Favoriting Nardwuar The Human Serviette Show: Playlist from December 3, 2012 Favoriting

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Join Nardwuar the Human Serviette for 60 minutes of clam chowder-flavoured (note Canadian spelling!) entertainment and interviews all the way from, yes, Vancouver, BC, Canaduh! Doot Doola Doot Doo... Doot Doo!
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Favoriting December 3, 2012: Nardwuar vs. Wiz Khalifa & The Lumineers

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Artist Track Album Label Format Approx. start time
The Moderns  Oh Yes   Favoriting 7 inch Single  The Moderns  7"  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Orville Dorp  Jesus Marjiuana   Favoriting History of Vacouver Rock n Roll Volume 3  Neptoon    0:05:09 (Pop-up)
The Jaggerz  The Rapper   Favoriting We Went to Different Schools Together  Kama Sutra    0:08:19 (Pop-up)
David Peel and the Lower East Side  I Like Marijuana   Favoriting Have a Marijuana  Electra    0:24:18 (Pop-up)
The Lumineers  Submarine   Favoriting The Lumineers  Dualtone    0:49:57 (Pop-up)
Wheelchair Sports Camp  I Smell Funk   Favoriting The Mainstream Cannot Spearhead Change  Wheelchair Sports Camp    0:53:31 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Danne D:

Nardwuar and Wiz must be best buds by now.

Nard is a regular friendship magnet for edgy rockers
Bob P:

In the 60s, the building in which I lived in the East Village had a courtyard in the back. These guys (Daivd Peel) used to play at 2AM in the courtyard. Nobody seemed to mind.

Check out Country Joe and the Fish, "Electric Music for the Mind and Body."
Danne D:

Only Nardwuar would bring up the musical legacy of Ramsey NJ :)

Bob P: That is amazing! Do you remember them playing the marijuana song? thanks for listening! doot doola doot doo ,,, (ps. did you ever see the Velvet Underground or Richard and the Young Lions?)

John Lennon called producing David Peel's "Pope Smokes Dope" LP a highlight of his professional career. Common to see Mr. Peel at Occupy Wall Street events around NYC, singing his songs.

The Jaggerz! Cool ... featuring Donny Iris. Ahh Leah.
Danne D:

Trivia note @Nardwuar - my home town growing up of Elmwood Park also is home to a large toilet paper factory (Marcal) Doot Doo

Danne D: Thanks yet again for listening! Did it have an interesting smell in the town? Doot doo!

Wow. Carmen Carrera of RuPaul's Drag Race is from Elmwood Park, Danne. AND Dick Vitale, sports broadcasting legend.
Danne D:

@Nardwuar lol didn't know about Carmen Carrera. I did know about Dickie V though.

The lead singer of Elk City is a good friend of mine from high school.
Clay Pigeon:

CW McCall, of Convoy fame, is from my hometown of Audubon, Iowa. And Mary Arnold from Kenny Rogers and the First Edition. Loving the show, Nardwuar, as always. Happy Holidays!
Danne D:

I have to split, but Nardwuar you should come to that NHL Players/Owners meeting tomorrow and lock the door. You'll have 'em reach a consensus in record time I bet.

Hi/bye Clay :)

Night all

Doot Doola Doot Doo...Doo Doo

CP: Kenny Rogers!!! I missed him last year at SXSW. He had a guest spot with Lionel Ritchie! (No joke!) Thanks for listening!!

Danne D: Doot doo!

Kenny and Lionel. Dream Team! Actually a big fan of the First Edition. Mary Arnold beat out Karen Carpenter for the female vocalist spot. She married country star, Roger Miller. Doot Doob!
Dave in PA:

I am !
Dave in PA:

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