Favoriting Tony Coulter: Playlist from January 1, 2013 Favoriting

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I play rhinoceros and psychedelic fork.

Tuesday Noon - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Favoriting January 1, 2013: Happy Newt's Ear

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Artist Track Album Label Year Approx. start time
THE IN-THEME          0:00:00 (Pop-up)
PIERROT LUNAIRE  Raipura   Favoriting Pierrot Lunaire  It  1974  0:01:54 (Pop-up)
THE THIRD POWER  Passed By   Favoriting Believe  Vanguard  1970  0:06:32 (Pop-up)
ARTI I MESTIERI  In Cammino   Favoriting Tilt  Cramps  1974  0:10:12 (Pop-up)
POLYROCK  Love Song   Favoriting Changing Hearts  RE: Wounded Bird  1981  0:15:42 (Pop-up)
NORMA WINSTONE  Song of Love   Favoriting Edge of Time  RE: Disconforme  1972  0:20:26 (Pop-up)
EDWARD VESALA  Maailman Reuna   Favoriting Mau-Mau  Johanna  1982  0:23:51 (Pop-up)
MAURIZIO GIAMMARCO & ANDREA CENTAZZO  Davanti e Oltra la Soglia   Favoriting Davanti e Oltra la Soglia  Vista  1974  0:26:02 (Pop-up)
ORA  Venetia II   Favoriting Ora  RE: Background  1969  0:34:20 (Pop-up)
PEKKA STRENG & TASAVALLAN PRESIDENTI  Laulu Hyonteisesta Joka Nukahti Ruusun Vuoteeseen   Favoriting Magneettimiehen Kuolema  Love  1970  0:36:30 (Pop-up)
NUCLEUS  Ballad of Joe Pimp   Favoriting We'll Talk About It Later  Vertigo  1971  0:38:19 (Pop-up)
MANFRED MANN CHAPTER THREE  Poor Sad Sue   Favoriting Volume 2  Vertigo  1970  0:42:02 (Pop-up)
ARTI I MESTIERI  Valzer per Domani   Favoriting Giro di Valzer per Domani  Cramps  1975  0:47:57 (Pop-up)
FOURTEEN OCTAVES  track 1 [Hebrew title]   Favoriting Fourteen Octaves  RE: Israphone  1975  0:50:12 (Pop-up)
GENCO PURO & CO.  Nebbia   Favoriting Area di Servizio  RE: Artis  1972  0:52:50 (Pop-up)
DANNY BEN ISRAEL  The War Of Uzik Pachnuzik   Favoriting Bullshit 3 1/4  RE: Mio  1970  0:55:49 (Pop-up)
CEM KARACA & KARDASLAR  Kara Sevda   Favoriting Kardaslar & Apaslar  RE: Guerssen  1973  1:00:31 (Pop-up)
ARTURO STALTERI  Mr. Underhill's Dance   Favoriting Early Rings: Compositions 1974–1975  MP  2005  1:08:46 (Pop-up)
MORGAN  Samarkhand the Golden   Favoriting Nova Solis  RE: Esoteric  1972  1:10:02 (Pop-up)
ART FLEURY  E = MC2 (La Collina del Timo)   Favoriting I Luoghi del Potere  RE: Die Schachtel  1980  1:18:04 (Pop-up)
VOX POPULI!  Joue Joue   Favoriting Vox Populi! [cassette]  Creations Alternatives  1988  1:23:07 (Pop-up)
DIE FORM & NULLA IPERREALE  La Vocazione Sospesa   Favoriting V.A.: Sensationnel No. 3/ No. 4 [double cassette]  Illusion Production  1985  1:27:22 (Pop-up)
