Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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October 12, 2012 Favoriting
Pulling the wool over your ears since 1987
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
Sarah Webster Fabio 
Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues   Favoriting Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues
(Folkways 1976)
ECD  In Tempo   Favoriting Major Force: The Original Art-Form
(Mo' Wax 1990)

Harmonica Williams  Declaration Day   Favoriting Harmonica Williams with Little Freddie King
(Ahura Mazda 1970)
Kid Thomas  The Hurt Is On   Favoriting b/w I Love You So
(Muriel 1965)
Hayes Ware  Little Sally Walker   Favoriting Chicago / The Blues / Yesterday 1
(n/a )
Jake Jackson  Life Gets Hard   Favoriting I Ain't Got no Money
(Flyright )
Jimmy Johnson  Breaking Up Somebody's Home   Favoriting Tobacco Road
(MCM 1977)
Sonny Boy Williamson  Little Village   Favoriting Bummer Road
(Chess 1957)

Talkover Music:
Jimi Hendrix 
Born Under a Bad Sign   Favoriting Blues
(MCA 1970)

T.V. Septet  Angifuni   Favoriting The Top 14
(Tempo 1964)
John Mehegan, Kippie Moeketsi, Jonas Gwangwa, et al.  Mabomvana   Favoriting Jazz in Africa, Volume 2
(Teal 1959)
Zwino Zwino Boys  Stop Shouting   Favoriting Marena (Sotho Vocal)
(Motella 1971)
Umtata Boys  Ebukhosini   Favoriting 4 Pairs of White Shoes
(Gallo 1983)
Saitana (Monty Mdimande)  Maroaches Are Back   Favoriting Baby Don't Go
(JAS Pride 1976)
Abacothozi  Dolly's Dish   Favoriting Night in Pelican
(Soul Jazz 1976)

Talkover Music:
Joe Claussell & Kerri Chandler 
Escravos De Jo   Favoriting Copa Mundial Muzique
(Guidance 1998)

Suni McGrath  Cornflower Suite   Favoriting Cornflower Suite
(Adelphi 1969)
Robbie Basho  The Grail and the Lotus   Favoriting The Grail & the Lotus
(Takoma 1966)
Leo Kottke  Vaseline Machine Gun   Favoriting 6- & 12- String Guitar
(Takoma 1969)
Sir Richard Bishop  Khajuraho   Favoriting Intermezzo
( )
George Cromarty  Topinambour   Favoriting Grassroots Guitar
(Thistle 1973)

Talkover Music:
Joe Henderson (feat. Alice Coltrane) 
Water   Favoriting The Elements
(Milestone 1973)

Mahmoud Guinia  Jilali Dawi Hali – Lagnawi Fatima Zohra   Favoriting Mahmoud Guinia
(Voix de Casablanca )
Daande Boolu-Mbal  Aaxiru Zamaan   Favoriting Afrique Dioundioung
(Talla Diagne Cantine 1995)
Nâ Hawa Doumbia  Kungo Sogoni   Favoriting La Grande Cantatrice Malienne
(AS 1982)
Amadou Balaké  Yele   Favoriting Amadou Balaké a New York!
(Sacodisc 1979)
Cissé Abdouliaye & Les Vautours  Aw Ye Douba Ke   Favoriting Les Vautours
(Tropiques Satel 1978)

Talkover Music:
Miles Davis 
Helen Butte   Favoriting On the Corner
(Columbia 1972)

Little Becky Cook & the Rag Mops  The Itchy Scratch   Favoriting Twistin' Rumble!! Volume 7
(TR 1961)
Cleveland Robinson  Boy   Favoriting b/w Let Somebody to Love
(Nosnibor ca. 1973)
Bobby Sheen  My Shoes Keep Walking Back to You   Favoriting b/w I Want You For My Sweetheart
(Dimension 1965)
Jodi Gales & Pillow of Strength  Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is   Favoriting Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is (pt. 2)
(Savern )
Mel & Tim  Groovy Situation   Favoriting Good Guys Only Win in the Movies
(Bamboo 1969)
The Winstons  The Days of Sand and Shovels   Favoriting Color Him Father
(Metromedia 1969)
Larry T & the Family  Where Does the Answer Lie   Favoriting I'm Moving On
(LET 1979)

Closing Theme:
John Lee Hooker 
Stand By   Favoriting I Feel Good
(Jewel 1971)

Listener comments!

