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Saturday 6 - 9pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Transpacific Sound Paradise Favoriting
Saturday, November 17, 2012 Favoriting
WOMEX Greece 2012

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WOMEX is the annual worldwide world music industry expo, something like a SXSW or CMJ for world music moguls, musicians, pundits and enthusiasts. If you want to learn about new artists, new trends, new happenings in the worlds of world music, WOMEX is the place to be.

This October WOMEX was held in the northern Greek city of Thessaloniki. Despite the difficult times in Greece, Thessaloniki was a marvelous host city. Rob was there along with musician George Sempepos of groundbreaking Greek-American electro-roots band Annabouboula (and more recently rembetic surf-rock band the Byzantones), and esteeemed journalist Anastasia Tsioulcas of NPR Music. George and Anastasia join Rob this week to talk about the experience and share music by artists and bands they were turned on to at WOMEX and in their travels.

This Week's Playlist:

(* = new)

Buritora: Petit Favoriting / Britru no Hanran (Briefs and Trunks) / Daipro-X (0:00:00 Pop-up)

Buritora: ダフ屋 (Scalper) Favoriting / Britru no Hanran (Briefs and Trunks) / Daipro-X (0:04:51 Pop-up)

Soul Flower Union: Kaze No Ichi (Winds Fairground) Favoriting / Winds Fairground / Ki/oon Sony (0:14:48 Pop-up)

Ajian Nostalgia: シミルスルヌガ(同) / Pianica - Maeda Meets Uchina Pops / Pony Canyon (0:15:09 Pop-up)

Ajian Nostalgia: 恋ぬはじみ(喜納友子) / Pianica - Maeda Meets Uchina Pops / Pony Canyon (0:19:30 Pop-up)

Shoukichi Kina: Don-Don Bushi Favoriting / Peppermint Tea House / Luaka Bop (0:22:16 Pop-up)

Rinken Band: 御祝さびら / Ajima (アジマァ) / Sony (0:25:11 Pop-up)

Rosa Eskenazi: To Kanarini (My Sweet Canary) Favoriting / Various Artists: Women of Rembetika / JSP Records (0:36:52 Pop-up)

Savina Yannatou, Mehtap Demir, Mor Karbasi: Jaco Favoriting / From My Sweet Canary - Tribute to Rosa Eskenazi @ WOMEX (0:43:53 Pop-up)
Sephardic song - taken from Mondomix video of WOMEX opening night in Thessaloniki, Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Martha Mavroidi: River Bank Favoriting / The Garden of Rila / WE SAW (0:49:47 Pop-up)

Geomungo Factory: Movement on Silence Favoriting / Metamorphosis / Geomungo Factory (0:54:26 Pop-up)

Felix Lajkó: A Földön Favoriting / Makovecz Turné / Fono Budai Zenehaz (1:02:30 Pop-up)

Anibal Velasquez y Su Conjunto: Carruseles Favoriting / Mambo Loco / Analog Africa (1:07:16 Pop-up)

Mokoomba: Nimukonda Favoriting / Rising Tide / Zig Zag World / * (1:17:45 Pop-up)

Kottarashky & The Rain Dog: Blatoto Favoriting / Demoni / Asphalt Tango (1:21:44 Pop-up)

DakhaBrakha: Na Dobranich Favoriting / Good Night (1:28:35 Pop-up)

Wang Li and Yom: Excerpt from Altitude Jazz Festival performance, 2012 Favoriting (1:31:54 Pop-up)

Café Aman Istanbul: Gülbahar Favoriting / Fasl-i Rembetiko / Kalan (1:51:06 Pop-up)

Khyam Allami: Individuation Favoriting / Resonance / Dissonance / Nawa Recordings (1:58:28 Pop-up)

Janusz Prusinowski Trio: Mazurek Lesiewicza Favoriting / Serce (Heart) / Sluchaj Uchem (2:05:47 Pop-up)

Groupa: Vals Pa Sne (Crooked Waltz Favoriting / 15 Years / Northside (2:07:35 Pop-up)

Mascarimiri: Gitanistan Favoriting / Gitanistan / Dilinò (2:12:51 Pop-up)

Markos Vamvakaris: Frangosyriani Favoriting / Rebetiko History / FM (2:24:44 Pop-up)

Locomondo: Frangosyriani Favoriting / 12 Meres Stin Jamaica / Music Box (2:28:19 Pop-up)

Stellákis Perpiniádhis: Manges Mou Symoforthite (The Six Commandments) Favoriting / Various Artists: Rembetika 2: More of the Secret History of Greece's Underground Music / JSP (2:34:01 Pop-up)
Or, Stellakis Perpiniadis

Mavrika: The Six Commandments Favoriting / Mavrika / Psolista (2:37:05 Pop-up)

Thomas Sopilidis: Αχ βαχ μ'έκαψες Βαρβάρα / Αχ βαχ μ'έκαψες Βαρβάρα (2:45:27 Pop-up)

667 (Theodoros Manikas): Triantafilaki Favoriting (2:49:55 Pop-up)

Kalymnos Musicians: Gialia (Dance-Song of Kalymnos) Favoriting / Various Artists: Bagpipes of Aegean Sea / Aerakis (3:01:35 Pop-up)

Listener comments!

  6:11pm julian:

ohaiyo gozaimasu rob-san!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:39pm Your DJ:

Greetings Julian and listeners - sorry for the bumpy start but should be more smooth from here on...
  6:43pm julian:

You are renowned for your smoothness, after all, Rob!
  8:09pm tony:

Really like that Khyam Allami. Stream is still a little bumpy.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:13pm Your DJ:

Tony, glad you liked it!
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