Favoriting Surface Noise with Joe McGasko: Playlist from September 16, 2012 Favoriting

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A pennant-winning battery of songland. Ongoing feature: Single File, a half-hour of randomly selected small records with big holes.

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Favoriting September 16, 2012: Voices in the Air

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments New Approx. start time
The Cult  She Sells Sanctuary   Favoriting   Sire  1985  12"  12" mix    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Big Blood  She Sells Sanctuary   Favoriting Already Gone I  Dontrustheruin  2009  CD-R      0:07:30 (Pop-up)
Medicine  One More   Favoriting Shot Forth Self Living  Captured Tracks  2012  CD  From 1992  *   0:12:06 (Pop-up)
Malka Spigel  After the Rain   Favoriting Every Day Is Like the First Day  Swim  2012  CD    *   0:20:43 (Pop-up)
Múm  Hvernig á að særa vini sína   Favoriting Early Birds  Morr Music  2012  CD  From 1998 or so  *   0:24:18 (Pop-up)
Turning Curious  Area   Favoriting Soul Light Season  Relapse  1985  EP      0:27:01 (Pop-up)
The Darkness  Nothin's Gonna Stop Us   Favoriting Hot Cakes  Canary Dwarf  2012  CD    *   0:37:51 (Pop-up)
Bob Mould  The Descent   Favoriting Silver Age  Merge  2012  CD    *   0:40:08 (Pop-up)
John Entwistle  Do the Dangle   Favoriting Rigor Mortis Sets In  Track  1973  LP      0:44:05 (Pop-up)
Mimi Roman  Wrap It Up and Save It   Favoriting I'm Ready If You're Willing  Bear Family  2012  CD  From 1955  *   0:48:04 (Pop-up)
Z-Factor  (I Like to Do It In) Fast Cars   Favoriting 122 BPM: The Birth of House Music  Still Music  2012  CD  From 1983  *   0:51:05 (Pop-up)
SM Corporation  Fire from Above   Favoriting Strange Passion: Explorations In Irish Post Punk, DIY and Electronic Music 1980-1983  B-Music  2012  CD  From 1983  *   0:55:38 (Pop-up)
Associates  Boys Keep Swinging   Favoriting Singles  Warner Music UK  2004  CD  From 1979    0:59:12 (Pop-up)
David Bowie  Move On   Favoriting Lodger  Rykodisc  1991  CD  From 1979    1:02:51 (Pop-up)
Michel Roques  Le Temps   Favoriting Spiritual Jazz Volume 3  Jazzman  2012  CD  From 1972  *   1:06:06 (Pop-up)
The Pyramids  Cloud Rider   Favoriting Otherworldly  Disko B  2012  CD    *   1:11:13 (Pop-up)
  Single File: a bunch of random 45s all in a row
Betty Wright  If You Ain't Got It   Favoriting   Alston  1970  45      1:25:37 (Pop-up)
Charity Brown  Take Me in Your Arms (Rock Me a Little While)   Favoriting   A&M  1975  45      1:27:40 (Pop-up)
Principal Edwards  Weekdaze   Favoriting   Deram  1973  45      1:30:30 (Pop-up)
Don Ellis  32 222 122   Favoriting   Pacific Jazz  1966  45      1:33:43 (Pop-up)
Chuck Jackson  The Breaking Point   Favoriting   Wand  1961  45  R.i.P. Hal David    1:36:08 (Pop-up)
Vernon Burch  Sammy Jo Anne - One Half Woman, One Half Man   Favoriting   Chocolate City  1979  45      1:38:27 (Pop-up)
Village People  Food Fight   Favoriting   RCA  1981  45      1:42:10 (Pop-up)
Pezband  Princess Mary   Favoriting   Passport  1977  45      1:44:41 (Pop-up)
Bobbie Gentry  The Girl from Cincinnati   Favoriting   Capitol  1972  45      1:47:35 (Pop-up)
Michael Kiwanuka  Home Again   Favoriting Home Again  Polydor  2012  CD    *   2:03:45 (Pop-up)
Gil Scott-Heron  I Think I'll Call It Morning   Favoriting Pieces of a Man  Flying Dutchman  1971  LP      2:06:56 (Pop-up)
Thelma Houston  If This Was the Last Song   Favoriting Sunshower  Motown  1969  LP      2:10:24 (Pop-up)
Mott the Hoople  The Journey   Favoriting Brain Capers  Atlantic  1972  LP      2:13:38 (Pop-up)
The Doors  Summer's Almost Gone   Favoriting Waiting for the Sun  Elektra  1968  LP      2:22:56 (Pop-up)
Kate Bush  The Handsome Cabin Boy   Favoriting   EMI  1986  45      2:26:14 (Pop-up)
Daniel Johnston  Surely You Don't Work All Night   Favoriting The Story of an Artist  Munster  2010  CD  From 1982    2:29:21 (Pop-up)
Thomas Jefferson Kaye  Thanks for Nothing   Favoriting Thomas Jefferson Kaye  ABC/Dunhill  1973  LP      2:33:31 (Pop-up)
Gene Clark  Some Misunderstanding   Favoriting No Other  Warner Music  2003  CD  alternate version; 1974    2:38:12 (Pop-up)
Curt Boettcher  Astral Cowboy   Favoriting Misty Mirage  Poptones  2001  CD  instrumental version; 1969    2:43:37 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


