Favoriting Miracle Nutrition with Hearty White: Playlist from January 8, 2013 Favoriting

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Southern inspirational dada.

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Favoriting January 8, 2013: Miracle Nutrition with Hearty White

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Artist Approx. start time
Hearty White  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Hearty White  0:17:40 (Pop-up)
Hearty White  0:41:26 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 7:01pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Hello, hail and well-met Hearty folks!
Avatar 7:01pm
Philo Gristle:

Virtual donuts, arugula and whisky! Party on, Hearty!
Avatar 7:01pm
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

doggone it.
Avatar 7:03pm
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

I got an eyeful once, riding a bike, methinks it was not good luck.
Avatar 7:04pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Guess it's just us hicks, Philo. :,
Avatar 7:05pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

That your better half, Hearty?
Avatar 7:06pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Is this a repeat? Or does Hearty talk about Merton every week?
Mike East:

ugh...I have my speakers cranked and I still can't hear over the wedding band rehearsing in the studio next to my office. Please folks, if you have a band playing contemporary and classic pop hits at your wedding, please don't invite me.
Avatar 7:07pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Believe I read they are closing down something at Gethsemane.

Why do they call it eavesdropping? is it a kind of guano?
Avatar 7:08pm
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

Hiya Mike!
Avatar 7:08pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Howdy, Mr. Eastwater! We've been seeing a ton of films lately -- library suddenly had a lot available right after the holidays.
Willspear Shakesass:

I believe it's a reference to folks hanging off the eaves of roofs to listen in on the neighborhood.
Mike East:

hey guys! nice year end movie pics on yer blog, Philo. You gave me a couple things I need to checkout. Honey, let me know about anything I need to be watching. and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! :)

Thanks Billy!
Avatar 7:14pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Oh, yeah, thanks, Mike! We actually went out to eat last Friday! I enjoy cooking, but it *is* nice to get out of the kitchen once in a blue moon. :)

Managed to see Matthew Mahogany twice in less than a fortnight: Magic Mike (NOT as good as I'd been led to believe) and Killer Joe (about exactly what I expected: very good).
Avatar 7:15pm
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

Thanks Mike!! Lucky thirteen. And what Honey said. Just don't eat fried chicken before you see Killer Joe.
Devin Gristlewater:

Throat a'crackling. I am at home, making soup. Hello friends.
Willspear Shakesass:

...If the conversation is long and engaging an "eaves dropper" is forced to relieve themselves on the roof and the waste that would fall to the street is referred to as an "eavesdropping". So, I guess your right Bubba. Thou art swift!
Avatar 7:16pm
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

Sorry to hear that, Mr. Gristlewater! But soup sounds good.
Mike East:

I've got leftover split pea for dinner.
Avatar 7:18pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Mr. Shakesass, you might get a kick from how I cobbled together your folio in rhythm and rhyme here: tinyurl.com...
PJ Proby:

I split my pants.
Avatar 7:18pm
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

Split pea, leftover or not, is always good. With some extra mustard innit, tho.
Devin Gristlewater:

A big thank you to my wonderful friend out there in Jersey who has stepped in for me.
Avatar 7:19pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Ooooh, Devin... Here are some healing vibes wafted your way }}}}}}}}} Get some sleep, my friend!!
Devin Gristlewater:

I could go for some Split Pea soup right about now... might just do it. Shame they take so long to cook.

Has anyone ever baked Tempeh? CAN you even bake Tempeh? WHY am I capitalizing Tempeh?
Avatar 7:22pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

@Devin: Actually split peas are comparatively fast in the legume family. But a clear broth sounds like it might be better for a bad throat.
Avatar 7:23pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Sometimes I have a hot tempeh, I'm told.
Avatar 7:23pm
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

I bet you can bake it, but no idea whether you should! You CAN fry it. According to wikipedia. Which is always reliable.
Mike East:

I'm sure you can bake tempeh, Devin...I've only ever deep fried it, though, so I have no tips.
Willspear Shakesass:

Brilliant Honey U, spot on! Had I been alive at the time, I would've worked Wolfie's "Leck mich im Arsch" into a production. Keep up the good work!
Avatar 7:28pm
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

Don't pay the ferryman, just play the doggone theremin.
Avatar 7:28pm
Devin Gristlewater:

I know about throwing it in the old frying pan, done it plenty of times. Idea of fried anything sounds a bit.... disagreeable to me at the moment.

But yeah, gotta be able to just throw it in... hmmm wonder how hot to make that oven. Thanks everyone!
Avatar 7:28pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

@WS: Why, thank you, sir! Ballad of the Bard's innuendo is tamer but it has also been more publishable over the years. (P. 12 / same place)
Avatar 7:29pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Devin, you can't have chicken broth, right? That would be what I'd recommend but for a vegan, not at all sure. Lemon and honey, of course.
Avatar 7:31pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

@Devin: Yes, fried is not good for a sore throat. :,
Avatar 7:32pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Yes, Hearty! We loved Triplets of Belleville!
Avatar 7:32pm
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

Yep, with they made the sequel allready. Quadruplets.
Avatar 7:33pm
Devin Gristlewater:

Yeah, I'm vegetarian. Just eating vegetables and drinking juice and tea. Going to break out the honey in a little bit.

And thanks for that tip, I had no idea fried was not good for the throat. I tend to avoid it most of the time, but will break out the pan on occasion for tempeh.
Mike East:

I'd go 350-375, Devin (just a guess). Saw Triplets of Belleville in the theater. It was the best film I saw that year, I think.
Avatar 7:36pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Devin, I'd also not go with crunchy or raw veggies until the throat's healed. Cook them nice and soft, maybe puree them.
Avatar 7:37pm
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

Yep, it's been a few years and we only saw it on dvd, but it was a full-on delight!
Johnny Bigfoot:

Right; look, listen and learn Hearty. Look, listen and learn...
Avatar 7:42pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

@Devin: Two more tips: If your throat's really sore, put a 1/2 tsp. of salt in a glass of warm water and gargle with it.

And if you just want a silly goof, listen to this little thing here: tinyurl.com... :)
a Fillyjonk:

My spirit animal is Grumpy Cat.
Avatar 7:46pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Mine is a meerkat.
Avatar 7:47pm
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

Mine is a squirrel.
Avatar 7:47pm
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

But a squirrel is not a mine.
Mike East:

Do animals have spirit people?
a Fillyjonk:

Imagine the poor dog whose spirit human is John Madden.
Avatar 7:50pm
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

Yes. I'm the spirit people of our friendly neighborhood squirrel, Rufus. The one-eyed little scalliwag.
Charlie Brown:

I got a rock.
Avatar 7:51pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

I think the WFMU building has a spirit animal in their lavatories: W. C. Fieldmouse.
a Fillyjonk:

There used to be a resident ghost of the Uncle Floyd show. The ghost of this woman who once owned the house they were in before it was moved whole and turned into a TV studio. She was found dead and stuffed up the chimney. NJ authorities declared it a suicide. Whenever something fell over or broke one of the Uncle Floyd crew would say "There's Mary!" (I think the name was Mary).

you are awesome!
Avatar 7:57pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Stuffed up a chimney declared a suicide? Yeah, that's NJ.
cosmic matrix:

SO GOOD!!!!!
cosmic matrix:

i love you
Avatar 8:00pm
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Thank you, Mr. White! Take care everyone!

that was very inspiring, thank you
Avatar 8:00pm
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

G'night, owl!
a Fillyjonk:

Thanks for the 'fellowship', Hearty.
Philthy woman:

thank you.
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