Sorry for the late start to the playlist, all.
And welcome to D:O 2013, New and Not Necessarily Improved, listener james, holland oats, duke, kat330, Doug S., Dervish, and the Count!
@bruceleh: Working on it. The next show will be a 2012 faves program (Jan 21), and next Monday (Jan 14) we'll have a select list of a few titles you might have missed in '12.
Thanks for the linkage, fellas! And very cool that you're playing some George Sams, as he's a St. Louis guy that lot of people don't know about. George now runs The Nu-Art Series, presenting live concerts a few times a year, and he has a YouTube channel with a lot of stuff that may appeal to D:O listeners/readers:
Here's the part where we see how many casual listeners we can get to turn off the stream.
you may have to wrench that cracked tooth and crack that wrenched back.
Doug S.:
No what the Hades are we supposed to do for the next 13 days until the next D:O Radio, huh? (And don't say, "Go listen the archives," because I want more More MORE.)
Tony Coulter is under the weather, so DDDJJJ666 (Thom Jones) will be doing an emergency fill-in. I don't mean to imply that Tony's situation is an emergency or anything, just the last-minute nature of the substitution.)
Speaking of emergencies, these fine Doctors of Sound are prepared to operate on you, STAT, coming up next right here on your 24-hour Drummer Stream:
Carlos Embales
Cachete Maldonado
Edu Lobo e Vinicius de Moraes
Altamiro Carrilho
Catherine Ribeiro & Alpes
Cowboy Copas
Moon Mullican
Bob Luman
The Blue Things
The Sensational Travelers
Letta Mbulu
Lata Mangeshkar
Ester Bigeou
Izinthombi Zesi Manje Manje
The Bill Dixon Orchestra
John Lindberg
Flora McNeil
Jimmy Mundy
and more
and more
and eternally more...
Thanks Jeff! I think it's been 6 weeks since I've been around on a Monday afternoon.
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Listener comments!
listener james from westwood:
Doug S.:
If anyone would like the two tracks from this 45rpm gem, email me.
holland oats:
Doug S.:
Hi, Jeff's and all!
Jeff G:
Jeff G:
And welcome to D:O 2013, New and Not Necessarily Improved, listener james, holland oats, duke, kat330, Doug S., Dervish, and the Count!
Dan in Seattle:
Doug S.:
Jeff G:
Jeff G:
Jeff G:
Jeff G:
Jeff G:
Doug S.:
Jeff G:
Dean M.:
Jeff G:
Dean M.:
listener james from westwood:
Doug S.:
You're sterotypographying again.
Jeff G:
Doug S.:
No what the Hades are we supposed to do for the next 13 days until the next D:O Radio, huh? (And don't say, "Go listen the archives," because I want more More MORE.)
Tony Coulter is under the weather, so DDDJJJ666 (Thom Jones) will be doing an emergency fill-in. I don't mean to imply that Tony's situation is an emergency or anything, just the last-minute nature of the substitution.)
Speaking of emergencies, these fine Doctors of Sound are prepared to operate on you, STAT, coming up next right here on your 24-hour Drummer Stream:
Carlos Embales
Cachete Maldonado
Edu Lobo e Vinicius de Moraes
Altamiro Carrilho
Catherine Ribeiro & Alpes
Cowboy Copas
Moon Mullican
Bob Luman
The Blue Things
The Sensational Travelers
Letta Mbulu
Lata Mangeshkar
Ester Bigeou
Izinthombi Zesi Manje Manje
The Bill Dixon Orchestra
John Lindberg
Flora McNeil
Jimmy Mundy
and more
and more
and eternally more...
Jeff G:
@ngh: Hope everything went well over the holidays?
listener james from westwood:
be well, all, or if you're not well, be better!
Jeff G: