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Saturday 6 - 9pm (EST) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Transpacific Sound Paradise Favoriting
Saturday, December 29, 2012 Favoriting
Year Ender - Favorites from 2012

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This Week's Playlist:

(* = new)

Butterfly: Poco-Poco Favoriting / Lelaki Pilihan (0:00:00 Pop-up)
From Indonesia

Side Effect: Under the Influence Favoriting / Rainy Night Dreams (0:03:01 Pop-up)
From Myanmar (Burma)

Saor Patrol: Duncarron Favoriting / Two Headed Dog / Duncarron Electric / Arc Music (0:08:17 Pop-up)

A Tribe Called Red: Electric Pow Wow Drum Favoriting / A Tribe Called Red (0:11:43 Pop-up)

Sotho Sounds: Koloi Eutate Mandela Favoriting / Junk Funk / Riverboat (0:15:55 Pop-up)

Ruta: He Who Has Not Been a Servant Knows No Real Poverty Favoriting / Na Uschod / Karrot Kommando / * (0:18:00 Pop-up)

June Tabor and the Oysterband: Seven Curses Favoriting / Ragged Kingdom (0:22:40 Pop-up)

Amadou and Mariam: Bagnale Favoriting / Folila / Nonesuch (0:32:16 Pop-up)

Terakaft: Tirera Favoriting / Kel Tamasheq / World Village (0:35:45 Pop-up)

Kiran Ahluwalia with Tinariwen: Musst Musst Favoriting / Aam Zameen: Common Ground (0:39:49 Pop-up)

Sidi Touré: Tondi Karaa (The White Stone) Favoriting / Koima / Thrill Jockey (0:44:16 Pop-up)

Leilia: Por Riba do Medo Favoriting / Consentimento / Fol Musica (0:48:21 Pop-up)

La Chiva Gantiva: Llora Favoriting / Pelao / Crammed Discs (0:54:47 Pop-up)

Kottarashky & The Rain Dogs: Pancho Says Favoriting / Demoni / Asphalt Tango (0:58:27 Pop-up)

Martha Mavroidi: Rumba Favoriting / The Garden of Rila (1:02:29 Pop-up)

Mavrika: Dervish Dance Favoriting / Mavrika / Psolista / * (1:06:09 Pop-up)

Rita: Shane Favoriting / My Joys (1:08:48 Pop-up)

Alaev Family: Imshab Shabi Favoriting / The Alaev Family & Tamir Muskat (1:11:39 Pop-up)
Bukharian Jewish family band meets Balkan Beat Box-er

Harmonia: Slovak Shepherd's Song Favoriting / Hidden Legacy (1:15:54 Pop-up)

DakhaBrakha: Zayin'ka Favoriting / Na Mezhi / Huta (1:18:04 Pop-up)

Kristi Stassinopoulou & Stathis Kalyviotis: Halassia Mou Favoriting / Greekadelia / Riverboat (1:31:16 Pop-up)

Sir Richard Bishop: Dust & Spurs Favoriting / Intermezzo (1:35:59 Pop-up)

Ali Akbar Moradi And Bahar Movahed: Beloved Favoriting / Goblet of Light / Traditional Crossroads (1:38:14 Pop-up)

Urna Chahar-Tugchi: Taliin Juud Favoriting / Portrait: The Magical Voice From Mongolia / Network Medien / * (1:44:17 Pop-up)

Heikki Laitinen & Kimmo Pohjonen: Rekilauluja Murhamiehista Favoriting / Murhaballadeja - Murder Ballads (1:50:31 Pop-up)

Eletfa: I Fell Asleep by the Maros Favoriting / Amerika Fele / Jumbie / * (1:56:44 Pop-up)

Attwenger: Durchdrahn Favoriting / Flux (2:00:50 Pop-up)

Los Irreales de Ondatrópica: Iron Man Favoriting / Ondatrópica (2:08:06 Pop-up)

Los Miticos del Ritmo: Otro Muerde el Polvo (Another One Bites the Dust) Favoriting / Los Miticos del Ritmo (2:10:35 Pop-up)

Mati Zundel: Cumbia de la Loviya Favoriting / Amazonico Gravitante / ZZK (2:14:10 Pop-up)

Bomba Estéreo: Sintiendo Favoriting / Elegancia Tropical / Polen / * (2:19:42 Pop-up)

Janka Nabay & The Bubu Gang: Feba Favoriting / En Ya Say / Luaka Bop (2:22:45 Pop-up)

