Favoriting JA In The AM with John Allen: Playlist from December 12, 2012 Favoriting

John Allen's avatar View John Allen's profile Favoriting

"I listened yesterday. It's no reflection on you but I could'nt see where you were going or what you were going for. This early seventies thing did'nt get noticed the first time and you talk about friends of like Dealney and Bonnie who had records out like we're supposed to remember who they are. Then you play this long winded free jazz stuff that really grates on my nerves. And that noise without a beat and sounds like someones being pinched. Then you play a reggae song, I think you called it Dub, to what, be cool? You seem to really fetishize the whole folk thing too which is obnoxious to us who don't even care. I liked it when you played that punk song though. I like Joe Belock a lot." (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting December 12, 2012

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Approx. start time
electrophilia  madness   Favoriting black noise practitioner    2004  LP  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
christian marclay, toshio kajiwara, dj olive  side b   Favoriting 21 september 2002  cuneiform  2012  CD  0:15:11 (Pop-up)
berliner ring        2012  LP  0:29:30 (Pop-up)
glee club  man unkind   Favoriting s/t  semblance records  1989  LP  0:32:47 (Pop-up)
ono  all tomorrow's parties   Favoriting albino  moniker  2012  LP  0:40:31 (Pop-up)
multicult  whiteout row   Favoriting   no label  2012  12"  0:46:44 (Pop-up)
smashchords  brand new rambler   Favoriting s/t  smash trade/ rough trade  1982  12"  0:50:34 (Pop-up)
karen geyer        2010  LP  0:54:08 (Pop-up)
arthur doyle  no more crazy women   Favoriting no more crazy women  carbon  2012  CD-R  1:07:25 (Pop-up)
ohio penitentiary 511 jazz ensemble  mantra dance   Favoriting hard luck soul  jazzman  2012  CD  1:17:35 (Pop-up)
minnie ripperton  rainy day in centerville   Favoriting come to my garden  varese sarabande  1969/2012  CD  1:21:44 (Pop-up)
claire hammill  where are your smiles at   Favoriting s/t  island  1971  LP  1:27:50 (Pop-up)
angel olsen  the waiting   Favoriting half way home  bathetic  2012  LP  1:29:26 (Pop-up)
scott walker  dimple   Favoriting bish bosch  4ad  2012    1:33:35 (Pop-up)
karen geyer        2010  LP  1:39:44 (Pop-up)
dan friel  exoskeleton   Favoriting   thrill jockey  2012  12"  1:46:30 (Pop-up)
CS yeh  rooms on fire   Favoriting transitions  destijl  2012  LP  1:50:24 (Pop-up)
lindsay buckingham  a satisfied mind   Favoriting law and order  asylum  1981  LP  1:54:13 (Pop-up)
fleetwood mac  somebody   Favoriting mystery to me  reprise  1973  LP  1:56:57 (Pop-up)
mad music    mad music  drag city  1977/2012  LP  2:02:00 (Pop-up)
prince rupert's drops  the fortress   Favoriting run slow  beyond beyond is beyond  2012  CD  2:03:53 (Pop-up)
harry merry  inst.   Favoriting   meeuw muzak  2012  7"  2:06:00 (Pop-up)
geile tiere  supergeil   Favoriting s/t  geebeedee  1981  LP  2:09:06 (Pop-up)
nexda  threeseventyfive   Favoriting second  plurex  1982  12"  2:14:50 (Pop-up)
research library  insomnia   Favoriting red spot comp  subterranean  1981  LP  2:20:53 (Pop-up)
holly herndon  dilato   Favoriting movement  rvng  2012  LP  2:25:24 (Pop-up)
wet ink  track 5   Favoriting relay  carrier  2012  CD  2:31:40 (Pop-up)
karen geyer        2010  LP  2:41:12 (Pop-up)
the evens  timothy wright   Favoriting the odds  dischord  2012  LP  2:46:07 (Pop-up)
talk normal  xo   Favoriting sunshine  joyful noise  2012  CD  2:50:00 (Pop-up)
gary war  please don't die   Favoriting new paytheonport  care in the community  2012  LP  2:53:10 (Pop-up)
big dipper  pitbull cruiser, blue   Favoriting crashed on the platinum planet  almost ready  2012  CD  2:56:33 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Sometimes Jasmine:

Morning John. Great start. This feels NICE IN MY EAR
Avatar 6:16am

vrrrbbbrrrbbrmorning SJ
George of Troy:

Good morning John and gang.
berlusconi's nose:

Love Marklay
Sometimes Jasmine:

This set just keeps getting better.

Bonjour John A.
late for the comments,
but listening from the start !

This guy really should stay away from the booze. Hi!
George of Troy:

Crazy World of Arthur Doyle?
Sometimes Jasmine:

"this piece ends when my throat falls out...."
Avatar 7:13am

i'm pretty sure that he was singing go red rudolph in that last piece. and steve albini in the first. this one is about a cane in the rain

arthur doyle the best!

I like a good accordion from time to time.

Oh I love that Dan Friel track. What's its name?

RIP Ravi Shankar.
Sometimes Jasmine:

Oh man. Sad news.

Oy, I can't believe I'm already at work. 7 am (CST) is ridiculous!
Cheri Pi:

Greetings & salutations JA / pals

Bonjour CP!
Cheri Pi:

Bonjour Pierre!

I like my music, like I like my coffee, weird.
Dave in PA:

I love WMFU and I give it money!
Dave in PA:

βrian - you think that's ridiculous - I just got _home_ from work!
Dave in PA:

Is this the same Karen Geyer that has a cooking sounds video on YouTube?
Avatar 8:46am

yes, that is that Karen


Conjunction junction? Is that you?
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