DEDALUS  Leda   Favoriting Dedalus  RE: Vinyl Magic  1973  1:35:24 (Pop-up)
BUTTERFLY  No One Holds on Me   Favoriting Butterfly  RE: Repo Man  1968  1:42:42 (Pop-up)
BLUES SECTION  The Straight and Narrow (196?)   Favoriting 2  Love  1995  1:46:08 (Pop-up)
HYDRO-PYRO  The House of Yesterday (196?)   Favoriting V.A.: Psychedelic Moods, Part 4: The Final Act  Collectables  1995  1:47:48 (Pop-up)
ANDROMEDA  I Was Left Behind (197?)   Favoriting Definitive Collection  Angel Air  2000  1:49:44 (Pop-up)
EAST OF EDEN  The Ballad of Harvey Kaye (1968)   Favoriting V.A.: Talking About the Good Times, Vol. 1  RE: Past & Present  19??  1:53:19 (Pop-up)
WIMPLE WINCH  There's Not One Thing (196?)   Favoriting The Wimple Winch Story, 1963–1968  Bam-Caruso  1992  1:55:22 (Pop-up)
JOHN CALE  Amsterdam   Favoriting Vintage Violence  Columbia  1970  1:58:04 (Pop-up)
LA 1919  ?? [bonus mystery track]   Favoriting Giorni Felici  Materiali Sonori  1997  2:01:15 (Pop-up)
ALAN SORRENTI  Serenesse   Favoriting Come un Vecchio Incensiere all'Alba di un Villaggio Deserto  RE: Mellow  1973  2:04:45 (Pop-up)
BENE GESSERIT  On Protege Bien les Requins   Favoriting V.A.: 4 in 1, Vol. 3  EE Tapes  2012  2:08:36 (Pop-up)
PATRICK GIBSON  Bland A   Favoriting V.A.: Terrace Industry: M Squared Box 1980–1983  M-Squared/ Ascension  2010  2:18:53 (Pop-up)
KEUHKOT  Ajatus   Favoriting Minun Käy Sääliksi Bilharzialoista  Bad Vugum  2000  2:23:53 (Pop-up)
MAX GOLDT  Dieb der Verdeutlichung   Favoriting Restaurants Restaurants Restaurants  Funfundvierzig  1986  2:26:04 (Pop-up)
ERKKI KURENNIEMI  Nimeton (1971)   Favoriting Aanityksia: Recordings, 1963–1973  Love  2002  2:28:38 (Pop-up)
KLIMPEREI  Oh! He! Hein! Bon!   Favoriting V.A.: Objets Noirs et Choses Carrées: Nino Ferrer Revisited  Optical Sound  2012  2:31:20 (Pop-up)
STORMY SIX  Comizio A   Favoriting Cliche  L'Orchestra  1976  2:33:07 (Pop-up)
XX CENTURY ZORRO  District   Favoriting V.A.: Sensationnel No. 3/ No. 4 [double cassette]  Illusion Production  1985  2:35:21 (Pop-up)
PICCHIO DAL POZZO  Moderno Ballibele   Favoriting Abbiamo Tutti I Suoi Problemi  RE: ReR  1980  2:37:44 (Pop-up)
MAZE 1066  En Ce Temps La   Favoriting Retrospective Vol. 1 - Bologna 10.9.1981 [cassette]  Multiple Configuration  1985  2:47:38 (Pop-up)
MUSCI / VENOSTA  Mechanic Soul versus Pathetic Ambient   Favoriting Water Messages on Desert Sand  Recommended  1987  2:55:23 (Pop-up)
THE OUT-THEME  Gelbart: My Favorite Vacation [part of] + Die Trip Computer Die: Airborn [part of]   Favoriting       2:59:09 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 11:44am

