Favoriting Put The Needle On The Record with Billy Jam: Playlist from October 5, 2012 Favoriting

Billy Jam's avatar View Billy Jam's profile Favoriting

Hip-hop and rap, that's where my heart's at. But I'll play anything so long as it ain't crap!

Friday 7 - 8pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting October 5, 2012: Put The Needle on The WFMU 2012 Irish Hip-Hop Special

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Artist Track Album Label Year Approx. start time
DJ Mek  Irish Trad Skratch   Favoriting        
Animators interview  Mathman & Mango of Animators WFMU interview   Favoriting       0:02:10 (Pop-up)
Costello  The Devil's A Liar   Favoriting Illsophical  Working Class Records  2012  0:07:43 (Pop-up)
Street Literature  Who Comes Iller   Favoriting Products Of The Environment      0:11:07 (Pop-up)
Mango  mango raps on WFMU   Favoriting     2012  0:14:29 (Pop-up)
Terawrizt  New Old School (Cuts by DJ Mayhem/prod Tony Mahoney)   Favoriting     2012  0:16:10 (Pop-up)
Lunitic  Mortal Kombat   Favoriting Based on A True Story  Working Class Records  2009  0:19:57 (Pop-up)
Lethal Dialect  Live Lethal on WFMU   Favoriting     2012  0:22:28 (Pop-up)
Rawsoul + Nucentz  Lookin Youngfella   Favoriting Da Fighting Irish Rap Battle Leauge Mixtape Vol Two      0:23:38 (Pop-up)
OB  OB (All City) WFMU interview   Favoriting     2012  0:26:23 (Pop-up)
Rob Kelly  The Real Thing (AntiPopEdit)   Favoriting     2012  0:29:25 (Pop-up)
Man & the Machine  Loose Lips   Favoriting Various Artists: Urban Intelligence presents Homemade Bombs  Urban Intelligence  2005  0:31:12 (Pop-up)
Scary Eire  Dole Q (Clean)   Favoriting       0:32:59 (Pop-up)
Ghost N Jay  What do ya want (feat. Scooby & RiRa)   Favoriting 12" single  All City Records  2006  0:38:00 (Pop-up)
Moschops  Illustirous Live on WFMU   Favoriting     2012  0:41:20 (Pop-up)
DJ Moschops  Skratchemesis   Favoriting Prophecy    2012  0:42:16 (Pop-up)
DJ FLIP  DJ Flip WFMU interview edited   Favoriting over Vince Mack Mahon track      0:44:24 (Pop-up)
DJ Mek  Lookout he's Irish   Favoriting       0:47:45 (Pop-up)
The Elements  Nu Roots   Favoriting Lost Archives '06 - '08    2012  0:48:39 (Pop-up)
RV + Mr High Speed + Mango (Animators)  Live on WFMU from St. Stephens Green   Favoriting     2012  0:51:30 (Pop-up)
Sarsparilla  Sea Wolf   Favoriting Slave To The Cat Gang       

Music behind DJ:

Ass Wank  

Heralds of Change from Put the Needle On the Irish Hip-Hop Record (Marathon 2009) 



0:59:28 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

  10/2 11:57am

Looking forward to catching it on the archives! Be well, Billy. Stay out until 25 o' clock in the morning.
other david:

a little late, but made it!

great opening interview. it's funny, billy sounds Irish on WFMU... but sounds American when talking to Irish MC's :)

Ah, I've missed that accent...
other david:

Also - yeah, spot on regarding Irish hip hop/rap.

We mock the fuck out of anyone who dares to do what they believe in.
Tall Paul:

Yo Bill and Other Dave what up? checking in. Nice picture of a house in Coolock. Later Peace

It almost seems like as the interview goes on, Billy speaks with more and more of an Irish accent.

@Caryn: Hahha-- yeah, I was noticing that as well.