  7:03am kat330:

G'day, Doug and all Drummers to come! Was up as usual for Philo's breakfast and lunch-making, but now I'm back to bedrest. Had a double whammy yesterday, so I'll only be a silent listener today. Now, Mr. Drummer, if you'll Schulkind-ly play me some soothing, healing beats this morning... TY! :} <-- weak smiley
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:58am Doug Schulkind:

Sorry you've been double-whammied, kat330. Today's show will be chamomile for the ears.
  8:18am duke:

Morning, doug, kat, and drummer aficionados, special greetings to the four legged wooly fans.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:23am Doug Schulkind:

Hi Duke! Today's show has extra...fiber.
  8:59am ndbob:

morning Doug kat Duke everyone! - hope you feel better soon Kat!
  8:59am listener james from westwood:

here comes doug, the good shepherd of music!
  9:00am listener james from westwood:

mornin' all! kat, gtds is endorsed by the musical wing of the ama for ailments grievous and slight.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:02am Doug Schulkind:

Give the Drummer Some: Leading the heard to greener pastures since 1987.
  9:03am holland oats:

mornin' drumma - i'm half a coffee in, lemme get up to speed
  9:04am Jeff G:

Drummer: no wool over your ears!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:05am Doug Schulkind:

Hollah Holland! Hot java, Jeff!
  9:07am Jeff G:

Shearling is quite warm...
  9:08am dcp@:

helloooooooooooooo.... (practicing my vocal fryyyyyyyy)
  9:08am George Frideric Handel:

We like sheep!
  9:11am Brian in UK:

Hello Doug there's no one quite like ewe.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:12am Doug Schulkind:

To George FH, dcp and Brian in UK, I bleat a warm welcome.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:13am Doug Schulkind:

Missed you up above there, ndbob and mighty LJFW!
  9:13am Jeff G:

She's probably listening to this: (unless those cans are internet-ready, in which case, duh, GTDS).
  9:13am Brian in UK:

Kinda purty thing has she got a sister?
  9:16am dcp@:

wow, thanks GF Handel, my kids came home singing that and I couldn't place it.
  9:18am El Thatchmo:

Tell It Like It Is, Sri Schulkind!
  9:18am ndbob:

Finding little commercial success, Kid Thomas worked as a lawn mowing man in Los Angeles in the latter half of the 1960s. On September 3, 1969, while driving his truck he struck a young boy and killed him. Arrested on a charge of manslaughter, the charge was later dismissed for lack of evidence. However, the boy's father waited outside the courthouse and shot him. Kid Thomas died at UCLA Medical Center, Beverly Hills on April 5, 1970.
  9:19am Brian in UK:

Mary Go-Shay was on sparkling form last night. Her voice seems to gets stronger. Captivating show.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:23am Doug Schulkind:

Secret handshake to you, Cousin Thatchmo!
  9:27am Jeff G:

Love the production on this stuff. This one ("Breaking Up...") sounds like they're playing behind you in the living room, Doug.
  9:28am El Thatchmo:

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Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:29am Doug Schulkind:

Naw, Jeff G, my house is too friggin cold. They're in the shotgun shack out back.

Brian, I still haven't seen Ms Gauthier live yet. Our man Sherratt could regale us with stories. She's been a houseguest of his, you know.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:30am Doug Schulkind:

Great Kid Thomas article in the Hound's blog:
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:31am Doug Schulkind:

This Sonny Boy track is for the kiddies!
  9:32am Hugo:

I see that Mary G. is doing Oslo and Trondheim on this tour, but not Bergen. If she had, I'd been there.
  9:33am ndbob:

@Doug re Jessie's trip to Laramie - I talked to my friend George (also a friend of Gary Mitchell) who has been in every county in the lower 48 - he said there isn't much to see except perhaps for a few things perhaps in Cheyenne
  9:33am holland oats:

it takes a village muthafucka!
  9:34am listener james from westwood:

ah, the internet, where the pecksniffery of the fcc holds no sway.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:34am Doug Schulkind:

Thanks ndbob! Why am I not surprised?

Holland Oats, you stole my line, motherfucka!
  9:35am Brian in UK:

@Hugo shame you are missing a treat. You'll both have to come over here then. She plays here frequently.
  9:37am Hugo:

Of course, Mary G. is playing Nantwich, Cheshire. Mr. Sherratt may have something to do with it. Brian, I've seen her twice or thrice before.
  9:37am Brian in UK:

@james nice Dickens lick.
  9:39am dcp@:

Who's on the board in this? Is that one of the Chess bros?
  9:39am listener james from westwood:

i so rarely get to put my fast-receding english degree into practice; thanx!
  9:40am Brian in UK:

Surprisingly Hugo, Paul was unaware 'till I told him. Think he will head over tomorrow.
  9:40am Hugo:

On the other hand, Jon Irabagon, great saxophonist, will be in and around town next week. Can't miss that.
  9:40am listener james from westwood:

another reason to pledge to fmu: where else in nyc radio will you hear session banter and the hard method of creating classics back in the day, before protools or even multitracking? i remember being ~riveted~ the first time i heard the assembly of "god only knows" and "good vibrations" on fmu. so much goes into 3 or 4 minutes of bliss.
  9:41am duke:

Congrats to all you Europeans, I see that you won the Nobel Peace prize. Are they distributing the money equally to all of the EU recipients? Expect your check for 0.3 cents (US) any day now.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:41am Doug Schulkind:

I have a strong suspicion that it is a Chess brother. (Not a Brother, of course, just a brother.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:42am Doug Schulkind:

I'm afraid to play Irabagon's music on the show because his name is so hard to pronounce.
  9:42am Jeff G:

Maybe if her apt has heat, you could head over there after the show, Doug.
  9:43am Brian in UK:

I was worried this might turn into a Troggs type rant. Silly me these are musicians.
  9:43am Jeff G:

There's a youtube vid of Mary Halvorson introducing her band, including Irabagaon, which we've used as the guide for D:O Radio.
  9:45am holland oats:

long live the hound!
  9:45am holland oats:

long live lakeside!
  9:46am Jeff G:

Ih-RAH-bah-gone. ("ih" like "in"). Meanwhile, I manage to mangle just about every Euro-style name we play.

Also please help with Jason Adasiewicz.
  9:46am Dominick:

Hound was my gateway to WFMU
  9:46am listener james from westwood:

loved the hound's show. copyedited many a manuscript while listening to it. nothing like a hillbilly hangover segment to get me through a gnarly reference section.
  9:47am listener james from westwood:

todd-a-phonic has similar chameleon qualities when subbing. it's quite uncanny.
  9:47am Fiveash:

Just got here but I see that I have already been beaten to the "Little Village Mothafucka!" one-liners. Also recomended in the Chess Brothers vs. harmonica players in the studio vein: Little Walter's version of Worried Life Blues. Hey Dominick!
  9:48am Dominick:

Ciao! Fiveash
  9:51am Hugo:

@Doug: Irabagon pronunciation guide here:

That Foxy (Doxy) is amazing! As was his performance at Moers. 33 minutes of "Three Little Words"!
  9:54am Hugo:

Adasiewicz? Sounds Polish.
  9:54am holland oats:

@ljfw simon&shuster by any chance?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:56am Doug Schulkind:

You can make a pledge to D:O Radio right now, right here:

You can pledge to the marvy Mr. Fiveash and his Ichiban streaming delight, right here:

If I play that Vimeo, it will go over the air. Maybe I should. What am I, chicken?!
  9:57am Brian in UK:

@duke is this what you were referring to earlier? Is he wearing a kippah?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:57am Doug Schulkind:

Hey there Dominick! My gateway show on WFMU was Alan Watts, or more specifically the Alan Watts Lecture Series.
  9:59am Brian in UK:

@ Jeff G this is my best attempt ADD-A-SAY-VITCH.
  10:01am Jeff G:

@Hugo: oh, he's quite polished.
  10:01am Fiveash:

Thanks for the plug, Dug! I mean ploug Doug. The Drummer Some and Ichiban streams love one another.
  10:02am Fiveash:

Although my two-letter pledge code is FE, not FA. But apparently any two letters at the end of the link take you to a pledge page, whether or not they represent a specific DJ, so it's all good.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:02am Doug Schulkind:

If the Drummer Stream and Ichiban had a baby, what would it look (sound) like. Discuss.
  10:04am holland oats:

paul ryan's bean?
  10:05am Jeff G:

@Doug: pretty sure you're not a chicken, if the photo at left is at all a good likeness.
  10:07am Jeff G:

A fave twitter/debate comment last night was something along the lines of, "Hey, Ryan, Coleman Hawkins is the Bean." I don't think there was any follow-up.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:08am Doug Schulkind:

Just a stoopid typo on my part, Fiveash. All fixed. Now you'll be rich!