Happy Newt's Ear everyone! Life will be different now that we've all hit puberty. See you in 15.
listener james from westwood:

good tuesday, good 2013, good gods i'm happy to be here!
Avatar 12:01pm

Heya James! Top 'o the 2013 to you as well!
HoNeY Water:

HNY, Tony, James and all to come! Finishing up some good luck tastes, and Philo will be here when he's done.
Avatar 12:02pm

Greetings Honey Water! Very glad to have you back!
listener james from westwood:

happy happy, honey water! may the year be as sweet as your handle!
Philo Gristle:

Greets, Merry New Year everyone!
Avatar 12:04pm

Hola, Philo!
HoNeY Water:

TY! Rare convergence when Philo is glad to have my back. ;)
HoNeY Water:

The HoNeY only came as a revelation to me moments ago. Works!
listener james from westwood:

howdy, philo! happy 2013!
Philo Gristle:

Hi James, and ditto!

Really dug that Pierrot tune -- Lunaire or Le Fou, n'est ce pas.
Avatar 12:12pm

Yep, Pierrot Lunaire are stellar for sure. Glad you liked...
HoNeY Water:

Nice and mellow for a new beginning.
Avatar 12:15pm

I figgers people need to wake up gradually on New Year's Day....
HoNeY Water:

Tony, James and any others who'd like, here's our greeting to this year in progress: http://tinyurl.com/b3woeuh
Avatar 12:20pm

Thanks!! Water pie! (H2O pie.)
Rich Corinthian Leather:

Greetings Tony, listeners.
Happy New Year!
Avatar 12:20pm

Hola, Senor Leather!
HoNeY Water:

That's right, it is early for you out there. We've just had our NY luck lunch centered around black-eyed peas, and finishing with a glass of champagne from the bottle barely partaken from at midnight last night.
Rich Corinthian Leather:

I miraculously dodged a hangover this morning. Not to tempt fate, but I did.
Rich Corinthian Leather:

I've only ever been to one NYD party where a traditional meal (of beans, black-eyed and non-eyed) was served.
Me, I'm probably going to forage for left-over Chinese, etc...
Philo Gristle:

Edward at the Edge of the World.... his fingers are burning!
Rich Corinthian Leather:

My wife pointed out that this was the first Dick-less NYE, with Dick Clark having passed on last year, but I could've sworn he was gone for the last two.
Avatar 12:27pm

RE Peas: I'm in search of the rare blue-eyed pea.
HoNeY Water:

@Rich -- HNY!! I've fixed the BEP, rice and cabbage in some variation every 1/1 for probably a decade now. Today's has andouille and cajun spices added for some Nawlins bite.

getting older has freed me from the tyranny of new years eve, and all it's lugubriousness.
HoNeY Water:

Probably some food coloring could effect that.
Avatar 12:29pm

My new year's resolution is to finally play all the Italian and Finnish tracks I pulled for their respective specials last year.
Philo Gristle:

I coulda sworn it was All Constant Dick Clark all night last night....AC/DC.
HoNeY Water:

Hey, Glenn! What's the weather in Ontario today?

@Rich re 12:26 comment: Give your wife my condolences. ;)
Avatar 12:31pm

Hey Glenn! This here is a lugubriousness-free zone....
Gregor Mendel:

Blue eyed peas? Hmmmmm.

i'm assuming it's cold out. at least the sun is shining. happy new yuear, evahbody.
HoNeY Water:

Just read that our Louisville area had an average temp in 2012 that was FOUR degrees above normal. And only 2/3 the precipitation of 2011. No wonder our garden was pretty much a failure this summer.
HoNeY Water:

Can't wait for your mic break reading out this title, Tony.

oh look. music by finns.
Rich Corinthian Leather:

There's a pretty mixture of light frozen snow and morning frost on everything up here this morning.
Philo Gristle:

You go from Strength to Streng, Tony!
HoNeY Water:

Philo tells me that that Pekka song was about a sleeping insect inside a rose. Sounds like an ode to an earwig to me.

Lovely ballad from Nucleus. Hit my nerve dead centre. Thanks Tony.
Avatar 12:41pm

@ HoNeY Water, RE mic break: Damn those Finns and their crazy language!
listener james from westwood:

nye last night and the past several years have been food, sweets, and boardgames with friends, w/ a brief toast at the midnight hour. only variation is who's hosting.
Avatar 12:42pm

Hey Danko! Good to see you here...
Rich Corinthian Leather:

My wife's half Finnish, did some studying of Finnish folklore and poetry. We found an audio presentation of the epic Finn poem The Kavela (sic?) and it sounds really peculiar, like Hugo Ball interpreted by a chorus of walruses (hope that doesn't offend any Finnish folks - it's in an old tongue.)
HoNeY Water:

Where's "up here" Rich? Aren't you in Portland?
Rich Corinthian Leather:

@HoNeY Water: Yes, sort of. I am in the hills of SW Washington, just across the river from Portland.
Philo Gristle:

@Rich Kalevala, yup. And that walruses (walrusi) sounds good to me! Honey always says it reads like monotone Hawaiian.
HoNeY Water:

@glenn: From all the cultural signals and signs, I think Finland is preparing to rule the world. :)

@Rich: Every year my Finn-laws send me a lovely piece of Kalevala jewelry. The epic IS rather weird folklore what little I know. I recommend a really good Russian film about Sammi culture (Lapland) called "The Cuckoo."

Happy 2013 Tony & all! Kickin' things off Coulter style!
Avatar 12:48pm

Hey Jeremy!!
HoNeY Water:

*Sami not Sammi
Philo Gristle:

So that's where Lux got the name for his band.....
Rich Corinthian Leather:

There's a large community of Finns here in SW Washington, most of them Apostolic Lutheran, so they tend to ignore the ways of the old country.
They are somewhat like Mennonites or Amish in that they aren't supposed to have TV, radio, internet, etc.. Women aren't supposed to cut their hair and they wear long dresses.
Avatar 12:54pm

@ Philo: Mr. Interior, I presume?
listener james from westwood:

welcome and happy new year to all those in for the 1 o'clock hour!
Philo Gristle:

@Rich Really? Interesting. Always on the lookout for ways to get out of midwest and NW is one of the main prospects.... but methinks that community might not be the way to go. Finns in the 'old country' tend to be pretty secular.

@Tony Yup. Found that to be an odd name for an Italian label!
Avatar 1:00pm

@ Philo: Aha! Now I get you. The label logo is an image of Frankenstein, which also seems kind of Cramps like.
Avatar 1:00pm

I mean Lux-like....
Avatar 1:01pm

The track on now is Turkish, in case anyone was wondering. Isn't Turkish related to Finnish?
Rich Corinthian Leather:

@ Philo: Yes, supposedly the Finns that migrated to the US, I think in the 40s/50s did so because their country had become 'ungodly'. There's also a large Finnish Apostolic Lutheran community in the midwest, I think in Wisconsin, etc..
Sometimes families would send wayward boys from the Mid-West to go live with distant relatives in the Northwest, as it was farther from big city and all its 'worldly' troubles.
Philo Gristle:

@Tony Not to my knowledge; Hungarian, yes, though I think only structurally as it sounds very foreign to my ears.
Rich Corinthian Leather:

I love Cem!
Rich Corinthian Leather:

I recently bought the Turkish entry in that Peace Love and Poetry series of records. It's great.
Philo Gristle:

@Rich Of course it's funny to think that they came to America to escape the ungodly, as in some ways and looking from distant lands, seems to be the hq of the ungodly!
HoNeY Water:

Aw, cop out! :)
Philo Gristle:

@Tony Got the band name and the first word down just right! The album's odd title translates to The Death of the Magnetman.
Philo Gristle:

Really dig this Stalteri track.
Avatar 1:12pm

My brief trip to Helsinki gave me the *tiniest* bit more understanding of Finnish pronunciation.
HoNeY Water:

While I realize my eyes and ears have been more finely tuned into all media references to Finland since 1997, I still feel there's a global predominance in Finn references (even on Jeopardy ;), especially when you consider a population about the same as our US state of Indiana. And Helsinki's a pop. equivalent to Indianapolis.

Hello! I've read that Finnish and Hungarian are also theorized to be loosely related to Korean somehow, but this is disputed, IIRC.
Avatar 1:14pm

Morgan, on now, is Morgan Fisher in his first incarnation as prog-man.
Avatar 1:14pm

Hey there, Ike!
Rich Corinthian Leather:

Morgan of The Hybrid Kidz?
Avatar 1:19pm

The same!
Avatar 1:21pm

He's gone through an incredible number of musical changes -- and was also Mott the Hoople's keyboard player on top of everything else.
Philo Gristle:

@Ike Considering all the odd connections (art, language, myths, culture) over and across all continents, probably true! Everything stemming from some ancient ur-language they snatched from the unconscious pool of knowledge.
Rich Corinthian Leather:

He's kind of all over the place in the manner of Craig Leon.
I love his comp Miniatures. It's probably one of my most precious records.

I love that Hybrid Kids, esp. "Combo Satori" doing Sun Ra's Enlightenment in a Residentsy style.
Rich Corinthian Leather:

@Ike: My wife claims that there's a Genghis Khan bloodline to the Lapland Finns, due to Khan having conquered that region. Some Finns have a slight Asian appearance.
Avatar 1:27pm

RE Morgan Fisher: By the mid-'80s he was doing new age–type stuff. Not sure if he ever emerged from that disappointing direction.
Doug S.:

Happy New Years greetings to Tony and all Drunmersomers! We're driving back to Pittsburgh now after a quick visit to D.C.
HoNeY Water:

I think it was the Mongolian hordes that united east and west in Suomi. ;) Actually, I see, if not hear, a lot of Hawaiian in the language. A treasure trove for linGuists.
Rich Corinthian Leather:

@Jeremy: I found a split cassette with Morgan/John White called Play Loud/Play Quiet and it's got some Hybrid Kidz doing Christmas songs on one side.

Great set, Tony!
Philo Gristle:

Happy New Year, Doug!

I forget if the current day Mongols also have the occipital bun like many Finns do (myself included).
Rich Corinthian Leather:

i think that Morgan became a Sanyasin, a follower of Osho, who was once known as Bagwan Shri Rashneesh. They had a commune/compound not too far from Portland OR, would come to town to bring homeless people to the commune, wear red, etc...
Avatar 1:31pm

Greetings, Doug! Thanks, Ike!

RCL: That's some xmas music i would like to hear!
Philo Gristle:

Really enjoy all the Italian cuts today, Tony. Being a fan of Italian cinema in all its forms I've relegated my appreciation to mostly soundtrack work.
Rich Corinthian Leather:

Not sure, but it's possible that Morgan might've lived there. Seems like I read something about it. My cousin was also a 'Rajneesh'. He had some pretty interesting stories about it. The commune imploded, not without much legal and political intrigue. People who lived here at the time know all about it.
Sir Lancelot Pratt:

Happy New Year Tony and everyone,
Rich Corinthian Leather:

This sounds like Throbbing Cannelloni.
Philo Gristle:

"Raj Neesh" remains my favorite Inner City Unit song.
Avatar 1:34pm

Greetings, Sir Lancelot!

This echosquelch bath is just what the witch doctor ordered...
Rich Corinthian Leather:

I think Osho is also a song by Future Sound of London/Amorphous Androgynous.
Osho still has a lot of followers, despite the controversy of Rajneesh Purim and the fact that he's dead.
Rich Corinthian Leather:

I found a Bagwan Shri Rajneesh album at Mississippi Records that was minted about the time that the cult was happening in OR and I totally failed to buy it. I think it's worth a lot now.
HoNeY Water:

@jeremy: I like that, "echosquelch bath"!
Sir Lancelot Pratt:

hoping for another year of psychedelic brain damaging epics, humunculus bearded eccentricity, and stoned immaculately conceived weirdosity!
Sir Lancelot Pratt:

this Dedalus track reminds me Lonnie Liston Smith's 70s records with a splash of Herbie Hancock mixed in!
Avatar 1:43pm

@ Rich: Who was that Portland cult leader who murdered a follower in the '70s or '80s? I see his record around.
HoNeY Water:

Heh! This fits Pratt's description of "humunculus bearded eccentricity, and stoned immaculately conceived weirdosity." I'll have what he's having.
HoNeY Water:

Pembroke! Philo turned me onto Jim and Wigwam.
Avatar 1:48pm

Yep! Jim Pembroke, pre-Wigwam.
Philo Gristle:

The amount of great pop songs Jim Pembroke penned always makes me a bit sad he received no recognition outside Finland.
Sir Lancelot Pratt:

I thought Esoteric did a very good job of reissuing Wigwam's early albums a few years ago!
Avatar 1:57pm

I picked up Finnish reissues of a a bunch of Wigwam albums when I was in Helsinki -- I believe they have more (or at least difeferent) bonus tracks.

Wimple Winch! fantastic band.
Avatar 1:58pm

And what a name...
Rich Corinthian Leather:

Tonyc: Not sure! I should know, it being morbid and all, but I can't think of who that could be. The Rajneeshes were implicated in a plot to poison the population of Antelope OR, in order to affect the outcome of a local election. It is considered the first act of domestic terrorism or something like that.
Philo Gristle:

I used to dislike Finnish music (easy to do in Finland) until I heard the oddball combo of "Dance of the Anthropoids/Frederick & Bill" from Tombstone Valentine on radio while I was in the army... it's still the least-liked early album by the band, but it remains my personal favorite.
Sir Lancelot Pratt:

their track Atmospheres is one of my favourite psychedelic classics on the Rubble comps!

Wimple Winch is truly one of the best names, much better than their first name, Just Four Men.
Avatar 2:02pm

@ Philo: "Tombstone Valentine" is my fave Wigwam as well!
Sir Lancelot Pratt:

Wimple Winch - that other 60s band from Liverpool!
Sir Lancelot Pratt:

LA 1919 - got to be Robert Wyatt on vocals?
Philo Gristle:

@Tony Glad to hear it. It always gets disparaging comments from Wiggy fans due to the loud guitar in the mix... but that was what dragged me over the fence. Much more dynamic than some of the later efforts...
Avatar 2:05pm

@ Sir Lancelot: It does sound like Wyatt! (Don't think it is, though.)
HoNeY Water:

Ooooh, I like this very much.
Sir Lancelot Pratt:

he has added his unique vocals to the odd album or two over the past few years.
Philo Gristle:

Frank Herbert of David Lynch fans? I'm sure not Alan Smithee fans.
Avatar 2:11pm

They're not actually big Frank Herbert fans -- they just liked the name.
Avatar 2:13pm

@ Sir Lancelot: yes, including some Italian things. He's big there -- they call him Roberto Viatti, or something like that.
Sir Lancelot Pratt:

not sure whether Dune or Inland Empire is David Lynch's worst film?
Philo Gristle:

Being a fan, I'm ashamed to say I've not seen "Inland Empire." I do like Dune, though, but Eraserhead and Straight Story remain my favorites.
Doug S.:

Keep trying to listen via iPhone, but the mountains of western Maryland keep getting in the darn way.

Saw a midnight screening of Inland Empire when it came out, it was torturous but artful so and made a big impression on me ultimately. Kind of like a point of view impression of insanity.
Philo Gristle:

Oh, I forgot. I fell asleep in Cannes watching Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me when it was screened in competition. I might like it better today, but haven't dared go back.
Avatar 2:21pm

@ Doug: How pushy of those mountains!

Inland Empire is definitely Lynch's worst IMHO. The digital filming is very ugly. At least Dune has gorgeous, haunting visuals.

@Doug: I-68?
Doug S.:

Thank you so much for doing your show today, Tony (unlike the rest of the slacking Tuesday GTDR crew).
Philo Gristle:

Bad Vugum came out with some great oddball bands in the early 90s.
Avatar 2:27pm

What was that Keuhkot track about (if you were following along, that is)?

