Favoriting Miracle Nutrition with Hearty White: Playlist from December 18, 2012 Favoriting

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Southern inspirational dada.

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Favoriting December 18, 2012: Miracle Nutrition with Hearty White

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Hearty White  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Hearty White  0:16:55 (Pop-up)
Hearty White  0:37:48 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Mike East Riverwater:

bless you, Hearty White!
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Happy anything and everything to every water body!

Hey, Mike!
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Earl Grey -- love lavender!
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Even pondwater -- or eau to Canoe.
Matthyou Springwater:

Earl Grey keeps your socks fresh.

Howdy Hearty White, and Heartyfolk!
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

Gristly Greets, Hearty Listeners! Hiya Mike. I hope East Riverwater isn't as bad as Jonesy's Hot Dog Water?
Matthyou Springwater:

Evening, Ms. Kettlewater, Mr. Gristlecorn and Mr. Riverwater!
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Thyou! How's it going?
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

Even Earl Grey can't keep my socks fresh. Ask Honey. Hi Matt!
Devin Gristlewater:

Good afternight to human friends one and all! Hello, hello!
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Hahahahaha! The Gristlecorn speaks the truth!
Matthyou Springwater:

Pretty fine, I can't wait to have a "thyou" later this evening!
Mike East Riverwater:

Philo - the water used for the proverbial "dirty water dog" is much cleaner that what you can expect to find in the East River, I suspect.
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

Greets Devin! Allo Allo!
Devin Gristlewater:

What's this-- steeping your socks in Earl Grey makes them smell better?
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Hey, Devin!

True story: Philo tried to make me believe his socks smell like popcorn when he was courting me from Helsinki. He needs an olfactory shutdown. ;)
Honey U. Kettlewater:

I wear a bra as infrequently as is decent to do so. So mostly I do not.
Matthyou Springwater:

@Honey: Say, I noticed they're playing Machaut on WFMU now! ;)

Honey U. Kettlewater:

That's gotta be a first! And by a "thyou," I guess you mean "few"? Few of what?
Mike East Riverwater:

btw - Honeywater, I couldn't reply last week cuz I had a baby in my arms, but I have seen Kiki's delivery service and enjoyed it greatly, as I have most Miyazaki films - though I didn't really see the similarities between that and the Red Balloon. My favorite of his is Princess Mononoke.
Matthyou Springwater:

Fredericks der Grosse!
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Howdy, Fredericks!!
Danne Duckcaller:

Hi Hearty Habitants :)
Danne Duckcaller:

@Fredericks Spoony thought I was you when I called in to Therese and Mike's show last week :)
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Awww, Mike, you had a far FAR better occupation of your digits than typing at me! Do you have a tiny URL showing your tiny gURL? :)
Devin Gristlewater:

I like popcorn, but I'm not sure I'd want my socks smelling like them, because then my feet would smell like popcorn, and if my feet smelled like popcorn someone might try to eat them in the darkness of a movie theater. Then again, I go to those so rarely, it might not be too dangerous.

Still need to see Red Balloon (again) and Kiki's Delivery Service. Good to hear that Mike is already playing Hearty White for East Jr.
Matthyou Springwater:

@HW: Xmas shopping's done, but now I need to get vittles for the pantry--so I'll have to leave a bit early tonight (still at work computer), but can't wait to buy a "thyou" and drink 'em when I get back!

"Few" it is indeed--in Russian my name is Matfeo/Matfeev, other langs might have a specific 'f' sound there.
Devin Gristlewater:

Fredericks! Danne Duckcaller! Helloooo there!
Matthyou Springwater:

Howdy Mr. Duckcaller!
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Hey, 'Caller!

Love your train of thought there, Devin.

Hey Matt, Honey and Danne.

I was on hold, Danne, then I got disconnected.
Devin Gristlewater:

I wonder what a "trivisible man" would look like?
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

@Mike I think the main connection between the two (KIKI & RED BALLOON) were a very similar cityscape, where you looked down upon the city from next to the pastry shop where Kiki worked. In RB there is a very similar scene, also with a store, making me think Miazaki was referencing that moment....

Hiya, Devin. Missed you last time.
Devin Gristlewater:

I was here, wasn't I?