Go here:
  10:09am Alex in Illinois:

My gateway show was Wasted Vinyl back in 1987, when I lived in the New York area. But for listening on-line from Illinois, starting some time between 2000 and 2006, it was GTDS.
  10:09am Jeff G:

@Brian (Brain): looks/sounds good to me! Thanks.
  10:10am Holly in NC:

What are maroaches? I' m picturing palmetto bugs..
  10:13am Fiveash:

Thanks Doug, my avarice knows no bounds. Regarding the Ichiban/Drummer baby: hard to say, but it might sound like those weird Sun Ra-produced doo wop sides.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:15am Doug Schulkind:

@Holly! @in! @NC!
I'm guessing one wouldn't want a quick tokey-toke with this kind. Did you hear about that bug-eating guy who died? I'm guessing it was the millipedes that killed him. Those bastards are scary.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:16am Doug Schulkind:

So Fiveash, if we spin those Sun Ra doo wop sides, would that be considered incest?
  10:17am Jeff G:

More like FUN-cest!
  10:18am Artie:

And here I was thinking that maroaches were just plus-sized, woven cane, ladies casual footwear. Infested wtih tiny mites, of course, but still just harmless footwear.
  10:18am Jeff G:

Ugh. Ok, off to take a shower now.
  10:21am Holly in NC:

@fiveash - you are so dead on (sun ra doo wop)
@doug --ruptured esophagus totally yuck
  10:23am Fiveash:

Doug: No. If we have sex with the records that's another story though. I apologize in advance for any "little record with a big hole" jokes that may result on your playlist.
  10:25am listener james from westwood:

@holland oats: nope, haven't worked for s&s just yet, either freelance or full time.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:33am Doug Schulkind:

There's always, um, Discwasher.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:36am Doug Schulkind:

Greetings Artie! I like the idea of "harmless footwear." So understated but kinky.
  10:43am Jeff G:

That must've been one helluva cornflower. Just sayin'.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:45am Doug Schulkind:

Now HERE is one helluva cornflower:
  10:48am ndbob:

My gateway show was Charlie's - 1998 I think
  10:51am Matt from Springfield:

My gateway was Irwin's and soon after Brian Turner's, April 2009.

Morning fine folks!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:51am Doug Schulkind:

Speaking of gateways:
I will never forget the advertising slogan Wilmington, Delaware, came up with to drum up tourism. I saw it on posters in the Wilmington Amtrak station a number of years ago. The slogan was,

"Gateway to a Great Getaway!"

How about that, the tourism ad copy refers to how great it is to get the hell out of town! Truly breathtaking.
  10:52am Matt from Springfield:

And, morning Fine Fiveash Funcest Folk!
  10:53am Matt from Springfield:

@Doug: Getting the hell out of town, but with an anagram! I'm sold! Now all I have to do is take the train into Wilmington, then buy a ticket to somewhere leaving from Wilmington.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:53am Doug Schulkind:

So glad you are a member of the fambly, Matt.
  10:56am Matt from Springfield:

Richard Bishop, of Sun City Girls? Trancey!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:56am Doug Schulkind:

["The Fambly" is, of course, a secretive sect that gathers to worship in endless ululating rituals around an oversized glowing 45 adapter.]
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:57am Doug Schulkind:

Yup, same Richard Bishop.
  10:59am Matt from Springfield:

45 adapter...with WFMU logo!

Now I'm curious about these Sun Ra doo wop records, if you and Fiveash ever co-host, in a collab or at Marathon time, we need to hear those!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:00am Doug Schulkind:

Matt, unless my Swiss cheese short-term memory screws it up, you can hear some Sun Ra doo wops next Friday. How 'bout that!
  11:01am still b/p:

Ulu that voodoo that you do so well!
  11:02am βrian:

Strange coincidence. Topinambour is my favorite French word – based on the sound alone. It's perfect for pillow talk.
  11:02am ndbob:

They are great Matt - and super rare
  11:03am Matt from Springfield:

Excellente, Drummer! Many thanks! I'll take NDBob's word for it, great!
  11:05am βrian:

"Toh - pee - nawhm - boor" C'est beau !
  11:05am Carmichael:

Hi everyone.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:09am Doug Schulkind:

Hey still b/p, how the hell R ya? And Carmichael, how you B?
  11:09am Matt from Springfield:

Kudos to our generous Ashevill-ians!
Hi Carm!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:10am Doug Schulkind:

Welcome aboard, βrian. How you β?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:11am Doug Schulkind:

I predict a visit from the Bloke from Stoke!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:13am Doug Schulkind:

I found the link for that George Cromarty record. Here it is:
  11:13am βrian:

I β fine. It's a beautiful morning in Madison. I'm glad I remembered to tune in.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:17am Doug Schulkind:

It's βeautiful now that you're here.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:21am Doug Schulkind:

I would be absolutely thrilled to get to 50% by then end of today's show. (I'll be halfway through the silent fund drive, so it sorta makes sense.)