Keuhkot is kewl!
Avatar 2:27pm

@ Doug: I did my slacking on Christmas Day.
Philo Gristle:

I'm not sure there was any sense to it. Odd vocalizations, occasionally recognizable words. He usually has either a phrase or two that he follows to extremes. The title of it was "thought." The album is called "I feel pity for Bilharzialoista" (who or whatever that is -- not Finnish).
Philo Gristle:

A lot of the freak folk scene as well as (one man) bands like Keuhkot (lungs) avoid being intelligible to Finns, too. Which is fine, since the soundscape is often accessible.
listener james from westwood:

dune is a glorious, baroque mess.
HoNeY Water:

Another Italian track I'm finding most mollusk.
Avatar 2:41pm

RE "Dune": Lynch disowned it, didn't he? On the grounds that there was a lot of outside interference?
Philo Gristle:

@Tony yes. THough a few years back it seemed for a moment like he was going to be allowed to remix the film from all the footage shot. For whatever reason it didn't happen.
Rich Corinthian Leather:

@tonyc: he disowned the lengthened, TV version of Dune but not the theatrical version.
The TV version has stupid narration in it.
Rich Corinthian Leather:

Maybe I'm wrong, though. I do know the TV version is credited to Alan Smithee.
Philo Gristle:

@Rich I think you're right, at least technically. He wasn't happy with the theatrical cut, but didn't exactly disown it. He doesn't speak of the film in interviews.
Philo Gristle:

I wish Jodorowsky had made the film with Giger and Moebius. That would have been something to see....
Rich Corinthian Leather:

I like how the aborted Jodorowsky film begat Alien.

Fantastic last set (before the very last song), enjoyed every track, thanks Tony.
Avatar 2:53pm

Thanks, Danko!
Sir Lancelot Pratt:

Yes Philo - Ridley Scott would have made a great job of it - sort of mix between Blade Runner and Alien.
Just like the studio destroyed Michael Mann's The Keep and John Boorman's 3 hour epic Excorcist 2, so they destroyed Dune!
listener james from westwood:

the mega-tv version sounds like it was narrated by someone roused with great difficulty from sleep. there's like three straight minutes of background info delivered over what look like scenes and characters from dune rendered by a police sketch artist.
when i saw the film in theaters, they were handing out glossary sheets for the terminology.
HoNeY Water:

Tony, I think you do a most admirable job at pronouncing all the many languages you encounter.

Arrivederci, all!
listener james from westwood:

dug the show, tony! may you keep the spice flowing through 2013 and beyond.

Zapp! Into the future! A wonderful first show of 2013, Tony!
Rich Corinthian Leather:

Thanks again for a wonderful show, Tony! I always enjoying hearing totally new-to-my-ears music from you every week.
Happy 2013 everybody!
HoNeY Water:

Spice? Just don't eat the worm!
Philo Gristle:

Back when Ridley still made good movies! Though I think he never surpassed Duellists. But I would have preferred Jodo to actually direct it, too. He was at the top of his game then, and turned his concept into Incal with Moebius, which remains one of the great graphic novels.

Anyways, great show, Tony, glad to be able to listen live for once.
Sir Lancelot Pratt:

ever seen Boorman's Zardoz or Zulawski's Na srebrnym globie (which is now on You Tube), both sort of Dune influenced!
Avatar 2:58pm

Thanks HoNey Water, James, & Jeremy! And thanks, everybody, for listening! See you all next week. Sayonara!
Avatar 2:59pm

Thanks, Rich!
HoNeY Water:

Zardoz, yes, when it originally came out. Connery in little clothing -- loved it!
Philo Gristle:

I saw Silver Globe on tv while in FInland, no subtitles and in Polish, and it was STILL mesmerizing. I started taping it halfway through, never seen it all the way.
Avatar 3:00pm

Toodleloo for realz! Thanks for showing up....
Rich Corinthian Leather:

yes, I only just relatively recently saw Zardoz. It's great! I loved 70s sci-fi. I haven't seen the Zulawski film, though
Philo Gristle:

Wrote about Incal here at some length: http://bit.ly/r4z5CB
Philo Gristle:

Thanks Tony and everyone!
Rich Corinthian Leather:

Zulawski's Possession is one of my all time faves
Sir Lancelot Pratt:

thanks Tony for a great non-corporate rock show.
No U2, Madonna, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, etc.
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