my tentacles at you guys !
Avatar 9:10am
fred von helsing:

Aw jeez it's been up less than four hours and we have tentacle pr0n already
Avatar 9:11am
other david:

I fear Faye's shows are just going to wind up having each and every song favourited..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:12am

Hello children, and grownups. It looks like that big yellow thing that used to be in the sky may be making a guest appearance today.
TV's WFMU Listener 8442:


hi faye and all listeners
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:13am

This FMU thing is gonna get even weirder now that we find out the listeners have tentacles, are pirates etc.

hi Faye! whoa, looks like I need a damned avatar to play for keeps around here!
Avatar 9:14am

and i'm a tyrannosaur with guns.
Avatar 9:14am

this whole thing is very intense & scary but I think it may be good!?
Avatar 9:15am

@ Duke : by "etc" you meant Ladybug ?
Avatar 9:15am

I'm one-month old.

WTF is going on in here!?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:16am

Parq, There aint no yellow thing in the sky. That's an urban legend.

so where is this registration page anyways?
Avatar 9:17am
Cheri Pi:

Hello Faye, Hello Faye's Children.

Who let that Ken guy in here?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:17am

I woke up like this one morning. I have hired some Kafka guy to write my autobiography.
Avatar 9:17am

I remember when Internet started, everybody was like "i'll be able to play chess with a guy in Japan or something"
Now look at us, look at what we've become !!
Avatar 9:18am
fred von helsing:

I'm not a pirate I'm SNAKE FUCKING PLISSKEN !

aha, I figured it out
Avatar 9:19am

you should all come to porto alegre, the big yellow thing in the sky is showing up here in all its fiery, burning and melting glory.

Excited to discover who I might be this morning.
Avatar 9:20am

I'm presently in Chicago. I do not think any yellow orbs will be making appearances today.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:21am

What is this yellow thing you're talking about? There's a slightly brighter spot in the grey.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:21am

Ken, you mean the yellow thing in the sky is going to steal my kidney?
Avatar 9:21am

I figured out how to have DCE figure it out, figures, just as I was going to figure it out.
Avatar 9:24am

(Can't wait to see BSI in here)

your figure is fine, I'm sure, ngh
Avatar 9:24am
fred von helsing:

for n00bs:
- There is a new link at the top to register.
- You don't need to have a picture ready now - you can add it later.
- But the username you register with - it can't be changed later.
- If you want to post under a pseudonym, you have to log out to do it, then log back in. Saved passwords are your friend.
- Once you're logged in, you can click on stars next to songs and they get added to your permanent record. ("record"... geddit?)
- But DJs can't see star activity in real time.
- Comments take longer to appear now, so don't panic.
- Kenzo is a miracle worker who probably uses WFMU Miracle Soap.
Avatar 9:24am
TV's WFMU Listener 8442:

Yeah! Avatar fun!
Avatar 9:25am

It's a brave new world, chilluns.
Avatar 9:26am

Avatar 9:26am

Welllll WELL. Friendship Society is GO?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:27am

Sweet, just went through and added half the schedule to "favorites"
Avatar 9:27am

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:27am

Oh man, no more math? I'll do my own math on the side.

Four hours uptime! I've just about finished downloading Wikipedia and the CDC database and then I'll get to work on cleansing this planet.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:28am

Ahhhh. There I am. Sort of.
Avatar 9:28am

Avatar 9:28am

Pierre! King of the fathomless ocean!
Avatar 9:29am

I'm grateful for my kind commenting society during this rite of passage
Avatar 9:30am
fred von helsing:

Widowspeak is GREAT
Avatar 9:31am

SNAKE PLISSKEN?! I heard you were dead!
Avatar 9:32am

Ça va!
Not Logged In:

Just seeing how the new system works :-) I can do fourth grade math :-)
Avatar 9:32am
fred von helsing:

That raid on Moscow was a bitch and three quarters
Avatar 9:33am

@ BSI : (blushing)
Avatar 9:34am

the male/female vocal on this song reminds me of heavenly's 'c is the heavelyn option'.
Avatar 9:34am
Cheri Pi:

Favoriting this song fer sure!
Avatar 9:35am

favoriting all the songs so far.