Testing this connection...
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

At least Honey tried to hide the smell of (old & moldy) popcorn with some delicious poached pears dipped in cinnamon, wine and other goodies..... it worked, but not a permanent cure.
Honey U. Kettlewater:

I believe you were, Devin, but maybe Fredericks was not?
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Mmmm, those comice pears are delish!
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Hey, Matti -- you're connected!
Matthyou Springwater:

I was recently thinking about people who subsist mainly on junk food, like popcorn/Cheetos--and future archaeologists examining their remains; maybe they would conclude that these days were a time of famine, when in fact they are subsisting on poor nutrition.

So for another mindflip, what if there were long-forgotten-about junk foods that dominated during periods we now consider to have had a "famine", for the same reason? Speculate...
Devin Gristlewater:

Well in all fairness, I sometimes miss Fredericks throughout the day, so maybe the feeling is mutual.

I have fond memories of poached pears, haven't had them in a long time. People used to come to my house and eat poach fruit a lot when I was a small tiny person.
Mike East Riverwater:

Irish potato chip famine?
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Philo and I saw some truly magical woods on Saturday. Driving the winding roads of southern Indiana, from Knob Knee to Loogootee, the woods had these saplings with copper-golden leaves still intact, shining like a fairyland.
Brownie Backwater:

'I wrote my biography, it's an autobiography, meaning I wrote it in the car, so it's shaky' Hearty Dub-ya you do make me laugh
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Speculate, thyou? Is that like "talk amongst yourselves"? While there were plenty of dangerous, unhealthful foods people were forced to ingest in decades/centuries past, it wasn't driven by corporate greed as it is now.
Devin Gristlewater:

Honey, by the way thank you for the music the other day, I quite enjoyed it!
Matthyou Springwater:

@Mike: There's enough records to back the 1846 famine up, I mean hundreds/thousands years ago famines determined through analyzing bones. I wonder if in any of those cases there wasn't a lack of food, but a poor diet that shows in the remains.
Danne Duckcaller:

I'm loving this tale, especially the scorn of Baltimore Ravens (go Bengals)
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Given the names on this playlist, should we ask Hearty to change his name to Hearty Whitewater?
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

I used to think poaching meant what we did as kids -- poaching apples from the neighbor's yard. So in that respect we had a lot of poached food as kids. Gladly Honey taught me about the less dangerous way of poaching with these pears.
Matthyou Springwater:

Welcome here, Brownie!

@HW: Linda Richman implored her audience to "Discuss!", I thought I'd call mine "Speculate!" :)
Honey U. Kettlewater:

@Devin: Oh, why thank you, kind sir! (fanning my blushing cheeks)
Mike East Riverwater:

re: URLs of my gURL, I don't know how to do such things, sorry. I'm sure my wife has some pics on her FB page, but I don't even know how to get to that. I've only been able to email and txt pics to people. Believe you me, she is absolutely gorgeous.
Devin Gristlewater:

Hearty White has been Hearty White for a long, long time. I would posit that our names, much like the diets of today were influenced by the potato chips of yesterday, have been influenced by his name. And much like food from the present, you can't feed it to food in the past!

Unless you build a time machine for food.
Matthyou Springwater:

@Philo: Could someone be cited for stealing a protected class of eggs? Penalties for "poached eggs"...
Devin Gristlewater:

"SPECULATE! with Matthyou Springwater"
Oh speaking of which, I never looked up the parameters for what is or is not considered "natural" food.
Honey U. Kettlewater:

@Mike: I have no doubt she matches her beautiful name! Well, you're welcome to email me (Matthyou and Devin and Fredericks all have that address).
Devin Gristlewater:

Somewhat of an AHA!:
(3) The term natural flavor or natural flavoring means the essential oil, oleoresin, essence or extractive, protein hydrolysate, distillate, or any product of roasting, heating or enzymolysis, which contains the flavoring constituents derived from a spice, fruit or fruit juice, vegetable or vegetable juice, edible yeast, herb, bark, bud, root, leaf or similar plant material, meat, seafood, poultry, eggs, dairy products, or fermentation products thereof, whose significant function in food is flavoring rather than nutritional. Natural flavors include the natural essence or extractives obtained from plants listed in §§ 182.10, 182.20, 182.40, and 182.50 and part 184 of this chapter, and the substances listed in § 172.510 of this chapter.
Matthyou Springwater:

Texas Instruments, the classic calculator!
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

@Matthyou I hope they would be more than cited. I think they should be scrambled, fried and boiled for such an infraction.
Mike East Riverwater:

if you want to shoot me an email at work , I'll reply with a pic - mike at carrollmusic dot com
Honey U. Kettlewater:

@Devin: THAT is a mouthful -- of .... sadness ...