@amEdeo: mind you, that's common. Happens to me too. After a day in Dublin, I'm speaking with an accent.
Tall Paul:

If anyone wants to clisten to the album you can check it out here: http://workinclassrecords.com/ even the track which is playing now. Caryn where are you from?

@Tall Paul: Finland
other david:

"when it kicks off..."

That's what I'm waiting for, Costello.. but little hope.

Believe we're raised to be battered, supposed to shut up and take it.

Caryn, I have to hear a Finnish Dublin accent some day!
joey in BT:

great mix
other david:

Yo Tall Paul - cheers for the link

@od: well, the next time I come over, we'll have to have a listener meetup
Tall Paul:

Hi Caryn I thought you were from Dublin when you were taking about the accent.
other david:

Caryn, definitely!

WFMU does Dublin

@Tall Paul: nah, just have a bunch of Irish friends
Tall Paul:

Guys, there is a Polish HipHop movie out called Jesteś Bogiem You are god. It is the story of Magik, Kaliber and Patafonika really good. For any old Skool the aging boys on Disco Scratch Radio had an interview with Patti Astor http://www.sonicity.co.uk/Resources/23_Ageing_B_Boys_Unite_Podcast__ABU_DS_Takeover_Show_%28DSR95%29_September_2012.mp3
other david:

Repeating myself - but gotta repeat it - there's a big class in Ireland who mock people who relate to rap and use it as a way to express themselves.

And these tracks are great, thanks for doing this Billy.

BTW, thanks for all the links, Tall Paul!
other david:

Thanks Tall Paul, will check the links after the show!

Lunitic great rhymes, background track reminds me of GIAA

@Caryn: Whoops. Never hit submit on this.
Hah. Not precisely the same, but I often will catch myself incorporating pieces of other people's cadences into my own speech patterns.
Tall Paul:

Not sure if you all heard the tune Irish Tune if you haven't checked it out on YouTube here:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQuSTH9CTT0. Oh Other Dave not sure if you know, Doom is playing in the TBMC next Thursday tickets available from All City
Tall Paul:

Yo Bill, any chance of playing some Captain Moonlight or Scary Éire?
other david:

this is superb. can we have another two hours? :)
other david:


I feel bad for Billy that his pledge widget is uncorked. Will have to dig around and see if I can afford to pledge sometime.
other david:

Me too, but I'll be donating in a few days - just broke this week!
other david:

larry gogan on wfmu, the world has imploded.

@od: yep, me too. Being on the dole really limits my pledging potential.
Tall Paul:

It is the master himself DJ Flip. Winner of the ITF
other david:

@Caryn: it's whatever you can afford, 10 bucks from someone who is barely scraping by means a lot more (imo) than 1000 from a rich person.

I don't know how a smart & awesome person like you isn't snapped up to a nice well paying job.

@od: aw, bless. Just heard about a job opportunity today, but will have to wait and see if I get it. It'll be for only a couple of weeks, but it's better than nothing. I think the main problem is that unemployment figures are rising, and there are very few jobs available.
Tall Paul:

Caryn where you based? As you have a language you could get something working in a Call Centre Orientated business.
Tall Paul:

Caryn Best of luck in the interview hope all goes well for you and that this is the start of something positive for you.

@Tall Paul: medium-sized town near the Russian border. Very few job opportunities and patchy internet access. I'd move, but can't afford it.
Thanks for the well wishes. No interview, just need to see if I'm chosen (it's a job translating an app into English).
other david:

Best of luck with it Caryn:)

There are a lot of gifted people on the dole around the world, who, given a chance, have a lot to offer their community & country.

You'd be an asset to any company Caryn. .
Tall Paul:

Hi Caryn check this here I am not sure what your background is but there might be something here you might be interested in http://www.candidatemanager.net/cm/micro/joblist.aspx?mid=YFDY&sid=BBFCX
other david:

Billy Jam - thanks for this!

@od: I'm blushing over here!
@Tall Paul: you're just full of links! Will do, thanks!

Great show, Billy! Well worth waiting for.
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