The Iceage guy's vocals sound so much better on record than live. Autotune?
Avatar 9:36am

after that last movie, i'm pretty sure his career is dead.
Avatar 9:37am

Clearly I need to gin together an avatar that plays nicer at smallness. Identity is a work in progress, it would seem.
Avatar 9:37am
fred von helsing:

for n00bs p.s.:
- Song stars not only work in the future they'll work on past playlists too, but not all past playlists will get them right away.
- (All facts as reported by Kenzo et al. at the glorious glamorous launch earlier this morning where an elite strike force of Julie listeners ran the system thru the wringer.)
Recording Engineer:

@Ahmad: Only his hairdresser knows for sure.
Avatar 9:38am
Cheri Pi:

I agree Ahmad, and the labels on my record are reversed, which I think is always a nice touch.
Avatar 9:39am

i'd use tonetta as an avatar, but people might think it's me.
Avatar 9:39am

i like it when the stars turns around
Avatar 9:40am
Dave E:

Greetings Earthlings!
Avatar 9:43am
TV's WFMU Listener 8442:

The favorite feature is awesome! No more copy n pasting it to a sticky note for later reference!
And no more math because math is hard..
Avatar 9:44am
Dave E:

No more math is good!
Avatar 9:44am
fred von helsing:

Danger, Will Robinson! I had a starred song unstar itself ona reload and then I starred it again and now it's in my fave list twice!
Avatar 9:45am
Dan B From Upstate:

I'm glad I get to toss the giant stack of post it notes of favorite songs I have on my desk.
Avatar 9:49am
fred von helsing:

@DanB yeah srsly !
Avatar 9:50am
TV's WFMU Listener 8442:

@Fred.. well, maybe that just means it's your favorite favorite.

knowing myself, I will still write artists names down on little pieces of paper and stick them in my pocket for later research
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:51am

Sometimes I click on WFMU Home at the top but it doesn't go there.
Tom - K'way Bklyn:

hiya Fay hiya Kiddles, great set !! Wasn't Yo La Tengo on one of those late night tv shows?like Monday or Tuesday night missed it.

I guess I registered with my home email so I have to wait til then for...completion...
Chris from DC:

Can I be excused from my 10:00 meeting? Nice first set anyway. Sigh.
Avatar 9:54am
Chris M.:

i love the WFMU Friendship Society
Avatar 9:54am
Dave E:

I love this
kim (germland):

hi faye and all ...test test test

16 oz of vinegar? No wonder you're sick!

G'morning Ms Faye! Not much time to comment today...hope you feel better!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:58am
Glenn L:

Testing, woof 1, woof 2, testing....
Avatar 9:58am
Dan B From Upstate:

Someone yesterday mentioned that the new Yo La Tengo is on Amazon mp3 for $5. Just thought it beared repeating. (Not a pun on my avatar. I promise.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:58am
Liz Berg:

Nice! I've been on a Magnetic Fields kick lately. Shout out to all of our friendship society homies!
Avatar 9:59am

I always figured if I can't remember a band or song, then it wasn't worth remembering. The problem w/ favoriting on WFMU, is that mostly everything favoritable.

Magnetic Fields!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:00am
Andrew Waterloo:

Good morning
Avatar 10:00am
fred von helsing:

Maybe it bore repeating (not a pun : )
Avatar 10:00am

Liz !

(I must say, I've been in this Magnetic Fields sort of kick to as well, mainly with the "holiday" album)
Avatar 10:00am

Liz Berg?! Hello everyone! Hard to keep up with all y'all today! Enjoy yourselves!

I was kind of hoping if you clicked someone's avatar you could see their bio or something. maybe that's in the near future.
Avatar 10:02am
fred von helsing:

@DCE sure it works. not for you ?
Ben Bonner:

How do I join the Friendship Society? I used to make lists of songs I liked, then got tech savvy lately and started doing it with Evernote. But now I don't even have to write it down?!?! Where is this heaven?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:02am
Ken From Hyde Park:

@DCE - Maybe that feature works when you activate your login? It works for me.
WFMU Friendship Society Tech Support:

Please hold the line. Your call will be answered in the order it was received. We are SO WASTED.
Avatar 10:03am
kim (germland):

where's my pic test...
Avatar 10:04am
Dan B From Upstate:

Is bore the past tense of bear? Huh. Today I learned...
Avatar 10:04am

@DCE : yeah, it has got to do with the login, "'cause it works for me to.
Avatar 10:04am
fred von helsing:

@BenB Scroll up, I wrote stuff for n00bs in a couple places.
Christopher in Chinatown:

i LOVE this song! way to go with onra

Just noticed this article on WCBN. I remember the Reagan broadcast. http://michigantoday.umich.edu/story.php?id=8521
Scott in FL:

loving today's show
Jimi H:

This Friendship Society thing is so cool I just had to come back from the dead to check it out.