wow, remix version haha

great tune for 5am. love it!

or "mix" version
Holly in NC:

JOE! Was just thinking last nighf about my love for this song!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:14am
Joe McG:

I was going to play the "howling dog" mix, but changed my mind! Hi, all!

"Bib Blood?"

Hi Joe!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:24am
Joe McG:

Ha ha! Have to admit, that's a pretty good name for a band, if it isn't taken.

yeah, thats when you feed your baby knives
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:26am
Joe McG:

Jeff! How horrible! Everyone knows you have to start with razors.
Andrew Waterloo:

Our local suffered a hard rock band called "The Baby Shakers" they had a large blue paper-mache baby head with X'd out eyes and a pacifier.

thing is Joe, razors are a bit wide. you want your baby not to choke. knives are thinner. Plus they can work int eh circus eating swords when they grow up.

Heh, pins and needles... easily swallowed

sorry for bad jokes.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:31am
Joe McG:

@Andrew: How do I get the Baby Shakers on my show? @Jeff: Or baby sword swallowers?

No problem... I was just thinking to myself we were a bit of a sadistic bunch tonight
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:34am
Joe McG:

It was reminding me of Mr. Mike. Does anyone know what I'm thinking of?

mr Mike!

He did impressions of guys having spikes thrust into their eyes..michael o'donoghue?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:37am
Joe McG:

That's it, Julie!

what a strange bit that was
Chop Scott:

JOE, Ahh--finally home tonight in the nest to listen. Always the best, thank you!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:48am
Joe McG:

Chop Scott, great to see you, as always!
Chop Scott:

Great to listen you, as ever!
David Knight:

Love this show; appointment listening for me.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:58am
Joe McG:

What a swell thing to say. Thanks, DK!

This is my first time listening to the show and I'm totally digging it. Thanks for playing awesome music!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:02am
Joe McG:

Wow, I'm getting all verklempt over here. Thanks, Tabatha, welcome!
Holly in NC:

Appointment listenung indeed! Xo This fast cars song is fantastic....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:07am
Joe McG:

Are you doing well, Holly? You're up late tonight!
Holly in NC:

Night is young - don't have to get up 'til 8! Am fine,

Absolutely brilliant Bowie cover -- the original of this tune came out in '79, so this must have followed by mere months.
Matt from Springfield:

Early 90s Bowie--now that's adventurous!
Hi Joe!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:16am
Joe McG:

Hey, Matt! How's things? This is actually 1979 Bowie on a 1991 CD. I'm a stickler for dates, as you know!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:17am
Joe McG:

@Droll: You're right, they recorded this only a couple of months after Bowie did and purposely rearranged it as drastically as they could.
Matt from Springfield:

Ah..so while '91 Bowie would *still* be more adventurous, it's not one of the Bowie albums I've heard of, so good move any way you look at it!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:20am
Joe McG:

@Matt: I like a lot of David Bowie, but if push came to shove, "Lodger" is my favorite. An unconventional choice, but I seem to listen to it the most often.
Matt from Springfield:

Between 70s Bowie and "Let's Dance", it's a good transitional moment I bet.