To do this, we need about another $375 in pledges. Anyone willing to give it a go? (Pledges of $120 or more can be paid off in monthly installments.)
  11:24am ndbob:

this is great!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:25am Doug Schulkind:

The rest of this Amadou Balaké record is straight-up Cuban rhumba. For real!
  11:27am Holly in NC:

That Cromarty was a HUGE blog share, biggest one in ages!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:27am Doug Schulkind:

Balaké is from Burkina Faso. As is Cissé Abdoulaye.
  11:27am Alex in Illinois:

Does this count pledges that were made using the Web site during the past 6 days? I did not check the GTDS DJ premium because it was the same one I got before, so I hope it still counted towards GTDS. I am pretty sure that I wrote something about GTDS in the Comments part of the form.
  11:28am still b/p:

I'm in a session at the former workplace to gather material for personal archives and to help get another whattayacallit...job!
Busy day, but tonight
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:28am Doug Schulkind:

The comments on the Cromarty record at Waxidermy is well worth reading:
  11:30am Matt from Springfield:

This Cissé Abdouliaye & Les Vautours would make great bed music, as well!
  11:31am Holly in NC:

@Matt - For Sun Ra doo wop, look to Norton's "Interplanetary Melodies" (BUY!), or Evidence's old singles comp, which you may dl here :

Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:31am Doug Schulkind:

@Alex in Illinois
All pledges go to the same place. So no worries about that. People can have their pledges "count" for different shows by pledging using the specific pledge boxes on DJs playlist pages (otherwise the pledges count for the entire station). Whether you pledge to an individual or to the station generally, all of the goodies and premiums are available. Opting for one premium or another doesn't have a bearing on how the pledge counts.

So to answer you in full: THANK YOU!
  11:35am Matt from Springfield:

Yes, Upper Volta, pre-1984.

@Holly: Heard of "Interplanetary Melodies" after receiving WFMU's "Interplanetary Remixes", but don't have it yet. Thanks for the recs!
  11:37am βrian:

My feelings are re-mixed.
  11:37am joe:

'ello folks
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:39am Doug Schulkind:

Say it IS so, Joe.
  11:39am Carmichael:

This sounds kind of Steinski-ish, Doug!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:40am Doug Schulkind:

Ill take that as a compliment, Carmichael.
  11:41am Michael:

Morning all. Late to service I guess. Wonder if Little Becky knows Lil Joe Cook?
  11:41am Brian in UK:

@still b/p lucky fella. It will put a lot of musical things into place. The bass player is super cool.
  11:42am Matt from Springfield:

"The Itchy Scratch", another good'un for the Ichiban stream--or should I say Itchy Ban!
  11:43am joe:

To anybody that that is interested caught a great western swing band the other night at the Rodeo Bar in NYC. The Susquehanna Industrial Tool & Die Co.
  11:43am joe:

It is so it is so
  11:44am joe:

Doug thanks for the heads up on the Wanda Jackson "monster"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:51am Doug Schulkind:

Speaking of Wanda Jackson:
  11:51am Matt from Springfield:

Wow, ORIG "Groovy Situation"! Mel & Tim do this better than Gene Chandler at his comeback.
  11:53am Jeff G:

Somehow have not left for work yet. Wonder why. Should probably head off now, if only to make sure I stay gainfully employed enough to allow for the purchase of MORE MUSIC. Tally ho, and thanks, Doug, as ever! Ewe rock!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:53am Doug Schulkind:

Mornin' Michael. Never too late for a little Little Becky.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:55am Doug Schulkind:

I hope you didn't bring your laptop into the shower with you, Jeff G.
  11:57am ndbob:

excellent show Doug!
  11:57am monica:

another fanatstic show, doug! a nice round 33 1/3 raised so far?
  11:58am Alex in Illinois:

I think The Susquehanna Industrial Tool & Die Co is featured on a WFMU DVD of live performances in WFMU studios. Does that sound right anyone?
  11:59am Matt from Springfield:

Great stuff, as per usual Doug!
Enjoy the weekend everybody!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:00pm Doug Schulkind:

Hi Monica!
33 1/3 is mighty round indeed. And around. And around.
  12:01pm Jeff G:

(Honestly? Stayed tuned in via the iphone app just outside the tub.) (I fear I've said too much.) (Byez for realz.)
  12:01pm Brian in UK:

We start with Harmonica & end with Monica. Perfect.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:02pm Doug Schulkind:

This Larry T & the Family record was highlighted in my Mining the Audio Motherlode column a few weeks back.
  12:05pm listener james from westwood:

doug, this show was a flame that cleanses the soul. many thanks.
a fine weekend to all!
  12:07pm ndbob:

as the Winstons cover Bobby Vinton
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:09pm Doug Schulkind:

Sounds painful, however necessary, Listener James.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:10pm Doug Schulkind:

Maybe we could just you a nice non-abrasive avocado rinse, Listener James.
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