Favoriting Miniature Minotaurs with Kurt Gottschalk: Playlist from December 14, 2012 Favoriting

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"I fancy him at the court of Minos, anxious to know what sort of unmentionable monster the Minotaur may be, whether he is as frightful as all that or perhaps charming?" - Albert Camus (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting December 14, 2012: Son of Sagittarius
~~Animation by Minnesota Jeff

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Approx. start time
Eddie Kendricks  Son of Sagittarius   Favoriting single  Motown  1973  45     
Marc Ducret  Sur l''Electricité   Favoriting Tower, vol. 2  Ayler Records  2011  CD    0:05:06 (Pop-up)
Lol Coxhill  Autumn in New York   Favoriting Spectral Soprano  Emanem  2002  CD  Recorded in 1954  0:21:18 (Pop-up)
Anoushka Shankar with Ravi Shankar  Pancham Se Gara   Favoriting Anourag  Angel Records  2000  CD    0:33:41 (Pop-up)
Ravi Shankar  excerpt   Favoriting Raga: A Film Journey Into the Soul of India  East Meets West  2010  DVD  Film originally released in 1971  0:49:03 (Pop-up)
William Blakeney & Joel Chadabe  Broadway Boogie Woogie   Favoriting Ear to the Earth  Ear to the Earth  2012  WAV  For more info about the "100xJohn" festival, go to: http://eartotheearth.org/  1:07:30 (Pop-up)
Dylan Nyoukis  Junk Operatic For John Cage   Favoriting The Broken Brain (blog)  Dylan Nyoukis  2012  WAV  http://stinkheadache.blogspot.co.uk/2012/11/junk-operatic-for-john-cage.html  1:19:14 (Pop-up)
Robert Ashley  How Can I Tell the Difference (Version 1)   Favoriting String Quartet Describing the Motions of Large Real Bodies / How Can I Tell the Difference  Alga Marghen  1999  CD  Recorded in 1974  1:32:29 (Pop-up)
Rolf Julius  Music for a Glimpse Inward   Favoriting Raining: Small Music No. 3  Western Vinyl  2012  CD    1:52:19 (Pop-up)
Contempoarts Ensemble  Différences   Favoriting Sciarrino / Bussotti / Berio / Xenakis  Arts Music GMBH  1996  CD  Composed by Luciano Berio in 1925  2:00:48 (Pop-up)
Mark Alban Lutz / Meinrad Kneer  In the Mouth   Favoriting u-ex(perimental)  Evil Rabbit  2012  CD  With Yedo Gibson (sax)  2:15:14 (Pop-up)
Otomo Yoshihide / Rhodri Davies / Sachiko M  untitled   Favoriting LMC Members Series #1  LMC  2005  CD  Recorded at Resonance 104.4 FM, London, 1/5/05  2:21:47 (Pop-up)
LHZ+H  Zoom   Favoriting Scope  Monotype  2011  CD  Thomas Lehn, Carl Ludwig Hubsch, Phillip Zoubek with Franz Hautzinger  2:44:17 (Pop-up)
Petula Clark  The Show is Over   Favoriting Beautiful Sounds: The Petula Clark Songbook  Castle  2000  CD    2:57:24 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


yes kurt...do it.

hello DJKG MM time!
Avatar 3:15pm

hi commonburger and everyone in radioland!
Avatar 3:19pm

& hey, check out minnesota jeff's new blog: tinyurl.com...

Don't check the news. Nothing good can come of it right now. Just stay here. Srsly.
tim from champaign:

I agree, Ike. I've been checking the news and nothing good is coming of it. Ugh.

i tried to read it, but only got about 100 pages in...

People should just stop tuning in to coverage about shootings. The attention and publicity just encourage the nest person to do it. I deliberately stopped listening to any newstalk soon after 10AM.
tim from champaign:

What's the name of the book again, Kurt?

I read Ada years ago. As I recall the first 100 pages were a real slog, but then it picked up and I enjoyed it. It takes place in an alternate universe.
Honey Water:

@G: If it encouraged legislation on gun control, all the attention would be worthwhile. As it stands, yes, it only encourages the next unhinged human with easy access to assault weapons.

This Shankar set will soothe the soul...TY DJKG.

There's a hell of a lot more to Nabokov than Lolita, that's for sure. Literary tidbit for the day.
tim from champaign:

I read Ada a few months ago. Not my favorite Nabakov but I enjoyed it. It was written with a lot of humor. Stick with it, Kurt.

The attention causes the problem.

Anyone who wants attention badly enough to kill people will find a way around a law.

Trusting to the passage of legislation is very innocent. I've been hearing that since 1968, and I think the data are vast and definitive that those laws don't have one bit of effect on things like this. The laws just make these events feel even more transgressive to someone who is looking to be maximally transgressive in the first place.

My advice: Stop thinking about it from your point of view, and think about it from the point of view of the type of person who does this, if you really want to accomplish something, rather than just "say the right-sounding thing."

I don't think every person who does something like this just wants attention. Isn't that pop psychology? Violent mental illness is generally much more complex than that.
Honey Water:

G. sounds to me like you are the one with a rigid POV. I see no reason to "pick a fight" as I was not doing so.
r i s k y:


hey Kurt! i love Ravi

Sorry to be questioning people's religion. :-)

I just see how this cycle works -- it's been going on for decades now.

Today, right at this moment, someone out there who is angry at someone or something is watching all the coverage and looking at the huge effect the event is having in pop culture and saying:

That Might Work. Let Me Think About That.

