Favoriting Put The Needle On The Record with Billy Jam: Playlist from January 11, 2013 Favoriting

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Hip-hop and rap, that's where my heart's at. But I'll play anything so long as it ain't crap!

Friday 7 - 8pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting January 11, 2013: Put The Needle On The Hip-Hop Pioneer Grandmaster Caz

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year New Approx. start time
DJ ALF  Put the needle on the record intro theme   Favoriting   WFMU  2007     
The Quakers  What Chew Want feat Tone Tank   Favoriting         0:01:43 (Pop-up)
Tone Tank  Bazooka Rap   Favoriting   Modern Shark  2012  *   0:03:38 (Pop-up)
Tone Tank  Shake Your Rump-ah   Favoriting     2012    0:07:45 (Pop-up)
The Beastie Boys  Shake Your Rump   Favoriting         0:09:51 (Pop-up)
Kool G Rap & DJ Polo  Road to Riches   Favoriting         0:13:02 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Hydroponic Sound System (turntable by Rerog) 

Blue notes for the puma set   Favoriting

Revenge Of The B-Boy 

Bomb Hip-Hop 



0:16:48 (Pop-up)
Grandmaster Caz WFMU interview            0:22:24 (Pop-up)
Grandmaster Caz  ayayaya   Favoriting         0:28:10 (Pop-up)
Grandmaster Caz WFMU interview            0:30:10 (Pop-up)
cold crush brothers vs fantastic five  wild style movie   Favoriting         0:35:24 (Pop-up)
Grandmaster Caz WFMU interview            0:37:55 (Pop-up)
Grandmaster Caz  freestyle from Art of Rap movie   Favoriting     2012    0:39:34 (Pop-up)
Grandmaster Caz WFMU interview            0:41:12 (Pop-up)
Grandmaster Caz  on the mic at Tools of War Park Jam summer 2012   Favoriting         0:44:47 (Pop-up)
Grandmaster Caz WFMU interview            0:45:51 (Pop-up)
Cold Crush Brothers @ Harlem World  Yes Yes Y'all   Favoriting         0:47:44 (Pop-up)
Grandmaster Caz WFMU interview            0:49:15 (Pop-up)
Grandmaster Caz WFMU freestyle            0:52:35 (Pop-up)
Cold Crush Brothers vs Fantastic Five  live at Harlem World 1981   Favoriting         0:53:11 (Pop-up)
Grandmaster Caz  The Art of Rap Freestyle - off the soundtrack CD   Favoriting     2012    0:58:14 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 6:31pm
Bily Jam:

The term "hip-hop pioneer" is often too casually bandied about and, frankly, misused when referring to various hip-hop artists. However in the case of Grandmaster Caz (aka Cassanova Fly) who began his hip-hop career four decades ago - attending a Kool Herc party in the Boogie Down Bronx back in 1974 - the term pioneer is most applicable. A emcee and a DJ he has been consistently involved in the culture of hip-hop since the culture began. In fact he and his crew the Cold Crush Brothers were highly instrumental in laying the groundwork for the global phenomenon that is hip-hop today. However both he has not always gotten the props he deserves: example not getting credited for writing the verse that Big Bank Hank rapped in the groundbreaking Sugarhill Gang hit single "Rapper's Delight." "Caz has been described as The Robert Johnson of rap," said Paul Toogood - the producer of recent hip-hop documentary "Something From Nothing: The Art Of Rap" that Caz was the unexpected star of - because of the scarcity of recorded music by this highly influential hip-hop emcee. Caz is the main MC at the Tools of War Park Jams every summer in NYC and he is always so full of energy and his vibe is always nothing but pure hip-hop through and through. For a long time I have wanted to have him on WFMU and was going to have him come into the studio here in Jersey City but then decided to travel to him - to his home in the Bronx (the home of hip-hop) to capture just the right vibe in his space. As it turned out we did the interview in the same room of his home where we he filmed his segments for the recently released documentary "The Art of Rap: Something from Nothing" - of which he was the surprise star. That movie appearance led to the publication of "Written: The Lyrics of Grandmaster Caz" - the newly published book of his lyrics, all from his original handwritten notebooks. I bought a copy from him and had him sign it as well as my DVD copies of "The Art of Rap" and "Wild Style" - the legendary hip-hop movie that he and the Cold Crush appear in. All of these topics are covered in the interview aired today. Thanks for listening and thanks to Christie Z Pabon (Tools of War) for assistance in setting up the interview with this hip-hop legend for W F M U.
Avatar 6:38pm
Bily Jam:

PS will also be playing some music by previous show guest (twice he's been on this show live) Tone Tank from Brooklyn who is one of the most underrated talented mofos out there today -
Eons One:

GMC! BX! Word Billy!

Big Ups Big Bill. This Tone Tank cat is ridiculous. BUMP IT

Great start today, cuhhhhz! Finally get to listen live.

Great start to the show, and considering the topic, I suspect it'll only get better.

Awwwwww, hells jeyeah B!

awww yeaaa! loving this show, great to hear Billy interview the legendary Grandmaster Caz!

Such a great scene! Sounding good, Mr. Jam, great interview!
Johnny Bigfoot:


Awesome interview, thanks!
Eons One:

Epic show, Billy.

This has been fabulous! Thanks, BJ & GMC!
Avatar 2:53pm

Classic show , top music , top living legend interview. Great questions from Billy and great answers from Grandmaster Caz . F'kin ace.
Thankings for the Arrrchives, I was away snowboarding when this show aired live. been really lookin forward to listening to it.
Cheering Billy Jam . cheering the archives
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