Thanks for the great set to get the day going!
Avatar 10:12am

Thanks Scott!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:12am

Friendship Society! Whee!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:13am
Liz Berg:

Pierre, Holiday is my absolute fave Magnetic Fields album!
Avatar 10:13am

...and thank you lopez!

ok, I gotcha
Avatar 10:18am

Revelation: I am starting a band called "Sheppy & Company". All of our members are caterpillars.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:19am

amEdeo: the fuzzy kind of caterpillars?
Avatar 10:20am

Some of them are very fuzzy. Some of them are scary and pointy. It is also a Suicide cover band.
Avatar 10:20am

Good morning Faye. Hi, Liz, amEdeo, fellow clubbies/
Avatar 10:21am
fred von helsing:

@amEdeo if yer into Suicide also check out Tearist
Avatar 10:22am

Good morning hello KP.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:22am

Please someone use this pic for their avatar www.flickr.com...
Avatar 10:23am

@FVH: Consider it done and doner, Snake!

This is the perfect way to start a shit day of classes that start at 11. SO many thanks.

Coming in to work early for overtime means I get a rare Hello Children live and in real time!! Wooohooo!! You rule, Faye.
Avatar 10:24am

the wfmu friendship society - decreasing productivity since 2013.

Hooray for the Flying Lizards! I have this on vinyl.
It's very very very very
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:24am
Andrew Waterloo:

@duke that is pretty fantastic
Avatar 10:26am
other david:

I think I'm gonna break the favourites database shortly
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:27am

some here will be interested -- an article in today's U of Mich alumni newsletter on the history of WCBN...

Avatar 10:28am

Never knew Gen Ken did pop.
Avatar 10:29am

it's news to all of us, ngh
Avatar 10:29am
fred von helsing:

@amEdeo If you don't do it within four hours this bomb in my neck is gonna go off

Behold! Five hours uptime and no rebooty call. Kenzo will get some surprising refunds in his credit card bill.

sports-fan next to me won't shut up about some Notre Dame scandal about a made-up girlfriend or whatever. Couldn't be less interested.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:30am
Scott Williams:

Gen Ken! Faye K!
Avatar 10:31am

@FVH: I'll talk to Lee Van Cleef about it, see if you can get an extension.
Avatar 10:31am

Avatar 10:32am

welcome to the future!
Avatar 10:33am

Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:33am
Scott Williams:

Lookin' good, amEdeo!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:33am

@DCE Maybe that ND guy with the made up gf found her here imaginarygirlfriends.com
  Swag For Life Member 10:34am

I just say, "Hey Faye, I like you."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:34am
Scott Williams:

keeping 1 foot firmly mired in the mud, BSI, we gotta get outta this place!
Avatar 10:36am

it's the neo-golden age, baby!
what don't kill us makes us weirder!
Avatar 10:36am

aw thanks 12539!
Avatar 10:36am

You too Scott, nice mantis pose!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:36am

As a fellow member of the class insecta, I salute Scott's choice of pic.
Avatar 10:37am

Hi ya there, Scott.
Avatar 10:38am

Ok. I gotta go into the other room now. BUT I WILL STILL BE LISTENING. EAT BREAKFAST EVERYONE! DON'T FORGET! It's important. Eat good foods.
Avatar 10:39am
Dave B:

All your bass are belong to us.
Avatar 10:40am
fred von helsing:

@amEdeo without me there's no sequels
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:40am
Scott Williams:

how the heck do i make friends with you people? promise not to chew off your head
Avatar 10:41am
Cheri Pi:

This is Haircut One Hundredy, and I like it
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:41am

Is amEdeo gone? Ah. Now, where did I leave that jelly donut?
Avatar 10:41am
Dave B:

1: click username to go to profile
2: click star at top of profile
3: ...
Avatar 10:41am
Cheri Pi:

click on our stars SW!
Avatar 10:41am
fred von helsing:

@scott deposit 500 in tens in a brown paper bag and leave it in the dumpster behind the station
Avatar 10:42am

Good morning, Cheri Pi!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:43am
Scott Williams:

thanks CP! look out world, I'm coming to click on yer stars...
Avatar 10:43am
Cheri Pi:

Hey there KP! I starred you
Avatar 10:44am

"Every man and woman is a star."
--Crazy Legs Crowley
Avatar 10:45am

@Parq: I came back just to spite you with donuts. I can't even eat them. Wait no, here you go. Just take them. I want an omelette. And potatoes.
Avatar 10:48am
Cheri Pi:

Everybody Is a Star- Sly & the Family Stone
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:48am

Fried potatoes, amEdo? Tut tut, not a whole lot of wholesome there.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:49am

Morning everybody!
Avatar 10:49am

tater tuts?
Avatar 10:50am

Home fries Parq, HOME FRIES!!!

thanks for the black moth!
Avatar 10:51am

Ken hi *_* my pleasure, common!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:53am

good morning everyone, i'm loving how colorful the comments board looks, like a bowl of fruity pebbles
Avatar 10:54am
fred von helsing:

or Lucky Charms! with delicious rainbow-colored MUTANTS !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:56am

aw man, I can't believe I have to wait a whole week for my first show with the Friendship Society in effect! I love seeing everyone's avatars on the comments!
Avatar 10:58am
fred von helsing:

Snake Plissken and Ann Magnusson, I want to see that movie. Is it a musical or a Greek tragedy ?
Avatar 10:58am
Bad Ronald:

Yes, this is fun. Lovely show Faye, thanks!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:58am

For those of you who may not have heard, WFMU has a new FM station on the air covering Rockland County NY, and then some. Here is my hand scrawled mappie: blogfiles.wfmu.org...
Avatar 10:59am
TV's WFMU Listener 8442:

Read that article about WCBN. Does every college radio station have exactly the same lobby decor? michigantoday.umich.edu... Busted, ugly but comfy couch, wood paneling, whiteboards and band stickers on every surface. Cause that pic looks exactly like my alma mater's station lobby did in the 90's..
Avatar 11:00am

@Ken - did Karen ever find the signal last night on 7SD? Had to reenter the world before the thrilling conclusion...
Avatar 11:01am

@listener 8442: good point. It could also be WMUC in college park, md. Except I remember that couch as being so filthy I wouldn't touch it with anything but FIRE.
Avatar 11:02am

@Lewis, i was wondering the same thing. Had to bail on the show right as she was getting in the car & heading west...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:02am

@Ken - please extend your domination further up the Hudson. Radio sucks up here.
listener mark:

Good morning children.
Good morning Faye.

Hahaha I was on the phone when that Home Blitz sounding track was on and not paying attention to the playlist and totally thought that was Home Blitz!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:02am

@8842: I remember that green couch. It looked grubbier in person. *I* never sat on it. How much DNA must have soaked into it...
Avatar 11:03am
fred von helsing:

@BSI isn't every college radio sofa full of burn marks´?

I'm guessing the couch in question gained sentience at some point and just walked away?
Avatar 11:05am
fred von helsing:

New transmitter! New chatboard! Who says there's no such thing as progress in this world?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:05am
Liz Berg:

I've been tempted to travel around the U.S. taking pictures of scummy college radio station couches.

I have a crush on People Like Us too.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:05am

Most likely, DCE. Who would have touched it to carry it out?
Avatar 11:10am
fred von helsing:

The Hazmat Chronicles: A Year of Couchsurfing at College Radio Stations
Avatar 11:11am
Dave B:

Crusty Couches best served like this:

That's great about the new Rockland frequency! It would be nice to listen to FMU in that area. There's always a gap between picking up the 91.1 and 90.1 in the mountains through there.
Avatar 11:13am
fred von helsing:

@DaveB that's awesome
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:16am

whoa, was that Best Show sample at the end of the last song or the start of this one?
Avatar 11:18am
TV's WFMU Listener 8442:

I swear that pic was from WHRW. I was young an nieve and used to nap on our station couch when I picked up a late nite/early AM free slot. Then other DJs recounted the long, um.. "rich" history of things that happened to or upon that couch. I was traumatized.

I had two opportunities to pick this record up in person and I failed both times. Regrets!
Avatar 11:18am
Dave B:

Will It Shred?

Why yes it will!

(the hippie beetle is my favorite: www.youtube.com...)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:21am
Glenn L:

Blues Control!
Avatar 11:21am

8442 I used to be on WHRW!
Avatar 11:23am
fred von helsing:

Avatar 11:23am
TV's WFMU Listener 8442:

Avatar 11:23am

Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:24am

If you all are going to talk about WHRW then you're going to make me wish I had a spiedie.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:24am

@Dave B That was pretty awesome. Cool suit on the hippie dude too.
Joe D.:

shoutouts to all the dancers
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:25am
Andrew Waterloo:

Office clean-up must be the highlight of the year for these SSI guys.
Tom - K'way Bklyn:

This is sooo cool now !

Six hours uptime ALL BOW DOWN BEFORE ME 'cept Kenzo of course
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:26am

8442, I doubt there's a college radio station couch in America that hasn't seen that kind of action.

B23 here! Hello Faye! Hello FMUers!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:27am

Avatar 11:29am

Well hello Faye and all subscribers.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:29am
Andrew Waterloo:

Is my comfy-couch in danger?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:30am

so much to LOOK AT

Lewis, she did get the signal omce she reached the Palisades or the Thruway. It doesnt come in well along the west bank of the Hudson - 91.9 comes in better on the east bank of the Hudson, so Peelskill, Cold Spring, Ossining etc.
Avatar 11:30am

arf, I have to go out, which means i'll be able to comment, but not under that lovely octopussy's form…
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:31am
Tom K'way B'klyn:

great coverage now I can get fancy antenna and won't have to steal wif-fi from the bears in the park anymore,.,.,.

Doh! Logged me out! That's what I get for doing actual WORK!
Avatar 11:32am
fred von helsing:

OK how about a WFMU CHARM BRACELET made of listener avatars ? Yours FREE with a donation of three or more goats !
Avatar 11:34am
listener mark:

Public Service Announcement !!
Icicles are not snowballs.
Avatar 11:35am
Dave B:

little tiny WFMU netsukes!
Avatar 11:36am
TV's WFMU Listener 8442:

It was one of the highlights of college to have apprenticed with Dan Jan on The Ethnic Melodies Show.. I wonder if they still have the 8-track cart machine for PSAs...
Avatar 11:38am
fred von helsing:

8-track cart machines: we know they shred, but will they blend ?
Avatar 11:40am

Stars! I see stars!

Avatar 11:41am

When I was there I used the 8 track for PSA's! & the John Lennon station ID
Avatar 11:42am
fred von helsing:

Doesn't the launch of a new chatboard call for something by RUSH
Chris from DC:

Aw yeah, back just in time for the Field Mice.
Avatar 11:44am

Jeff I recognize that charismatic face in your avatar!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:44am

What the hell is going on in here?!?
Avatar 11:45am
fred von helsing:

@DaveB help me out here !
Dave B:

When in doubt - side one of 2112!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:48am
Tom K'way B'klyn:

I guess I was a hi-fi snob back in the day I never owned an 8 track player or tape for that matter..,.,
Dave B:

I juke that one at my local gin joint for a single credit. Nothing clears a room out quicker than Geddy Lee's shrill voice.

Made in time for the close...damn. Gonna have to start from the beginning, but wanted to say HI!!
Alicia Renee:

oh *wow*
I hadn't known how much I missed this song.
Or Unrest.
Or that my morning, clearly, *required* this.
Thank You Faye!
Avatar 11:52am

Rush: <shiver>
Avatar 11:53am
fred von helsing:

Stairway to the Stars / Thruway to the Bar
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:54am

Ken, do you guys actually *own* W219DQ? How did that happen? That's awesome!
Dave B:

@Jeff - as we refer to it on Underwater Theme Park...


Wow, chatboard volumes jump when humanoids can see themselves. Of course, Faceborg knew that already.
  Swag For Life Member 11:55am

Thanks, Faye!
Avatar 11:56am

Great show asperusual Faye!
Avatar 11:57am
TV's WFMU Listener 8442:

Thank you Faye! Thank you WFUM Friendship Society! The awesome just got more awesomer this AM!

Quickest three hours of the week.
Avatar 11:57am
Dan B From Upstate:

This was fun!
Avatar 11:58am
listener mark:

Great news about the new signal. ~~~ 90.1 Mount Hope, NY comes in loud and clear in the parking lot of The Beth El Woods Performance Center.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:58am
Andrew Waterloo:

2112 on 8-track played through a portable
Avatar 11:58am

Over too soon.
Avatar 11:58am
listener mark:

Thanks Faye, I'm ready for the rest of my Thursday.
Avatar 12:02pm

oeps too late was great!

thanks for this
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:57pm
Cooh John:

How you shift the spacetime fabric. You played a song by the band Little Black Egg. You played a song called Nightcrawlers. My grandfather who worked at a radio station gave me an album by The Nightcrawlers that had their hit song Little Black Egg. !?!?!?!?!
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