Batida: Tirei O Chapeu (Feat. Ikonoklasta) Favoriting / Batida (2:27:35 Pop-up)
Angolan kuduro

Staff Benda Bilili: Libala Ya Mungwa Favoriting / Bouger le Monde! / Crammed Discs (2:31:18 Pop-up)

Jagwa Music: Dunia Watu Favoriting / Bongo Hotheads / Crammed Discs (2:35:35 Pop-up)

Degung Parahyangan: Auld Lang Syne Favoriting / Degung for Christmas (2:51:18 Pop-up)

Krar Collective: Welaita Favoriting / Ethiopia Super Krar / Riverboat / * (2:51:25 Pop-up)

Debo Band: Asha Gedawo Favoriting / Debo Band / Sub Pop / Next Ambiance (2:55:46 Pop-up)

Listener comments!

  6:07pm Richard from Venezuela:

Greetings Rob. Nice start.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:08pm Your DJ:

Greetings Richard and everyone who may be around on this rather quiet evening...
  6:14pm julian:

we're here! good morning rob, et al.
  6:15pm rather quiet:

Thanks for the acknowledgement, great show Rob the DJ. May the road rise to meet you.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:16pm Your DJ:

Good morning Japan!
  6:19pm Japan:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:34pm Your DJ:

I don't know if Japan's comment is funnier if he/she/it actually typed in "おはようございます" as I see it here in the FMU studio, or actual Japanese characters. But Japan, if you could do us a favor, explain why we in tarnation you returned Shinzo Abe and his right wing / nationalist agenda to office - !
  6:39pm Karen in Sleepy Hollow:

Stellar show Rob! A Tribe Called Red will requires more listening. Happy New Year!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:40pm Your DJ:

Thanks Karen, Happy New Year!
  6:45pm jeff in puna hawaii:

sounds great this sunny afternoon - mucho aloha Rob and happy new year!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:46pm Your DJ:

Good afternoon Hawaii, thanks Jeff and Happy New Year!
  6:46pm Japan:

Hey, Abe throws a good party, i prefer Ultraman myself, but thanks for the linguistic tip anyhow.
  7:04pm Evita:

Hey Martha! Love from Athens, Greece! xx
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:06pm Your DJ:

Hi Evita, thanks for listening! I met Martha at WOMEX in Thessaloniki this autumn, she's great (and very nice too), I hope she makes it to North America sometime soon!
  7:09pm Evita:

I can't believe it! It's a small world! Martha is a good friend of mine :) I'll pass the message on to her. She's really great and very creative. Much love xx P.S we're a bunch of people here and we're loving your music set
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:13pm Your DJ:

Wow small world indeed Evita - please do say hello. And I'm glad you're all enjoying the music!
  7:15pm Evita:

will do! it's 02.15 am in Athens and we're all dancing to your tunes :) Cheers! xx
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:15pm Your DJ:

Cheers Athens!
  7:18pm jeff in puna hawaii:

ahhhhhh fujara!
  7:24pm Evita:

:) xx
  7:30pm Evita:

you pronounced it really well! :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:33pm Your DJ:

Well, I guess I'm good at faking it, thanks Evita! Of course then I stumbled over Stathis Kalyviotis' name but that's REALLY a tough one for us language-challenged New Jerseyans!
  7:36pm Evita:

your pronunciation is excellent! we're all really very touched by your choice to air Greek music. We sincerely thank you for that xx
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:40pm Your DJ:

Thanks Evita! Sometime in the next few months I'll invite my friend and musician George Sempepos back to the show and really focus on Greek music. He's the person who introduced me to Kristi Stassinopoulou and he met Martha at WOMEX too. Thanks so much for listening especially at this very late hour, a great new year to you and everyone with you!
  7:48pm Evita:

That will be great! I'll keep an eye for that one. I listen to WFMU regularly. My friends and I wish you a happy new year too. P.S we never sleep on a Saturday night ;) lolz
  8:15pm ~L:

My teen is enjoying your show tonight! You had him at the Iron Man version!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:17pm Your DJ:

Glad to hear that tilde-L!
  8:59pm slugluv1313:

wonderful wonderful show, Rob -- THANK YOU!!! that "Goblet of Light" album is MESMERIZING! looking forward to seeing/hearing Bahar Movahed when she comes to NYC . . .
  8:59pm Steve L.:

Hey Rob, I had a fun time tonight....thanks for all the music and have a great New Year! =)
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