I am LOVING the Ravi music, thank you for playing.

i keep hearing there may be a copy of the Concert for Bangladesh album hidden in a closet at my Grandmas... i may have to press some family members on that this weekend

Ravi's always great. I read a bio of him a few years ago, starting with his tours back in the 30s...
Honey Water:

I can't speak for everyone else "since 1968," but I personally don't understand how anyone can be so certain gun control *won't work* until it is at least seriously tried. We've had it the other way all along, and look where that's gotten us. Blaming the media for everything is *now* the "right-sounding" thing to say.
Honey Water:

But right now, I just want to drift on a wave of Ravi. So be it.

Hiya Kurt, hey everyone. From Eddie to Ravi. And beyond .....

Read up some on how many gun laws have been passed since 1968 (when the concept first went mainstream after the two big assassinations that year). Read up on gun crime stats in jurisdictions with the most stringent gun controls.

All my relatives repeat the gun control mantra, like so many evangelicals toeing the doctrinal line. Monoculture.

I look at what actually happens and draw my own inferences.
Publicity saturation of mass murders makes them attractive to that one in 50 million people who's drawn to the idea of creating an event like that.

The publicity is what drives this repetitive cycle. I don't want to hear about it. Let the police deal with it, and stop watching or doing the wall to wall "coverage" of pseudo-journalists uttering deep thoughts.
Honey Water:

Oh, yes, thank goodness we have remote controls even if seriously deficient gun controls. This ends for me with we aGree to disaGree.

I signed this today while not watching the news: http://1.usa.gov/Xnrs6z
other david:

horrid day, but soothing tunes Mr. Gottschalk.
other david:

(or rather disturbing.. depending one ones point of view)
Honey Water:

Other David?! Hey, man, where have you been??

oh yes, awesome nyoukis track
other david:

Howdy Honey Water, long time no yap!

I've been caught up with stuff and things, just looking forward to the year 2012 buggering off, like everyone else :)
Honey Water:

Philo and I thought perhaps you were braving the Atlantic in your pizza box! :)
Honey Water:

IAE, we've missed your special formula milk of human kindness on the playlists. Can't OD on kindness.
other david:

I've had to re-plan the Atlantic crossing, I've come to the conclusion Pizza wont suffice as a construction material for a seaworthy vessel.

Now moving towards lasagne pasta sheets, research is slow as the resources involved continue to be eaten. Alas.
other david:

Aw, that feeling is mutual - you're good folks and I always enjoy bumping into you both here :)

Yeah, Slainte OD. And happy Friday night.

hello i'm leaving bad-news-land and joining y'all
Honey Water:

Philo's not here, unfortunately, and likely won't get home before the end of the show, but I know he sends you the best.
Honey Water:

DJKG, is the label actually "plana-A"?

Hey moose, come on in.
other david:

Just opening a beer as I write this, Carmichael :)
Avatar 4:47pm

plana-a, yup!

If you can wait about 3 hours more, I'll be joining you!
Honey Water:

Honey Water:

I'll toast to you across the pond, OD, with a glass of red wine -- cheers!
Avatar 4:51pm

oh, you know, i guess it's not. it's actually "Alga Marghen," but they use 'plana-a' on their spines and catalog numbers. sorry.
other david:

Cheers HW!

Carmichael, I'm not sure how long I can abide this tardiness, but I'll let you off this time.
Honey Water:

Hunh, OK. I just thought it might be a typo.
Honey Water:

At times the Ashley sounded like magnified corn popping.

Love the birdsong here!

Been here all day. Being the moron I am, I just noticed that every resume edit I sent out for the last year had a typo in the email address. Now that my brain has stopped imploding, I'm trying to resend resumes for at least every job I applied for in the last 3 months. Yes, I've ruined my life over an unchecked typo. (and I'd edit my resume at least twice a week).
Avatar 5:04pm

yipes! sorry to hear, ngh!

oy, that sucks ngh. have you tried getting in touch with the owner of that email address?
Honey Water:

@NGH: Arrrrrrgggghh. :/ But do you think a typo would have that much weight (except in proofreading / copy editing)?

NGH, I did something like that once. And it was for an editorial job. Excruciating, isn't it? Ugh.
Honey Water:

[or if you highlighted "attention to detail" as one of your strengths]
other david:

In the past I've noted that gmail can be somewhat accommodating with minor email address issues..
Honey Water:

BTW, how did you discover it after a year had gone by? With advancing age I've developed a 7HD internal copy editor (yes, that's hour, not second) that surfaces to let me recall an error in something written or sent. It's really annoying since I think this internal editor is partying somewhere in Hawaii.

Well, since it was my email address, no one could actually email me. I only figured it out when a recruiter contacted me Wednesday and asked if my email was current. He spelled it out for me, and I looked at all of my resumes, and sure enough. i only edited the content of the resumes, not my header. It never occurred to me that my own email could be incorrect.

It's a good omen, ngh.
Honey Water:

Right, understood (now). I'm so sorry... I sure know how it feels to wonder why you're getting no response when you've put yourself out there on the line. And, yes, what Carmichael just said.

fyi, the recruiter called me, but I've only had 3 people contact me via phone, and I know email is the preferred response method. Let's hope it's a good omen.
Honey Water:

HONEstlY, the pitch is causing me some trouble. I need to get on dinner anyway, so so long good people! Have as great a weekend as is possible under sundry circumstances.

I love this Otomo/Davies/M.
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