I once spent 2 weeks selling encyclopedias in Tennessee. Targets were "houses with kiddie shit in the front yard." I was a horrible salesperson.
Matthyou Springwater:

You could call legally "natural" food "photosynthesis present"--as the plant or plants eaten by an animal would have experienced that at some point.
Matthyou Springwater:

@Philo: Don't want to make it over easy for offenders..
Honey U. Kettlewater:

OK, Mike!
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

Time machine for food.... I could imagine getting some bottles of medieval wine, bringing them to 2013, and finding out that the aging process fails when you speed it up. Oh well, there goes that business plan.
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

@Matthyou Ha! I always preferred hardboiled meself.
Devin Gristlewater:

We'll use it to fund our space lipstick business.
Danne Duckcaller:

I hope you all have a wonderful Holiday week Hearty Humans :) I am afraid that I must now depart. Until next time :)
Mike East Riverwater:

goodnight Danne. Happy holidays to you!
Matthyou Springwater:

Gotta head out and start my shopping, and stop by my apothecary before that closes.
But, wanted especially to wish all Heartyfolk a happy and hearty holiday season!

Happy Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/Yule/Solstice/Festivus/Gifts+Parties! Take and give care, y'all!
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

Ditto, Matthyou!
Honey U. Kettlewater:

So long, thyou! Lift you thyou in foughts of me! :)
Devin Gristlewater:

Have a good everything Danne and Mattyou!
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Hey, Mike, just got a failure daemon...hmmm.. looking at something I possibly did wrong. Would you check to be sure you have it all right up above?
Matthyou Springwater:

Good night Mr. Duckcaller! And to the Mssrs. Riverwater, Gristlewater, Gristlecorn, Fredericks, Ms. Kettlewater! (Cheers will be lifted!)

Happy and Safe Holidays!
Mike East Riverwater:

make sure there's 2 r's and l's in carroll

Brad Pitt sounds like Bill Clinton. Clinton will sell us insurance.
Devin Gristlewater:

Oh those internet daemons, always causing trouble. Where do they come from? And where do they go on vacations?
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Johnny Depp, Ashley Judd, Tom Cruise, Jennifer Lawrence -- all Kentuckians.
Devin Gristlewater:

I await the day Brad Pitt plays Bill Clinton in an auto-insurance ad.
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Yep, 2 of each. Weird.

ALSO got a second failure using a diff email of mine. "rejected by the recipient domain." Beginning to take this personally, Mike! ;)
Mike East Riverwater:

goddamn computernet! try me at dictatoreast at gmail. work server is apparently crap.
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Oh, and we mustn't forget George Clooney and Secretariat, the bestest Kentuckian of all!
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

You a fan of Mr. Manitoba, Mike? DFFD!
Brownie Buttwater:

s'been fun, y'all
Mike East Riverwater:

hehe, yes, Philo, but the origin of my email is from a song I wrote when I was in a band called The Imperialist with a chorus proclaiming us the "Dictators of Rock and Roll"
He's gonna be on Teenage Wasteland next week, I believe. (called in sick last sunday, right?)
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Hey, Brownie! You related to Mr. Backwater? Bye and g'night!

Yes, fun fun all -- enough to miss my beloved Jeopardy for.
Honey U. Kettlewater:

Hope something I sent wends itself your way, Mr. Riverwater, and I thank you in advance for the Luciana views!

G'night everyone, water-y and knot!
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

Close enough, Mike! Guess he likes that Sunday midday timeslot -- last time he was on FMU was on Jonesy show, I believe.
Devin Gristlewater:

Have a lovely lovely everyone!!
Mike East Riverwater:

correction: The ImperialistS (plural)
Philo C. Gristlecorn:

G'nighty nite, owl!
Mike East Riverwater:

please share with your husband, Honeywater.

Goodnight folks!
Honey U. Kettlewater:

But of course, Mike!
fan from Tallahassee:

It is wonderful to hear this show again. Thanks
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