Catching up on earlier comments--"Mr. Mike"! Never had the pleasure of seeing Mike O'Donoghue's dark comedy sketches, but that's something to search for now. I have my Dad's old National Lampoon mags, perhaps I've seen some of his features in that.

I can't force myself to be that choosy -- it'd have to be the whole Berlin Trilogy for me...
and the records with Mick, can't ignore them...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:26am
Joe McG:

@Matt: Most of the early "SNL" episodes are on DVD now and he crops up a lot early on.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:27am
Joe McG:

@Droll: Yeah, you're right. I couldn't be without "Low" or even "Hunky Dory" for that matter.

Matt, don't even get me started on Nile Rodgers era Bowie! I adore Chic -- 100% pro band.
Like I said, I'm not able to choose.
Matt from Springfield:

Now Hunky Dory is a great one, I know that and love it!

Wiki also says his character's the origin of "MR. MIKE'S Mondo Video"--speaking of which, anyone here seen "National Lampoon's Going To The Movies"? :)

At one point I had found downloads for the Nation Lampoon Radio Hour which featured a lot of Michael O'Donoghue as well as early SNL cast members. Definitely lost some, but thought I came across some of my MP3s on an external hard drive pretty recently.

Great show as always!

You don't listen to the radio in front of the computer? Are you not human?
Matt from Springfield:

@Droll: I like Chic myself, if Nile produced Bowie, that sounds like something worth checking out!
@keving: Awesome!! Hope you find those.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:38am
Joe McG:

@kevg: Thanks, man! @KP: Actually I'm listening to the radio in front of a computer right NOW!
Matt from Springfield:

Wow, this wasn't just a Doobie Brothers cover?
In fact this is an HDH Motown song, originally sung by Kim Weston. The things you can learn here!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:41am
Joe McG:

@Matt: Wow, I forgot that the Doobies did that one! You're right, Matt!

I don't think I would last 3 minutes in front of the computer without FMU/radio/iTunes.
Weekdaze -- cleverly written in 7/4 time for the days of the week!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:44am
Joe McG:

@Droll: If you like 7/4 time, you ought to like this track. It's in 19/4, apparently!
Matt from Springfield:

@Joe Oh yeah, that's the first version I heard.
@Droll: Amazing, very clever find of you!

As for the math behind this Don Ellis track "32 222 122", all I can think of is: 3*2=6, 2+2+2=6, and 12/2=6 ! Coincidence? ;)

Yes, I LOVED that innocent-pychedelic sounding music, yet in 7/4. Unusual...
Matt from Springfield:

19/4! On a 45! That's what I call a math single!

no, this IS a good show! I needed a break from Cielito Lindo here in the middle of Mexico (dia de Independicia). Viva!!

McG, That is an awful lot of math, but no real prog rock song fits on 45, so I know you can't take it too far.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:48am
Joe McG:

@xandor: Not only that, but a line about knickers!
Matt from Springfield:


VIva KNickers!! EEE ho lay!!
Matt from Springfield:

My thoughts exactly xandor!!
Matt from Springfield:

The apocryphal Village People foray into punk!! Did it work for them? ;)

Psych-prog, math-jazz, transvestite-funk, disco-punk... Best Single File ever!

This show...So eclectic, yet so,...tasty! Well done, Maestro McGasko, andele!
Matt from Springfield:

All the necessary "food" groups, Droll!

Matt from Springfield:

I agree, Joe is totally the Maestro of Single File! :D
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:56am
Joe McG:

Thanks, Xandor and Droll! Having a great time. @Matt: I don't think the VP's new wave move turned out all that well for 'em!
Matt from Springfield:

Oh Bobbie, will you ever win? Can you? ...
Matt from Springfield:

YES Joe! The Surface Noise "Fill In The Blanks" show!!

HOw 'bout Chicago Transit Authority? Would that qualify as a blank? (now to 'rithmatic..)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:13am
Joe McG:

Sure, xandor, that's a good one! I know for a fact I've never played Chicago!
Matt from Springfield:

The Mess Around band..according to their FB, their album is "Boner Time!" can you really not say that on the radio?!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:15am
Joe McG:

Hmmm... I think you CAN say "Boner Time," but I'm not really sure. Better not tempt the FCC.

YEah... kinda like this song..."Bone again"!
Matt from Springfield:

GSH! Always wonderful!

But I have to say the truly remarkable thing about this whole playlist for me is that it all sounds so FAMILIAR yet I've never heard any of it before (as far as I remember). Uncanny...! ( I hope it's not just the Herradura reposado talking...)

WOw! Such SOUL-ful GSH! RIP!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:22am
Joe McG:

Ha, the Herradura Reposado is the best drink name in the history of the world.
Matt from Springfield:

I love reposado tequila! Herradura is a great brand.
It's like reposado, xandor...it sounds familiar, because it's been sitting, "reposed" for a while, till Joe brings it strong, vibrant new life! :)
Matt from Springfield:

Thelma Houston, well-well-well-pre-disco!

Matt, I appreciate your poetic sensibility! And yes, Thelma! Unhh--uNNHH!

This is Mott the HOople? Really?!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:28am
Joe McG:

@xandor: Yep, this is the last one they made before they packed it in. That's when David Bowie (him again!) got upset and gave them a song if they didn't break up.
Matt from Springfield:

Poetic "*sense* and sensibility", xandor! ;)


Gawd...this takes ME back...(9th grade boarding school).

Not sure that I've actually heard it since. Am I going to be in detention again?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:35am
Joe McG:

Oh, good, Julie, I'm glad you're still here. You'll like this next one.

and then KATE...Get outta my records Joe
Matt from Springfield:

I've NEVER heard this one! Special single only release in '86?

..yeah..I don't remember this either!

wow! i did not know that kate bush did the music for the chris elliott movie!

it's a b-side..forget which single
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:38am
Joe McG:

"Hounds of Love." Fetching pic sleeve!

She, famously afraid to fly so never toured N. AMerica!
Matt from Springfield:

"Hounds of Love" B-side! That's ripe for a bonus track!
Like "My Lagan Love", though not as *lovely* a cappella track.

SOUnds like a John Lennon song...

all that stuff was in the kate Box set, there were two cd's of "rarities" a million years ago
Matt from Springfield:

@xandor: And yet, did some shows and commercials in Japan!

@Julie: Joe's conjured you back! :) Find any more old Kate demos?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:44am
Joe McG:

Oops! That's damn Kate Bush's fault!
Matt from Springfield:

@Julie: There was so much special material and releases from the mid 80s, they almost need to put out a super-deluxe version of the deluxe Hounds of Love album (which was great at collecting little bits, like "My Lagan Love" and the Meteorological Mix of "The Big Sky")
Matt from Springfield:

Hey! That was fantastic @45, JOE! ;)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:47am
Joe McG:

Kind of spoils the nihilism.

Well, all the younger ones seem to be reviving themselves at the taco carts just now, but me, I'm off to bed. Thanks for the great music, Professor McGasko, and thanks to you (Matt, et. al.) for putting up with my comments. Will tune in again soon! Viva Mexico!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:54am
Joe McG:

Hey, everybody, thanks for listening! Have yourselves a good week!
Matt from Springfield:

Aww, over already!
Thanks Joe for an always inspiring show! Have a good night everyone! Viva Mexico! Viva Surface Noise! Viva WFMU!!!

Nice set!
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